Tennis-X Notes: Tiger Woods and Federer; Belgians Waffle

by Staff | December 15th, 2009, 10:12 am


Dinara Safina has pulled from the WTA Brisbane event in January citing a back injury.

THE CURSE OF GILLETTE — Razor-maker Gillette’s three spokesman have struggled as of late — Tiger Woods, revealed as a “playa” having cheated on his wife with allegedly multiple mistresses; world No. 1 Roger Federer who was unceremoniously outed before the final at the ATP year-end championship; and footballer Thierry Henry, who has come under fire for cheating in France’s World Cup qualifier against the Republic of Ireland.
RAFA’S CALENDAR ANSWER — Rafael Nadal on how to fix the men’s tennis calendar: “Maybe you could have nine months where it is obligatory to play and three months where you are free not to,” he told The Guardian. “In those three months there could be tournaments — but not decisive tournaments which affect your ranking. But we have the sponsors to consider. The ATP wants to do it but I think it’s going be better for the next generation than us.”

EMOTIONAL HENIN — According to The Independent, Justine Henin’s return is an emotional one, even before it begins: “There are never any half-measures with the seven-times Grand Slam champion. Last weekend Henin made her first public appearance on a court since May 2008 at an exhibition tournament in Charleroi. For three nights in a row she was so overcome by emotion that she cried herself to sleep. There were more tears after she beat Kirsten Flipkens — she went on to beat the world No 12 Flavia Pennetta — but, typically, they were not shed in public. “I was on my own,” Henin said. “I like to keep my feelings to myself. It was emotional to feel this again because it’s all so precious to me. Tennis is part of myself and my life. I have no regrets about the fact that I’ve been away for a long time because last year I was exhausted — mentally, physically and emotionally. I really thought I was existing only because of tennis. I had to put the game away to learn more things about myself…”When I saw Roger winning [Federer, completing all four Slams at the French] I could see all the hard work that he had put in — and all the doubts that he had had to overcome — and it was an important moment in my reflections,” she said. “The thought of trying to win Wimbledon was certainly a big part early on when I was questioning what I wanted to do.”

THE FLIPPER COMEBACK — Aussie Mark Philippoussis, who said he would attempt a comeback on the ATP tour in 2010, did not participate in the Australian Open wildcard tournament and has yet to ask for an Australian Open wildcard. “I feel as though I have unfinished business. I would like to go out from this sport on my terms,” Philippoussis said. “Playing tennis is my job, and I basically haven’t had a job for over three years, so it’s not surprising that I’ve had problems. With the bad economy, life has been tough for a lot of people over the last year, but that’s what I’ve had for the last three years.” — Maybe time for another “reality” TV show?

THE SLOGANS — Most appropriate slogans from Tiger Woods’ sponsors? Gillette — “The best a man can get.”; Gatorade — “Is it in you?” No comment. If it is in you, according to the tabloids, you’re a skank. Nike is so far sticking by Tiger, even though other sponsors keep dropping him as the weeks progress. “Just do it,” indeed. We’re waiting for Roger Federer’s first press conference of 2010 and his comments on his “good friend” Tiger.

BELGIAN BAN CIRCUS — A Belgian court has now suspended the one-year doping suspensions given to Belgian players Yanina Wickmayer and Xavier Malisse for breaking World Anti-Doping Agency rules by failing to report their whereabouts for drug testing three times. Wickmayer and Malisse were initially suspended by a Belgian court on Nov. 5 and the International Tennis Federation imposed the bans worldwide.

THAT’S JUST MY SPANISH VACATION HOUSE…– The Spanish Supreme Court has ordered former No. 1 Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario to pay approximately $5.1 million in back taxes after the court rejected Sanchez-Vicario’s assertion that she was a resident of Andorra rather than Spain. Doh. That’s like Greg Rusedski claiming he’s really British. Wait, never mind, that really happened.

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35 Comments for Tennis-X Notes: Tiger Woods and Federer; Belgians Waffle

Cindy_Brady Says:

Wonder if Roger Federer will want to be associated with Tiger Woods these days?

Now a Canadian Dr who uses HGH steroids has been arrested by the FBI. He supposedly treated Tiger to help his knee heal faster. He must be better than all the doctors in the U.S if Tiger chose him and only him to heal his knee.

Another Hmmmmmm? moment.

tennis served fresh Says:

I wonder if we’ll see Tiger at any of the slam events that Federer is playing in. Probably not, with his indefinite “hiatus” from golf, I doubt we’ll be seeing his face in public for quite a while.
As for Philippoussis, stick to the reality tv shows brother. You’re too old and too tired to be back on the tour. Besides, if you want to play on the tour, you need a wildcard, but you have ask for one….

HSP Says:

You left out one sponsor’s slogan. Accenture’s adds featuring Tiger included the catchphrase “Go on, be a Tiger.” Alrighty then.

madmax Says:


who exactly are staff to quote the following?

‘world No. 1 Roger Federer who was unceremoniously outed before the final at the ATP year-end championship;

Federer lost a tennis match, he played pretty well, I thought. In fact apart from Nadal, I would say that all the top 5 did pretty well at the ATP, plus, federer didnt cheat on his wife, with 13 women! Actually, another link, Henry did also cheat on his wife, hence his divorce from English Wife and his move to Barcelona.
Henry cheated in a football match that meant Ireland were out of the world cup 2010,plus it was a reflex action – watch the VT! overall, he’s had a pretty exemplary career and is well respected – a pretty tenuous link between all three – honestly!

devastatingdjokovic Says:

I really hope the HGH and steroids think doesn’t relate to Tiger other than that his doctor happened to be using it on other people.

As for this whole mess, this is Michael Phelps smoking pot all over again. Who are we to judge these people? Agree or not, we don’t follow these guys in order to imitate the way they live their lives, just the way they play their sports. Did Tiger (or Phelps) cheat in his sport? By cheating on his wife, does he take away the credibility of his performances in golf? Babe Ruth was friggin drunk and womanizer in his day, yet when we think of Babe Ruth we think of one of the greatest baseball players of all time. Tiger Woods can be the greatest jerk in the world but he’s still an amazing golfer. These companies sponsored him because of how well he played golf, not what kind of husband he was. Why are they backing away now that he’s a shitty husband? It’s not the sponsors’ fault, though. Because people will be less inclined to buy these products with Tiger’s name or face on them, so the sponsors should drop Tiger instead of hanging with him and losing money. But it’s the peoples’ fault. Parents screw up their kids enough to be way out of line to say they don’t want their kids emulating Tiger Woods.

puckbandit Says:

“world No. 1 Roger Federer who was unceremoniously outed before the final at the ATP year-end championship;”

LOL, I had to read this line a few times before I realized you were referring to Feds losing in the semis.

Dear “Staff”, you do realize that “outing” someone means revealing that they are gay, right? hahaha.

As writers, you really should choose your words more carefully.

Cindy_Brady Says:

Since both Tiger Woods and Roger Federer chose to be in the public eye by playing their respective sports well and endorsing products, we have a right to expect them to conduct themselves in a moral upstanding way. Especially when kids idolize them. They have certain responsibilities to both their families and fans. They have become bigger than their sports. World Icons. We should expect higher standards from them both.

Tiger Woods deserves all the negative press he is getting. He has misrepresented himself as this pillar of society. A great family man. A model citizen.

He reminds me of these child stars who went wrong. People like Danny Bonaduce and Leif Garrett. Does he really want to be associated with people like Screech from “Ring the Bell”?

I’m horrified by his conduct!

Let the Witch Hunt continue!!

jane Says:

I actually agree; I think Tiger deserves precisely what he’s getting. I don’t expect sports figures to be “model” citizens, i.e., they’re human and they make mistakes. BUT if they choose to endorse products and become even more of household names in that way, by promoting themselves, then I guess they have to take the heat. Besides which, what Tiger did is pretty disgusting. What Phelps did – have a toke off a bong – is not quite as bad as having mistresses in the double digits, including, allegedly porn stars and waitresses, all while his wife has two children under the age of two at home, I mean that’s pretty gross! One mistress or affair — well, these things happen. But what Tiger’s been doing is way beyond that. He’s been living in deceit left, right and center. Yuck.

jane Says:

That said, I think he’s kind of making a mistake not playing golf. He should just continue. And DD does make a valid point that parents can totally screw up their kids, and apparently Tiger’s dad was quite over-bearing. Maybe a little like Agassi in this regard. All of this will blow over in time, but maybe it’ll make Tiger a better person; he can reassess things. One would hope, anyhow.

devastatingdjokovic Says:

I’m not saying I agree with his actions in any way. There’s absolutely no excuse for what he did. I just think the way people go after him is wrong. Condemn him for being a douche bag, yeah, but I’m sure tons of people said “good riddance” when Tiger announced his leave from golf. It’s just ridiculous. I don’t think the media or people have any right to judge Tiger’s actions in his personal life because they have 0 business knowing about his personal life. Little kids don’t idolize him because he’s a great husband but because he’s a great golfer.

jane Says:

I know what you’re saying DD. But I do think when a famous athlete is in the public eye, he or she WILL be judged if they falter, especially drastically like Tiger seems to have, which is much like a famous actor or actress would be chastised for his/her transgressions. It’s part and parcel with the “celebrity” side of being a high profile athlete/actor/singer, whatever. It’s unfortunate, but it’s the way it is. The media is vicious – hero one day, villain the next.

I also think that Tiger should keep playing golf, because in that way he could reassert what’s important about his legacy, and he can work on the personal stuff on his own, in private. He probably knows, however, that he would be asked a lot of questions if he keeps golfing so he wants to take a hiatus.

When someone is famous, the personal and the public can get pretty blurry. We, for example, know about Murray’s play station addiction, Djoko’s girlfriend, Fed’s wife and twins, Nadal’s parent’s divorce. And that’s all personal stuff that gets exposed because of their celebrity.

The mistresses Tiger was seeing aren’t exactly a stand up bunch themselves, coming out with email messages and photos etc, all grabbing at their moment in the sun. Ugly is what it is.

Hopefully, as I said, he learns from all this… His poor wife!

devastatingdjokovic Says:

His poor wife and his poor kids.

I think he’s taking time away from golf for one reason: he really f***ed up. Cheating is one thing. But the amount of cheating he did surely took away time that should’ve been for his kids and wife. Tiger wants to fix it. He seems to want to preserve his family. Then by all means, he should do it. Golf’s gonna suffer without him and he’s probably gonna suffer without golf. But he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do.

About Murray’s playstation thing: I love playstation, ps2 is the greatest system there is, but cmon!! His girlfriend was so hot! He’s 22! Not 16! What was he thinking?!

been there Says:

I only feel sorry for the kids. Not too much for the wife. From what has been reported – and these are just tabloid reports, we don’t know the whole truth. Anyhow, from reports, she knew exactly what type of man he was before they got married…she was told so within the golf circles, apparently, he promised to ‘change’…but she still went ahead with the marriage. During the marriage, she knew of some of his affairs, but she still stayed. As I said, we don’t know the truth – perhaps they resolved their differences for the ones she knew about & that’s why she stayed. But from reports, it’s like she’s more hurt ‘coz it’s now all out in the open. All this began ‘coz there were rumours in the media from three weeks ago…then the golf club crash followed with wife on the chase. But even before that, she knew of some of it but turned a blind eye. So I don’t feel too sorry for her. Just the kids. And Tiger, dungeons of shame. Absolutely disgusting.

So I have to agree with DD…they should be left alone. No one knows what was truly going on. Even initial reports of her being given $$xy$$ amounts if they stay married for xy number of years seems like it was a business marriage like most celebrities…all for the image. We don’t know of their arrangements, so they should be left alone.

Poor kids!

Golf will definitely suffer. As it was, when tiger was injured, TV viewership for golf fell by half. Meaning that only hard-core enthusiasts bother to watch without tiger. Also, Nike golf needs tiger. In short, as much as people say that no individual is bigger than the sport, Tiger is indeed bigger than golf….he makes loads of money for golf, including the other players. Anyhow, again, Poor kids.

Long live tennis.
Happy holidays.

madmax Says:


whilst I agree with the theme of your post, please dont link roger federer with tiger woods. Federer hasnt done anything and yet, because he is in the gillette advert with woods and henry, for some reason he keeps being brought up.

The guy lost a tennis match – big deal.

and Jane. Absolutely agree with you, 100%. Totally understand the celebrity link but what Tiger has done 13 plus 14 women and counting – all coming out of the ‘wood’work, it’s absolutely disgusting. No one is an angel, but who could honestly have predicted that can of worms opening. Devastating for his wife.

yes, we should concentrate on the sport side of things and what the player projects to the whole world, wholesome family man with babies, did you see the New Zealand interview ? Oh My God, just dreadful. I enjoyed watching him play golf, but it makes my stomach turn to think that he DIDNT represent the values he said he held so dearly. Tiger is a fake. Needs help, whatever made him do what he did, is a huge shame.

But no one should be linking federer to anything other than being a great tennis player and a classy guy.

Cindy_Brady Says:


Not linking them at all as far as infidelity or morality. Federer is the example Tiger should be following. Roger conducts himself on and off the court in a way that is unparalleled.

I just wonder if Federer was a where of Tiger’s inclinations towards lower end women. I can understand Tiger going after a hot New York type model but A Perkin’s waitress? What is Tiger doing in Perkin’s in the first place. You would think he could afford better restaurants than that. I guess when you are out and about at 2:00 AM in the morning, that’s all that is open.

Anyways, thank God Roger Federer is nothing like that. You have to give Roger credit. He could have married any beautiful woman in the world. Instead he stuck by Mirka. She is one lucky plain jane. Koodos Roger.

madmax Says:

Cindy, hi.

Am from UK, so I dont know Perkin’s. Is it like a macdonalds or a hooches? We have those over here –

Are you serious about Mirka? I absolutely think that she is beautiful – amazing skin, beautiful face and I guess I am a romantic at heart – the fact they have been together for almost 10 years now – I love the story –

yeah, I know she put on a bit of weight, but I reckon she could easily lose that baby weight, when you look at the photos of the two of them together, I think they are beautifully matched. I really mean that. I dont think she is plain at all. Look at some earlier photos of them, she is stunning. Completely irrelevant to tennis I know (but the shots of them playing doubles -), talk about commitment and adoration –

Tiger woods is a jerk – beautiful wife – and he obviously made so much money that his arrogance surpassed him. No sympathy for him at all.

Absolutely feel for the kids. UK TV keep playing the shot of baby no.2 reaching out for daddy – ugh. Makes my heart spasm (and I dont even have kids).

Roger is just class. diamond cut. 24 carat gold, 100% titanium – sorry guys – just how i feel.

madmax Says:


call me maxi.

jane Says:

I was thinking that too – I know Fed has been sort of “friendly” with Tiger, at least publicly, and Fed has been to watch Tiger play golf, like Tiger has sat next to Mirka in their box. I wonder if Fed and Mirka are shocked right now? It must be weird for them if they had no idea. If they did know, then obviously that’s different and they can only be shaking their heads, but not quite as gobsmacked.

Yes, Fed did stick by Mirka. It seems to work for those two. Or four. Has anyone seen newer pictures of the twins? Madmax?


been there, how come you seem to have the inside scoop on everything! LOL. If his wife knew, and stayed, then yeah, she’s got what was coming to her, too, not to mention having kids while knowing they weren’t likely to be in a stable family. Too bad for those children indeed. The one blessing is that both of them are really young, I think, so they won’t remember this and aren’t being taunted on a playground or anything horrible like that. Ugh. The whole thing is just gross.

devastatingdjokovic Says:

If Tiger’s wife is being paid to stay with him, then she’s as messed up as he is. So it does come down to Tiger being shitty towards his kids. That’s inexcusable. Married or not, 1 mistress or 100, if you have kids, they should be your top priority. And if Woods’ wife knew that he was cheating and even married him knowing he would cheat, then Woods didn’t do any wrong by her. I just think that no matter what the situation, people have no right to say anything. Infidelity is wrong, yeah, but we shouldn’t pry into Tiger’s life in order to push him over the edge. Like the Agassi/meth thing, Agassi made it pretty clear he didn’t take drugs just for fun, he was in a really bad place. But all the people who said he’s a cheater or whatever completely ignored what made him take the meth, they just heard meth and wanted to know if he did steroids or anything else, too, in order to completely destroy his reputation. If we wanna know the truth about Tiger’s situation, the intention should to help a guy who clearly needs to set his priorities straight (except golf) and learn to be a real family man. Instead, the public digs deeper so that they can just say, “Wow, Tiger did this too? Man Tiger, you suck, you’re awful, you should be condemned for the rest of your life.” That’s why I don’t think people should know his personal life, because when the public learns bad things about celebrities they just destroy them. Britney Spears is a good example of that, too.

madmax Says:

I’m confused DD at your post.

I hadnt read anything at all about his wife knowing about his pecadillos.

Far from it. In fact the swedish golfer who introduced Ellin (pronounced…EEEEE LYN, NOT ELLEN), did an interview on UK TV saying that he feels it is all HIS fault (swedish golfer), because he introduced his nanny, Ellin to Tiger (what’s his real name by the way?)…citing that Tiger was a moral man, of high family values, a real catch and thought they would be a great match.

Can you honestly believe that ANY woman would stay with ANY man, when they are already “monied” and “wealthy”. Why would she want to stay with such a jerk? The woman has some pride, surely?

No way did she know about his seedy side of life -I mean, it’s such a damaging life, such a seedy, depraved, nasty, nasty, nasty thing to do – his kids. I mean she has had two babies, babies with a man that potentially you say (I know, I know, it’s only summising..),she would be able to put up with the fact that he would be sleeping around with endless women. No. I cannot get my head around it.

I mean, he will have been sleeping with 13/14 women PLUS his wife – risking disease – god, it doesnt bear thinking about – it’s disgusting.

I cannot imagine any woman putting up with this – or am I being naive?

DD, I know we should be talking about his golf only. But it is kind of hard to separate the two right now, because the whole thing is just so damaging.

As for Agassi, well, crystal meth isnt performance enhancing, so will not have affected his game in the slightest – if anything – it would have had the opposite effect.

Ugh. This is making me feel sick.

Back to tennis…please.

madmax Says:


no recent photos of fed’s babies on facebook, but looking forward to perhaps a ‘christmas family photo with twins’. Awwwww.

madmax Says:


just checked facebook a couple of minutes ago, and I have the following news which I have extracted here – I am just so looking forward to seeing the fed. PLUS. Already Nike have released the 2010 AO kit for Fed – am loving it, pale blue – yaddeeee yahhhhh!!!!

From the Fed: To all Fedfans!

I am excited for the Credit Suisse Sports Awards on sat. night. This is the biggest annual awards show in Switzerland. 2009 was an exciting yr for me on the ct after having won my 1st French Open, breaking Sampras’ all-time gs record at Wimbledon and regaining the #1 ranking. I cannot be there as I am in training in w…arm weather, but I will do a live interview so I will at least have a chance to be part of the show.

See More
December 11 at 9:33amGiulia, Rania, Anurag and 13,423 others like this.
Roger Federer I just finished my vacation after the ATP Finals in London and had a very nice and relaxing break. I started working out again today and I am looking forward to a lot hard work in the next weeks to get ready for 2010. Next year will be very exciting…..December 10 at 1:54pm

Fedfans, you HAVE to join facebook and follow the fed! It’s just brilliant! I love tennis! I love it! I Love it! I love it! I cannot wait! (*hyperventilating now*).

madmax Says:

From Fed’s facebook: All fedfans, you have to join it! Fed is back in training with the new kit for the AO being advertised, it’s a beaut. Pale Blue. Brilliant!

I am excited for the Credit Suisse Sports Awards on sat. night. This is the biggest annual awards show in Switzerland. 2009 was an exciting yr for me on the ct after having won my 1st French Open, breaking Sampras’ all-time gs record at Wimbledon and regaining the #1 ranking. I cannot be there as I am in training in w…arm weather, but I will do a live interview so I will at least have a chance to be part of the show.

Roger Federer I just finished my vacation after the ATP Finals in London and had a very nice and relaxing break. I started working out again today and I am looking forward to a lot hard work in the next weeks to get ready for 2010. Next year will be very exciting…..December 10 at 1:54pm

jane Says:

Thanks for the update madmaxi ; )

I think it was been there who proposed that Tiger’s wife knew about Tiger’s, ahem, “nature” before she married him, so DD is merely echoing that.

And I see what DD is saying, about the media HYPING things up to have a “good” scoop and increase reader/viewership; it’s the state of our globalized, mediated world though. If one is a celebrity, one will be in the public eye – good or bad. And notice that celebrities don’t mind when the good stuff is publicized, even if it is personal. So I suppose they have to take it on the chin, and take the good with the bad. Or in this case, very, very, VERY bad.

Catherine Says:

“I actually agree; I think Tiger deserves precisely what he’s getting. I don’t expect sports figures to be “model” citizens, i.e., they’re human and they make mistakes. BUT if they choose to endorse products and become even more of household names in that way, by promoting themselves, then I guess they have to take the heat. Besides which, what Tiger did is pretty disgusting. What Phelps did – have a toke off a bong – is not quite as bad as having mistresses in the double digits, including, allegedly porn stars and waitresses, all while his wife has two children under the age of two at home, I mean that’s pretty gross! One mistress or affair — well, these things happen. But what Tiger’s been doing is way beyond that. He’s been living in deceit left, right and center. Yuck.”

Perfectly stated, Jane!
It’s quite a difference to have ONE affair because your marriage doesn’t seem to make you happy at that time – that’s called ‘human behaviour’. I don’t condone it, but I do understand where it’s coming from.
But 13, 14 and COUNTING??? That’s gross.
It sounds to me like Mr. Woods is a sex addict who needs professional help. I have no good words for those bimbo’s either, chasing a married man with two very young children… that’s just LOW.

I hope Elin takes the money and RUNS. Lots of money, to make up for this public humiliation. And poor, poor kids, indeed.

been there Says:

“been there, how come you seem to have the inside scoop on everything!”
“I think it was been there who proposed that Tiger’s wife knew….”

There is no ‘inside scoop’ on anything. I see that you commented on this earlier…in fact, I see you posted at least 3 times quite ‘intimately’ about this. And other posters as well. So, do you all have the ‘inside scoop’? And no, I did not ‘propose’ it as such. lol. I do not know these people. This has been a leading ‘news’ report in all TV & newspapers all over the world, from the Americas to South Africa, to China to Australia & not just in tabloids but including major ones like BBC & CNN.

A few jealous golfers happy by Tiger’s fall from grace have said so themselves. They say they are not surprised by the turn of events ‘coz they all knew that he’s a cheater & that she was partially blinded by money. According to them, they don’t see why there’s a big hullaballoo. Just yesterday, I was listening to one of those political/daily affairs programs on TV…& they said that even the golf-journalists knew, but they worked on a ‘see but don’t tell’ approach ‘coz they were smart enough not cut off the hand that feeds them….i.e. his golf. So if Tiger is to be castigated on capitalizing on his ‘squeaky clean’ image – then the same should be done for golf as a whole. They all capitalized on that image. But I see no need for it ‘coz this is not a drugs-cover up. nothing to do with the sport…not quite the same as ATP covering up for Agassi.

The problem with these things is that the truth & fiction becomes blurred. How many of those women are actually for real? Heck, anyone can come out & say, ‘yeah, I was with him’ ….where are the verifications? All I see is American TV stations eager to interview these women with the public so eager to throw stones. Why is everyone so quick to believe in all of them & not the possibility or fact that the wife knew, at least a little bit? Because she’s a woman and the society has built itself such that women are always the completely innocent wronged party. But I’ll echo DD – it doesn’t matter if it’s 1 or 100…cheating is cheating. About his wife, it’s out there. You can google for yourself, including a few golfer’s comments on it. And then again, just as in politics or even in our beloved tennis, it also depends on the news-source & the authors agenda. For example, a Swedish or feminist author will portray her in the best possible light – all innocent & wronged, while an American one will go interview everyone – other golfers, caddies, etc to get all the dirt & label her a ‘gold-digger’. So who’s to be believed?

If it’s true, it would not be the first time in history that a woman married or stayed with someone for money or lifestyle. It goes on all the time – & nothing particularly wrong with that. Just not ‘all innocent’. Or maybe like majority of wronged women married to common-joes, she stayed for the kids-sake but it’s now become too much. That’s why I’m like we simply don’t know the whole truth. The only truth that we know is that he cheated ‘coz he’s said so himself on his website. With whom, how many, etc, we simply don’t know. I’m in no way condoning his behaviour. It’s utterly disgusting & he probably deserves all he’s getting. It’s their mess to sort out.

madmax Says:

Skysports UK this am and reported in the Times UK, Elin sues Tiger for divorce, claiming 307 million pounds.

This just rolls on.

madmax Says:

been there,

the reason why people are so ready to believe that Tiger has had “an affair” is because he has admitted it. “Infidelity” is what it is.

He would not have said this on his official website and to the whole world, had he not been unfaithful. And usually, if people are coming out of the woodwork then the celebrity in question will come out and issue a statement to the effect that “I did not sleep with THAT woman”, and sue them for defamation.

That aint happening buddy. At all. He did it, you know he did it. ANd the excuse that he is trying to save his marriage, well, if that is what he is doing then an agent of his should be coming out, making a statement saying “these women” will be sued in court for making false claims.

We are 3 weeks into this story, and Tiger’s hareem of women keep on crawling out. I agree with you, there are some lowlife out there who will try and make an easy buck, but when you play tiger’s voice on a mobile phone saying “bla bla”, unless there is some impersonator out there – the voice was pretty damn real, and when you get another woman coming out saying she was in bed with him whilst his wife was away, when his father passed away – that is the worst thing to me – that would have cut to the quick, it would have been at THAT point that Tiger should have come out and say “I didnt sleep with that woman”, how dare she disrespect my father”. He didnt. His agents could easily have come out and refuted that. They didnt. That’s pretty damning stuff.

Yes. Tiger is human. One affair, possibly forgivable, but honestly 13? No. Sorry. The guy is a sex addict. Get to a clinic and sort it out.

been there Says:


“That aint happening buddy. At all. He did it, you know he did it.”

“Yes. Tiger is human. One affair, possibly forgivable, but honestly 13?””

lol. No..I do not know WHO he has had affairs with, whatever their number. I do not live with them, neither am I their family friend…never even been to a golf-course to watch him. Also, he’s not a politican, so whatever his transgressions, however bad, I can’t judge him. And where is the verification for number- the 13? He is a billionaire…all those women coming out with crocodile tears on TV all armed with lawyers. lol. For me, the number is immaterial 1 or 100- cheating is cheating.

Well, you quote skysports…I can also quote something like MSNBC & other American news-channels which first reported about her staying for $$xy$$ dollars when the saga erupted, with revised pre-nup for the kids-sake …and are now reporting about that she’ll wait for the new year for divorce. Also rolling in. So which is to be believed? And how do all these media-people know of all this for a fact – are they staying with the Woods within the compund? That’s why the story regarding his wife’s intentions keeps on changing. So that’s simply my point. We can’t tell.

I notice you’ve not commented to the bit about his wife knowing about some of his affairs, but still staying on despite this…only now angry because it’s all out in the open. If these reports are true, it means they had there little ugly arrangement – which we public are unaware of. Reminds me of the most-famous ‘cheater’ on the planet, a politician, whose wife stayed with him – for now known reasons- despite his many transgressions which both the public & she knew about. But basically, it was their business…so the same should be for Tiger & his wife.

I think you got my point wrong – I am not defending what Tiger has done….far from it, I’ve even said in my previous post that he probably deserves this. Simply that we do not know the whole story. We cannot be taking bits & pieces from the media as absolute facts. We do not know what is going on in that household. The onlyy truth we know of, imo, is that he cheated. The details, I do not know.

Anyhow, this is the type of topic where everyone has a set mind. Discussing it endlessly or being mad at Tiger, etc. achieves nothing, at least imo…’coz it’s none of our business. Regardless of whether the wife knew or not, Those who want to vilify him, will do so no matter what…also, those who think it’s none of the publics business will continue doing so.

imo, it’s now time for the media to move on. As soon as some other ‘hot’ scandalous topic comes up (immediately before this, it was that couple gate-crashing the white-house) very few of the mass public, even those so quick to throw stones, will move on – maybe as early as next week. At latest, I give it the new year. It’s the norm of the current world with instant modes of communication.

been there Says:

correction on lat paragraph:
“very few of the mass public, even those so quick to throw stones, will move on…” s/b:

“very few of the mass public, even those so quick to throw stones, will care, instead, they’ll move on…”

b.t.w..the bit about his wife knowing, it’s all out there…including golfers’ comments about it. :) That’s my main point – that we do not know of their arrangements, & for that reason, I personally can’t be judgemental.

madmax Says:

yeah, been there. sending the love from me to you, buddy. honestly.

I just cannot stand the hypocrisy element of this. I just want to get back to tennis, but you are right. It is none of our business, but the media makes it our business by reporting truths/untruths. All I am saying, is that WHY would any one of these women (5 have given interviews, recorded in USA and published over here in UK), KNOWING that if what they printed was untrue, they could be sued for MILLIONS of damages in terms of ruining Tiger’s reputation. You seem to be missing that point. You just would not say things like that, show text messages, emails, or state “I was in bed with Tiger woods, whilst his wife was away, and he had a phone call saying that his father had passed away, we just “made love”, now that is what this woman said, from her own mouth, in interview on national/international TV. If she was lying, she would be sued for millions, millions. She isnt going to lie about something like that and risk that, now is she?

And I think been there, it was at this point that I actually started to dislike this man, because of the claims that he had been “suffering” after his father’s death, he had gone of the rails, but after that interview, it seems he has been up to no good for a long time.

But as you say, it is none of our business. It’s the ripple effect though isn’t it. Always comes back on the children, the innocents, in some way.

They are adults, they should sort it out themselves, but unfortunately, being celebritys, unless they both come out and make a statement, its just going to keep rolling on.

We dont know of their arrangements. Absolutely. It didnt even cross my mind that it could have been “an arrangement” – what’s the point? She is wealthy in her own right – so I just dont buy it.

been there Says:

“…KNOWING that if what they printed was untrue, they could be sued for MILLIONS of damages in terms of ruining Tiger’s reputation. You seem to be missing that point. ”

Not at all madmax. I am not missing any point. That is the reason why I keep on saying that we simply don’t know. Perhaps they are all telling the truth, perhaps only some. Who knows?

Let’s be honest, how many times have women lied about ‘being’ with celebtrities in that manner? And tabloids printed them out? or even a ‘minor’ celebrity trying to climb the ladder via a ‘major’ celebrity? And then they are sued much much later…not in 3 weeks when everything is still fresh. Some even after a whole year. It happens all the time. :) It’s simply the world these people live in…i.e. celebrity. Not so much in real life. Even a certain European president is going through the same thing right now, with all sorts of women coming out. His wife has left him though. He denies it all…but they still come forward. So who’s telling the truth? The president’s backers believe him, while his opponents are capitalising major on this. Lies have never stopped such people from trying to gain from a person’s misfortune. Again with this president, who knows the real truth?

“what’s the point? She is wealthy in her own right – so I just dont buy it.”

And what’s been the point of all other arrangements by politicians & other celebrities, especially those in showbiz who are also wealthy, rich & powerful? And how is she wealthy – by who’s standards? By the average joe slogging 9am-5pm in the office, maybe, but ‘celebrity level’ wealthy, I don’t think so. She was working as a nanny, no? Not that there’s anything wrong with that. These things happen all the time. :) It’s a very imperfect world.

Anyhow, let me be clear that am not defending his actions. Just that from what I’ve read/heard in the “news” (I can no longer tell if even the likes of BBC, CNN, etc are reporting news!), I don’t think the public knows thetruth at all. ‘coz there are simply so many conficliting stories…even within the same news-stations.

Anyhow, like you, am eagerly waiting for January for tennis, track & field, & can’t wait for the summer for football world-cup!!

madmax Says:

Whooaaa been there! another footy fan! whoop! whoop! Yes. Loving the footy, C’mon the UK!

I thought I did comment on the wife arrangement thing? but obviously I wasnt clear enough – sorry. Just really to say, that I had read she was wealthy in her own right (I should have said, her family, her dad, was wealthy – she didnt need to rely on tiger for money).

I guess I just cannot believe there are women out there who wouldnt marry for love? I mean how could you live with a man and “share” him with other women, YUK. YUK. YUK. I cant see it. Can you really believe that it was an arrangement? No. Cant believe it. He could have married anyone, anyone. He was introduced by that swedish golfer who Elin was a nanny for, they hit it off, fell in love, married. two babies. He must have always been some kind of player during the marriage? Swedish golfer (sorry, forget his name), said that woods had a reputation for being someone that didnt like the limelight, kept a low profile (now we know why!!!), and that he was a real family man with solid values, bla bla. FAKE. FAKE. FAKE.

Cant comment on this anymore been there, because, Like you say, none of my business and none of us really know the truth or ever will.

Sorry if I upset you in anyway.

been there Says:

madmax…not at all. Nothing can break us apart. lol. Besides, I agreed with almost everything that you said…only that I had side extra to add…u know, the ‘other side’ of the story.

*counting my pennies for South Africa :) *

madmax Says:

been there,

I may see you over there – but I think all tickets were sold out in like 2 hours – so it’ll be a company somewhere who bought a lot load and sell them off some time in February.

I like your posts by the way. Very informative and you make me smile. :)

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