Hit for Haiti Free Online Stream Available

by Staff | March 12th, 2010, 2:33 pm

Live streaming for the mega-gala “Hit for Haiti” charity tennis event tonight at Indian Wells will be available for free over the Internet.

To watch the stream online please visit either tennistv.com or the official BNP Paribas Open website.

For those in the U.S., the matches will be covered live on the Tennis Channel.

The exhibition begins at 7:30pm local time in Indian Wells, California (10:30pm EST) with women doubles featuring Steffi Graf and Lindsay Davenport playing Justine Henin and Martina Navratilova.

That match will be followed by the showdown between Roger Federer and Pete Sampras against Rafael Nadal and Andre Agassi. The foursome have combined for 44 career Grand Slam titles, six shy of the women’s combined of 50. (A jaw-dropping total of 94 Slam titles will be featured on court tonight.)

The four men also have combined for 222 titles, 2,729 match wins, 706 weeks at No. 1, 13 year-end No. 1 finishes and just over $157 million in prize money.

“To have the four of us, the rivalry of the ‘90s and the rivalry in this decade, to all be out there is pretty cool,” Sampras told the Desert Sun. “It doesn’t happen every day. And to have all those majors on the court, it’s going to be a fun night and we can have some laughs. Hopefully, the fans will enjoy it.”

“It is impressive to see this remarkable line-up of athletes work together to raise much-needed funds for Haiti,” said new tournament owner and Oracle CEO Larry Ellison. “Our hope is to hold an event that supports relief efforts and continues to raise the visibility for how Haiti needs the world’s help.”

The event is expected to raise $1 million for the relief efforts in Haiti through the Red Cross Haiti Relief & Development Fund. Click here to donate.

Tickets for the event are sold out.

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61 Comments for Hit for Haiti Free Online Stream Available

MMT Says:

Can’t wait.

Andy R Says:

Anyone know what the format will be? Just a set? Two sets? No ad?

Sean Randall Says:

I think each “match” is going to be just a set. Heck, the players may even change partners, etc. It’s all for fun but still should be very entertaining to watch.

I wonder who’ll be in the chair? Johnny Mac?

Sean Randall Says:

Good to see they made the stream free to everyone. Cross your fingers that it doesn’t get too overloaded.

I’m lucky enough to have the Tennis Channel so there should be no problems.

madmax Says:

if anyone can post another live stream, would be really grateful. i cannot get on tennis.tv.com as not within the band apparently? I live in UK and thought I could just click on! Help! really wanna see this match! If anyone is around – i’ll wait up another 10 minutes. :(

madmax Says:

well, gototennis has an insider camera guy who just takes a shed load of pictures of the fed and other plays fascinated by the fed! scroll down and enjoy!


Jojo Says:

Fed? Shirtless? EEEuuuWWW…

Fot Says:

JoJo, speak for yoru self! I love everything about Roger (including him being shirtless!) lol! Now there!

jane Says:

Enjoy the second “Hit for Haiti” everyone. It will be great to see Sampras and Agassi, not to mention Graf and Henin, on the court. And of course Rafa and Fed have been sidelined, so it’ll be fun to see them too.

Cheers all!

Kimmi Says:

madmax, did you get the streaming? IW well site is showing for free. here is the link.


Long Live The King Says:

thanks for the link maxi :) as a proud hetero-sexual male, i cant appreciate this shirt-less pics of the guys. but i see the lady fans of Roger are having a fun time.

which brings me to an interesting question. does equality stop at prize money or can i be hopeful that male fans like me will get some goodies in the near-future. just not fair that the ladies get to see their shexy male players topless and we male tennis fans are left dry ;)

end of ridiculously bizarre rant….

really liked this part, below….

” When Federer’s practice was over, he went next door to sit and chat with Justine (you do recognize the upper back portion of his head, don’t you?) Here’s how I imagine that went:

“How does it feel to be so awesome?” Roger asked.

“I was going to ask you the same thing.” Justine replied, with a hint of a smile on her lips. ”

two of the players who i can watch endlessly forever…. grace, elegance, majesty on a tennis court – justine and roger!

Kimmi Says:

Mine is breaking up big time. I think it could be like what sean said..maybe the traffic is too high!

Kimmi Says:

No Audio! “sigh”

Kimmi Says:

OK…now is better!

jane Says:

Oh I just love Steffi! Seeing her playing makes me wish for the days of yore when I could watch her all the time.

Kimmi Says:

Yeah jane! She is sooo tiny too, isn’t she?

Long Live The King Says:

thanks for the link, kimmi. :)

i dont find graf tiny though. maybe in front of davenport, if you see with henin, she is pretty big :)

what henin and graf have in common is that they look so much better with their ponytails. they look totally bland without the pony (and in justine’s case, cap too :)

good watching them play. though, seles instead of graf might have made it more competitive. graf looked the weakest of the 4. nice fun nevertheless

jane Says:

Yep, little kids will do that to a person; all that running around after them. LOL. That mic was driving her nuts the whole time.

Kimmi Says:

hhahah Rafa…Shakira questions..he looks a little uncomfortable!

Kimmi Says:

You are welcome Long Live. enjoy!

Long Live The King Says:

it’s getting ugly :(

Kimmi Says:

Yap! very weird!

jane Says:

Whoa, some smack talk between Agassi and Sampras. LOL. The bad tipper accusation from Agassi caused Pete to fire up on the court anyhow. Nadal has been surprisingly quiet. He was much more talkative at the AO hit. Fed seems to be enjoying himself though. And Agassi has definitely been, er, open. Ha.

Kimmi Says:

At least Roger won another Rafa match, what is the H2H? ha :)

Skeezerweezer Says:

Tony Bennett? Yo Tony! Smile :)

Maya Says:

I respect Agassi but he made it very uncomfortable with the whole Pete is a cheapskate stuff which is not appropriate at a charity exhibition.

Skeezerweezer Says:


Oh no, you said the “uh oh” word…h2h….LOL..good one!….Hee hee….Shamooon!.

All in all a great event ( hit for haiti )

Thanks to the powers that be for letting us fans see the streaming tennis!

believer Says:

Agassi and Justin should know when to stop. There is no need for Agassi to act the way he did. He basically emptied his pocket and mocked Sampras. That is no way to treat a felow professional and an all ime great. If you are here for a good cause do the trash talking without making it personal. If Sampras did the “pigeon walk”, Agassi could have returned the favor by imitating Sampras in another manner. Not with emptying his pockets. It was painful to watch. I am sure Fed and Nadal were vere emabarssed to be in that situation. I wouldn’t fault Sampras at all here. He was infuriated and served a body serve at Agassi. Otherwise he acted with class and continued his commitment to the event pofessionaly. I can’t belive Justin kep bringing up the “tipping” subject again and again. He is an idiot and does not know when to stop. How did he get commentating gig? Basically the whole siuation could have been avoided if Agassi (very enthusiastic, loquacious and vocal) did not act the way he did. I like all the 4 guys. It was painful to watch especially being an ardent Sampras fan.

Kimmi Says:

Skeezer, bad word I know..couldn’t resist. hee heh! :)

very much enjoyed it.

Sean Randall Says:

Yes, awkward the first thing that comes to mind. Still fun and full of laughs.

Andre really controlled the show, set the tone. Pete I think held back from attacking Andre (you can’t bring up the drugs, the wig, etc., can you?). Roger was his customary relaxed and off-the-cuff with his comments while Rafa was quiet due to the language barrier and given who was around him.

Outside of one or two points the tennis wasn’t that memorable like it was in Australia. Roger actually played pretty badly missing a lot of easy shots. Pete and Rafa went through the motions. Andre was the dictator.

All in all good value.

Sean Randall Says:

I will add that even Larry Ellison looked a little out place at the end.

believer Says:

Yeah the over all teniis was fun. But lets think about Sampras for a moment. He was the one who was kind of humiliated by the sudden turn of events. The class guy he is, he took it in his stride. If Agassi was to be anointed as an elder statesman and philanthropist, he didn’t act like one today. There was no need to bring up the tipping subject for sure. He not only emptied his pocket but also said “No money”. That would get any one to be fired up/infuriated. It was disrespectful. Thank God Federer kind of intervened by playing and talking/chatting ith Agasi to move things along. I am sure Rafa must have felt weird. Lets just if you or me were 14 time grand slam champion who played with passion and commitment all your career, it would be pretty humiliating to be trash talked publicly by a meth taking, wig wearing peer. Sampras acted wih class. Andre go carried away. (Just like Martina kept blabbering in the previous match)

believer Says:

BTW it was a show folks for a good cause. Not a spite match between balding former tennis players. It was “yey” cose to turning into a fist fight.

Sean Randall Says:

True. If nothing else Pete comes away looking much more classier than Andre. Andre clearly lived up to his showman moniker but you could make the case he clearly stepped over the line – unless it was all planned and talked about beforehand, however Pete’s reaction didn’t indicate as much.

One thing I will say, of the eight players tonight I thought Martina looked the best. Something I’d never thought I would have said four hours ago!

blah Says:

that was just weird. the atmosphere was fun until the comments which made it turn very awkward, then pete made it more awkward (am i missing something here… is there a reason why pete brought up obama with any of the stuff andre said?) Agassi definitely went below the belt.

O-Kerr Says:

Everything was great except Pete does not know how to loosen up and have fun in public. He never had that in him. He did not have to get agitated over a joke and to elaborate on the empty pocket that no one knew about it. Besides a little awkward moment from a humorless person, everything was once-in-a-life-time thing. Roger seemed to have a lot of fun, with chuckles and jocular exchange with Andre. Personality wise, quieter Rafa may get along better with quieter Pete.
Steffi always shines on the court. It was priceless to see her out there.

believer Says:

I missed the obama part? What did he say? Pete was basically mocking Agassi’s “pigeon walk” after Agassi said Pete was looking and playing serious. Pete said I am para phrasing it here. OK you want to be entertained and then did the pigeon walk of Agasi. Till here things are normal. Peole mocking other people is quite common in exhibitions. And then Agassi did the unthinkable by “emptying his pockets” and said no money. There was absolutely no need for that.

blah Says:

I thought it was pretty cool though agassi could serve at almost the exact mph he say he is going to serve at. Is that a pretty common thing for pros?

blah Says:

well, andre then said it must sucks to be pete’s valet, and pete said yeah i am a bad tipper sorry barack obama. weird.

blah Says:

I doubt pete will play any more exhibitions with andre in the near future.

believer Says:

Yeah O-Kerr. Agassi not only emptied his pockets but utter “no money” multiple times. I am pretty sure if you were Pete you will be having a lot of fun. Every one exactly knew wah Agassi was referring o at hat time. Looks like ou are a vvery losse person and can take personal attacks without getting riled up. Lets see how you will react to my comments which is not infuriating at all.

Yeah I agree with you Steffi was classy as usual. I guess Agasi would have been far worser if he had not married Steffi (personality wise)

O-Kerr Says:

Believer, I don’t see anything to be agitated about. That’s too much ego, dude. Truth is Sampras was and is stingy. That joke touched on his weak side or he interpreted that way. Too much sensitivity. He could not swallow the truth and could not respond with another joke. Remember when Roger asked Andre to take his pants off, Andre said I am not wearing undies. That’s the way you have fun, not go grumpy on jokes and trifles. Pete may be classy but definitely not a sociable person. We all have different preferences, and I respect yours.

Long Live The King Says:

I agree Andre went over-board and under-belt. If Pete wasn’t classy like Roger and rafa, he would have both the drugs and cheating to ATP part.

Agassi could have picked on so many Sampras traits like hanging tongue out, the rotating the shoulders or slam-dunk smash. heck even his serve. the tipping thing is too personal – agassi was not classy when he mentioned in his book and totally out of place today. It is hard to see andre as the saint they make him. I mean, just because he does charity doesn’t mean you mock other people as stingy. Charity is not a weapon to beat other people with. I am guessing Steffi deserves a lot of credit for this philanthropic image of andre. Ocassionally the brat in him tries to undo the good work.

Fot Says:

I watched the exho and here are my thoughts:

1. I thought the women’s match was a little boring. Martina tried her best to bring some ‘fun’ into the match, but the other 3 didn’t say too much. Plus, I don’t know if it was their mikes or their voices, but the women were hard to hear. I found myself wanting this match to hurry and get over with so I could see the men play.

2. I enjoyed the men’s match way more than the women. But you could have taken the mikes off Pete and Rafa for as much as they used them. Thank goodness that Roger and Agassi kind of ‘entertained’ the crowd more. Roger was better in Australia but if he had not said anything tonight, it would have been a one-way conversation by Agassi!

3. The best point for me was that volley exchange between Roger vs Nadal/Agassi. I kept saying “Hey, they are trying to kill my man, Roger!” But Roger had those volleys under control and ended it with a nice angled volley winner! Even Agassi had to say “Man, you’re good!”.

4. The exhibition did change some when the tense exchange between Pete and Andre came up. It was weird because I kept saying “This should be fun!!!” when I clearly could feel the tension between the 2 through my television! I really felt for Roger and Rafa because they didn’t know what to do! Yes, Andre should not have gone there. But Pete was never known as a ‘happy-go-lucky guy’ in his prime either. He was my favorite when he played, but even he has said he wish he would have done some things differently when he played and wished he would have ‘enjoyed’ it more. He was very stand-off-ish during his playing time and yes, there was real tension between Agassi and Pete, unfortunately.

5. I’m glad Roger’s team won. His team also won in Australia. But more importantely, I’m glad they raised a lot of money for a good cause.

6. I wanted Justin to not only interviewi Pete and Agassi at the end – but I was waiting for him to interview Roger and Rafa too, but he didn’t! Tracy talked to all 4 women at the end but I guess Justin just wanted to try to clear the air between Pete and Agassi.

7. I know that Pete, Roger, and Rafa are all listed around 6’1 in height, but didn’t Roger look taller than all of them out there tonight? Either he’s “officially” taller than they are, or he was wearing shoes with a thicker sole because he definitely looked taller than both Pete and Rafa.

8. The next time they do another ‘exho’, I want them to stick with the current players. They seem to put on a better ‘event’ with less tension. Just make sure they keep Roger, Nole, and Roddick to keep the ‘banter’ friendly but funny.

Karly Says:

Wow Andre really stepped over the line.. he had taken a dig earlier at Pete saying something like “do something exciting Pete” referencing how he called Pete dull in his book, then to attack him over tipping, Pete brushed off the first nasty dig about being dull, then the second personal attack about tipping got him down. That was sad to see, and the crowd was really embarrased and unhappy after that because Pete was hurt and it showed. Andre needs to grow up that was really uncool how he acted. If he doesn’t want to have his walk mocked, he shoudln’t do that to Pete first, and take a shot at him about being dull. He knows Pete said he was hurt by the things he said in his book, he souldn’t have humiliated Pete that way. Andre ruined what was a great event up until that point

believer Says:

Let the truth be “Sampras be stingy”, But that shouldn’t be the teasing point here. The mocking players do in these exhibitions are tennis related (playing style, walking style, bouncing style, butt-picking style, water bottle style and off the cuf remarks). We can all ahve different interpretations but the most common would be it was disrepsectful (What agaii di and said). Infact at the end Pete was more concillatory and Agassi was more non-chalant. Anyway I like all the guys and ladies that played tonight. As a Sampras and Agassi fan I felt a little disappointed about this.

Long Live The King Says:

“If Pete wasn’t classy like Roger and rafa, he would have both the drugs and cheating to ATP part.”

>>>> I want to clarify this – If Pete was not classy like Andre, he would have responded with something about sniffing or cheating.

I think Roger and Rafa are very classy guys :)

Karly Says:

Yeah I was waiting for Pete to say “wait a minute, I have something in my nose” after Agassi said “yeah the truth hurts” when he knew he embarrassed Pete, I like Andre but what he did tonight sucked… He knew Pete couldn’t say anything about the Meth, he’s too classy
I bet if Jimmy Connors was on the other side of that net he would have imitated sniffing some meth, Andre would have never gone there with Jimmy

believer Says:

FOT: I know you are a big “Fed Fan”. Ur name says it all. But its not always about Fed u know. I am a big fan oo. As others in the board have pointed about its about being respectful and playful at the same time. Agassi certainly did not do that tonight. I’ll be curious to see the readers/bloggers take on this. No wonder Pete did not play exhibitions with the brats of 80s/90s. I am sure he will not play any more again. Iprevious generation. am glad Rafa/Roger are easy going then then the previous generation.

Long Live The King Says:

I also liked how Roger said ” your rivalry is intense guys” when Sampras did the body serve. He tried to diffuse things, but I think someone like andy roddick would have been good to have then. when agassi went all un-classy, someone else needed to step in.

Roger tried a little but he is not in the same league as andre or roddick when it comes to spontaneity. Rafa and Sampras are not exo material, but Rafa did his part by changing shirts on court. I am sure the ladies were entertained by that ;)

madmax Says:


thanks for posting the above link, way back. I couldnt get the link, where I live is not in “the band area”, so was really disappointed, but checked TV this a.m. and I can see the recording at 3.30 GMT, so am really thrilled now.

I read all your comments above and seems like there was conflict between sampras and agassi. that’s a huge shame. i read about the “tipping” incident and sampras said that he and agassi (prior to this exho), had “cleared the air” and everything was fine – hopefully, they’ll clear the air again? Shame if they dont.

Ben Pronin Says:

Fot, I’m still waiting for the Djokovic-Nadal Show. I thought they got along great in Australia and had some fun together. The chest bump was classic. I was surprised by how quiet Nadal was tonight since he was pretty vocal and funny in Australia.

Fot Says:

Believer, I know the match wasn’t just about Roger. I was just giving my points on how “I” saw the match tonight. I wasn’t trying to disrespect anyone and say the match was about Roger. I just like to talk about Roger because he IS my favorite. That’s all.

Anyway, it’s almost 2:00 am my time. Time for me to go to bed. Night all!

jane Says:

I enjoyed the “Hit for Haiti” at the Australian Open much more; both the women’s and men’s matches there were more impromptu, with more fun banter by everyone, including Rafa, Roddick, Hewiit, Fed, Clijsters, Serena, etc. These matches seemed more formal, with all the hoopla of interviews and celebs in the stands and fireworks. I liked the atmosphere of the original one better. Still, it was nice to see people like Navratilova, Graf, Agassi and Sampras playing again.

J Says:

This was definitely weird.

Quick thoughts:

1.JG as the ‘interviewer’ was awful. Why on earth was he pressing Rafa about having kids? Bizarre.
2. Rafa neatly side stepps the Shakira question. Was he blushing a little bit there? :)
3. Pete looked surly from the second he stepped on court. I get he’s a serious, sombre kind of player but this wasn’t a proper match. Couldn’t he have *tried* a bit more?
4.Agassi has always been gobby and to be honest, the entertainment factor would have been very low had he not been mouthing off for most of the match.
5.Then the trouble starts. Agassi has no tact and Sampras has no sense of humour. That’s the bottom line. Rafa and Roger looked bemused and uncomfortable and who could blame them? This was NOT the arena within which to air a personal grudge/vendetta/whatever the hell is going on with them. In poor taste on both sides.

The Austrian H4H was much more relaxed and fun. Perhaps because they were all contemporaries and don’t take themselves too seriously.

madmax Says:

from gototennis: plenty of photos and a video link too.

One moment got awkward.

With Agassi playfully talking trash throughout the night, Pete took his shot midway through the match when he imitated Agassi, doing his bow-legged walk. Agassi returned the favor by pulling out his empty pockets, a reference to an assertion in his book ?Open? that Sampras once tipped a valet $1.

Sampras responded, ?Andre, you got personal.?

Agassi replied, ?No, no. Everyone knows already.?

On Sampras’ serve, which was to be to Nadal on the ad court, he unleashed a serve way over Agassi’s head.

On the change over, Tennis Channel commentator Justin Gimbelstob talked to both.

Agassi, for the most part, didn’t seem to take offense.

Later in the match, Sampras mis-hit a serve that hit the chairs near a ball girl, to which Agassi said, ?That’s OK ball girl, he did that to me too.?

At the end of the match, Agassi went to Sampras and hugged him.

?It got tense with Andre, but I want to say I love you. I have no animosity toward you,? Sampras said in the post-match interview.

?Both players have a tremendous amount of pride, but I think all the kidding around was good-natured. It wasn’t serious,? Ellison said.

All the players had microphones. Agassi was the star of the men’s match with his constant chatting and sometimes taunting of Federer.

Dion Sutton Says:

Agassi was wrong. Too personal, should have been given a time-out by Roger and Nadal play the court alone.

Nothing new about Pete, everyone close to the tour knows it’s true.
His reaction with the Obama comment was just as wrong.

Leave it to the Swiss to stay neutral!

Skeezerweezer Says:


Don’t forget we wouldn’t be talking about this if they did not contribute there time to a good cause.

That said, Agassi could have been just as fun IMO if he kept his mind on what he was doing it for…..

Leesa Says:

In response to Agassi’s classless and rude behaviour, Sampras could have gotten personal too and said — “crystal meth has gotten you crazy man!” Or “hey, wanna give up some trophies for drug use?” But NO. Sampras did not go down to that low level. He exhibited pure class. Bravo!

On a side note — Agassi just sold a few thousand more of his book “Open” as the curious will want to know what was said about the tipping issue.

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