Rafael Nadal: Return of the King CNN [Video]

by Tom Gainey | December 16th, 2010, 3:28 pm

Rafael Nadal was recently profiled on CNN’s Open Court. In this video, reported Pedro Pinto chronicles Nadal’s 2010 season which came a year ago an injury-plagued 2009.

The feature has interview clips from Mats Wilander, Patrick Rafter, Roger Federer and more.

Nadal finished as the No. 1 player in 2008 and now after winning his career Slam he returns to the top ranking in 2010.

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17 Comments for Rafael Nadal: Return of the King CNN [Video]

queen Says:

Long live king Nadal!

tennis2011 Says:

This was a wonderful piece on Rafa, but to say he is the King is highly false. Roger Federer is the best to have ever played the game and has set records that no man will ever touch. However, I do think Nadal is top 4 of all-time greats with Sampras, Borg, and Laver coming behind Federer. In 2011 Roger could seal the deal if he wins two more majors taking his tally to 18 and in the process regains the #1 ranking to break the last major record he wants to break. That record I am speaking of is the most weeks ranked #1 that is currently held by tennis great Pete Sampras. Roger has 285 while Pete has 286. If Roger wins two majors and plays consistent the rest of the year he is going to break that record and than there will be no doubt about who is the best ever. The 2011 Australian Open will be key for Roger and Rafa for the rest of the year. I truly believe they will play in the final there and we will see who is King.

RafaFan Says:

We will see …..

ninjafed Says:

Yes. We will see….

Anna Says:

Tennis 2011 – Did you read the intro or watch the video. Hellooooo!!! There’s not one mention of Roger. This video chronicles 2010, and to say that Rafa was King in 2010 is most definitely a true statement. I know it’s not fair that Rafa’s name should ever be mentioned without Roger, but get a grip.

Anna Says:

Oh by golly Roger’s name was mentioned. Wouldn’t you know. Such a relief for concerned Fed fans.

skeezerweezer Says:


Roger IS the best ever. He does not have to win anymore GS. He is there. It only takes a visit to his Wiki page to see the plethora of achievements. Others have to climb the ladder first to the top of the house, where the Fed resides. Rafa had a “Kinglike” year, but has to put together some more records before he can join Rog. Nonetheless, a deserving #1 year for the Muscle man. As others mentioned “we’ll see” in 2011. Happy Holidays everyone!

Anna Says:

This video is NOT about best ever. It’s about Rafa’s 2010. Why is that so hard to understand Skeezer. Obnoxious dude.

skeezerweezer Says:


My post was directed at 2011, and his/her post, and what was said about Fed. Nontheless, you must have missed the last part of my post. Hellooooo!!!. Obnoxious dudette.

Lben Says:

Rafa will be the best ever … Roger is the past and Rafa is the present and future … BTW … Rafa will win the AO … Vamoooooossssss

Anna Says:

Didn’t miss a word Skeezer. 2011 is all about “we’ll see”. Your all about “Roger is the best”. It’s perseverative Skeeze, and it’s quite possible a little ritalin might bring your life into balance just a bit. Just wonder how all this goes down for you in the real world. When a friend asks you to join him for a brew after work, do you say “Roger is the king of tennis”, or when your girl looks at you longingly and smiles sweetly, do you say “Did you know Roger is the goat?”. Do you have a life outside of Roger? Somehow, I don’t think you do.

skeezerweezer Says:


This is how it goes down. I am not in love with Fed, nor never think about looking at his butt, his biceps, or go gaga when he takes his shirt off, but admire and enjoy to watch the “artistry” of tennis on the court. That’s me.

“perseverative?” Sexy word….but it seems necessary at times as some delusionals here think that he is not, nor earned it.


Anna Says:

Hey, your the one that mentioned butt and bicepts, not me. Happy holidays Skeeze.

Jack Lewis Says:

Spot the obvious CNN error; Federer didn’t reach the semis at Wimbledon this year. Fact checking was never their strong suite.

Bobby Says:

I hope that Nadal will become the best ever.

dari Says:

That wasn’t as good as i thought, I thought it would be a new interview with rafa.
oh well, good for Rafa in 2010.
As for now, King and Rafa can only be applied to Clay, the specific year of 2010, and maybe break point denials. He has not fully earned the general “King” title.
Anyone in their right minds knows who that belongs to right now.
I want Roger to have big success in 2011.
I hope the pattern since ’08 of rafa/roger trading dominating years comes back, with Roger’s turn coming up!
after 2011, i suppose i may be ready for things to open up a bit with the youngsters (speaking in terms of majors won)shining in 2012.
I am very excited for this year, I hope roger can do some unexpected and unearthly things and rack up a major or two more!

Kimmi Says:

dari – you put it so well. i am also hoping for a great year for fed. one GS or more will be great. if he carries on like the way he finished the year, there is no reason he shouldnt. C’mon roger.

Hoping for a muzza breakthru in grandslam too..he has the talent to win few imo. he can do it, and he knows it. goodluck to the guy.

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