Roger Federer is Soaking Wet in Latest Credit Suisse Commercial [Video]

by Tom Gainey | April 20th, 2011, 1:27 pm

He might not be winning tournaments like he use to, but Roger Federer sure is pumping out the TV spots. One of his primary sponsors, Credit Suisse, just put out a behind-the-scenes preview of their latest commercial feature the aforementioned Federer.

If you are unable to see the video, in the new spot Federer is in the water wearing dress clothes, and he’s also shown laying on a diving board. It’s a pool/water theme.

The commercial spot will officially debut on “mid May”. Until then, the teaser will have to do.

After his surprising loss to Jurgen Melzer in Monte Carlo last Friday, Federer has a few weeks off in Switzerland before the Madrid tournament begins May 2. Federer reached the finals there last year losing to Rafael Nadal.

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12 Comments for Roger Federer is Soaking Wet in Latest Credit Suisse Commercial [Video]

Huh Says:

these guys mak so much money n we keep fightin among ourselvs 4 ’em, lol ;)
watevr n howevr, bt best of luck 2 Fed, he sure gona bt nadal n nole soonr dan latr, i’ve no doubt. he’s jst too gud not 2.

Nina Says:

Wet fed… ñam.

M Says:

LOL, Nina. Credit Suisse isn’t stupid. They know what we want to see.

Lara Says:

“the challenge is making Roger – who’s not doing anything for 45 seconds – interesting.”

Don’t worry. There are plenty of women (and some men) who will find Roger in a pool veeeeeeeery interesting.

StopTheInsanity Says:

“huh” sez it all:

“these guys mak so much money n we keep fightin among ourselvs 4 ‘em…”

then shows why, “there’s a sucker born every minute”, holds true:

“lol ;) watevr n howevr, bt best of luck 2 Fed, he sure gona bt nadal n nole soonr dan latr, i’ve no doubt. he’s jst too gud not 2.”

i’m not a fan of Bill Maher, but he is right when he calls for a Class War:

as for Federer’s criminal ilk, they laugh all the way to the bank, knowing with a smile:

“i’ve already got your money, dude(tte).”

when We The People stop falling prey to Bread And Circuses, then–and only then–will we have a fighting chance.

to look at someone like Federer, and think he’s a good person, let alone a great one, because he’s a superior athlete who promotes the Criminal Class’s corruption and greed–thereby getting us to buy their crap and buy into their money-based economic-system: hint, there are other ways to organize cultures and societies–is to miss the forest for a tree and, more tragically important, to work against our own interests.

and, “M”, you’re right, liars, thieves and thugs like Credit Suisse–and their equally complicit spokespeople like Federer–aren’t stupid:

We are!

If we want to see this kind of crap, we deserve the third-world-ization of the working class that is currently sweeping across Amerika and the rest of the world:
(point of clarification: i’m a recovering, repentant gliberal-regressive-phlegmocrat who realizes that Alternet is a fake-Left apologist-site which helps immobilize The People by getting them to petition, write letters and vote instead of agitate and rebel, and the fake-Left is as counterproductive and bat-s**t-crazy as the real-Right, but the above referenced article is a decent piece about our ever-expanding, Amerikan banana republic)

But, hey, who cares if we lose our jobs, or work at Mickey-Ds and Walmart; have crappy sick-care or no sick-care at all; get kicked out of our house or can’t pay our rent!

As long as we can see our “beloved” bankster-huckster, Federer (or insert whichever celebrity snake-oil-salesperson you “love” here) in a “clever”, “funny”, “cute” or “sexy” commercial, all is right with the world!


jane Says:

It is interesting that they now seem to have previews for commercials, and “making ofs” of the commercials too. I noticed that with Nole’s wing commercial for head. I am assuming he falls asleep on the diving board and rolls off into the pool? :)

scineram Says:

Stfu and gtfu, nutjob!

Nina Says:

What’s up lately with the spam and trolls on this site which was miraculously troll-free before?

Friedrich Buch Says:

You might be quite right: the extremely lucrative sponsorships might be a blessing in disguise. When a very good (and well-paying) commercial appears, they jump on in (Federer more than anybody else because he had the looks AND the game, and he might have been in his early 20s when he signed them). Give Roger some credit: he was young and did not yet experience all the pain, all the travel, a sudden turn in the “assessment” of his fans from “Roger live forever” to “Roger go home.” And, there is nothing he can do about it. The first thing that goes is the hand-to-eye condition, and all coaches and ever-new trainers will not change that. Federer did not even have a coach nor a manager until long into his career. I, for me, will enjoy the elegance he brought back to the sport. I like to see tennis player who once in a while have a haircut, a shave and, heaven, forbid, even a change of clothing. Remember Gustavo Kuerten who, after winning the French Open three times, still sported that ridiculous outfit. That, and his not exactly Adonis-like appearance got him out of the clay courts when his sponsors might have exerted some pressure on him to change his shirt once in a while. Federer did everything with class (even outright theft of tournament towels, he packed them in Gucci luggage). And, a quote from Chris Evert: “Nothing I will do in my life from now on will be the same as 18,000 spectators at the U.S. Open giving me a standing ovation. Well said, Chris.
Friedrich Buch

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peter Says:

love the add whats the musical score called

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