Agnieszka Radwanksa May Have Just Hit The Shot Of The Year Last Night, Wow! [Video]

by Tom Gainey | March 27th, 2013, 10:15 am

If this shot doesn’t get your attention nothing will. Defending champion Agenieszka Radwanska came up with this gem last night during her win over Kirsten Flipkens at the Miami Sony Open.

Radwanska was at the net when a Flipkens down the line passing shot clipped the net. The Pol’s momentum took her past the shot so to compensate she spun, somehow connected with the ball and hit an incredible volley winner.

“It was all so fast, it was really just one second to react,” Radwanska said. “The ball hit the net cord and changed direction and I couldn’t play a normal backhand, so I just turned around and did it. It was a bit of luck but I had no choice – I just put my racquet on it and that was it! It was pretty funny.”

I’ve never seen a shot a like it and there’s a good chance you won’t see anything equal to it the rest of the year!

Radwanska won the match in three. She’ll play Serena Williams tomorrow in the semifinals.

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23 Comments for Agnieszka Radwanksa May Have Just Hit The Shot Of The Year Last Night, Wow! [Video]

alison Says:

Amazing kinda Federeresque.

Alvin Says:

Great shot! Also, Grigor’s shot (there’s a link to it on the related posts) is sort of similar to this one. :)

Steve 27 Says:

Shot of the year? Overated.

jane Says:

That’s funny; just pure reaction, but with a twirl. :)

queen Says:

Amazing? Unintended, lucky… Far from amazing.

roy Says:

creating Hot Shot footage on the WTA tour is one of the toughest jobs in tennis.
i salute those involved.

Kimberly Says:

I think if the score is 3-2 on serve in a women’s match like this one I am watching it should not be referred to as “on serve” but rather “up a hold.”

skeezer Says:

There is no net cords in this, and these miracle wonder shots weren’t just pulled off by lesser known players either.

Fed, King of shotmaking, and OWNS the tweener1

Margot Says:

Lovely, lovely Radwanska, the most talented female player on the tour IMHO.
If only she had more power she would have loads of slams by now.

Thomas Says:

Um,margot, what do you mean Radwanska is “the most talented female” on the tour.Maybe she has the most touch(I will give you that) You then proceed to say “If only she had more power she would have loads of slams by now.” Um,hate to break it to you, but the ability to GENERATE power is a talent in itself. ANd unfortunately, radwanska doesn’t have that ability.

Margot Says:

^ um Thomas, Agnes is not tall like Maria or muscular like Serena, therefore she can only generate power up to a point.
It’s my opinion she is the “most talented” woman on tour. Is that better?

alison Says:

Margot nice post completely agree,Virginia Wade said exactly the same,her words were its refreshing these days in the womens game to see a player using their brain to play tennis rather than raw power to try and out muscle their opponents.

Thomas Says:

Margot, I couldn’t disagree more. The ability to generate power IS a talent.(whether you like it or not) For example, Justine Henin(who was shorter than radwanska I belive,and wasn’t very muscular either) had access to quite a bit of firepower(well certainly a lot more than radwanska) Andre Agassi(on the mens side) wasn’t particularly tall either, and not incredibly muscular(for most of his career) was a big hitter from the baseliner. Sorry, but power isn’t directly related to height and muscle. In other words,just because you are taller than someone, doesn’t mean you will have more power.I stand by my opinion that radwanska is not the most talented player on the tour. I consider azarenka,williams etc to be more talented.

Thomas Says:

^^But of course, you are entitled to your own opinions of course. So I don’t mind if you think radwanska is the most talented lady on the tour. After all, the term “talent” is pretty subjective IMHO.(in other words, all of us are biased to some extent with regards to who is more talented than who).

contador Says:

It is true, one has to have wits along with talent and I’m not saying Serena, Vika, or Maria, are not smart out there on the court – they have to be.

It is a matter of personal opinion. Radwanska is more talented to me – more thoughtful, crafty – not bing, bang, boom like Vika, Serena, and Maria. I always cheer for Agnes before anyone now except perhaps the spunky Slovak, Cibulkova.

Margot Says:

One swallow does not a Summer make.
Really like her too. She is a little dynamo. :)

alison Says:

Ill join in on the chorus of approval for Cibulkova,love her fiesty attitude,such a shame she lacks any consistency though.

Kimberly Says:

Margot, I watched Andy’s match live yesterday. Saw Kim, Judy and Ivan sitting in the crowd. Andy talked to himself and his box a lot during the match which made Colin laugh although I wish he had eased up on the language. His serve looked great and after the first set he looked really good. It was a fun match to watch. I watched him practice the other day too and got lendl to take a pic with me after, he was almost smiling in it too but not quite.

Murray’s match wasn’t exactly competitive but it was probably the best one in a day of nasty beatdowns. Delighted gasquet won.

On another note Andy Murray threw his sweaty towel at the end to my son and his little friend and some jerk guy knocked my kid over and snatched the towel out of his hands. My son and his friend were devastated as they had intended to cut the towel on half and use it in their matches. I called the guy an a-word but he just ignored me. Seriously what kind of adult knocks over a 7 year old and steals his cherished souveneer?

alison Says:

Kimberly so glad that you had such a lovely day,and yeah delighted for Andy(whos my 2nd favorite)and Gasquet who by all acounts played a great match playing sublime tennis,sorry about your little guy and his friend,i suppose nothings sacred to some people,what a jerk indeed,and i have to say your a much better person than i would have been,as i think i would have punched him,even though im not a violent person.

the DA Says:

@ Kimberley – great report. As for that jerk, if I’d been there I would’ve snatched the towel right back. You don’t mess with souvenirs intended for kids. I bet if Andy had seen what had happened he would have thrown Colin another one.

Margot Says:

Thank you for that Kimberly, what a lovely report.Also that you said he played well cos on the small screen he didn’t look so gr8.
Of course I am spitting with envy at your photo shot….. Am going to Queens, do hope Andy does a bit better this year.
Why don’t you try and contact Andy, he’s a gr8 bloke and I’m sure he’d send Colin another souvenir.

Kimberly Says:

He looked very good in the second set. And playing well within himself. He also hit the forehand very hard, had nice touch, played smart, moved fast, and mixed up the backhand.

I still do not understand some people. Where is your humanity? Like recently, my younger sons class took a field trip to the local library to see a puppet show and the performers stood them up! How can you live with yourself as a human being knowing a bunch of five year olds are waiting to see a puppet show and you let them down? Same as literally knocking down a seven year old and snatching a souveneer out of his hands? Andy had already walked off and didnt see it. My husband says its a good thing he wasn’t there!

the DA Says:

Going back to Aggie, it seems she has a sharp sense of humor. When a journalist asked her when she was going to win a slam she replied “when are you going to win a Pulitzer”? ouch

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