In A New Book, Novak Djokovic Will Remake Your Body And Life In 14 Days

by Tom Gainey | July 23rd, 2013, 10:19 am

Novak Djokovic has announced his new book will be released just before the US Open on August 20. Titled “Serve to Win”, the book will answer the question of how Djokovic went from a player that “could barely complete a tournament” to one who became the No. 1 player in a short period time.

It turns out, according to the upcoming book, it’s what he ate.

In “Serve to Win”, Djokovic reveals how he survived the Belgrade bombings, rising from a war-torn childhood to the top tier of his sport and the mysterious diet that transformed his game: Going gluten-free cleared his mind and made him the star he is today.

He’ll also give readers a step-by-step guide to eating and exercising healthier in just 14 days.

“Finding the right foods for my body has made me lighter, healthier, and more focused. It’s made all the difference in my career and in my life, and in the lives of the people around me,” Djokovic said. “It is important to me that I share this knowledge with readers, so they too can realize their dreams.”

The book is published by Ballantine Bantam Dell. It will be available in both hardcover and ebook format.

Djokovic currently on vacation in Europe. He was just at the Blue Grotto caves on a Croatian Island yesterday.

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80 Comments for In A New Book, Novak Djokovic Will Remake Your Body And Life In 14 Days

Kimberly Says:

I’m really looking forward to reading the diet part. Not really interested in Djokovic background, sorry mat4 wogboy jane etc. But I am very interested in the diet.

TennisZod Says:

No1e is not only a great tennis player but also an amazing salesman. I expect to see this on the New York Times best seller list.


Kimberly Says:


Bada Bing Says:

” I expect to see this on the New York Times best seller list. ”

So do I

Tennis x hippy chic Says:

Hmm i have to say im rather confused,as to what this book is supposed to be about,is it an autobiography,thats also giving out tips on diets and healthy eating?reading autobiographies i dont mind,however i dont need to be told to take care of my body,as i would have thought common sence would make a person realise this for themselves.

courbon Says:

I think he should rather concentrate on tennis instead of books…

Tennis x hippy chic Says:

Courbon hmm probably?no offence but are you not been a little bit hard on the guy?hes been in the final of two slams this year,and the semi of the other,hes been the most consistent player for two years now,and theres still the second half of the season left.

Petar Says:

But wasn’t he stating adamantly at the end of his great 2011 that his diet is NOT all-important for his success? That is was only one small part of it, almost an aside?

He was explicitly saying that actually his physical and mental improvements, along with improvements in his tennis were the cause he turned things around: he said he was training harder, he realized he’s as good as the top players are and that he could beat them and he was practising a lot to perfect his shots.

Please, check out his interviews from that time.

What is this mumbo-jumbo now with the book about his diet transforming his game and making him the player he is?!

TennisZod Says:

Ти си најбољи, Ноле! Направите
много новца.

courbon Says:

@ Tennis Hippy Chic: Maybe I’m bit hard…but the way he is loosing matches-being in the lead-its worring me.( To Nadal, Bedrych ).Even with Murray at Wimby he had a lead in the set…I know, I should be bitching but I like the guy, so pisses me off when I see that.Also, I hate all those books-how to be fit in 14, 21 ,31 day and similair-you name it (my personal opinion-not condemning people who read it).And with autobiographies I think person should be at least 50 of age, to write one-I seen once some silly pop star (Biber or some crap like that ) writing biography-My life!You are 25 for Gods sake-What life? Silly people…

hawkeye Says:

Nole might be thinking it’s time to leverage past success in tennis from 2011.


Colin Says:

If I want to read about diet, I’ll look for something by a dietician, not a tennis player. Over the years, I’ve had a good deal of work done on my teeth, but that doesn’t make me an expert on dentistry.

However, in the present culture of celebrity, where the public (particularly in America) will listen to guests on the Oprah Winfrey show rather than scientists or doctors, I dare say the book will sell.

I wonder if there is an extra chapter explaining why he was able to play a four hour semi followed by a five hour final, at the Aus Open, but could not perform a similar feat at Wimbledon. That, I really would like to read.

Kimberly Says:

I am interested in the diet part even if it is not by a professional. I am always interested in what athletes eat. Just peculiar to me. I read Darah Torres diet and fitness book, and many others. I am actually not interested in his life just his diet.

hawkeye Says:

I am the eggman.


Tennis x hippy chic Says:

Courbon actually thats very good and unbiased analysis very honest,and i completely agree autobiographies should be written when they have had a life,or at least at the end of their careers,im not really a fan of celebrities and what they do when not doing their day job anyway,and i have never been a fan of celebrities and silly diets and get fit quick regimes,its all about common sense IMO eat sensibly and exercise regulaly,anyway Nole is going into his best part of the season on HCs,and im sure will be keen to bounce back and make at statement,i think he and Murray will be joint favorites for the USO the lead up tournies will give us a better indication of where they stand going into it.

Giles Says:

I wonder if he talks about the CVAC because that has played a major role in his success. Not sure about the gluten free diet!!

Brando Says:

@Courbon, Colin: Excellent post. You say everything I feel on this matter. Huge Rafa fan and a lover of books and yet I haven’t even bothered with his bio. What’s the point? The story of my life…. By age 25. Er: I’ll pass. Same with this: whatever worked for Novak doesn’t make him a dietician of great expertise all of a sudden. He should stick to his job: playing tennis. Leave all the book nonsense to reality TV celebs! I mean writing a book on how someone can remake their body in 14 days: LOL Nole- why you messing around with this silly stunt?

Tennis x hippy chic Says:

Brando as a Rafa fan i read the autobiography only because hubby bought me it for Christmas,and TBH its nothing to get excited about anyway it was rather dull actually,it didnt tell me anything new that i didnt already know,Jimmy Conners has had a career and his is out now,and at least hes had a life and a career.

TennisZod Says:

What is wrong with a tennis genius trying to earn a few extra cash for the family? He’s the no.1 player yet some senior player and a guy who only plays half the season make more money than him? Ridiiculous. This is No1e making a statement.


Hawkeye Says:


TennisZod Says:

hawkeye, the power of egg 7-0


Hawkeye Says:

Old news. Nole 1-4 vs Rafa last five. 15-20 overall.


ted echols Says:

Who cares what players write? hippie and courbon,Don’t buy it. Rafa wrote one too. Murray wrote his autobio last year about Dunblane and no one was complaining. They all want the fast buck.

TennisZod Says:

No1e is pure class. He writes a diet book to help others for extra cash. Some guy in Spain does this –

clay season is over. No1e to beat this bartendar again.

Kimberly Says:

I read Patrick McEnroes book, Agassi book, and parts of Rafas book.

Bad Knee Rules Says:

Djokovic first title, exactly seven years ago …

Hawkeye Says:

Clay season comes every year!

Jan-Sep 2011 is history.

At least he has his cook books!


Hawkeye Says:


Actually I like Nole a lot.


TennisZod Says:



Hawkeye Says:

Yeah. The reason Nole is no. 1 is because Rafa was out for so long.


Golden Child Says:

WOGBOY – Jel jos vazi pozivnica za Gucu? :)

ted echols Says:

the most striking thing about this video is the massive improvement with the ball bouncing.

jackbeasley Says:

wow, a lot of really mean spirited people making comments. Maybe they should wait until the books is published and they have read it before they review. I say Go Nole, it’s your life. Live it your way. As if you need me to tell you that. You are great man!

Eric Says:

Uh… you guys know Nole isn’t actually sitting around hammering this out on his typewriter, right? It’s called “ghostwriting,” learn about it.

James Says:

“I wonder if there is an extra chapter explaining why he was able to play a four hour semi followed by a five hour final, at
the Aus Open, but could not perform a similar feat at Wimbledon.”

Nothing much you can do about when you get outplayed by your opponent. Watched the match again. Murray outserved Novak and also dictated the rallies.

Ben Pronin Says:

^It’s called “adjust”.

James Says:

^ which he didn’t or couldn’t against Murray that day.

Ty Says:

Another writer strangles himself with his belt in a lonely roominghouse somewhere in Los Angeles, or Texas. If the great American novel ever DID come back around, how would you find it amongst all the clutter that keeps getting pumped out. I swear. EVERYONE IS A WRITER!

hawkeye Says:

James, Nole is not the same player as he was in 2011 (nor was anyone else to date for that matter).


suzette Says:

I know now why I don’t bother commenting much on this forum. It doesn’t matter what Novak does, the same old critics must find a negative for every positive. Perhaps he is writing to answer all of you naysayers who have dogged him from one blog to another, questioning his every motive,putting down his success, ridiculing his nationality and questioning his charity work and his gluten intolerance and diet. Because you personally “don’t care about his life” doesn’t mean others don’t. To all of you who seem to like to have a go at any thing related to Djokovic, you have an option. Don’t read anything written about him, don’t watch him and don’t buy his book. When I have to resort to belittling everything about opposing players to make myself feel better, and to justify my prefered players success or lack of, I will stop watching the game!

Tennis x hippy chic Says:

Suzette i think its fair to say, that they all at one time or another, have to stomach their share of negativity,it would seem that Noles getting his share because this is a Nole thread,if it were a Rafa or Roger thread the same thing would aply to either of them its nothing new,about Novaks book nothing personal but as everyone says the time to write one should be at the end of a career or for someone whos actually had a life IMO,Courbon agrees with me and hes a Novak fan,his charity work i have nothing against Rafa,Roger and Andy all do it,but its just something i dont care to make a big deal about thats an overall generalisation and not taking a pop at Novak,and although hes not my favorite,hes still a nice all round guy with a huge kind heart,and has worked hard for his success,but books,diets,foundations and charities of tennis players or the rich and famous in general dont really interest me,my interest only lies in what they do on a tennis court and thats just my perogative,but if your interested thats entirely your perogative,no hard feelings.

Tennis x hippy chic Says:

^Just to add i would never ridicule his nationality,or his dietary methods,if his diet works for him,and is good for his health then fair enough,im just a firm believer in that you should eat sensibly and exercise regularly,my take^.

TennisZod Says:

Career Masters for No1e as he wins Cincinnati next month.


ps – great post, suzette. Haters gonna hate.

Wog boy Says:

@GC @7:21pm

Yes, it is still on, as long as nothing happens between now and August next year, meaning to stop me traveling to Serbia.
I did answered you question few weeks ago and told you I will post my local mobile number here, on TX, once I get there … if TX is still goinig to be around next year considering how many Rafa fans came overhere from TT after they manage to shut down TT and TT went belly up;)

It is not Woodstock, it is not Carnival in Rio, it is Guc(h)a … only for pure hedonists.

tennismonger Says:

This book will fly off the shelves. A combination diet book + undeniable success story = Can’t Miss.

And Nole is living proof that his current formula works.

The title is a bit over the top; it’s easy to be leery of any book promising x in y days.

Since someone brought up Rafa’s book, I’ll say this: I would encourage anyone who found it boring (or who hasn’t read it at all) to check it out (again).

While I wouldn’t call it a riveting page-turner, I found the parts where Nadal described his personal philosophy of competing & life fascinating, humbling & inspiring.

If I were to write a blurb for it, I would say, “Move over Andre, there’s a new Zen Master on the court!”

Steve 27 Says:

In A New Book, Novak Djokovic Will Remake Your Body And Life In 14 Days

Yeah, right!

skeezer Says:

Why all the negativity? Many aspiring recreational Tennis players (juniors also!) will crave for a top tennis players nutrition and workout routine. Despite the haters “Egg” accusations, Nole has been on record using that very little and is legal so far, you know, just like PRP therapy.
Success stories like this are always a good inspiration for aspiring Tennis players. Bio’s @24, however, are by concept a laughable WTF?

I hope I read u wrong, posting your phone number? Please, not a good idea…

Wog boy Says:


Thanks mate but not to worry, they are local mobile operators and numbers (cards), you buy them over the counter in any shop over there and they are active, you don’t have to activate them like here. You don’t need ID or anyrhing, just keep topping them up on the run. Once you leave the country you throw them away. So it is not going to be my permanent Aussie number, but thanks anyway:)

Steve 27 Says:

Bernard will sign with Arsenal. Very good player to the gunners.

madmax Says:

I’m really interested in reading Novak’s book. I think after reading rafa’s autobiography, mcenroe’s autobiography, agassi’s autobiography, and fed’s biographies, (haven’t read murray’s yet, but wonder whether he has mentioned any tips on diet?), it will be interesting to see, though I suspect novak won’t mention it all, otherwise he will be giving too many secrets away.

Love reading about tennis. Fills me up.

suzette Says:

The time to write a book in my opinion , is when you have something of substance to say. Anne Frank lived a short life but her memoires were an inspiraton to many people. This book is instructional, not a biography and yet I would say that Novak has packed a lot of living in his young life, perhaps more than some of us will in a lifetime. The man personally experienced war, left his home and family as a youngster, rose to the top of his profession and travelled the world and met people of all walks of life. Perhaps Courbon is right that he should avoid distractions and concentrate on tennis alone, but that is not who Novak is. He has that thirst for experiencing all that life has to offer, theatre, art, nature and humanity and that is why he will be able to walk away from tennis and still be a complete person ready for the next chapter in his life. Sorry I find it incredulous, Hippy Chick, that you are not interested in their lives outside of tennis. If that is the case, robots swinging tennis rackets should do the personality, no history, just ball bashing. I recall that some on this forum, were lterally gushing when Rafa’s book was announced ie: Alison, “…giving a persoanal insight into his life outsideof tennis. I can’t wait!”, and Kimberly”..I can’t wait either. What a heaven for his fans”.This indicated that it is criticism, not of the deed, ( writing a book) but of the individual player. Treat it as you would any book that doesn’t interest you, don’t buy it! However I’ll gaurantee that won’t stop some of “this gang” from criticizing and dissecting, even though they aren’t interested in Novak or his book.I have read quite a few, Rfa included. and I will be buying Novak’s book for my mom and auntie, who love the guy’s personality. ( Yes, there are those of us who do, surprise ,surprise) Different strokes for different folks.

suzette Says:

@ Steve 27, I guess you’ll never know., will you? He is not proposing changing your sarcastic negativity… now that would take waaaay too much time and effort.

Giles Says:

^^^ Are you by any chance trying to help joker sell his book? Believe it or not, not everybody is interested in what he has to say, be it his diet, his tennis or any other aspect of his life.
People who buy his book are curious and interested in what he has to say, others not. So, no need to bash the posters, they are only offering opinions. After all, that is what this forum is for, to offer opinions.
I hope you enjoy the book.

suzette Says:

Thank you Giles I will enjoy it and by the way I have no problem with you not being interested in what he has to say and that is what I said,..don’t buy the book.I am not bashing anyone, in fact this post is a rebuttal of all the bashing that goes on against tennis players and you my friend are one of the prime offenders so your indignation still has me chuckling. When you read a post from me bashing Rafa , Fed or any other player consistently for no reason other than they are not my player of choice, feel free to call me out on it. I loved tennis before the current triumvirate came on the scene and will love it when they are gone, but I don’t love the partizanship that often turns nasty.

Tennis x hippy chic Says:

Suzette my husband bought me Rafas book as a christmas present,and i thought the book was quite boring actually,Kimberly said the same thing i believe,we were probably excited at the time,but things change,people change,and also have the right to change their own minds,if they so wish,so with that in mind with Rafa,Roger, Novak or Andy whos my second favorite,i will buy their Autobios when they have retired or when they have had a life,they have had great careers and will continue to do so i believe,so theres probably still so much more to say,so i will read it all then,i dont expect them to be bland and boring people with no personalities on or off a tennis court,and actually Novak has one of the best personalities on the mens tour IMO,but i watch them play tennis and then thats it,because their lives and mine are poles apart,however i repeat this is not personal or an attack on Novak in any way,shape or form,but just an overall generalisation,so you shouldnt take it personally,i hope you and your mom enjoy the book,no hard feelings.

ted echols Says:

Suzette, so who’s your favorite player?

suzette Says:

Hippy Chick, fair enough, no offence taken. Ted Echols, I have quite a few that I like, including several that are retired now, and yes Novak is one of them. The difference is that I favor a few but don’t bear hostility to the others. This is the most I have posted on this site, although I often read the blogs of the regular posters. I don’t have a favorite when it concerns inequity and would stick up for(and have) any of them.

Steve 27 Says:

suzette, girl, take it easy. Be humble and accept all kind of opinions. Be more open and maybe you will find more options to use your gray matter.

courbon Says:

@ Suzette: I like your post and totally agree.
Maybe I sounded bit harsh but I think is the title-lose 14kg in 2 weeks?Over the top.But, as I said-if people like this kind of books-great, I have nothing against that.We are all different. I’m reading book about wars that happened 2000 years ago (I read lots of history books ) and for some people that is boring.Not to me. I very much agree with your partisanship mentality comment, that you get on blogs like this. It can be very nasty and it gets tiring-when I gets like that, I skip reading blog for couple of days. Even, is I’m primarly Novaks fan I love tennis above all. Used to support McEnroe as a kid ( it tells you how old I’m! ), then Becker, hated Ivan Lendl,missed all Sampras years (spent 90’s on raves and parties in UK, so not following tennis at the time ) and loved Federre when it started but then I got Novak in 2007-liked him and his tennis=being Serbian like me, gives you extra thing to support (even if I spent more time in Uk then Serbia, I get patriotic sometimes… ).Apart from Novak, still love watching Fed and Delpo,less Nadal ( but I like him as a personality ), bit of Gasquet…
You said it all-Different strokes for different folks.
P.s> Are you sure your mum and auntie like his personality? My auntie ( in late 70’s ) likes him because he is sexy to her. I blushed when she said that!

suzette Says:

Courbon, gee, Idon’t know, the ladies said they admired him because he was always smiling and respectful to his opponents and they like his sense of humor, but they did say he had lovely eyes. Who knows, maybe the old girls have a crush on him, lol.

courbon Says:

@ Suzette: Hmmmmm…ok, lets stick to lovely eyes..
I can’ t wait for Toronto to start.See if Novak have recovered, is Andy on the roll or Nadal gives us suprise and do very well (maybe wins Toronto? I don’t follow notion that he is only good on clay )

Steve 27 Says:

Murray will destroy Djokovic again in a gs final

Tennis x hippy chic Says:

Courbon i dont follow the notion that he is only good on clay well said thanks,that notion indeed gets rather tiresome,although i suppose as his titles are mostly clay related it would seem that way,so i suppose one could say he is less good off clay,9 GS finals off clay and 4 won,including an olympic singles gold medal hardly makes him the failure other people seem to think he is.

James Says:

Saying Nadal is only good on clay is like saying Federer or Novak sucks on clay. Not true. The only reason Rafa don’t have more HC titles is because he missed last year’s HC season to injury and the year before that lost 2 HC Masters finals and US Open final to Djokovic at his absolute best. There was also AO 12. So Rafa really isn’t that bad on the HCs. They just aren’t the best surface for his knee. Rafa was beating Novak even on HCs before 2011. I don’t see why he can’t do it again. But yes, he’s the underdog when facing Novak on HC.

James Says:

Hippy chic, I don’t think anyone in the history of tennis was as good on any surface as Rafa is on clay. Can you imagine what would happen if Rafa was as dominant on the HCs as he is on clay? He would be the most dominant player of all time by far.

Tennis x hippy chic Says:

James everything you are saying is true,although having said that he still gets very little credit for it does he?and its not as if Rafa has never won titles on HCs,or beaten Novak or Roger in doing so either,but it is what it is i suppose.

James Says:

hippy chic, maybe it’s because he doesn’t have 8 USO and 8 AO titles. 2 HC slams isn’t good enough even if it’s still better than 1 USO (Murray and Delpo).
I’m not sure if people really mean it when they say Rafa isn’t good outside clay. They either don’t know much about tennis or just want to diminish Rafa’s HC achievements. For their sake I hope Rafa wins a few HC titles this year.

hawkeye Says:

Saying Rafa is only good on clay is showing your hand as a Fed fan but is ironically a simultaneous insult to the player you love.

You don’t beat Fed in a final at Wimby and be 2-0 vs Fed at HC majors without being an elite player on those surfaces.


skeezer Says:


hawkeye Says:



Kathy Says:

Quote from

He says his success is due to a combination of factors, including a gluten-free diet, which he has declined to discuss in any detail in Paris — “I can’t talk about it,” Djokovic explained Monday, “because it’s private” — but credits with helping him overcome previous problems with allergies and playing in extreme heat.

Quote from
“I cannot tell you everything,” said Djokovic, who grew up at his parents’ pizza parlor on Mt. Kopaonik in southern Serbia. “There are things that I keep for myself.”

I wonder if he will now discuss, that which he wasn’t prepeared to discuss in 2011? Is that part still private or is it now an open topic? Or will we never know what he was referring to?

Giles Says:

Joker has too many secrets which he will never reveal. Maybe one day ….

Steve 27 Says:

Giles, is top secret like CIA files.

suzette Says:

Steve 27, my grey matter is stimulated by interesting and relevant conversation, not by bellicose, inflammatory gossip. There is nothing humble or noble about accepting mean spirited attacks on someone who is not in the position, or has the opportunity, to defend themselves.

courbon Says:

Giles and Steve 27: Go and find some Rafa tread and write thousand times : Vamos!Ale…

Steve 27 Says:

courbon, hhaaha, you dont have sense of humor. Be cheerful!

Giles Says:

^^^ :-))))
Vamos Rafa!!!

Giles Says:

^^^For Courbon

Top story: Sinner Swallows Up Zverev For Second Straight Australian Open, 3rd Slam