Rafael Nadal: The Australian Final Was The Worst 90 Minutes I’ve Spent On A Tennis Court!

by Tom Gainey | February 4th, 2014, 9:34 am

In a new interview, Rafael Nadal admits that playing Stanislas Wawrinka with an injured back during the Australian Open final was the worst hour and a half he’s ever spent on a tennis court.

Via google translation, Nadal said, “I knew I had no chance of winning, but I had no intention of retiring. It was the worst hour and a half I’ve spent in a tennis court,” Nadal told Cadena Cope via Marca.

“I have no intention of retiring, because it is a difficult and very unpleasant situation withdraw from a final like that. A moment spent there complicated, the worst hour half I spent on a tennis court so it meant the game for me and the game itself a Grand Slam final. Anyway, that is what happens sometimes and tried to take the best possible way, get over it well and end well. believe it was the only way out at least head high, that’s what I did, and here we are, “he said.

While he says he’s “fine”, Nadal added that he’s still undergoing treatment for the back which hasn’t allowed him to practice or exercise. He’s hopeful of returning to the practice courts on Thursday or Friday, then decide whether to play in Buenos Aires next week.

Nadal also said that he’ll be available for Spain in future World Group relegation Davis Cup this year. He’s intent on keeping his country in the World Group after their loss to Germany over the weekend.

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130 Comments for Rafael Nadal: The Australian Final Was The Worst 90 Minutes I’ve Spent On A Tennis Court!

Igor Says:

Excuses excuses excuses!!!! He sounds like Denver Broncos, using an excuse for being outplayed in a big game. Nadal is a classless, arrogant whiner who rarely acknowledges an opponent’s talent!

RSP Says:

The injury really doesn’t do Wawrinka credit – who was after all outplaying Nadal in the first set and a break (when Nadal’s play wasnt hampered)…unfair to blame Nadal though – the injury clearly was genuine.

Very well articulated here, even though I dont quite agree with the conclusions:


Alexandra Says:

The real whiner here is Igor.
It’s a fact Rafa was injured. What is an excuse about that? It was unfortunate for both Rafa and Stan. Rafa is neither classless or arrogant. It’s more the people who write this.

Perfect fan Says:

Igor dnt u think ur comments on rafa r bit too harsh….well I’m a fed fan but I can say that rafa never belittles opponents and also give due credit to them. He also never gives up even when a set or 2 down unless he’s inured like d last night match. He is undoubtedly a great fighter n a champion.

Yeah..i do agree rafa played well n competitive in d 1st set and was outplayed by stan. But had he been fit d entire match, it wud definitely have gone down the wire to 5 sets….n then it cud hav been anyone’s match.

But I dnt think rafa faked it (as lotsa ppl saying)….moreover, he did admit that stan was very good that night. I myself am so happy for stan for his achievement, given that he had been so under hyped due to fed.

BTW, its just my view of seeing it….may not be ok with u….so never mind. :)

Frankie Says:

I thought Nadal did want to retire but Toni said NO WAY. Regardless he lost and at 28 he can expect more of the same as his body ages . It’s just part of the game ?

Hippy Chic Says:

Perfect Fan your posts are always a pleasure to read,you always manage to put your point across in a unbiased yet unagressive way,Stan was the better player no two ways about it,he was the deserved winner who played lights out tennis outplaying Rafa,however as you say no doubt Rafa was injured,why would he fake an injury when he stood to loose so much,a second career GS was on the cards,hes most probably gutted given that chance has passed him by,and who knows if he will actually get another??

Giles Says:

Rafa did the honourable thing by playing on at the cost of his back. Now with the benefit of hindsight he should have retired cos playing on worsened his injury. So much for respecting his opponent. Too classy to deny Wawawawa the win. Next time Rafa, put yourself first like the rest of the players!!

Giles Says:

Get well soon Rafa. Your fans and the tennis world need you.
Vamos Champ!

Hippy Chic Says:

His body will break down as he gets older,and so it will be the same for all players,not exclusive to just Rafa,and he still put he himself in contention by actually making the final,only been beaten by one player,so not exactly a failure of a tournament by any means.

Giles Says:

More accolades for Rafa last night in Barcelona..
Sporting Excellence Award and best Sportsman of 2013.
Vamos Rafa!

Perfect fan Says:

hippy thanx :) I mus say rafa’s lost chance at AO this year is upsetting for both rafa n fans alike….one of my closest pal is such a diehard rafa fan, he didn’t came out of his room till 4 days.

I know in coming years, its going to be all the more difficult for rafa to get his 2nd career GS….but with rafa, I can never say no.

Also, I m too excited to say the least for roger….he is definitely looking solid. I fancy his chances for getting back to top 4 or 3 and winning titles.

Well, gotta go now. c ya arnd :)

skeezer Says:

“Rafael Nadal: The Australian Final Was The Worst 90 Minutes I’ve Spent On A Tennis Court!”

Congrats Stan on winning outright the 2014 AO. Tough draw and spectacular display of Tennis. You helped Rafa have the worst 90 minutes spent on a Tennis court! Allez!

Hold that Trophy high! You deserved it!!!!

Giles Says:

^^^ Always pouncing on Rafa threads. Your cats and dogs have taught you well!!

Giles Says:

Attaboy Rafa!!

Okiegal Says:


I read the link you posted and agree with a bit of it but not all. I think what it gets down to is what the fans want. They buy the tickets. If it is a legit MTO and some way and some how the physio can do the player good, then why not go for it? Rafa was in a catch 22 situation in the final. If he’d retired, he would have been crucified……could play on because of the MTO…..rub down and meds…..and still got ridiculed! What was expected of him, I don’t really know. All praise to Stan on his first slam win, he deserved it, however I’m sure the win would have been sweeter for him if it had been a tough 5 setter…….Well, not so sure about that, on second thought. He had a tough match against Berdy, 3 tiebreak sets and the 5 setter against Novak, a retirement and walk over and a injuried Rafa. He deserved the trophy just like Rafa deserved the chance to try to play on because of the legitimate MTO, IMHO.

Giles Says:

The article is a joke and the writer more so. No MTO’s in tennis? So, if a player rolls his ankle for example, he should retire? Crazy reasoning not worth the paper it is written on.
What of the footballers? Should they be disallowed an MTO as well?
Sounds like a very sadistic writer to me.
He should try and put his case to the ATP. They will surely put him in his place!!

Giles Says:

PS. BTW I am referring to the link RSP posted.

RSP Says:

Giles: Yes, I disagree with the author precisely for this reason – there could be valid *injuries* like a rolled ankle which can be treated adequately in a temporary MTO.

What I really liked in the article were the comments on the Nadal Wawrinka final and the impact of the injury on Stan’s win.

Eric Says:

I’ve become a Rafa fan the last few years, but I have to say I’m having a pretty hard time conjuring up any sympathy for him here.

Okiegal Says:


I’m giving the writer the benefit of the doubt here, as I always try to do. But definitely agree, no MTOS, no tennis to watch. When these top ranked tennis players go deep in tournaments week in and week out, injuries are gonna happen. I guess Federer is the healthiest tennis player to ever come down the pike……great athletic genes, I suppose! He doesn’t even sweat, for crying out loud!! What’s up with that??


RSP Says:

@ Okiegal : Nadal was indeed in a situation where whatever he did in the match would have earned him only ridicule.

What he could perhaps have done (and I may be being a bit harsh here) was not make the “not able to play at my best” comment in the interview, and instead highlight how Stan was the better player in the first set – which was in effect the only part of the match when both players played their best. That would have been best sportsmanship and would have given Stan his due.

Though of course, it is tough to be so magnanimous after a difficult loss – and I dont think Nadal ever intended his injury to overshadow Stan’s win.

Giles Says:

“Not able to play my best” was a response to the booing crowd. It certainly was not directed towards his opponent. The crowd are there to watch a match where both players are trying their best to win and unfortunately Rafa couldn’t fulfil his obligation to the crowd due to his injury. Hence his statement.
It wasn’t a slight on Wawawawa.

skeezer Says:

“Though of course, it is tough to be so magnanimous after a difficult loss – and I dont think Nadal ever intended his injury to overshadow Stan’s win.”

But yet, he did. And here he chooses to talk about it….again.

And it’s not the first time he has used an excuse, or injury excuse for a loss. Why is it that we don’t have more “I loss because of……STAN WAWRINKA?

courbon Says:

I think Rafa saying :, Not able to play my best’ probably not the best thing he should say because I does look like smear on Stan’s victory but-I really do not think that rafa said that for that reason.He just said that because was true ( what he felt ) and I bet he regreted next day.But you know what-after emotional match, lots of people will say things then maybe they shouldn’t.Also, why we expect of our Tennis players to be like politicians-every word carefully calculated and so on…End of the day, Stan won and all talk about Rafas injury should be forgotten ASAP.It does not make justice to Stan.And nadal-I hope he recovers soon and one lost final will not make difference to such a great champion…

Giles Says:

skeezer. Zip it for goodness sake. You have nothing useful to say.

vinod2vin Says:

@giles if it s Fir that H2H I think u may not have any thing to say .. so better u zip it up.

Giles Says:


Okiegal Says:


Yes, I will agree that Rafa’s response could have been different. I don’t think for one second he intended to down play Stan’ s first slam in any way. It was no secret that he had a problem. The first question was about the injury…..a poor choice of words in his response, I suppose…..but the end result is the same. He beat a less than healthy Rafa but also beat other stellar players on the road to the final. He should be very proud of himself, which I think he is. It was an unfortunate incident and I think Rafa was as upset as anyone that it happened. I don’t think there was just cause to accuse him of faking, that was not the case. He’s is so hated that people will conjure up any scenario to put him in a bad light. Those same people are the ones that said his type of play would cause injuries, and it has and now he’s faking??? Yeah,right…….just my 2 cents worth……the same old thing….JEALOUSY!!

Okiegal Says:

I’ll bet Stan is thinking, it’s high time I beat Rafa……0-12, not a good h2h, he’s not up to par, this is the time to do it…….YES………but how did I lose that 3rd set?? Oh, I know, Rafa was faking!! Ha ha ha………..

El_Flaco Says:

OT: Karlovic hit 44 aces in his match today.

Polo Says:

I thought Nadal was better than this. I guess he couldn’t get over the humiliation of losing to Wawrinka so easily. His only solution was to make an unsportsmanlike excuse. Bad loser.

skeezer Says:


Ok, so Rafa won a Sporting Excellence award….congrats…wait…..from WHO? Great Gala of Sport organised by Mundo Deportivo?
Can you please use your never ending google search for Rafa and explain to us this award? Is it Global or just for Spanish Athletes?
Thank you.

Brando Says:

I find this understandable to be honest. the following:

– Rafa said he pulled his back spasm in the warmup prior to the match. His word. I believe him. Evidence to the contrary? Non existent. End off.

– Wawrinka in the first set and a half: Serving a mere 55% first serve’s in, nearly choking away the first set and htting a fair few winners.

Let’s be honest:

He was doing the ONLY available option to him v Rafa: hit out all guns blazing.

Was he better than Rafa during that period? Yes.

But was Wawa playing brilliantly? No IMO- he was way, way, way better v Novak.

– Rafa: look at his body language from the start of that match. Look at how he seemed tense throughout it. You do not need to be body language expert to see: This guy ain’t his usual self.

Was he nervous because Wawa?

LMFAO: Rafa HAS BEEN outhit, outperformed in the past by bigger hitter, more decisively, more clinically such as GULBIS, DEL POTRO etc etc.

WHY would he blink v Wawrinka- a player he was 12-0 against and 26-0 in terms of sets.

Rafa’s been there and done that: he KNEW Wawa would not be able to sustain his level and the nerves would hit him eventually. And he also knew he’ll pick up his own form.

Long story short: there was ZERO reason for him to panic there. He’s faced tougher times v tougher players than Wawa in big matches so no need to panic over a first time finalist hitting out.

– Rafa is NOT peeved about the result. For him- quite naturally- his ONLY cause for hurt is: the simple fact he was not able to give his best in that match. The manner in which he got hurt is quite crude luck. So one can understand his frustration at that.


The media is not saying Wawa’s win is diminished because of this.

Nor the record books.

Just the same nobodies who like to chirp on Rafa on this site. What’s new there? Nothing.

AO’s done with. History. Wawa won. End off.

Rafa will get over how he lost. He does not mind his friend winning.

Wawrinka? Like he cares. infact this is what he had to say about Rafa post the matchon twitter:

Very proud of this team. Also great sportmanship from the Nadal camp. All good lads!

So the haters need to keep their trap shut. They are making something out of nothing. Again.

Time has moved on and the media will eventually stop asking Rafa about his back and the AO.

Brando Says:


The same folks who are lauding Wawrinka’s win:

Exactly how much chance did they give him pre match?

How many of them thought he was no hoper v Rafa?

How many of them would be around had Rafa won like they thought and more to it: feared?

LOL: I think we all know the answer to such questions.

Ahfi Says:

Are these clowns still talking?

Wawrinka, my advice to you is: GO IN PEACE AND ENJOY YOUR WIN. YOU DID IT!! Don’t give these conversations any time of day. You know better than that.

Yes, ‘someone’ said your play that day was not as good as your play against Joko. That may be true but it was good enough to give your opponent an ‘imaginary back pain’.

Also, your opponent’s play was not as good as his play against Federer either. So, tell me, what gives?

Anybody who thinks Rafa can only be defeated if he is injured or is not playing well can go and join the Clowns’ club because there is no such tennis player on this planet.

Brando Says:

‘good enough to give your opponent an ‘imaginary back pain’.: imaginary back pain? Seems like the statement of a Clown Club member to say it was ‘imaginary’.

Polo Says:

Unless people have forgotten, Wawrinka beat 3-time defending champion Djokovic who would most likely beat Nadal also regardless of any excuse Nadal wants to put up. Wawrinka was clearly the best at the AO and deserves his win. Wawrinka, undisputed winner. Nadal, undisputed whiner.

Okiegal Says:


Valid point regarding Rafa’s response being directed to the booing crowd. I can just imagine how horrible he must have felt not being able to play to his potential. He heard the boos but never once said anything derogatory about the Australian crowd, quite the opposite. The people buy the tickets and want to see the show, and he wasn’t able to provide that for them on that particular night. He was sorry for that. Everyone acts like he did this on purpose because he lost the first set…….hogwash!!

Brando Says:

– ‘ Wawrinka beat 3-time defending champion Djokovic who would most likely beat Nadal also regardless of any excuse Nadal wants to put up.’:

1. What has Djokovic got ANYTHING to do with the AO final 2014?

2. Soderling beat 4 times FO Champ in the RG 09′. He was whooping butt left, right and center in that tourny. Remind me:

What did he do in the final v a player he had never defeated before? Ah yes, let’s not go there.

-‘ Wawrinka, undisputed winner. ‘:

Is exactly WHO is disputing his win when it’s a matter of fact acknowledged by all.

– ‘Nadal, undisputed whiner.’:

Ah yes, the sore view held as gospel truth by a sad few nobodies who have nothing better to do other than talk nonsense about a player they dislike.

Good job Rafa does not care about them. Heck: no one does.

Even WARINKA himself applauds Rafa’s sportsmanship post match even on Twitter like rest of the sporting world regarding his conduct in the AO final.

THEIR views matter. Not the bitter nobodies who:

present their bitter views as facts and call him a whiner when the TRUTH is:

That’s just ONLY A VIEW they hold (present as fact of course) and really THEY are the ONES who whine about Nadal and his conduct.

Brando Says:

A Cookie for the correct answer:

Who’s a whiner:

A- Someone who gets asked a question about something the media is interested as he is a public figure of interest and the matter is of an interest to many, answers it honestly the best he can or

B- A bunch of folks sat on their backside, typing on their laptop in their free time (i hope) and deciding to label a player they DISLIKE as whiner because THEY PERCEIVE as such. They then do this CONTINUOUSLY when they do not have to at all.

Who’s the whiner there?

The guy who GETS ASKED the question, answers it fully, and has been acknowledged by peers, media figures as a good individual or the NOBODY behind a laptop screen who likes to moan and groan generally about the said figure and now wants LABEL him as Whiner as they PERCEIVE him as such?

Tough, tough, tough question isn’t it.

I think i’ll say the NOBODY is a Whiner. Why?

Since the individual talk about it WHEN ASKED by the media. The NOBODY moans and groans about it CONTINUOUSLY OUT OF CHOICE.


One answers honestly about a matter regarding their health and the other just wastes their life bitterly ranting about a guy who in all likelihood could not give a rat’s behind about them or bitter views.

LOL. The irony of life.

skeezer Says:

Rafa Armada Vamosheads posting the defense excuses, yet again….with caps…and BOTTOM LINE.
Apparently they do not understand Rafa’s words and actions. They speak the truth, no?

courbon Says:

@ Brando: Regardless of answers can I still have a cookie?

Hippy Chic Says:

Its all a shame really,i mean hell what a story a new 1st time ever GS champion wins the AO,and boom all people want to talk about is Rafas back still,and its now almost a fortnight since the AO finished,i think people all made their points then,time to move on,its an argument thats been beaten to the ground now,Stan won his 1st ever GS,fair and square and thats an amazing story,Rafa lost because he was beaten by a better player,also fair and square,Rafa will bounce back,time to let sleeping dogs lie.

Giles Says:

Wawawawa beat an injured player. Not his fault but that is the true, no? Live with it!
Vamos Rafa!

Giles Says:

@Brando. Excellent posts.

Giles Says:

Rafa’s new project.
Good luck Champ!

Bad Knee Rules Says:

If it was the worst hour and a half on a tennis court, why did he bother with winning a set?

He’s used all the tricks in the book – walking slowly to change racquets when the opponent was ready to serve for the set (Dimitrov, Wawrinka), taking MTOs on opponent’s serves, taking his time to change his shoes, shirt, kit, etc etc. It didn’t work with Stan the Man.

Nice article about Nadal’s antics:

Time out on medical breaks

By Michael Burgess @mikeburgess99

Rafa Nadal is already a great and may in a few years be classed the best to ever wield a tennis racquet – but the Spaniard has shown a continuing disregard for tennis etiquette which may eventually prompt a change in the rules of the sport.

Last Sunday’s Australian Open final against Stanislas Wawrinka, where Nadal was hampered by a back injury, was an unfortunate climax to a brilliant tournament.

There is no disputing that the 27-year-old was injured but the timing of his call for medical attention was again controversial.

In tennis, you’re supposed to call for a medical time-out ahead of your own serve, rather than before your opponent’s attempt to hold serve – especially in bigger matches where the wait and subsequent cool-down of muscles and mind can dramatically disrupt the rhythm.

It’s an unwritten rule but usually adhered to, especially at the top level. But Nadal called for the trainer immediately after being broken in the second set against Wawrinka. He was clearly injured but it often happens when he’s struggling on the scoreboard; in the vast majority of his grand slam losses, dating back to the 2007 Wimbledon final against Roger Federer, Nadal has taken a medical time-out directly before his opponents’ serve. On other occasions, a medical time-out has seemed to change the course of a match in Nadal’s favour.

In 2010 at Wimbledon, Nadal was in serious trouble against Philipp Petzschner in the third round, trailing two sets to one and down a break in the fourth set when he called for the trainer for treatment on his knee. After the break, Nadal broke the German’s serve (Petzschner seemed to be clearly rattled) and stopped his momentum, eventually winning the match in five sets.

“I don’t know, maybe he had something [an injury],” said Petzschner after the match. “Maybe it was just a clever part to take a time-out there. I don’t know.”

There were also famous occurrences against Federer in finals in 2008. In Monte Carlo, the Swiss was leading in the first set when Nadal sent for medical attention. When the treatment was finished, Nadal stormed back to win the set and the match. In Hamburg the same season, Nadal called play to a halt (due to a thigh injury) just before Federer was to serve for the set. When the game restarted, Federer was broken and he eventually lost the match.

The issue really came to the fore at last year’s Australian Open, after Victoria Azarenka’s semifinal victory over Sloane Stephens. Azarenka served for the match at 5-3 but blew five match points with a series of nervous shots and was eventually broken. Just before Stephens was about to serve to stay in the match, Azarenka called for the doctor and spent 10 minutes off the court. She seemed to regroup mentally, while Stephens sat waiting courtside, and then broke the American to progress to the final.

Asked about the time-out after the match, she admitted to almost doing “the choke of the year” and feeling a little bit “overwhelmed” as “nerves got into her”. She later said, as vitriol flowed about this perceived gamesmanship, that she was having trouble breathing and felt constricted in her chest.

Currently Nadal and Azarenka are doing nothing wrong, according to the rules of tennis, and it is part of gamesmanship to do everything possible to unsettle an opponent. It is also difficult to criticise Nadal too much. He does have a fragile body and plays an extraordinary number of matches, so injuries and niggles are inevitable. He is probably the toughest mentally on the circuit and handles physical and mental adversity better than anyone.

But something needs to change. One commentator has suggested rules to ensure players can take injury time-outs only before their own service games. If they want a time-out before an opponent is about to serve, they should immediately forfeit that game. It’s worth considering.

Giles Says:

^^^^ Yaaaaaawn!

Giles Says:

Now this is an article worth reading.
“There is unkind chatter over his medical time-out as a calculated ploy – a tennis version of football diver – but if he returned immediately to 195 kmh serves and unaffected sprints then a case might be made. But no, he was hurt, it was evident, and the issue instead was his ability to reach into a decency when the moment was uniquely indecent to him”.

Brando Says:

@Courbon: LMAO-

Brando Says:

@Courbon: LMAO- of course you can. It’s a Subway sponsored Q and A so your in for a treat. P

Brando Says:

@Giles: Thanks. The usual characters are just trying to pitifully defame him at every turn. And in the butt kissing apologists then it becomes a farce to view. At the end of the day: there is no need to create a defense for the a 13 GS Champion nor the result. But when ‘Clown Club’ members are spinning the tale of reality to suit their prejudice ridden views then you got to give them a dose of what’s true and unravel their silly BS.

courbon Says:

@ Brando: Subway???I’m much more upper class regarding the food-French patisserie or Swiss cookies please…or good English cookies.English do good cookies.

logan Says:

Typical Rafa. Always injured, always whine.

Brando Says:

@Courbon: no way will English Cookies be on offer to a question posed to the prejudiced few. But for you an exception can be made. Which do you prefer anyhow: French or Englais?

Brando Says:

Typical trolls: always Rafa obsessed, always random posts and always moaning about him.

skeezer Says:

-^no, it just shows how many, many fans are saddened, dismayed and disgusted with the antics.
On the bright side, its nice to see Rafa do something for Junior Tennis!

Alexandra Says:

Rafa is respected by his collegues and journalists. Maybe not everyone agrees with medical timeout or other things but that is no reason to have less respect. That is what matters, not what people who don’t like him say on the internet. I mean, he has gotten insults thrown at him to last for a lifetime. I’m sure he had to get tougher during his career to put up with that. A good lesson for younger players who are maybe a bit sensitve.
When the german DC team quit their tie one person said he has even more respect for Rafa now.

Margot Says:

I think if a player has to go off for medical treatment, his coach should come on and replace him.;)
Go Ivan!

skeezer Says:

Lol ;)

Not a good idea. Ivan, Edbdrg and Becker would put a big hurt on Unc Toni! Hahaha…

Hippy Chic Says:

Even though i dont doubt Rafas injuries,i believe he should pick his moments when taking a MTO like Bad Knee Rules says take a MTO when hes about to serve rather than when his oponent is,that way it doesnt look so suspicious or convenient,i have to say though im still at a loss to how posters are still sweeping the whole Delpo 8 minute toilet break under the carpet though,i could just imagine the reaction had Rafa done that,yet god forbid we should actually mention anyone elses wrong doings,when its Nadal lets hang him,anybody else and people dont want to know.

Giles Says:

If a player is hurt he should ask for an MTO whether it’s his turn to serve or not. It is for the umpire to say otherwise.
@alison. Would you rather a player limp for 4 games?

Giles Says:

Wawawawa pulls out of Rotterdam citing leg injury.

Brando Says:

‘no, it just shows how many, many fans are saddened, dismayed and disgusted with the antics.’:

EDIT applied correctly:

‘no, it shows how many, many different accounts I use to troll Rafa and his fans at every opportune time’.

On a brighter note:

I’ve said my share and so have the naysayers. Time to move on.

For Rafa hopefully he’ll play Capo Claro next week. I look forward to seeing him play there.

The field of Acapulco also looks strong, likewise with Dubai.

Within 10 day’s hopefully the next anticipated event will kick into force and all the AO 14′ chapter will be consigned to where that event is now:


Done. Dusted. Finished with.

Hippy Chic Says:

Rafa is promoting Junior Tennis,come on tennis x lets have a thread on that?maybe the haters can comment on something positive about the guy for a change?then again i wont hold my breath.

courbon Says:

@ Brando: English cookies , French cakes.English cakes and pastry are very underated in the world-Sticky Toffe pudding, Apple crumble-It’s top!!

Hippy Chic Says:

Courbon stop it,you are making me hungry,im trying to eat more sensibly now too,especially given how much weight i have put on over the christmas period ;))..

courbon Says:

@ Ben Pronin:Thank you. That is the best week-strong era analysis I ever read.Great link.

Guys read Ben’s link-It’s great article.

Margot Says:

Really interesting, cheers.

TennisVagabond.com Says:

Good article Ben, but we at Tennis-X are way ahead of this. We’ve been discussing for a good couple of years the vacant generation below Generation Rafa.
There’s a clear talent gap, but part of it is just that tennis is so physical now, it takes a bit longer to peak.

I don’t see it as a dark age though. We’ll have a couple more years of Rafa v Nole v Murray with Wawrinka, Del Potro and the gang in the mix (because I think the Big Domination will decrease), and before you know it, some kids we haven’t heard of will be on the scene.

Ben Pronin Says:

I feel like the whole physical thing is just an excuse for these young guys who are not good enough to breakthrough. Nadal was a physical beast from day 1. No one could keep up with Federer, physically, during his peak years, and it’s not like he was bursting from his shirt. Despite everyone thinking Djokovic couldn’t last more than 2 minutes on the court, he was a marathon man from the beginning, too. I even remember Murray beating Haas in a long 3 setter despite an ankle injury or something where he was slicing forehands the entire time.

The point is, these guys had mettle early on. The reason guys like Ferrer and Wawrinka are starting to do better in their later years is because they finally realized what they need to do and put in the effort to catch up. But they have standard bearers. Who’s the standard for up and coming players? Dimitrov? Raonic?

I almost wonder if tennis will become less physical in 10 years as a sort of backlash to the physicality of today.

courbon Says:

@ Hippy Chic: I’m just having chocolate macaroni from Basque country…hmmm…delicious

Giles Says:

^^^ Macaroons surely

Okiegal Says:


I will say one thing about Federer…..He knows chocolate, I tried a Lindt one the other day, and as Andy’s Mum would say…….DELICIANO!! LOL I guess the Swiss not only can produce excellent tennis players, but also wonderful tasting chocolate!!

VAMOS RAFA…….don’t play a tournament unless you are fully fit to give it your all!!

Hippy Chic Says:

Courbon is Giles right,did you actually mean macaroons??my sweet favorite would be hot chocolate fudge cake,with hot fudge sauce,hmm delicious :))..

Hippy Chic Says:

Stan is an amazing player no doubt,and its fantastic to see a late bloomer especially with all these younglings coming through,so with that in mind Stan needs to back this up quickly to prove it wasnt a fluke or a one off,as things will only get more difficult now,only time will tell if he has actually reached his peak all too late??

Okiegal Says:


I thought the chocolate macaroni was rather odd, myself, but here in the states, it is put on everything, like potato chips…..go figure!! Lol

Ahfi Says:

Stan does NOT have to prove anything to anybody about this win being a fluke or not. Anybody who watched the match knows that Stan played better.

It is Rafa who has to prove to the tennis world that he can actually play a difficult (for him) match without taking KNEE BREAKS, BLISTER BREAKS AND BACK BREAKS. Most importantly, he needs to be able to play these matches without butt picking, adjusting his socks, taking towels back and forth, arranging water bottles etc. before each game.

He is the only player with such antics. As mentioned by another person, Azarenka attempted some of those antics against Sloane Stephens at the 2013 AO and I doubt she will ever repeat such a thing due to the reaction she got.

I know Rafa and Uncle Toni don’t easily get discouraged about boos and other people’s opinions, but we will see.

I am really amused by comments like even Stan knew Rafa was injured and Stan commended Rafa etc etc. after the match. Wait a second, what were you expecting Stan to say? “”OH, THIS RAFA IS THIS AND THAT AND A LIAR AND A BUTT-PICKER etc. etc.?” If you were actually expecting Stan to launch an attack on Rafa, then you need your head examined by both Dr. Drew and Dr. Oz (and, possibly, Dr. Phil).

It’s been only a couple of players who have boldly hinted at their suspicions of Rafa’s antics.

By the way, you all may not have heard this but during the Australian open, one topic that came up for discussion among the commentators was why Rafa would be using his own physio when he claims injury. One of the commentators rightfully wondered if that physio, once he gets on court, secretly coaches Rafa. I am glad they decided to have that situation looked into by the authorities. So, please note, I am NOT the only one suspicious of Rafa’s ways. Even the ALMIGHTY COMMENTATORS ARE!!

JF Says:

Ohh so much sensitivity here lately. Mostly all tennis players show good sportsmanship and the like. I mean Rafa kept giving credit to Stan. The media kept and still keep harping on what happened at the final. If Rafa had not called for mto I suppose he might not have finished the match then what? The haters and overly sensitive fans would call him out for retiring. Why would Rafa or anyone else have to completely ignore injury. He finished the match give him credit. He would look like an idiot if he said “pain? what pain, I was fine, I like serving 75 mph sometimes, no?”
I like this site but lately I think it’s just ridiculous all the whining. I mean some of you guys posts are great to read but the majority is redundant and childish.

Okiegal Says:

THE MIGHTY COMMENTATORS like to stir the pot, Federer fans all the way, then Novak, Stan will have to win more slams for them to get on his bandwagon. McEnroe a definite Rafa fan. They all have their favs. They can’t stand it when Rafa beats one of their guys…..Oh, they like Andy too…but Fed is the main one….imo

JF Says:

@AHFI – I do recall hearing that conversion among the commentators; however, weren’t they asking exactly the opposite? I thought they were wondering why the players were not allowed to use their own physio?

Ahfi Says:

@JF, if the commentators were wondering why other players couldn’t use their own physio. why would they be bringing up the fact that couldn’t this physio be secretly coaching Nadal once he gets on the court? Why would they bring up the ‘negative’ if they wanted other players to be allowed to do the same? Hmmmm

Ahfi Says:

@JF, look at things this way. Nobody is being paid for these comments and people are merely responding to some of the ridiculous stuff others are saying. Why should anybody expect Stan to prove to anybody that this win was not a fluke?

A Tango Lad Says:

This group decided, without evidence, that one of the most competitive sportspeople ever to bounce a ball, was resorting to blatant gamesmanship when a set down in a major championship watched by millions.

The booing reveals that there is a significant portion of fans who are about thinking the worst of the best. They are about being judgmental. They are about being unfair, presumptive, contemptuous. They are about being small-minded.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/sport/tennis/booing-nadal-why-tennis-exposes-the-idiot-in-every-crowd-20140127-31hk5.html#ixzz2sVKqOt8d

Okiegal Says:


I thought the same thing too, then after Ahfi’ s comment I thought I had misunderstood, because I’m an older person that gets confused sometimes. I think he’s the one that’s confused. I didn’t get that assumption from the commentators at all.

Yes, there is a poster or two on TX that does need their heads examined, that I will agree with!! Lol

JF Says:

@Ahfi – Not arguing with you, I thought that commentators were wondering why the players weren’t allowed to use their own, and in response one of the commentators said that illegal coaching could be a possibility as to why it was not allowed. I don’t think it was implied towards Nadal, just simply that allowing personal staff could lead to coaching.
As to Stan needing to prove anything, I never spoke of anything to that nature. He won, that enough proof. I mean he did beat Djoko and Berdych before Nadal so he did do great.

Okiegal Says:


That is exactly what they said!! Some people on here apparently reading between the lines…….lines that they’ve conjured up on their own to make s dig at Rafa. The lengths the non-Rafa fans will go to, to put him in a bad light……just saying!

Stan played great to win his first slam. I think Rafa fans are all in agreement with this. What more can we say? He was the better player that day, but
not 12 matches prior to that.

courbon Says:

@ Hippy: Giles is right-macaroons!

skeezer Says:

Slice Tennis, holdserve, Hawkeye, mem, volley, and the rest of the TT vamosheads. What, no comment on Rafa’s excuse mongering? Yes…it goes on….and on…. And on…until he wins. Then? ….Vamos! LMAO!
Great link thanks. Really insightful stuff.

@Tang Lad, so the PAYING fans are the idiots? Don’t think so. They have a right to praise or complain about the hard paying money they spent for entertainment.
Booing MAYBE was questionable. But Rafa doesn’t help with his public antics with MTO’s and questionable injury tactics. Why so you thnk they boo ed in the first place?

Questionable? Whining why you loss was not. End of story.

Giles Says:

I believe Ahfi is a comparatively newish poster here. Well Ahfi, you certainly have not made a good impression on me. You sound like a Rafa hater and if so, maybe you can vent your hate elsewhere – look in the mirror perhaps?

Bad Knee Rules Says:

Well Ahfi, you certainly have not made a good impression on me.
Wow, I bet Ahfi is so devastated.

Giles Says:

^^^ I sure hope so!
Vamos Rafa!

Hippy Chic Says:

Ahfi i was the one who used the word fluke/one off,the overall context was meaning can he back this up and win another GS?he is indeed a nice guy and a great player,and was the worthy winner against Rafa as i pointed out in my post,i was merely asking a pertinent question especially given the young players that are coming through and Stan been a late bloomer,as i think it will be not impossible but difficult,as he may have reached his peek too late?it was alluding to Bens link saying things are changing at the top of the mens game,i find it very sad that you jumped all over my post without actually taking the time to digest and think about what i was actually saying,you saw it as the usual Rafa fan making an excuse etc and started ranting,maybe if you had confronted me we couldve had a mature and sensible discussion regarding the subject.

Hippy Chic Says:

Ahfi he is the only one with these antics,i beg to differ,dont get me wrong not that two wrongs make a right,but im thinking of Delpos 8 minute toilet break,bending over and tying his shoe laces against Bautista Agut,not a deflection tactic by a Rafa fan by any means,but to say he is the only one with problems is really way off the mark.

skeezer Says:

Welcome to the dicussion. Always good to see new posters share there take. Keep posting.

skeezer Says:

The difference is Rafa has a well documented history of it all. Posters pick out isolated incidents on other players in an attempt to justify what Rafa does. They all don’t consistently have these antics.

Giles Says:

^^^^ “antics”? It’s all in your mind!!

Giles Says:

Poor skeezer, he obviously doesn’t have any semblance of a life outside this forum. His only joy is for some poster to berate Rafa and before you can blink he is all over that poster like a rash. I pity you skeezer.

John Says:

I pity Giles,

All the guy says is: 24-10 or 23-10,
or the constant ”stay healthy”, lol!

When you read Giles posts it looks like his writing to some old geezer in an old age home.

Keep well, stay healthy, Rest, take care of the knees – its really comical.

Btw before you jump down Skeezers throat, you were the one; all over the place – like a bad rash after Nadal lost the AO Final.

Obsessing over Federer – insulting him and going on about Davis cup even though Fed had nothing to do with anything going on at the time…

But hey

Stay healthy!
6 – 2 – 14!

yeah I can write numbers too! so happy :)

Humble Rafa Says:

Everyone knows I was injured during the match. Obviously it was painful for me to play while injured. Some people have no sympathy.

Best Backhand in Switzerland deserved to win. Anyone who can hit three backhands in a row from Switzerland, Wow. He even hit down the line backhands. Uncle Toni fell off that chair when he saw that.

El_Flaco Says:

That is a good analysis Ben. I’ve said this for quite a while, but never looked at it statistically. People just like to parrot talking points about their favorite player’s era to make them look better or diminish another player’s accomplishments.

Okiegal Says:


I knew exactly what you were trying to say but always ends up being misconstrued……on purpose, I think. You can’t say anything on this forum that someone doesn’t make a federal case out of it. We Rafa fans think Stan did great winning his first slam……but he is a late bloomer. I understand he has a injury and had to pull out of a tournament. I’m sure he is devastated about it. I imagine he was anxious to get to the next match to prove to everyone that he is a champion.

Non Rafa fans, be mad at the staff writer who used the byline…..”Wawrinka Beats An Injured Rafa”. He is the person who made a big deal out of it. That was uncalled for. Anyone who knows anything about tennis has to know that Rafa was clearly hurt. IMO they know it, but refuse to admit it so they can belittle Rafa even more. It wasn’t gamesmanship. If it had been, who isn’t guilty of that?? Every tennis player has done that in their career. Roger, DelPo, to name two, nothing ever said about them. The double standard again…….and the beat goes on…….it will never end.

When Rafa retires, what will the discussions be about??

SG1 Says:

Ahfi said,

Most importantly, he needs to be able to play these matches without butt picking, adjusting his socks, taking towels back and forth, arranging water bottles etc. before each game.


I actually find the antics pretty funny and entertaining. Rafa isn’t shy about his superstitions. I don’t know why he does what he does. I don’t really care. There are far worse offenders in the sport than Rafa and they aren’t nearly as ridiculed.

Serena suddenly grunting louder in the middle of a point (ask Sam Stosur about this). Azarenka who sounds like her hand is caught in a blender…on every shot. These players do stuff during the playing of the point. Rafa doesn’t engage in this kind of nonsense.

Okiegal Says:


He does have some quirks, but don’t they all?? Novak used to bounce the ball at least 20 times. Monfils bends down and messes with his shoe laces. Andy grabs and tugs at his back and does weird things with his mouth. Novak opens his mouth wide and moves his jaws back and forth. All little nervous tics when things get tight. One thing about Rafa……He does it every time, nervous moments or not! These gestures don’t bother me at all, regardless of who is doing it. That is a big stage out there and a lot on the line for each player. They get antsy in tight spots.

What I don’t understand is if you don’t like Rafa and how he plays, don’t watch him. That’s a simple fix.

SG1, I read Rafa’s book and it cleared up a lot of things about his game that I had wondered about. He has some odd ways, I will agree, but he is an amazing athlete, his only fault is his many triumphs over Roger…….therein lies the problem for a few people, IMO!!


volley Says:


for the umpteenth time, i’m not a rafa supporter.


Purcell Says:

Skeezer@1:06………with the realisation that they had failed to convert Tennis x from a site for intelligent tennis fans to a Nadal centric lovefest they all defected to The Grandstand, Ricky Dimon’s attempt to recreate the long defunct TT. Be warned…..they may be back………..

Purcell Says:

Ahfi: the dyspeptic tone of Giles is due to a stomach virus………meanwhile welcome; looking forward to more of your contributions.

skeezer Says:

Glad they all found a place where they can talk all Rafa Love no matter what.

You’re right. I retract and regress. You are not a vamoshead. Don’t know why I inadvertantly threw you under the bus. Maybe cause you had been “thick as a plank” on the weak era talk. ;)

skeezer Says:

“I actually find the antics pretty funny and entertaining. ”

Too each there own. I liked djoker’s impressions better. For sure more entertaining. Picking your a$$? I turn away everytime that is coming…..
Gotta say, Rafa’s game does deserve respect when the ball is in play. You’d better have brought your “A” game, and play beastly and aggresive. If not, Rafa will beat you with even he just brings his “C” game.

Okiegal Says:

Rafa liked Novak’s impersonations too. He laughed when he did him. Rafa made a comment one time in a interview about having pain in his famous a$$. I hate to bring it up since it was about a pain, butt, it is what is……….pun intended!! LOL

@Skeezer………You do know he’s an excellent player, even if you don’t like his antics. He is beast, that’s for sure. Hey, nice compliment for my guy. I give nice compliments to Federer too. I posted the other day what great taste he has in chocolate……that Lindt candy is to die for. Tried my first one just the other day. The Swiss can be proud of excellent tennis players and great chocolate!!

Ahfi Says:

Dear friends, you all have made my day. I have had a good laugh at most of the comments. I kind of thought I was going to spare all of you today but, you know, I can’t help my typing fingers….. what’s a woman to do (Yes, somebody called me a ‘he’ – NOT)!

See, I don’t hate Rafa at all. I just wish that all the remaining 999 players would be allowed to do all the things that Rafa gets away with during matches – I repeat – pick butt, pull up socks, arrange hair behind ear (Sharapova style), quick glance at uncle Toni, arrange water bottles, move back and forth with towel (even though towel boy is ready to do the moving), another quick glance at uncle T (some secret code?)- Yes if all the other players can do this, we will all be one big happy family. Yes, I am a woman!! Skeezer, I will keep posting. I have been posting on other yahoo sites for quite a long time. With all the response I’m getting, I will soon start writing on my own site tiahpost.com. HAVE A WONDERFUL EVENING.

Steve27 Says:

ahfi,you seem as a sensitive person. Read this article and I expect this should help your ignorance about this topic: OCD

Do not forget the words of Albert Camus in his masterpiece, The Plague:
“The evil that is in the world almost always comes of ignorance, and good will without clairvoyance, can cause as much havoc as evil. Males are more good than bad and, in fact, is not the question. As more or less ignorant, and it is called virtue or vice, as the most desperate vice is the vice of ignorance that thinks he knows everything and is then allowed to kill.’s soul killing is blind and no true goodness nor true love without all the possible clairvoyance. “

Ahfi Says:

@Steve27, I knew sooner or later, we will find another excuse and there we go.

If you believe that Rafa has a psychological or mental disorder just announce it to the world instead of calling people ignorant.

If everybody had sang Rafa’s praises, we wouldn’t have seen this article, right? And you are calling me sensitive when YOU had to go out of your way to link another article to your comment.


metan Says:

Your writing style reminds me of Sienna, one old poster here. Just asking.😁😁

Steve27 Says:

I thought you were a more calm person but I was wrong. If you are not an expert on the subject you should refrain from expressing a false impression that only reaffirms your antipathy towards a certain player. If you do not believe in the voice of a doctor who has a lot more credibility to talk about it than the thousands of ignorant writing behind a monitor that only express their hatred and irrationality so you do not know (ignorance), then it is preferable to stay quiet instead to talk nonsense because that only you reaffirm your prejudices.

skeezer Says:

From your link,

“A member of Nadal’s camp dismissed Dr Mogan’s concerns, describing Nadal as a normal guy with routines he believed helped his tennis. The spokesman said Nadal had great respect for Courier and Hewitt, and felt they always treated him well.”
Cherry picking a article to benefit the Rafa love fest is a infamous vamoshead trait. Furthermore, with your ignorant posting logic, Rafa’s camp and former #1 in the world players are just as ignorant as the rest of us. Trust a Doctor? Good luck with that. They can be Quacks like anybody else!


Giles Says:

^^^ Is that why you havn’t been cured yet??

Steve27 Says:

freezer or cheerleader, when you write something clever (you never did) would be a MIRACLE. so for you to the best you can do in winter is to feed your cat to keep you company.
Meanwhile, dont behave like ‘Skeevy’

Hippy Chic Says:

Skeezer 9.59am fair enough i know he aint perfect by a long chalk,and i dont pick out certain incidents to justify what Rafa does,just pointing out some misdemeanors by others that sometimes end up going unoticed is all,im not a vamoshead though you know me better than that by now surely?

Hippy Chic Says:

Okiegal thanks i just think people are so quick to pounce sometimes without actually seeing the bigger picture,i was merely asking a pertinent and objective question with regard to where Stan will go from here,can he back this up and win another GS especially given his age,and the young players coming through?there was nothing in my post what-so-ever belittling Stans AO win,its a shame that some people always see things as been black or white ie Rafa fan sore loser,if i had been confronted we couldve had an intelligent discussion about it,after all its a tennis forum,instead even my post @4.02 am February 6th has actually fallen on deaf ears,why am i not surprised(sigh)?

Okiegal Says:


It’s a losing battle, Hippy Chic! As we say in the states, calf rope……meaning, I give up!! Lol I will just laugh about it and get on with my bad self!! I have been jumped on too, and trying to explain my thoughts is exhausting…….just saying.

You have a great week end!

Ahfi Says:

Really? I need to be an expert on Rafa taking so much time and keeping his opponents waiting? Tell me what subject that is and I can register for a class. I mean you, Steve27. Enough of YOUR ‘calmness’……Do you know how many ‘experts’ show up on TV talking crap? You must not have watched TV lately.

Metan, I am not Sienna. That’s a name I like very much. I always wished I could use it as my middle name!! Alas! Send Sienna my way if you find her. Who knows, maybe, she has disappeared after having been pounced on by people like Steve27.

Hippy Chic Says:

Okiegal thanks again,i agree its pointless,and i will be working this weekend,but thanks i will and you too.

Margot Says:

Interesting prog about Torville and Dean on Beeb. He used to line up the skate guards in a particular order/place before going on the ice, sat in the same seat in the waiting room and used to get there very early to make sure he could, their coach always said the same thing to them b4 they were going onto the ice. etc Just a particular kind of athlete.
Was reminded how beautiful they were together too.

Hippy Chic Says:

Margot i suffer with OCD myself,i do everything in even numbers only,when i turn the TV up,cups and saucers on the tea trolly at work,tea bags in the teapots,and everything in straight lines etc,i even only eat sweets in even numbers.

Giles Says:

I have a feeling Sienna was banned from this site. She upset too many posters here. So, take note Ahfi!!

skeezer Says:

^So did some vamosheads,so take notice Giles!

Giles Says:

^^^ You may be next!! Watch out!!

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