Here Are Roger Federer’s 100 Career Best Shots [Video]

by Staff | April 5th, 2014, 6:16 pm

A Roger Federer fan has compiled some, or 100, of Roger’s greatest shots during his career.

The fan who made the video, username “Raz Oo”, offered his explanation for his selections. So don’t moan.

“You know what they say: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So if one shot is ranked higher than another that you enjoy more; I’m sorry, but everyone has diferent perspective of things. I should also say that some shots were excluded due to the fact that either I couldn’t find them anywhere, or the quality was too poor. Examples are around the post shots against Haas and Fish in 2002 and 2003.”

It’s a 29 minute video, so grab some popcorn, your favorite beverage and sit back and enjoy the show.

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104 Comments for Here Are Roger Federer’s 100 Career Best Shots [Video]

Ben Pronin Says:

I’m up to 80. This video proves what I’ve been saying for a while. Everyone has simply forgotten just how good Federer was in his prime. Weak backhand? Slow or not good on the defensive or whatever? Get out of town with that garbage. Weak era? Nope. Simply not on Federer’s level of amazing. Roger Feder: GOAT.

contador Says:

Oh yeah. 30 minutes of vintage Federer.

skeezer Says:

Most awesome shotmaker of tennis there ever was. So fun and entertainingl If you don’t enjoy this, you really don’t enjoy watching tennis, but watching something else. There is a reason he’s be hailed the GOAT, and this vid just gives it more credence.

Nirmal Kumar Says:

I personally never understand the GOAT debate, as I believe there cannot be a single player with that status. But I believe if there is title for greatest shotmaker ever, I would be voting for Roger..

There are definitely many great shots played by all the great players, but there may not be a single player with these many shots played together and that too most of them on the critical stages of the matches.

Best example was the lob Roger hit in his singles davis cup ties to break in the 3rd set. This kind of creativity after playing defense most of the time in the point is unbelievable.

We are just so lucky to be in the same period when Roger is playing tennis.

Daniel Says:

Ben, indeed this is a true reminder.
As we are on the “now”, people only remember the “weak” Federer, who is still top 4@ 32.
Trully amazing to have watch live a few of those points.

amadeus Says:


madmax Says:

A genius. Maestro. The Fed. No one like him on earth.

madmax Says:


Has there ever been anyone in your knowledge of the sport that has ever played the way that Federer has? Anyone? Who has come close to the shot making and the sheer beauty along with strength, since he has been on the tour.

Who comes close to that in your view?

Skorocel Says:

24, 14, 5

Giles Says:

madmax. You seem happy for a change!

Skorocel Says:

And of course 6…

A Tango Lad Says:

Love these clips especially the ones back from when Roger was truly unrivalled when I still believed in such a thing as GOAT.

I’ve watched these three times now!

Hopp Roger and Stan in Davis Cup today. I believe they will comeback and win today if Stan plays well!

Hippy Chic Says:

Whatever peoples feelings about the guy,love him or loath him,nobody can deny how sublime and beautiful Roger is to watch,GOAT or NO-GOAT there is nobody quite like him in tennis….

madmax Says:

Giles Says:
madmax. You seem happy for a change!

April 6th, 2014 at 8:00 am

Always happy when you are around Giles :)

madmax Says:

Hippychic, why would anyone loathe Roger?

Hippy Chic Says:

Madmax exactly?but some people do like to bring hate into sport unfortunantly,but thats them with a problem IMO….

madmax Says:

Hippy chic I know, and we all have our favourites and we don’t like their game for whatever reason, but as people, cannot fault the top players, not as individual people.

Hippy Chic Says:

Madmax again yeah exactly,i dont do hate,someone accused me of that the other day on another thread refering to Nole,i dont even hate people in the real world,my late father used to say make love not war….

John Says:

Absolutely beautiful, thx so much for this. Made my Day!

Jack Lewis Says:

The ATP blocked the video, what a bunch of wankers.

michael Says:

STUPID ATP!!!!!! why did u block it? STUPID STUPID F****** ATP

Okiegal Says:

This was a good production for Fed Man……you tube is full of amazing shots from all of the players….

metan Says:

One word. WOW …!!!!

Perfect fan Says:

A priceless compilation and a dose of nostalgia to all fed fans :)

Watching this gem of a vid, it instantly took me on a time travel to my youthful days….some of the best memories of my life I could recollect watching some of these shots of roger. I even remember what exactly I was doing back then, when fed played some of these shots. I m sure lot of his fans must be going through the same feeling. OMG! its giving me goosebumps.

I sometimes feel blessed to have lived in his gen and see him play. Long live roger….u bring smile to my face, everytime I see u play. :) :) :) :) :)……….

SG1 Says:

Half overhead/squash shot against Roddick is my favorite of his. Did something similar to Nole as well at the USO. Crazy talent.

Purcell Says:

Nirmal, I couldn’t have put it better myself and I would add that
it’s not just the variety of shotmaking but the set up, the movement and the silent, apparent effortlessness which conceals the tremendous hard work required to achieve all this.

Purcell Says:

Perfect fan…….he brings a smile to my face and sometimes a tear to my eye. ….well both of them….

Translated Age Says:

What. No top points list for Nadal on Tennis-X? I’m flummoxed.

I suppose at least half of them would have been vs. Federer.

Admittedly, I too am verklempt just thinking about it.

Perfect fan Says:

Purcell….u betcha!! :))

Hippy Chic Says:

Would like to have seen this but its not available,that must be a different Michael@2.32am,our usual one is so classy,and doesnt usually use such choice language hmm strange??….

John Says:

”What. No top points list for Nadal on Tennis-X? I’m flummoxed.

I suppose at least half of them would have been vs. Federer.”

Lmao. This guy is hilarious. Without fail his jealousy (of federer) shines through in every post, probably didn’t even watch the video yet here he is posting the usual jealous drivel!

The saying really does ring true – You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. And this person clearly been chewing on the Jealous Fed bone for years LOL.

Hippy Chic Says:

Rogers not my favorite player,however i still appreciate good tennis,and i still wouldve been interested in watching the video,if only the bloody ATP hadnt blocked it on copyight laws,as his tennis is sublime to watch no two ways about it….

John Says:

Here Are Roger Federer’s 100 Career Best Shots

For those who never got to see it – enjoy.

Midian Says:

I don’t care if Roger is GOAT or not..he is the best to me for his grace,beauty and elegance..

Translated Age Says:

meh, he’s ok I guess.

Sirius Says:

“he’s ok I guess”

lol. Just produce 1 shot like him. JUST. ONE. SINGLE. SHOT. Tried? You did? No? You can’t. Yes, he’s ok you’d guess

Giles Says:

Ok then I will give him an OK +

Translated Age Says:

Mmm, on a good day, I think I could take a game or two. I’d go high to his BH.

RZ Says:

The guy who made the video reposted a different version of it:
Watch it fast before the ATP takes it down again!

RZ Says:

Looks like John already posted this today. Sorry for the repeat!

Purcell Says:

TA: don’t worry, I’m sure Nadal’s top point(s) will be coming along soon. Hope you enjoy thirty minutes of watching the same shot over and over and over………..

Sirius Says:

Or maybe you don’t need a good day, rog might give you a couple of games out of charity so that you don’t feel embarassed out there!

Now back to my previous post. Read it. Again. And again. Understood? You sure? Alright.

Tried? You did? No? You can’t.

That’s why you are here posting garbage and roger is out there entertaining tennis fans with his magical game

skeezer Says:

LOL @ 2:30 post

Translated Age Says:

Purcell, he only needs to do the same thing over and over again to beat Federer.

Watching the same thing over and over again, yes, much like watching Roger beat the same old sad sacks time and time again from 2003-07.

On getting a game or two, I think I’d want Roger to go back to his smaller racquet. That would only be fair.

(BTW skeezer @ 2:38, brilliant!)


Humble Rafa Says:

I’m sure Nadal’s top point(s) will be coming along soon. Hope you enjoy thirty minutes of watching the same shot over and over and over.

You are an idol worshipper, not a tennis fan. Enough said.

Purcell Says:

And you Humble Rafa are an idle worshipper because you can’t be bothered to look past your nose end at all the other great players out there.

mat4 Says:

Good video. And Ben is right about it: we forgot how great was Roger in his prime. And the 17 slams he won are just a merited reward for his outstanding game.

SG1 Says:

Thank you to John for providing a YouTube link I was able to watch.

I don’t know Roger where ranks all time (pretty close to the best ever if not the best). However, if you’re looking for the best improvisational shot maker of all time, it’s Federer…hands down. Backhand, forehand, tweener, slice, touch volley…you name it…he could hit any shot in the book from pretty much anywhere.

Now here’s the scary thought. There are probably another 500 points he’s played that are nearly as ridiculous.

skeezer Says:

A game or 2 against Fed? LMAO. No way dudette. In fact, i’d put money you can’t get 2 games off me. Let’s play a set. Call me.

Rafa has lost to more no name players in his prime than Fed ever did in his prime.

Just watch the very entertaining vid of the GOAT, then swallow and accept. No one ever has produced such extraordinary Tennis. Ever.
As a fan of his I have always been confident about his place in the history of the game. Trash talk all you want, but when Fed finally hangs it up history, players and media will crown him at the top of all players. Ever. No worship, just fact.

Okiegal Says:

ATTENTION TO ALL FED FANS….please give your guy a more masculine description of his game….please! You all make him sound like he needs to be wearing a tutu….I’m embarrassed for him!! Sorry, it sounds like the description of a ballerina…..

Skeezer Says:

^ Nah…. More like “Maestro”.
The tennis court is his Orchestra, as well as the court is his canvas, his racquet the brush.

Okiegal Says:


That is much better…….Fed will be pleased….me thinks!!

Purcell Says:

Okiegal……….I really don’t know what the problem is. Ballet dancers, male and female are the strongest, fittest, most durable, flexible and athletic people and they have the most finely honed bodies. They don’t all wear Swan Lake gear…you know….tutu and tights etc. Because ballet is an art form, it’s difficult for some to look beyond the aesthetics (or as some might have it, posing and prancing around) to understand and acknowledge what goes on behind the scenes in order to achieve this excellence in both traditional and modern ballet and for that matter many other dance forms.
Interestingly, Roger is the opposite to the above don’t you think? An athlete with fluid, heart-stopping movement. Why would it be demeaning to describe someone with huge athletic prowess as a balletic mover? Why would you suggest that it’s a challenge toThe combination of the aforementioned is precisely the reason why he has achieved iconic status in areas other than sport.
For a myriad of reasons too numerous and obvious (and pointless of course) to mention here

Purcell Says:

……..sorry pressed post accidentally……why would you suggest that it’s a challenge to masculinity? Address your views on what constitutes masculinity please. On this site there will be those who have love and appreciation for human achievements beyond sport and are open-minded enough to appreciate the combination of ‘unlikely’ bedfellows like sport and aesthetics aka ballet in this case.

Purcell Says:

Sorry again for not completing last sentence @ 5:03. Can’t be bothered which I know will be a relief for some.

Hippy Chic Says:

Purcell i dont believe for one minute Okiegal was belittling Roger or the art ballet….

Bad Knee Rules Says:

Great post/s. Thanks for putting it together the way I wasn’t able to.
Roger can be called the Mikhail Baryshnikov of tennis for the way he plays tennis – like nobody before him. Ballet dancers are not sissies, nor is Roger.

Hippy Chic Says:

Thanks for the link John BTW,Rogers not my favorite player but i do always appreciate good tennis,as a fan of the sport in general….

Giles Says:

“Ballet dancers are not sissies, nor is Roger”. Hmmm. I don’t believe anybody called fed a “sissie” or are you trying to put words in one’s mouth!

Purcell Says:

Thanks for your response Hippy Chic. It’s good to see you defending your internet friend, united as you are by your love of Rafa and tennis in general. However, I can’t help but reiterate that Okiegal’s post, masquerading as a self-help encouragement to Fed fans,which of course we don’t need, presented an opportunity, which she took, to get at Roger and his fans, this time by revisiting the old chestnuts (see Tignor, Bodo etc) of denigrating balletic skills in sporting activity and using uninformed, stereotypical views of masculinity.
Have a pleasant day in HunSTANton.

Translated Age Says:

Oh, almost forgot to mention that I’m left-handed but I promise not to hit up high to your sorry SHBH.

Wouldn’t want you to blame your loss on a “bad match-up.”


Hippy Chic Says:

Purcell i dont form alliances with posters,i never have and i never will,theres many Rafa fans whom i have called out for belittling players Roger or otherwise,im just calling it as i see it,Okiegal is a great poster whom doesnt hate Roger although im sure she will speak for herself anyway,theres nothing wrong with been compared to someone who plays ballet and Roger shouldnt be ridicled for that,but if someone doesnt care for that comparison then thats their perogative,and why shouldnt it matter anyway,as it doesnt change Rogers achievements one way or the other?i think sometimes people like to reach for an argument thats not even there….

Hippy Chic Says:

^And have a pleasant day wherever you are^.

Purcell Says:

……..aaaaah, not tooooooo far away Hippy Chick. Anyway, as you say, once USA welcomes a new morning, Okiegal will probably pop along to justify her stance or….she could just as easily ignore our little discussion.
I want to make it clear to you (and her) that at no point have I said she ‘hates Roger’ even though some of her last efforts and certainly the present one turn one’s thoughts towards a more unthinking vocabulary.
Just want to add a couple of other phrases…..
Love him or loathe him……
Not my favourite player………
Innocuous but unnecessary…….

Translated Age Says:

How much you wanna bet skeezer? I’ll bet you a miiiiillion dollars.

Call you? OK, please provide your telephone numero so we can set up a court time.

Hippy Chic Says:

Purcell i rather get the impression your trying to provoke a quarrel,it rather sounds like your wanting me to want to hate Roger,i have had posters saying the same thing to me the other day about Novak,people simply dont understand context,so they simply clutch for any little thing to make an issue about,i might not love him but it doesnt mean i loathe him i like the guy hes just not my favorite,phrases that bandied about on all players at one time or another,and Rogers no different either,hes fair game as much as any other player….

Skeezer Says:

Tell you what. I’ll play you left handed so it will make it fairer for you. Call me.

Translated Age Says:

What’s your number? Let’s do this.

I’m a leftie and promise not to hit high to your BH.

Wouldn’t want you to blame your loss on a “bad match up” and remember, no crying!

Translated Age Says:

Also, please don’t drop any f-bombs on your opponent or the umpire and no telling spectators to shut up, m’kay?

Translated Age Says:

Poor skeezer, doesn’t know what he’s missing.

Translated Age Says:

Also, we can play indoors. Knowing you’re a Fed fan, that’s probably more to your liking, no.

No pointing to the wrong marks on the court though.

And if you happen to get to match point (which I highly doubt), no claiming I got lucky when I save them, all right with you, dudette?

Sean Randall Says:

TA/ATL, trolling again?

Giles Says:

Sean. Don’t be a spoil sport.
Where is skeezer btw? In the locker room getting some last minute coaching? Lol
C’mon TA, my money is on you.

Maestro Fed Says:

From what i have seen he is just an empty vessel and he will not share his contact details. Wait for his excuses for not sharing it and his usual personal attacks.

Maestro Fed Says:

Sean Randall
I do not see a need for you to jump in to save your buddy.
Lets see if he has balls and walks the talk.

Okiegal Says:


“Good mornin, good mornin, we danced the whole night through, good mornin good mornin to you” Sing that in the right tune like Debbie Reynolds……Okiegal is up!! The dance I did was the “cotton eyed Joe”, being from Oklahoma and all… wasn’t a ballet, that’s for sure!! I’m teasing, of course, we have the performing arts also……and now to defending myself….Roger is an awesome tennis player. I think there are better adjectives to describe his prowess on the tennis court, that’s all….mastery, brilliance, impeccable, tenacious…I think if I were a man I would prefer to have my game described in a more masculine fashion. The feminine description is a little tutu-ish for me. Roger is a guy for crying out loud, treat him like one. That is my opinion, in which I’m entitled to. I have a niece who is a ballerina. I realize it takes athleticism and hard work to attain the goal of excellence in the world of dance. Don’t read Tignor or Bodo….what do they have to do with this discussion?? Just asking. I didn’t even bring up the “R” word, you did that. What does he have to do with being involved in my comment? Skeezer got what I meant and came back with a great retort! Don’t be so sensitive, I was takin a stand for Roger.

Okiegal Says:

@Chic……Thanks for defending your internet friend…LOL……We don’t agree on everything, now, do we?? The one thing we agree on is we like to watch Rafa play tennis!! Even people in the same fan base don’t always see eye to eye about certain things……it’s just a matter of one’s opinion.

Chic, my mother in law passed away this weekend. She was 96 yrs. old. So we’ve got that ordeal ahead of us. She was a good woman and this was a blessing. Her quality of life was gone and I know she is at peace.

Enjoyed your post… usual!

Hippy Chic Says:

Okiegal we dont agree on everything?oh yes we do?oh no we dont lol?seriously though fans are here to air their own personal opinions and thats all they are,but we dont have to agree about everything though,and i dont form alliances and i never have nor will either,BTW so sorry about your mother in law but as you rightly say when you have no quality of life its sometimes a blessing and a happy release to not be in pain anymore,and i always look at it this way in that they are merely going onto the next vibrational level,anyways my thoughts are with you at this sad time :))….xxxx

Okiegal Says:

Thanks, Chic, appreciate your thoughts of sympathy. I remember that you have an ailing father-in-law. I don’t know his age but hope he is comfortable and feeling better.

Tennis X keeps me sane…….ha ha!!

I’m patiently waiting to hear from Purcell!!

Okiegal Says:

Who on the tennis x forum thinks that ballet dancing is a sport!?

@Colin… it who or whom?? I will be honest, I never could keep that one straight?? LOL

Hippy Chic Says:

Okiegal thanks my father in law has dementia,hes a shadow of hs former self,i have took up Tai Chi to try to help with my relaxation and mood swings etc,and its very enjoyable,i will say the thing about the English language is how silly it is,simply because its made up of other languages….

Okiegal Says:

@Bad Knee

I never said Roger was a sissy. I said the description of his game sounds like he is being compared to a ballerina. Ballerinas are very feminine, imo. Roger is masculine, describe his game as such. Grace, beauty, and elegant just don’t cut it for me. I still see a man in a tutu!! This comment is not to belittle Roger in any way. My opinion, nothing more, nothing less. You can read into whatever you want.

I will close with this: Roger is an amazing player . He’s has made some unbelievable shots during his career…..but so have many others. He doesn’t corner the market on that ability. I’ve been watching you tube lately regarding best shots of various players and you tube is full of them…all enjoyable.

SG1 Says:

Roger plays with flair. Okie…I’m not Roger’s biggest fan (I’m and old school Sampras fan) and pretty much a Rafa fan today. This being said, Roger can do some really flashy things no one else can. He just makes the really difficult stuff look impossibly easy. I don’t think that Nole or Rafa make the game look as easy as Roger does. It’s doesn’t take anything away from them. Fed’s game is just so easy to watch and appreciate.

Okiegal Says:

@SG 1

Nicely put. Flair, spot on, impossibly easy, ditto! Can’t argue with any of that. He is amazing….but I think there are other players that can do some pretty awesome things too! As I stated earlier, you tube is full of them!!

contador Says:

Well said SG1.

“Roger can do some really flashy things no one else can. He just makes the really difficult stuff look impossibly easy.”

He is the Baryshnekov or Fred Astaire of tennis. Both dancers made their incredibly difficult moves look effortless and graceful.

I doubt Federer intended or has practiced to be artistic on the court – I don’t know. Some people have a gift or flair for the aesthetic without trying. Many of my favorite French players have it :D :D too. But if everyone had Federer’s and Gasquet’s panache that would leave tennis bland. It is the contrast of styles I do like. Not a fan of loud grunting or over-celebrating in general but some personalities can get away with their straining on the tennis court better than others – in my opinion. Andy M. and Nole both have grunts that don’t sound intentional or contrived for tactical effect. Others literally demand full attention by way of sounding like they are murdering or about to murder, something.

Djokovic, Nishikori, and Fognini have such good posture and technique – it’s a joy to watch them. But we don’t have to agree. Kimberly has called Dolgo’s tennis “junkball” but I absolutely love watching him. To each her own. Tennis watching doesn’t always have to be straight up about who wins the match, to me.

The matches this week are in Morocco and Houston. WtA was in Charlotte and ? I was particularly interested seeing if Joao Sousa, from Portugal and Frederico Delbonis, Argentina, would continue their great form from SA clay swing. And they are. :D

Very boring information to anyone but the really die hard tennis enthusiast. I have more…but I will stop.

Okiegal Says:

We now have acceptable grunting and unacceptable grunting……it all boils down to who is doing the grunting!! In the famous words of Skeez….pftt!

A Tango Lad Says:

Yes Okiegal quite well stated. it does seem a bit too convenient.

I prefer to cheer Roger and celebrate his achievements without trying to prop him up by diminishing his main rival.

pfft indeed.

Vamos Roger and Hopp Nadal!!!

contador Says:

Did I say Nadal? Anyway, it is my own opinion to which I am allowed, no?. You or “We” don’t have to agree.

“I prefer to cheer Roger and celebrate his achievements without trying to prop him up by diminishing his main rival”

ATL – good for you. Excuse me but isn’t that a bit sanctimonious of you? Again, did I say Nadal? No. you assume.

I was actually thinking about Serena Williams, Azarenka, and Maria Sharapova with the tactical grunting. Oh so touchy the two of you. Take a chill pill……..just my opinion = just that.

Such a response from the two of you when writing that dull and benign post of mine. sheesh…

contador Says:

I never expected such a response when typing that post. Not even remotely trying to provoke you. Just my opinion.

SkeEzEr Says:

Great post at 10:41. U see the light.

Okiegal Says:

Hey, Tango, save the last dance for me!!

Wheels Says:

You don’t have to be a fan of a particular player to appreciate great shot making. I am not a fan of one particular player, rather I can enjoy the individual talent and personalities of many. Federer is a icon and to deny it is silly and it doesn’t diminish the the stature of Rafa,Nole or Andy to say so. For instance, because you love one woman it doesn’t mean you have to be blind, deaf and dumb to the rest of the female population.

Okiegal Says:

“I was actually thinking of Serena, Vika, and Maria with the tactical grunting”………really. Well, I stand corrected. I just knew deep down in my perceptive bones you were making a dig at Rafa. Good, I feel better……no need for the chill pill….and in the future I will try not to be so “touchy”………..

Margot Says:

Well, since you asked…it’s “who” when “who” is the subject of the verb, as in “who thinks” so you were right. When it’s sitting next to a preposition it’s “whom.” eg “by whom, with whom” etc etc. Or object of verb, as in “You saw whom?” But we never seem to use that, sounds awkward.
Bet your sooooo glad you asked…;)
Actually I completely disagree with Colin. On a tennis forum, as long as you communicate what you mean, grammar etc. doesn’t matter a jot. Besides many posters on here are not English first language speakers. Did haul up “Mr Larvey” once but thought he might be interested.
I remember you used to like “Sodapops” and I also remember being gobsmacked that he and Fed could even exist together on your list of favourites ;)
Completely agree. Fed did make tennis look effortless. In his prime, his movement was astonishing, he seemed to float through the air.
In contrast, although Andy moves with incredible speed and anticipation, his movement doesn’t seem nearly so effortless.

harry Says:

@Conty — Serena is not that bad with her grunting — and her game has that champion’s arrogance (in a nice way). But I just can’t stand Masha and Vika (quite apart from their workman-like games, their grunting is disgusting). Aggie in full-flight is a sight to behold ;) She just does not seem to be able to play consistently well (partly, i guess, due to her complex game — and for it to work, many things have to fall in place).

Okiegal Says:


Yes, I’m glad I did ask. I could never keep that straight in my mind. I always use who whether right or wrong. Whom should be removed from the English language. I never hear anyone say “whom”. Colin keeps me on my toes!

Cheers, Margo! Hope Andy is feeling better with each week. Good luck to him for clay season.

Margot Says:

Thank you darling :)
Yes, I can see lots of stuff disappearing from the English language. The apostrophe for example, as well as “whom”…lol is that noise I can hear, Colin exploding?…;)
But language is organic and should evolve anyway.

harry Says:

^– ha ha, i agree! recently there was an outrage in twitter over AP’s change of stance, relaxing the usage of “over” to mean “more than” (as in “over 20 people”)…

A Tango Lad Says:

Okie, i think that my bones are as perceptive as yours (and as just as accurate) LOL.

Of course I’ll save that dance (so long that its not in the context as a tennis match)!

Hippy Chic Says:

IMO And ill probably be laughed off this forum for saying this,but ive always enjoyed the way Rafa plays on clay,the way his feet dance from side to side is poetry in motion,i really love to watch his feet,i think his tennis is efortless probably only on clay,and not to the extent of Rogers but there ya go?like i say im ready to be laughed at,but im still entitled to my opinion i assume??

Giles Says:

alison. Nobody should laugh at yr post April 10th 7 16 am. It is the truth. Borg referred to him as an “artist on clay”. So there!

Okiegal Says:


As usual, I stirred up a hornet’ s nest with my remark about the tutu……need the delete button bad!!! LOL I prefer to do my dancing in a smokey old bar and not a tennis court!


I’m not laughing…..Rafa’s feet do move fast….his dance would be the ballroom “quick step”…..I too love to watch Rafa on clay…..can’t wait!

Hippy Chic Says:

Thanks Okiegal,Giles and ATL,its nice to know people can appreciate great tennis from any player whatever the player whatever the surface,and lovely words from the great BB too….

contador Says:

Okie and ATL,

Not everyone who watches tennis is thinking of Rafa Nadal. I know that is a difficult notion to grasp, but give it your best try instead of jumping onto your most paranoid perceptions.

This is about opinion. Can you tolerate opinions that oppose your own opinions and preferences in life or do you make a “federal case” out of the slightest deviation from your point of view? Anyone who can read knows by now that what you know and care about related to tennis is exclusively Rafa Nadal. And I don’t know you, I am stating this as fact from reading your posts.

So if I am wrong, please try some other aspects or players in tennis and show the world! Or, try accepting that many others here are not like you and do not want to be like you. As it is, you do not sound perceptive at all – tough to be sensible, let alone perceptive in a good way, if you are blindly obsessed with one player or two players. sheesh…

There is more to tennis than Rafa and Roger. And that is my opinion. You want to attack me? I can’t possibly stop you. But I can ignore you; which I will, when I choose to post.

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