Rafael Nadal’s Back Is Bothering Him Again, So He’ll Undergo A Stem Cell Treatment

by Staff | November 10th, 2014, 11:23 pm

According to his doctor, Rafael Nadal will undergo a stem cell treatment for his back.

Angel Ruiz-Cotorro told The Associated Press on Monday that, “we are going to put cells in a joint in {Rafa’s) spine” next week in Barcelona.

“(Nadal) has a problem typical in tennis with a back joint, he had it at the Australian Open, and we have decided to treat it with stem cells,” Ruiz-Cotorro said.

“When we have them we will put them in the point of pain,” he said, with the goal of “regenerating cartilage, in the midterm, and producing an anti-inflammatory effect.”

Nadal is expected to resume training in December and return to tennis in Abu Dhabi.

Nadal first injured his back during the Australian Open final loss to Stan Wawrinka. Rafa most recently underwent a successful appendectomy last Monday. This summer he also dealt with an injured right wrist.

For the second time in three years Nadal has missed the year-end ATP Finals event in London due to illness.

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73 Comments for Rafael Nadal’s Back Is Bothering Him Again, So He’ll Undergo A Stem Cell Treatment

sienna Says:

so again Nadal under goes surgery for which Lance Armstrong would have been prosecuted.
there is no way to do blood dopingtests to check if illegal action is taken.

perfect alibi as im concerned to fill all the spacers for setting glory in januari.

Steve 27 Says:

What a bad year for Rafael Nadal!
Hope this treatments help his body and can have a good quality life after his retirement.
Always health has to be the main priority for all individual and no matter how big the Grand Slams are, not worth forcing health when your body asks you this is enough.
Hopefully 2015 will be a better year for him.

Michael Says:

Hope to see Rafa soon with a bang. It is a tragedy that he has to combat with constant physical issues bothering him throughout his career. But his style of play over taxes his body and he is bearing the brunt of it in the later stages of his career. Nevertheless, I wish him well and eager to see him on the centre stage pretty soon. Tennis needs Rafa badly and the competition that he offers.

Okiegal Says:

@Michael…..I said there would be a thread about Rafa and his ailing back. I made a comment about his back and I suppose TX followed up on it…….and boom baby there’s a thread! I told you so! Dang it, I’m good!! LOL.

Michael Says:

Okiegal – Yes you are spot on. But it is a tad too late to appear as a thread in this Blog.
Nevertheless, thanks for the information from your end which was seemingly quicker.

skeezer Says:

On the backs of Embryos.

amadeus Says:

cells drama

Giles Says:

This is an extremely painful treatment but at least hopefully it will solve the problems Rafa has been having since AO.
Get well soon Rafa, whatever it takes. Can’t wait to see you on court again healthy and pain free. Good luck Champ.

skeezer Says:

This treatment is taking Rafa’s own cells from what I read, so best of luck to him and his back.

Giles Says:

Missing Rafa at WTF
Vamos Champ!

Margot Says:

Wishing Rafa all the best too. At least he’s getting everything done at the same time and, apart from WTF, at the right time of the tennis year.

sienna Says:

the hospital / private clinic the treatment is going through seems to have (had) intensive cooperation with FUENTES.

brando GOAT poster Says:

Good move by Rafa. Have a bad back is extremely bothersome and one should seek a remedy if available since its a real hinderance. Bothered Fed for years,Andy had to take a time out due to it, so I am glad rafa is being proactive here since he’s on injury break anyhow so best address everything now. Thankfully the back has been good post spring but I like Rafa is being smart and on the ball addressing this matter nonetheless. Alertness at all times to ones body Is a must, glad rafa is being wise to his. Best of luck Rafael!

Daniel Says:

He can’t get a break can he?! At least he can do everything now.

But ine has to winder if at 28 and ahalf his body spus starting to break down as many have said it will back 5-6 years ago. Eventually he won’t be ablt to recver and reach top form again, whoch I thonk is not the case is time. But his clock is ticking. At least is not his knees, which were always the most concern part.

Giles Says:

Hey Daniel. The clock is ticking for most of the players not just Rafa. They are all getting older, no? Your man will be 34 next year! Lol

alice Says:

@sienna Your comments really are contemptible and reflect far more on you than on the supposed target.

Polo Says:

Tribute to Rolex. That’s Roger’s watch. It clicks better than the other guy’s clocks.

Polo Says:

…make that guys’, not just relative to a single player but to all of them. Kei is almost 10 years Roger’s junior and heralded by many as one of the better guys in the next wave of players.

Daniel Says:

Yes Giles But Fed wins matches in 1 h and 10 min just like now against Nishikori with a lot of easy points on serve while Nadal has to work hard almost on every point and is not as aggressive as Fed (even with that devastating FH of his). He stays more time on court and spend more energy and more brutal still of play to his body. That’s why Fed at 33 and 3 months already have two straight sets victories of younger plays this tourney.

He lays more efective than Nadal, that is a fact!

My point is that maybe all the experts which several years ago said Nadal brutal style would be the doom of him eventually will be right. Of course, by what they said, Nadal wouldn’t even be where he is now, but it is just a point of concern. Eventually he will lose a step (if not already) and won;t reach balls the same way.

Federer is a unique case and so is Nadal, will see. But some said last year Fed would be out of top 10 this year and he is already virtually qualified for yet another semis with 2 straight set wins. Who knows hat the future holds for Nadal right.

Is just that between him and Fed if I had to bet who would have the longer career it is Fed hands down, especially now that he is proving that at 33+.

Anyway, Nadal has to on focus on recovery now and get back to practice courts when he is physically fit, only than he will be able to resume his level of play.

Dc Says:

I am just wondering why didn’t roddick or federer or other players with back issue or other injuries go in for stem cell treatement ?

Daniel Says:

Federer raised the bar on consistency and now he is raising the bar for longevity.

Maybe it will be a good thing because players will believe more and more they can play longer, Of course not everybody is Roger Federer and there are other factors as time away from tour, injury and etc..

But what he is showing at 33 is another unique feat of his career. Maybe Djoko and Rafa will follow

RZ Says:

Good that Nadal is taking care of it at the same time as his recovery.

I can see medical courses for future sports doctors using Rafa as a case study for various ailments and treatments. (I’m not saying that facetiously – I really think studying Nadal’s injuries and treatments could help sports doctors in future treatments)

sienna Says:

longevity bar is probably Jimbo.

Fed is combining it with level of play.
im not sure Connors was still a major force in tennis. maybe still at 33.

Giles Says:

Daniel. I am not going to discuss Rafa’s style of play with you or anybody else, what’s the point? It is what it is. He is not likely to change his style of play at this stage in his career by any means so that is a closed subject so far as I am concerned. I just want him to play injury and pain free and wish him many many more years on the tour. He is a delight to watch when he is healthy and playing well and I’m sure many will agree with me.
Vamos Champ!
Hope all goes well with the treatment

sienna Says:

Nadal will start his family and he wontwait till 33.
so he might be able to play at 33 and still at good level, but he will not want to.

Daniel Says:

Yes sienna, playing just for playing until 40 and losing every match many can. What Fed is doing challenging #1 in this age is the difference.

rogerafa Says:

I do not know what Roger prefers. Longevity and consistency or majors? The fact is that he does not have a major this year despite the ‘consistency’. He has only won once in the last nineteen majors that he has entered. He is only making quarters or semis consistently. Roger only shows glimpses of his best and his inability to raise his game in big matches is a big issue now. He does not seem to be a serious contender to me except possibly at Wimbledon. Rafa, on the other hand, is a serious contender at all the majors despite his two early exits at Wimbledon. He is still in his prime and his strategy to peak for the majors suggests he is now interested only in the bigger prizes. When he is at his best, there are very few who can deal with that level. I think Rafa will keep on taking strategic breaks for R&R and play well into his mid-30s. I think he will remain a contender at RG for many more years and that will keep him motivated.

Vamos Rafa!

sienna Says:

T will not be his coach after 2016.
gold on his clay will be their last tric.

after that I see Rafa calling it a day and he want to start family.
he is a family guy and wants to become a father.

so the goal is to surpass Federer before 2016 is finished.

I reckon he needs AU OPEN2015 in order to achieve the highest goal.

TennisLand Says:

@ Rogerafa

Changing a racquet and having to gel with it takes more than hardwork.. lets talk back in 2015.. till then enjoy the ATP WTF without Rafa..

TennisLand Says:

Longevity is not a keyword to be while talking about Rafa.. his clear goal is to surpass Roger hook or crook.. he knows 2016 will be his last.. so could 2016 be the last for Roger.. hence Rafa is getting ALL the treatment he can for ALL the parts of his body that need strong cells which wont disintegrate until after 2 yrs.. pretty cunning i say..

rogerafa Says:

I agree that the goal is to surpass Roger but if that is what he dearly wants, he would do whatever it takes to achieve it. I think he has a much larger window than just eight more majors. Of course, he could do it in the next two years but he could have a desire to take his major tally to 20 or 22 once he reaches 18. He could have a family and still be lifting that Rg trophy in the years to come.

jane Says:

back issues are the worst; if this can help rafa’s them more power to him. i’d not heard of this treatment before but it sounds painful. i remember reading “open” and feeling so badly for agassi. it was difficult to watch him in pain near the end of his career. hopefully this alleviates rafa’s pain. does anyone know what fed did for his back? we know andy had surgery and rafa’s trying this. what about roger?

jane Says:

*then not them

jane Says:

tennisland, who changed their racquet? do you mean roger or rafa?

skeezer Says:

“I do not know what Roger prefers. Longevity and consistency or majors”.
He knows what he prefers.

TennisVagabond.com Says:

Skeeze and RR, not to presume too much, but from what I’ve heard from Roger in interviews and from commentators who know him, I think he is one of the few elite athletes who is more gratified by winning than angered by losing.
I think he shrugs off his losses. I think that he loves competing, and as long as he feels he can compete at a high level, it isn’t the end of the world if he does’nt win another major. He already has more than anyone, he’s in bonus territory.

Daniel Says:

So Nadal won 5 majors in 4 years in his absolute prime 25-28 and now he is suppose to reach 20 majors between 28 and 8 months to 32?! Yeah right.

Agree his window to surpass Federer is higher than next 8 majors but as he missed 1 major the last 3 seasins I think we can even have a thread here as of: which major will Nadal skip next year, even a poll😄. The odds of him missing is higher than playing all 4.

Add the progression of various injuries and the sensr or urgency will be even higher. Not to mention others contenders.

Hippy Chick Says:

God people really seem to just love other peoples misery dont they?,Rafa wont win another GS,Rafa wont be number 1 again,Rafas in decline,Rafa wont be playing when hes 33 like Roger etc etc,now as usual the predicted retirement talk (sigh)….

Hippy Chick Says:

I just want him back playing right now,winning GS isnt a priority ATM….

sienna Says:

rafa has said many times last after novak became father. He will not start family and play tennis.
his future when hè is father is clear. So the window is set and propably non negotianable.
the xisc has plenty of plans and she is no former atlete who dreams the same dreams about winning as her man does.

wel forget how important the family lifeis for thoseguys.
Family Federer haveembraced the fact they are completely livingthe early youngster years on tour.

do not think for 1 minute Rafa will do the same.
After the study next year the Xis will claim her hubby.

sienna Says:

happy rooster.
wishing Rafael misery.
Why is that? are you a little bitchy with me?
I just said he will start his family what misery do Ya mean?

Hippy Chick Says:

Rafa has said he loves tennis,and marriage and babies with come after his career is over,Xiscas studdying for a university degree,he even says he enjoys the suffering and has no intention of retiring anytime soon,but whats the point in even trying to reason with some people who have already made their minds up anyway?….

Hippy Chick Says:

Those are your words not mine,you seem obsessed with predicting the end of his career….

Hippy Chick Says:

The names Hippy Chick,i suggest you look up the term Hippy in a dictionary if your not familiar with the term,and Chick is slang in England for girl or woman….

Hippy Chick Says:

Chick in England is a cheeky term that some men use as a term to describe us British women,so no need for the insult….

sienna Says:

you said it. and knowing this and you know about rafa the boy then the man.
do you really think he will retire mid 30s?

be reasonable.

they (team nadal) have set their goals.
T and rafa said many times that missing Londen must be redeamed in2016.
what more do you want Nadal to give. his life has to start sometimes.
Xis will claim him. Do you not know the nature calling?

sienna Says:

dont You know what the rooster does?

Hippy Chick Says:

Im the Hippy Chick not the Happy Rooster,and i know what a rooster does,so theres no need to get personal….

Hippy Chick Says:

Im the Hippy Chick not the Happy Rooster,and i know what a rooster does,so theres no need to get personal….

madmax Says:

Roger is just amazing and that really is all that needs to be said. He defies the Gods with his continual longevity in the game. Goat of all Goats.

Giles Says:
Hey Daniel. The clock is ticking for most of the players not just Rafa. They are all getting older, no? Your man will be 34 next year! Lol

November 11th, 2014 at 9:58 am

That’s right Giles. Yes he will. 33 and world no. 2, knocking the door at no. 1, perhaps and still playing great tennis.

Get a life Giles.

Hippy Chick Says:

Madmax what do you mean by GOAT of all GOATs,sorry just curious?….

Giles Says:

Lol. GOAT of all GOATS. That’s a first. Does that mean there are other GOATS???

sienna Says:

Mohammed Ali is GOAT…..

pogi Says:

of all the Goat athlete in their respective sports… Fed is absolutely above all GOATS

Sivaji Says:

Good article Giles. Hope he will fit by AO. Good luck Rafa

Jeez Says:

A Piece on stem cell therapy titled
Stem Cell Therapy: The Athlete’s Illegal


skeezer Says:

Thanks! Exposed! Rafa’s camp has always been on the “medical” edge of controversy……is it leading edge? Or…… the cheating edge?
Time WILL tell.

Dc Says:

Stem cells therapy is known to enhance performance by allowing faster recovery and promoting muscle growth.
So looks like Nadal will be able to win 20 grand slams at least and become the goat.

skeezer Says:

Yes, so if it happens or not, no excuses, no? ;)

Dc Says:

Skeezer – it’s going to happen. Nadal with fresh new cells will be able to perform at a very high level. Noticed how his knee problems have disappeared after the stem cell treatement for his knees.

A brand new more energized, fresher and more energetic Nadal vs. olderer federer, Nole getting close to the end of his prime.- who’s gonna challenge the newdal ??!!

Okiegal Says:

The only thing I can say about stem cell therapy is “wow” the wonder of modern medicine. Obviously it is legal so why not!

Klaas Muizelaar Says:

Thanks to Jeez for the link to the article on stem cell therapy. As the article says, you should distinguish between repair and performance enhancements.
In Nadals case I can see nothing wrong with it.

mat4 Says:

If you don’t see anything wrong, there is an article that sums it all very well:


Giles Says:

Sivaji. Thanks for your good wishes.
Vamos Rafa!

Giles Says:

skeezer & Co. hahaha. Jittery much!

Giles Says:

mat4. You keep posting the same article time and time again.

Giles Says:

Okie. Of course it is legal. Take no notice of the naysayers.
Vamos Rafa!

Okiegal Says:

@Giles……I don’t see what the big fuss is all about……I mean the treatment is legal and who in their right mind wouldn’t want to heal their injuries so they could play longer. If and when it becomes illegal, different story……Some say it enhances performance, well that would remain to be seen. PEDs…..Performance Enhancement Drugs….is stem cell therapy a drug? Apparently atm, not. What if Rafa happened to lose every match from here on out…..did the treatment enhance a poor performance? I know what I’m trying to get across but it might not be clear. I think it all remains to be seen. Power to any athlete in any sport if they choose to do this. I’m sure not everyone could afford it, no telling how much it would cost….

Okiegal Says:

@Giles……I don’t see what the big fuss is all about……I mean the treatment is legal and who in their right mind wouldn’t want to heal their injuries so they could play longer. If and when it becomes illegal, different story……Some say it enhances performance, well that would remain to be seen. PEDs…..Performance Enhancement Drugs….is stem cell therapy a drug? Apparently atm, not. What if Rafa happened to lose every match from here on out…..did the treatment enhance a poor performance? I know what I’m trying to get across but it might not be clear. I think it all remains to be seen. Power to any athlete in any sport if they choose to do this. I’m sure not everyone could afford it, no telling how much it would cost….

Okiegal Says:

OOPS sorry for the double post…..don’t know what happened…..Will I be apologizing for a double double post?? If it happens, I will apologize for it now…..this could go on all day!! Lol

Okiegal Says:

I think it’s tennis fans who have a steroid problem. Some fans know so much about it, they have to be using, no??

elina Says:

OMG to lend any credence to that steroid site says a lot! I am surprised but perhaps not.

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