Why Do The Miami Open Men’s Final Tickets Cost 52% More Than The Women’s Final?

by Sean Randall | March 23rd, 2016, 1:02 pm

In addition to the men getting the majority of matches on the big two courts at the start of the event (like they did at Indian Wells), the Miami Open is selling tickets for the men’s and women’s final at DIFFERENT prices when the prize money for both events is equal.

The cheapest Saturday WOMEN’S FINAL (which includes the men’s doubles final) ticket is listed at $69.

The cheapest Sunday MEN’S FINAL (which includes the women’s doubles final) ticket is listed at $105.

They both start at 1pm, both best-of-3, both include a doubles final to follow, but the men’s final tickets cost $34 (or 52%) more than the women’s the women’s final? Is that an “Easter Sunday” Markup?

Also, the cheapest Friday night men’s semifinal ticket is going for $75 which is also more expensive than the women’s final (6% greater)!

Maybe South Florida fans don’t like going to watch tennis on Saturday afternoon (though their ticket prices this weekend suggest otherwise). I don’t know.

Somebody please explain.

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36 Comments for Why Do The Miami Open Men’s Final Tickets Cost 52% More Than The Women’s Final?

Jac Says:

It’s because of women’s doubles of course. How can you be so ignorant.
Anyway! Why playrs from double draw are making less than those from single ? They are doing the same work (or even more since their court is a bit bigger)! They should be getting more than single’s players!
What if you had 2 kids and girl was singles and boy was doubles player. Would you tell daughter that she deserves more because she’s playing in singles ?

Jac Says:

Also, I’m sorry about double post.
Eurosport provided data many people been asking about:
973 mil – numbers of viewers of 2015 ATP tour
395 mil – …. of 2015 WTA tour

RZ Says:

Could have something to do with Fed making a return to Miami after all these years.

RF Says:

Sean you know the explanation; I know the explanation; everybody knows the explanation but some are just too stubborn the accept the obvious reality. So now what ? Will the likes of Serena accuse Miami open for being sexist pricing the two finals events differently ? Naah, the offended-by-self-perceived-sexism-brigade won’t do that as long as it’s equal prize money for men’s and women’s finals. I hear “It is our right damn it ! To hell with common sense”.

Sean Randall Says:

RZ, those tickets went on sale well before Federer announced his return.

RF, some should ask Serena. Maybe finals weekend they will. But truth is, it’s economics, it’s supply and demand.

The Miami tournament clearly says the men’s final is worth 50% more than the women’s.

MMT Says:

Yeah, that does bolster the contention that the men are the bigger draw, but they made a deal which now appears to be a very bad one. I would suggest making a better one next go around.

Margot Says:

Lol MMT better get the deal in quick then before “big 4” retire.
“I understand you want more money, Mr..um..um…what did you say your name was again?”

James Says:

Male models make a lot less than female models – and that’s appropriate, since female models generate more revenue. Many articles – one of which is below:

While the overall pay gap for men and women is persistently skewed toward guys’ favor, there’s at least one industry where women reign supreme: modeling. As the first New York Fashion Week for men kicks off this week, it’s worth taking a look at just how much more female fashion models make than their male counterparts.

Sean Randall Says:

James, very good point. If Serena has a son he won’t be a fashion model then.

MMT, imagine if you and I were both hired to blog at the NY Times for the same pay. After a month, the editor then comes to you, “Hey MMT, we are getting 50% better ad revenue from your blogs than Sean’s. Great job!”

Well, naturally you are going to ask for more cash than me, right? You deserve it.

That’s the mindset of most of the men in the locker room.

csebig Says:

It is the first lesson of economy: supply and demand. They charge a fee which the fans willing to pay for that ticket.

Anyway, I would pay much more for a mens ticket and zero for womens.

MMT Says:

If it was employment at will, then yes, I would immediately ask for more money. Actually, I’d line up another job, then ask for more money, and then go with the highest bidder.

But if I had a contract with no out clause and a non-compete that was legally enforceable, I would not do that until the contract were up.

I wouldn’t come to work publicly complaining, “I can’t believe I’m making the same money as that Randall – this sucks!” I’d be…a man about it – THERE I SAID IT!

Ben Pronin Says:

Sean, do you think ticket prices for the men’s final will go even higher if Federer makes it here as opposed to, say, David Ferrer?

Wog Boy Says:

Miami CEO is sexist and should be sacked for this, end of story..

Sean Randall Says:

MMT, you’re hired! Except the players – the men – can go demand more for next year even if under contract.

Ben, that’s the box office price even if the final is Kyle Edmund against Lukas Rosol. Of course the secondary market would drop considerably.

chrisford1 Says:

MMT – “I wouldn’t come to work publicly complaining, “I can’t believe I’m making the same money as that Randall – this sucks!” I’d be…a man about it – THERE I SAID IT!”

But in the case of tennis, you cannot counter the WTA ‘s very public celebration of “equal rights means equal pay for equal work and it needs to be so at each and every combined event” with a caution that men who disagree have no right to complain about that in public.

And if you had dealings with contracted employee, you would know that as time for contract negotiations draws close, both sides begin making their arguments in the open. Management says business climate (and exec bonuses) are such that payment will have to be the same or it and/or benefits reduced slightly, while labor says otherwise.

chrisford1 Says:

On another Blog, a person un named but within USTA management said that the USO has to give away tickets to early round woman’s events to give TV broadcasts better optics of at least some part of the stands having people in them. And in the later rounds, on the open (scalping) market, mens 4th round, QFs, semis especially, and the Final sell at multiples to the listed price depending on what men are playing or where the seats are.
He noted the market value of the woman’s final, with no Serena so much less corporate bloc tickets being used – scalp price went 50% below listed price.

RZ Says:

Question – are player appearance fees allowed? I remember them being frowned upon or supposedly banned, but I can’t find clear information as to whether they are allowed or not.

The reason I’m asking is that appearance fees are a way to provide players money based on their perceived value/brand/worth, and that would be a subjective amount either offered by the tournament or negotiated between the tournament and player. But prize money is based on merit – players get what they earn based on performance (i.e., what matches they win)

MMT Says:

Margot Says:
Lol MMT better get the deal in quick then before “big 4″ retire.
“I understand you want more money, Mr..um..um…what did you say your name was again?”

So true – actually, I think the end could come sooner than that – I think if Federer retired today, the ATP would be in big trouble. Look what happened to the ATP when Agassi went on walkabout in 1997…it didn’t really recover until he returned and won Roland Garros in 1999. And Agassi wasn’t nearly the global brand that Federer is.

Ben Pronin Says:

MMT, when do you think Federer will retire?

MMT Says:

chrisford1 Says: “But in the case of tennis, you cannot counter the WTA ‘s very public celebration of “equal rights means equal pay for equal work and it needs to be so at each and every combined event” with a caution that men who disagree have no right to complain about that in public.”

The ATP and it’s players have the right to say whatever they want whenever they want to say it. I just think it’s immoral, and not honorable, to make an agreement and then complain about it later. The same goes for the WTA mind you, but in this debate their position is the current deal, which is a sweet one for them.

Having said that, I recognize that IF they are renegotiating it is not uncommon to do tit for tat in public – it’s still dishonorable and I wouldn’t do it, but that’s me. If they have something to say they should say it at the negotiating table, but that may make me old fashioned.

MMT Says:

I have no idea when, but my guess is if he has an injury that causes him to have miserable results, or if he just starts having miserable results. Miami and Monte Carlo ought to be interesting…

Pancho Gonzales beat Rod Laver in a $10K winner take all 5-set exo at MSG when he was 41, beat a 16 year old Jimmy Connors when he was 42, and won his last tournament when he was 43.

Federer’s love for the game, I think, is dependent on him being competitive – if he’s just making up the numbers he’ll quit…well I would.

Ben Pronin Says:

If this injury doesn’t set Federer back too far, I think we see him play for a good while. And if it does set him back, if he sees improvement, we could see him for even longer.

I think the only way Federer retires is if he wakes up one day and says “I’m too old for this shit.” His game is still too productive, he’s still getting great results, he’s fearless, and he’s usually healthy.

To sum up, I don’t the ATP has too much to worry about in the near future.

Travis Bickle Says:

“Maybe South Florida fans don’t like going to watch tennis on Saturday afternoon (though their ticket prices this weekend suggest otherwise). I don’t know.

Somebody please explain.”

What’s up about these quotes. Sean?
I know you are smarter than that, and you know the real answer. Not working for the corporate BS outlets like ESPN, Tennis.com, or Eurosport allows you to call spade a spade (at least I think so).

In any case, thanks for pointing out these factual information that clearly show Djoker was right when saying that men tennis player should get more for “the product” they are providing to the world. It so clear that only rabid feminists or really stupid folks could reason against it. Besides, of course, WTA players and executives who may not be stupid but have vested interest in the equal-pay arguments, or like poor Ray Moore said “riding on the coattails of men”. The guy was fired (resigned) but he sure was right about it.

Humble Rafa Says:

I can’t believe how gracefully Humble Highness has handled this equal pay mess.

Sometimes I surprise myself.

Srekutica Says:

If the prices are the same then 80 % of the people would go to watch men tennis matches. Another lame attempt to make women and men tennis look equal.

Okiegal Says:

Poor Ray Moore is not a very wise man. If everything he said is right, which some out there think he was spot on, why would you say that crap to the media even if you thought it?? Reports stated he had too many drinks, but also said he was at breakfast. He gets an early start on his bloody maries or whatever he drinks I would guess……..Surely it was brunch…….

Okiegal Says:

I think 80% of the tennis crowd are women…..they’re going to swoon over the men players……women are goofy like that…lol!

Tennisfan Says:

^^It works both ways though lol. Whenever I talk to men about tennis, they bring up how hot Sharapova, Bouchard and Ivanovic are.

Margot Says:

I think you’re right about Fed and the tour. We’ve talked about that on here before, you know, what happens when the golden goose stops laying?

Tom Says:

Sean, thanks for having an open thread about this. The PC media and Serena/Murray have been in attack mode on No1e and it’s ridiculous that he is getting backlash for pointing out the obvious- men SHOULD be paid more as this story points out how Serena made MORE for doing less on the court and how the ratings clearly show people watch the men’s game WAY more (as you and others noted- simple economics, one of many sites with actual facts!):


I expect these social justice crusaders to now go after the NBA and demand that WNBA players should make the same money for example. Doubt that will happen but you never know. This is the ATP’s fault for caving in years ago by combining the tours but this path was also paved by Venus Williams complaining vociferously years ago about the pay (some were afraid of being called racists on top of sexist). The men could argue they are getting underpaid based on the economics of it. Serena should be confronted but I doubt the media will take her to task as most of it is coming to her aide which is why No1e was forced to apologize. Very strange times we live in when someone points out facts and is called a sexist, etc….And if I’m Andy Murray, no reason to dig yourself any deeper as I’m sure No1e will now enjoy beating you instead of worrying about hurting your feelings. Hope you enjoy those runner-up checks for the foreseeable future….

Markus Says:

Men should stop apologizing to women simply because they are women. Djokovic should not back down and should not apologize because he has acceptable reasons for his comments.

When was the last time women were made to apologize to men? There is reverse discrimination going on. No form of discrimination should be justified.

Okiegal Says:

@Tennisfan……Yes, it does work both ways. Just a little humor thrown in on this very hot topic.

Regarding Nole’s thoughts on the matter, he was honest with his answer and said what he thinks about the subject and now he is getting some negative feedback. I will bet if you asked him today if he regretted what he said, his answer would be yes. Sometime telling the world how you really feel isn’t in your best interest….but I will give him an A plus on honesty…..it has always been the best policy regardless of what the outcome could be…….

RZ Says:

Crazy tennis story having nothing to do with Miami, GOAT, or the pay debate: Robin Haase’s coach has been arrested for murder. http://www.nltimes.nl/2016/03/24/tennis-coach-caught-at-schiphol-in-businessman-everinks-murder/

J-Kath Says:

So Tom, if Nole and Andy face each other with an even greater sense of determination to win, we, the fans will surely enjoy the match that much more.

…You “Hope (he will)enjoy those runner-up checks for the foreseeable future”… so do I …..No.2 in the world is nothing to be ashamed of….

Giles Says:

Nasty piece of work that Tom. Well, his name is Tom, what do you expect.

MMT Says:

@Margot: There is one thing that about Ray Moore’s comments that gives me pause – the popularity of the ATP tour has skyrocketed specifically because of Federer and Nadal. Of this there is no question. Does the WTA have equally bankable stars who could carry the game for them? I would argue that if Moore’s comments were about the WTA more than the players, then in fact he thinks they COULD as well as should be doing more.

I don’t know what they could do behind the scenes, but what they’ve done in public (and some of the things they haven’t) are damning of the WTA as an organization. In a strange way Serena concurs, because she feels that a lot of people watch tennis (not just women’s tennis) because of her…and her sister.

And what alternative to the current paradigm if they’re dissatisfied with the contribution of the WTA? To exit joint events, which would be a big problem for Indian Wells…and Miami, Rome and Cincinatti. Like Cassandra, doomed to see the future, but nobody pays attention to her, Moore may have fallen on his sword (unwittingly, of course) in more ways than one.

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