Novak Djokovic’s Next Coach: Nenad Zimonjic?

by Tom Gainey | December 12th, 2016, 9:26 pm

Rumor is Novak Djokovic might tap countryman and Davis Cup teammate Nenad Zimonjic to be his next coach, that’s what some in Serbian press are reporting.

The news comes less than a week after Djokovic split with Boris Becker with no hint of a replacement.

The 40-year-old Zimonjic is, however, still an active doubles player on the ATP. He’s currently ranked No. 61 and earlier this year teamed with Djokovic in doubles at the Rio Olympics. So like Dusan Vemic did previously, might Zimonjic help Djokovic part-time while still playing, or would Djokovic require his next coach to be off the tour?

Two years ago during the ATP Finals, Djokovic glowingly spoke about his relationship with Zimonjic.

“Nenad is a dear friend of mine and somebody that has helped me when I was developing into a professional player,” Djokovic said. “Actually, when I was 13, 14, I was practicing with the same coach at that point, Bogdan Obradovic, he was the Davis Cup captain, he was his coach. At that time I was also practicing in Belgrade whenever I was there with Bogdan, and Nenad would hit with me a few times already.

“Already at that time he was at that time one of the top doubles players. So for me that was an experience, a learning experience, and obviously something I respected a lot. We have a relationship for a long time. He did always help with his advices. He was always there to play, to talk, whatever is necessary. I never forget that.”

For now, Djokovic has Marian Vajda in his camp when his season begins in Doha in three weeks.

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180 Comments for Novak Djokovic’s Next Coach: Nenad Zimonjic?

Giles Says:

Lol. From the sublime to the ridiculous!

Willow Says:

Maybe just what Novak needs, some new ideas, and fresh impetus ….

madmax Says:

Of course. It it good to try something new, take a risk. Certainly Novak will improve. Everyone goes through a bad phase. All of the top players. He is no different.

madmax Says:

Willow, I am NOT liking Rafa’s new hair cut. I saw some more photos of him yesterday. No. Unless it is to improve his speed, like the swimmers? What is your take on this?

Wog Boy Says:

There is no new coach in team Djokovic, Vajda has been elevated to his old position, and new permanent addition is Pepe, that is Nole”s final decesion and I can say he buried himself and his career with this decision. We’ve seen the results if this team in the last six months (Boris was already pushed aside) this fan won’t be staying late at night to watch cult leader in the box and his protege dragging himself on the court like an beaten cat.

You can find a picture of “happy” team (and family) and Nole statement on FB from MC yourself, won’t be bothered to post the link.

Good bye Nole, next one please.

Danica Says:


I will just repost what I wrote yesterday on a thread about Boris and Becker splitting after 3 years:

“On the other side, both Nikola Pilic and former Yugoslavia’s DC captain (from the 80ies), Radmilo Armenulic, think that if Vajda can be present full time, Novak does not need another coach. The coach’s role, they say, is primarily to watch the opponents and prepare tactics. They cannot teach a great player many new tricks.

So, we’ll see. The new season starts in about three weeks and I cannot wait!”

Wog Boy Says:


Vajda is not a proble, but one behind Vajda on that FB photo, one that is smiling and laughing all the way to the bank. He is fake, he is mystic and praying on vulnerable people. I know Marko was messed up, but Nole must be very lonely and now is messed up himself by accepting that cult leader and promoting him in his team.
That is not Nole I cheered for and loved, my Nole is pre FO Nole, I don’t really know this man, post FO Nole, but I can see that Jelena and Marko are very happy on that photo, Nole is anything but happy, you can’t fake happiness.

I am switching to WTA and Olga Danilovic and looking forward to see if Miomir Kecmanovic in Melbourne and if he is any good, he just defended his Orange Bowl title (only the third in the history to do so), and confirmed his position as #1 junior in the world, but professional tour is all different ball game.

Willow Says:

Madmax sorry not overly concerned about Rafas hair or lack of, just interested in his tennis or lack of, ill leave it for others that care ….

Dennis Says:

I just hope Nole delivers another Oz Open final beating to Andrew of the Murrays in 6 week’s time.

Giles Says:

Looking forward to the fun and games! 😜

sinha71 Says:

Roger to win at least one slam in 2017. Perhaps even two!

Djoko and Nadal are not the same and Roger almost always owns Murray.

Great opportunities to capitalize on his extreme longevity.

AndyMira Says:

To Rafa,Andy,Novak and Roger fans…This is for you guys..

“For A Hero’s Strength Is Measured

By His Heart”

Temple Says:

I saw the picture Wog Boy spoke about. If you look closely, right at that little table in front of them, there is an enormous white elephant, coming out of the ashtray. No-one seems to notice.

This guru is a puke machine with his white clothes and – is that a heart on his t-shirt? The one perhaps that has inspired Novak Djokovic titting to the world after his (fewer and fewer) victories?

Something is rotten in the state of Serbia. After Indian Wells – Miami it will start to stink.

Wog Boy Says:

Yes Temple, the photo is staged to show the unity of the team, even the way they are sitting around the table is well thought, they want to send the message that everything is in order which is in fact not.
You have bunch of parasites trying to shield their golden goose from reality and to keep him for themselves. Hats down to Boris for decading not to put up with that just gor the sake of money. Backlash is huge back home, manly because of sectarin involvment, not so much because of the results. But it looks fruitless.
Roger is standing big chance to add one or even two GS to his tally, and why not?

Wog Boy Says:

They even started petition hoping Nole will listen to his fans:

Willow Says:

For Wogboy, hope this will cheer you up enjoy ….

Wog Boy Says:

Thanks, but no need to cheer me up. I am fine, I go through the emotions during the match and just after the match of my favorite player or team. Everything else is just my opinion about my favorite player or team, they have their lives and I have my life, so many more important thing to do and live for, sport is just a hobby, though sometimes very stressfull one.

Willow Says:

Take a look though,if you havent already, im sure you would enjoy watching what you see, LFC champions league ….

skeezer Says:

One can hope. But the fact remains, Pepe Le Pew and tie die t shirts. Ohhmmmmmm.
Wouldn’t be surprised if BB gives Fed a call. After all, both desire the priority to compete at the highest level.

Truth Says:

What is wrong with his wife?! Is she so money grubbing that she doesn’t care that everyone sees Novak in public with instant failures? This is what happens what you don’t care about your talent the try to manufacture happiness with too much work/money and endless claims of joy.

Truth Says:

*when you don’t care about your talent then

Willow Says:

Skeezer saying Pe Le Pew always makes me laugh ;-) ….

Danica Says:

Nothing is wrong with Jelena, or with the two of them. They have their path in life and we are yet to see how all this will play out. At this point, all of us can just guess. But remember, Novak was quite attacked when he let Dr. Cetojevic go. He was also laughed at when he hired Boris Becker. I remember tennis pundits predicting that nothing would come out of that relationship. I wonder if they remember their words now.

Somehow, I believe Novak’s gonna be fine. I don’t expect him to dominate like in 2015 but I am sure he can win some great titles. I trust his judgement. If he fails 2017 miserably, then I may concede that all who cried out so loud against this guru guy, were in fact right.

Margot Says:

Very sexist all this “Blame the woman” stuff.

Danica Says:

I know Margot, right?! I mean, where were all these people to judge Jelena when Novak was winning? Now suddenly, she is the one to blame for his losses. As if Boris didn’t say the reason for Novak’s “bad” results was his lack of practice.

People will find a number of reasons to put the blame on everyone else but the very person who actually performed on a lesser level.

Wog Boy Says:

You really can’t compare Dr Cetojevic and Boris with Pepe, it is not comparable.
One accomplished academic who read tons of books to finsh university, the other accomplished champion who has beaten tons of great champions on order to become the best in the world and knows what it takes to be the best, and third one accomplished in what? Accomplished conman who is selling “magla” (fog) to Nole (helped by Jelena and Marko) that probably doesn’t have even high school and failed tennis player that made just over $100K as such, but getting tons of $$$ from the newborn Hugger and heart giver, former champion and world #1.
If anybody told me just six months ago that Nole would became sectarian I would tell him he is crazy, but that’s what he became as much as it is hard to digest for some Nole fans.
No support from me for that, never ever!

Margot Says:

Exactly Danica, if Jelena is responsible for the losses, then by the same logic she must be responsible for the wins.

AndyMira Says:

Nole would be very disappointed and very sad if he knew his loyal fan/fans took the easy way out by blaming his wife whom he love with all his might for his poor perfomance..

Wog Boy Says:

Just read the article from the bloke that started petition to get rid of the Pepe, he explained it nicely and very diplomatic, just one quote:

“… appears only to be based on Pepe’s own negative experience of competing as a professional tennis player back in the days, and the distress it gave HIM. “

Danica Says:

So, who knows how much distressed Novak was? If he recognized some quality in this Pepe guy, who are we to question his decisions? Becker was hired because of his experiences in big slam matches. That was fruitful. This guy went through some emotional turbulence that Novak maybe found similar to his own. To me, it looks like Novak is looking for people that can share experiences he could benefit from.

I’ve seen this petition and didn’t sign it. Who started it? What is this person’s involvement in Novak’s life? In MHO, ridiculous. If I were Nole, I would be pissed (pardon my language).

Giles Says:

I don’t think joker is going to be very happy or ” grateful” to his fans for the petition. In fact I think he will be furious!!!

Margot Says:

As usual Danica is talking complete good sense! As if Nole is going to make decisions based on online petitions. It’s ludicrous.

AndyMira Says:

@Dani 4:34 am…No doubt now, Dani is my twin in the past life!Her opinion is always similar to mine!Unbelievable!!

Wog Boy Says:

I remember certain poster signing online petition against the will of British people to exit EU and advocating that petition here on TX, like British government is going to make decisions based on online petition…it wasn’t ludicrous then?
Instead of talking nonsense try to read first what author of petition said and why he started it.
Of course they (other players fans) don’t mind Pepe in Nole’s box, I didn’t mind Mauresmo in Andy’s box either.

ttk tennis Says:

He has to fire Vajda and re-start from scratch!

Margot Says:

@ Wog Boy:
If enough online signatures are obtained the government is required to respond. I believe if 100,000 are obtained the Gov debates it in HOC.
So Danica is allowed to criticise the petition but I’m not. Why is that?
And, BTW I was very happy to have Amelie in Andy’s box. It was CDP who frothed.

Wog Boy Says:

Well, if there is enough signing maybe Nole will rethink his decision, that’s all what orginizer is saying if you both bothered reading his very factual and articulated article, and it is not ludicrous, but human, very much so.

Willow Says:

So Danica is also allowed to criticise a players weight and i am not, why is that ? ….

Margot Says:

Heck that’s slow, but wonder what average time over the tournament/year even, was.
Hope he was called out for it. Tis only fair.

Wog Boy Says:

I love reading comments on news, any news, this comment from one of the people who signed petition (believe it or not there is onle handfull of Serbians, the others are Nole fans from all over the world, and some not even Nole fans), well this one says it all and comes from UK:

Laura Jeffrey
Renfrew, United Kingdom
9 hours ago
I wonder how many top 10 players, past and present, went on court filled with love for their opponent? Very few I imagine. Nole needs to regain his will to triumph and dominate otherwise he will never be no. 1 again. Indeed, the inclusion of Pepe Imaz in Nole’s team is the best news ever for Andy Murray!

Wog Boy Says:

After googling the town I realized that this lady is from Scotland, I guess Andy fan, but very objective one, not like some here.

jane Says:

this is the full list from what giles posted:

novak was 50th so not the slowest nor fastest – in the middle.

i believe it tracks 2014-16

rafa was 5th slowest overall and andy was 14th

fed was 14th on the fastest list, with monf being fastest of all.

Truth Says:

He went from strong tennis to idiot tennis. Yeah, nothing worthless going on.
Everything’s mentally healthy & fine as long as Novak gives his time to needy poor people!
Let the blood scent attract Federer, the old tree. Even Nadal & Del Po are laughing.
The tree hugger is no more…

jane Says:

i’ve heard novak is sticking with vajda, so i think / hope he’ll be fine. he crashed a dance class today – adorable video on his instagram

J-Kath Says:


Ain’t my wee self as I hope you know.

Wog Boy Says:

I didn’t quite get that one, is that Scotish:)
Regardless, you are one of the most objective fans, all fans, here,I wish we have you with us, though I don’t think it matters anymore considering all things.

J-Kath Says:


What I meant was that I am not the lady from Renfrewshire. Apart from the occasional posting by a couple of lads from Glasgow, I don’t think there are any other Scottish posters (apart from myself)on Tennis X.

Yes, there are more Andy fans from other countries of the UK who post – the most famous being Margot from bonny Wales as you know.

As for Nole, I seriously think he will still give his competitors a “run-for-their-money” in 2017 and will certainly still be in the mix for Slams. The return of Rafa and Roger may muddy the waters a bit – but it all adds to an exciting year, especially if the “real” Nole re-appears.

Margot Says:

Well Danica, using the irrefutable logic on display here, I guess you must be a closet Andy Murray fan. Good disguise BTW but now you’ve been “outed” welcome aboard!
Oh wait……
@ Giles
That’s the trouble with stats they can rise up and bite you.

Wog Boy Says:


I see, you got it wrong, the quote I posted was from the petition, not from TX, I just copy/paste it and than after checking the poster address realized the lady is from Scotland, wasn’t referring to you since comment wasn’t taken from TX.

On the other note, I can see that some posters are trying to throw the bone between other posters and engage them in the fight, very very shifty indeed, I thought they are better than that, nothing really surprises me, good luck with that.

Giles Says:

Margot. The point is Rafa is not the slowest, Andy is! 😉

Willow Says:

Its not about throwing a bone between posters, and trying to engage them in a fight, its just some posters are just not fans of other posters that seem to have double standards, and wont call out a fellow fan for saying the exact same thing, now that is shifty ….

J-Kath Says:


I did understand that your quote came from the Petition – sorri if mine implied otherwise.

@ Giles: Poor wee Andy – he’s allergic to flying creatures. At the same time, he does not want to hurt them so he holds back his serve timeously.

Willow Says:

Theres many players guilty of the exact same thing, Rafas terrible for it, and Sharapova irritates alot of her opponents by turning her back and keeping them waiting between points, Novak bouncing the ball a gazillion times, but seems to have gotten better now, the umps need to be a bit more consistent ….

Margot Says:

Exactly Willow, it’s nothing at al to do with “throwing a bone,” how ridiculous, it’s to do with double standards on here, and jumping like a ton of bricks on some posters, while totally ignoring others who have said exactly the same thing.
I know you’re angry and disappointed Wog Boy, but honestly get a grip, has Nole suddenly forgotten how to play tennis?.
BTW nobody actually KNOWS how 2017 will pan out, so all this second guessing is really pointless.

chrisford1 Says:

Good to see him out doing stuff, having a little fun dancing, and catching up to the dance class moves.
A great career question is coming for Novak and his fans.
How does he respond to his 2nd half collapse as the AO will be here before you know it..?

Willow Says:

Thankyou Margot ;-)….

Wog Boy Says:

Angry? Absolutely not.
Disappointed? Yes, not because he is losing matches, but how is he losing them, like a wuss.
Disappointed? Yes, because he basically joined the sect, bit that’s his life, so he is pleased to do what he wants, but nine out of ten of his fans are disappointed and confused, because of that and not because of him losing matches, but you wouldn’t understand that anyway.
The rest of your post doesn’t make a sense so stick with Willow, as for double standards, yes, it is double standard when you use internet petition when it suits you, but when others are doing the same it is “ludicrous”,sure.

Margot Says:

I give up.

Wog Boy Says:

Of course you are throwing the bone, just read your posts on this thread, good luck with that.

Willow Says:

Margot yeah me too, theres no reasoning with people sometimes ….

J-Kath Says:


Sharapovo not one of my favourites but oddly enuf I quite like the way she turns her back – I had always thought it to be a way of controlling herself and felt Andy might take a page out of her book when he starts bullying himself.

Wog Boy Says:

And to prove the point about Nole fans in Serbia, the link I will give you is from State Television, heavily moderated, no one single comment is let through before moderator checked it, it is not yellow press. It is thread about Nole and Pepe, nicely written, there are 70 comments and not even five are justifying Nole’s decision to keep Pepe and fire Boris. The fans are sad and confused, the problem is not he is losing matches but the feeling that he betrayed his roots and wondered away with mystics and cults, and don’t anybody dare to call them armchair critics because they are not, they are ordinary people, working class people, who hardly make ends meet on €300 a MONTH if they are lucky to have a job, they spent sleepless nights following Nole, they cried with him, they celebrated with him, to most of them he was the rare light in their otherwise miserable lives, and they are not angry at Nole, you won’t find that in those 70 comments, just disappointed, sad, numb and confused with his action. Keep in your mind that this is only 70 comments that passed moderation, there are probably five times more that didn’t make.

It is Serbian, and it is to prove my point to some Serbian naysayers and “klimoglavce” here on TX, the others can try to do google translate if they are really interested which I doubt.

Margot Says:

D:4.21. D:2.35 M:2.53 D:3.20 M;3.18 AM 3.20 J:6.15
BTW there’s a world of difference between petitioning a Government, whose decisions effect millions, and which is bound to respond after a certain number of signatures are received and petitioning a private individual about a private decision. That looks like bullying to me.
I’m really giving up now!

Willow Says:

J-Kath its not so much the turning her back on her opponents, its the other stuff i find irritating, the gamesmanship of keeping her opponents waiting, the screaming which seems to get louder and louder during points, and also the moving about from side to side, its all trying to put her opponents off, and before anyone starts on me, its nothing to do with me being jealous because shes a hot looking blonde (YAWN) give me a break purlease, i just dont care for her gamesmanship is all ….

Wog Boy Says:

As I said Margot, I finished my conversation with you, you can talk to Willow now, you are good match.

Willow Says:

But your onto something there J-Kath, turn around Andy, shrug it off and move on, as long as he doesnt take on any of her other characteristics ….

Willow Says:

Well im glad to be associated with Margot, so thankyou Wogboy, but you really would cause an argument in an empty house ….

Wog Boy Says:

“BTW there’s a world of difference between petitioning a Government, whose decisions effect millions..”

I had to laugh at this one, it wasn’t government decision, but of the British people in democratically way, as far as I remember they voted, but sore losers refused to accept it, same as those challenging DT win, double standards at its best, they would rather cause civil war than accept the results of voting, since it doesn’t suit them, sure.

Sorry had to come back because I missed desert, and now I am finished my desert and my conversation with you.

skeezer Says:

This isn’t about people from Serbia, or Scotland or Mars, or the “Goverments”.
It’s about Tennis, ………………and Pepe Le Pew.

J-Kath Says:

On this rare occasion, Skeezer, you err. It’s about Tennis and Tennis Fans and how they present their views. Cheers.

skeezer Says:

“It’s about Tennis and Tennis Fans and how they present their views.”
Like I said….
It’s Tennis, not anything else. Unless of course you make it something else. It appears with some groups here they try to, or want to. Only the objective ones of course.;)

J-Kath Says:

Willow @ 8.44am

Glad you came back on that. Should we flood Andy with a requests to consider it? A petition? – ouch!!!!

RZ Says:

The timing chart is interesting, but I wonder how they measured this (i.e., in person or via TV). I would put a lot more stock in the average times than the single fastest/slowest time because the list doesn’t provide the context for the particular point. Sometimes a serve or preparation to return can be slowed down by the crowd cheering long after the point ends, waiting for a ball kid to get in place, having words with the chair ump, went to get a new racquet because of a broken string, etc. Without the context for the specific point, it’s hard to say whether it is a case of the player abusing the time violation or circumstantial.

Margot Says:

And I’m fine to be associated with Willow, so if that was meant to be some sort of insult, tough.

RZ Says:

^ Though I guess even in a circumstantial case, you could argue that it’s still a time violation.

jane Says:

rz, the lists are the averages.

RZ Says:

@Jane – there are 4 lists in the link. 2 include the averages for fastest and slowest, and 2 include the overall single fastest and slowest times.

Danica Says:

of course I read the text of the petition. Of course I read most of the posts from people. See, Nole’s fans react absolutely the same all over the planet because they base their opinion and views on the minimum information that is given to them. The truth is probably something completely different. What bothers me is that some people seem to live their lives through the success of their favorite athlete. So, if Nole loses it somehow transfers to them as if they lost. I am saying that, so far, Novak was taking initiative to change his approaches to life in order to make his tennis better, much better. Most of the time, he was successful. He is approaching 30. At that age, we could probably say that he is mature enough to know what suits him the best. We are mere fans, mere spectators.

Nole’s path in life is his own. If he wants to become a yoga master and a love guru, who are we to tell him he betrayed his ancestors and Orthodox faith? I will trust his judgement and wait to see how the 2017 season progresses.

But I love Andy. He obviously is not my favorite, but I love the guy. Never understood people who did not find him humorous. There is a lot to like about him.

Willow Says:

Margot @ 12.04 pm thankyou very much ;-)) ….

Truth Says:

Of course he forgot to respect tennis. If he had no money, I doubt he’d prance around in a dance studio like he didn’t insult the fans.
Of course Fedalray fans are happy, since Fedalray didn’t lose over 8000 points in 5 months.
What dominant #1 lost over 8000 points within 5 months?!!
Here he is making a fool of himself and acting like everything’s cool.
“Let’s try to make the fans laugh really hard at my dancing.”
Del Po must be thinking, “I humiliated him and I had a tough 3 years and barely played, let alone beat a top 50 player.”

Wog Boy Says:

This is comparison of Nole’s result under Becker in the last six months last year and under Ilmaz (Bilmez) who stepped in the since FO and the rest of the pack in the last six months this year by another Nole fan from Canada:

Sherbrooke, Canada
5 hours ago
07.’15 – 11.’15 9000pts :) :) :)
07.’16 – 11.’16 3830pts :( :( :(

Stop justifying unjustifiable, defending undefendable, stop puting your head in the sand and saying he knows what he is doing and he will be right, I am talking tennis wise. We don’t have to wait until AO, Doha is in less than three weeks time, he will be trashed by Andy if he makes final, if Rafa is in his half he has a chance to improve his h2h and goes back to positive next year, same as Roger, Nole will manage to undo all the hard work in the last 10 years in the less than one year.
Good job Nole, keep up hard work, nirvana, hugging, loving oponents and all other spiritual things that “brought” you all those titles and records in the previous ten years.

Wog Boy Says:

When we consider that he was extremely lucky to win Canda (1000 points) and make USO final (1200 points) the only appropriate word for his results in the last six months is disastrous results and disastrous quality of play, but never mind, he knows what he is doing, his spiritual leader is guiding him to even better 2017.
Good job Bilmez (and Marko and Jelena), you managed to do in six months what Roger,Rafa, Andy and the rest of ATP tour couldn’t do it in ten years, that is what I call master stroke.

AndyMira Says:

@6:38 pm…”Of course Fedalray fans are happy,since Fedalray didn’t lose over 8000 points in 5 months”…

Now,it’s fedalray fans fault?The other day it’s Jelena’s fault..Hmmmh..

To ALL FEDALRAY prediction for next year..IF Andy win a lot,Fedal win here and there and the most important thing,IF Nole still can’t find his usual standard..BEWARE,WE’RE GOING TO GET ATTACK A LOT!

Berghain Says:

Wogboy, why accept results when its so much easier to just blame the Russians. Don’t know if you saw this ridiculous speech by Labour MP Ben Bradshaw, where hes trying to Blame Putin for Brexit, one has to laugh at the silliness. Tucker Carlson and Nigel Farage have a discussion about it –
I’m really loving my Tucker Carlson these days, absolutely priceless. Hes ruthless and quick as a whip. Enjoyed watching this newsweek ‘journo’ totally unravel.

Always enjoyed watching Federer play and find it nice that people think he can still win something of significance. I do not. Would be nice to be proved wrong.

Wog Boy Says:


Thanks for the link, I read about that but haven’t seen it, you can’t expect any better from sore losers, not just that, latest from HRC, she is blaming Russians and Putin too for losing election and interfering in America’s policy, that Putin really everywhere, ah those Russians, bad boys bad boys;)

Wog Boy Says:


Thanks again for the link, I can’t stop laughing, that Bradshow is complete idiot and to blame Russia for refugee crisis:)). Every word Farage said he was right, he is as sharp as razor blade.

Berghain Says:

Wogboy no problem my pleasure, Happy you had a laugh about it. I did too.

This has to be the worst year for the media. Ive lost complete trust, even in reputable papers like the new york times. Check this out if you have time.
Tucker Carlson vs. New York Times’ public editor

Super late here so Ill be off soon.

Wog Boy Says:


Good that you introduced me to Tucker Carlson, I do have Fox channel (Foks news too) so I’ll try to find his show and watch or at least record it, he sounds like very smart and sharp person.

Berghain Says:

Yes he is. I actually never watched fox news before. I enjoy hes show a lot though. So im glad you can enjoy it too. I must say I am nervous about Monday. If Trump doesn’t get elected all hell is going to break out. The media war being waged against Trump is unprecedented. Never seen anything like it in my life, except maybe against Russia :). Have a good night. Starting the new season of ‘The Man in the High Castle’. 4 in the morning though…

Wog Boy Says:

The only reason I pay for fox is sport channels, I haven’t watch their news myself before, I prefer RT channel that I also have, you know, those Russians that interfere in western elections and referendums;)

Wog Boy Says:

Good night to you it is still early for bed for me .. unless something interesting is in the bed;)

Danica Says:

Again, where were Marko and Jelena when Nole was winning? By his (Nole’s) own admission, Pepe was in the team for a few years.

Post RG, Novak understandably deflated like a balloon. He then paid the price of bad scheduling at Wimbledon and went downhill from there. I believe he had injuries in the second half of the season. Troicki sad that it was a miracle Nole even appeared at the USO “considering what he had to go through”. Similar things were heard from Vajda who claimed they were not sure Novak would be able to play the USO. He insisted and he reached finals. I would agree with you WB that his path to the finals there was made much easier by the withdrawals but he won Rogers Cup fair and square with his C+ game. Without a lost set at that beating some long time top tenners.

AndyMira Says:

@Dani…pardon me for asking you this but what i don’t understand is…i already read about Nole’s admission weeks ago that Pepe was in his team for a long time..and Nole was having the most incredible year in tennis history last year and completed 4 in row this year at FO[while Pepe is already in his team]..But why the blame on Pepe was actualized in the last 2,3 months lately?

Danica Says:

Because people will always try to find scapegoats elsewhere.

As his results deteriorated, the excuses had to be found among people around him, his life choices and so on. But…

It is all Novak.
People blame it on Jelena, on Pepe… However, if he is so easily influenced, if he is not mature enough to stand up to all the influences (say, bad ones), if he is without integrity, then, he is a weakling. Somehow, I have trouble accepting that. I rather think that it is a way in sport. You cannot possibly be dominant for a long time. Getting to the finals of virtually every tournament must be extremely taxing on both body and mind. At certain point, you have to slow down.

People are quick to dismiss Nole’s second half of the season and to brand it as bad. But in that part of the season alone, where he missed completely two tournaments he always plays (Cincy and Beijing) he amassed more points than #6 Cilic for the whole year!

AndyMira Says:

@Dani…Once again i agree with you…To me,the reason is simple..We’re only human being and as great and excellent as we are as a human being,in the end we have to succumbed to the nature..We can’t run from that..It’s usually only takes a few reason for that to happen..

Wog Boy Says:


Do you have short memory loss, haven’t you posted just few days ago that even Niki Pilic never heard of Pepe? Pepe wasn’t in Nole team until this year FO, fact. You know that, “tapsu te po ramenima i setaju okolo kao ovcu”, you made your choice.

Danica Says:

Niki Pilic is not in Nole’s team since forever (never was in fact) and he may not know everything that’s happening. Being part of the team does not mean sitting in the box on every tournament. That’s why I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Yes, I made my choice. And that choice is to continue to follow Novak and wake up in the middle of the night to root for him. I don’t care what decisions in life he makes. I don’t care who is in his team as I know he chooses people HE thinks are the best choice for HIM. I just wonder what will happen with all naysayers if he starts winning again.

Wog Boy Says:

I couldn’t care less if he starts winning again as a sect member, what do you think why he avoided to attend Viktor’s church wedding? I defended him on that one , but I was wrong, he was embarrassed knowing that somebody is going to call him out on becaming sectarian, so he opted to stay in the hotel only for the reception. You might support sectarians, but me not, even if his name is Novak Djokovic.
By saying all of this, it would be fair if he returns the order of St Sava to SPC, since that order is not given just because you donating money, but you live your life accordingly.

“Молим те немој да ми одговараш јер ако одговориш свалићу се на тебе горе него Шар Планина на три чобана и проћићеш горе него чобаница Рада са штајге коју није кресно само онај који је журио на воз”

Truth Says:

Yeah. He’s so mentally strong that he put his loser brother above tennis.
I guess when he earned the money, his feeling of inspiration is gone.
He got injured but instead of recovering at home, he went out and threw tantrums.
He’s verging on big arrogance. He’s anything except a free spirited brave person. Tennis isn’t about feeling guilty about winning.
People are really tired of his self-demeaning mind games. He’s so upset that no one else enjoys his level of success and that he feels like the thief.
Bittersweet clown. Try too hard to be too happy or avoid arguments, get bored & try to confuse everyone including himself.
Keep this up and end the career, after the fans boo him off the courts.

Again, without millions of dollars, would he be so smiley and hugging the brainwasher guru and obeying his wife and clingy sob story-whining brother Marko? He has to keep up this humble married man image for everyone and sacrifice his tennis reputation.
Being wealthy doesn’t necessarily mean he can hide & detach himself from stress related to interviews & matches. He didn’t need to do several things.
He obviously can’t handle being a business man, supportive brother & player at the same time.
He can do one thing, which is get that winning game.

He’d be crying hysterically if he is forced to think and do the right things to achieve GOAT status, in addition to stopping the childish self sabotage & sacrifice games with his family.
His brother is not a baby. He can handle losing comfort and being humiliated by the big bad fans!
Marko already screwed himself with tennis failure & guru promotion.

Truth Says:

*inspiration was gone

jalep Says:

That’s not true why Nole and Jelena didn’t make Viktor’s church service. The Djokovic’s were late because of their commitments — there’s pictures of them hours away — Jelena was a featured speaker (i forget where); also they’ve been busy with the restaurant in Monte Carlo. It’s all on instagram if you look. They made it to the reception but they had to be rushed for time — that’s why Jelena looked a bit wind-blown. Pictures of them together enjoying the music and snuggling were all I needed to see they are happy enough.

Novak is recovering his spirit to compete – his body probably demands it during the times he’d rather not! You don’t let yourself slip very far as an elite athlete — the desire is still in him-in every cell and sinew. It’s a good feeling to be a super athlete. He’s too young to let it go. There. that’s my speech, amen. Novak has more to give at the highest competitive level. I feel confident about that.

Wog Boy Says:

Sometimes is good to check the facts and not to read instagram. They flew in Belgrade with private jet day before wedding (3:30pm), checked in the hotel where was reception, spent the night at the rock concert in BG Arena, that finished around midnight, no commitment on the day of the wedding of your best friend whatsoever, just tired from the night before and without desire to attend church wedding but stright from the hotel room down to reception, church is just around corner from his restaurant and tennis centre, wedding is traditionally around midday after regular church servise and you go to reception immediately after and start lunch, then dinner and so on.
As I said I defended him on that one on the forums since offical explanation was that he didn’t want to drew attention on himself and steal Viktor’s day, but I was wrong after seeing latest developments.

Wog Boy Says:

And you can see her here how she looks “healthy” and dressed like she is going on the beach and not on the wedding, no need to talk about her hair, she didn’t have a money to bring hair dresser into hotel room to tidy her up before reception:

Berghain Says:

Sup Wog, haha do you ever sleep?
Been in Zurich for work but am going back to Berlin for new years party, its gonna be so crazy. What are you up to then?

You know my Serbia XGF was very religious, but come bed time she was a devil, what gives?

Off to the Christmas Market here in old Suisse. Wanted to actually say I also read up on Rt now and then. I read a ton of news on maybe 20 different news papers and websites. I think its good to form your own opinion and not get brainwashed- cnn, bbc, nbc,yahoo… those are some of the bad ones and the list is endless. I enjoy reading crap too though, just to get perspective. Maybe Ill be on over the weekend and we can talk about it. Or also tennis…. :)

Berghain Says:

Oh und VP, Ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie ein herzliches Weihnachtsfest, weiss nicht ob du das liest aber ich wünsch dir alles gute und komm wieder mal nach Berlin…

jane Says:

this is the announcement of when marko and pepe opened their children’s tennis academy in spain

jane Says:

this is pepe with marko back in 2013 – madrid/novak too.

jane Says:

pepe and marko here, too, in april 2015

the point is just that he’s definitely been around novak and his family for a long while now. years in fact. but i am not sure just when novak had him at matches. since the end of 2015 if we go by the WTF pic.

but what was the role in his team? we don’t know, i don’t think.

the british media, in particular, played up this whole “guru” story this fall, but it was largely exaggerated. novak told them in pressers that pepe wasn’t a guru and had been around for a while, but they didn’t care.

i think us novak fans can take some heart in the fact that vajda is still there. i am in “wait and see” mode.

nice to see lots of videos of his practicing, on a positive front!

Wog Boy Says:


I had to wake up early, one of the drivers last night called sickie so I had to cover the job.
About religion, for me is more tradition and values that I respect and follow and religion is big part of it. I am not religious iin a way my wife is since I was raised in atheist family, but nevertheless I am religious.
The point is that I am huge oponent of those newborn cults and sects and Pepe is one of them. What is next, to bring him in Belgrade, use his popularity and promote him and his teachings and poison the mind of young jobless people over there? Their is already pleanty of those sects “bringing” to young people in Eastern Europe. Huge no from and as long as that “sektasko govno” is in his box I really don’t care nor will cheer him.

Wog Boy Says:


should say
“bringing happiness ”
“Huge NO from me..”

Truth Says:

He loved tennis like it was religion. Now he wants everyone to beat him. What a joke.

I was watching videos of the soccer players that survived the Colombia plane crash.
The less injured guys are eager to make fans happy by coming back to soccer.

I doubt Novak cared that much about Troicki during Davis Cup when they were losing badly in 2011-2015. He tried to play with injury.
He had to play DC because Troicki wasn’t a predictable winner.
He supports his countrymen, especially in real life, but it’s not like they can tell him what to do to be strong in tennis. He does look lonely, despite the chats with the top 10 guys.
That hugging, bromance guru is now in his face in 2016.
Not exactly fun like the stooges & laurel/hardy.
Brainwasher’s out for money and smelling the bloody wound, as Fedalray are chomping at him.
Grey haired Fed is winning 2 Slams next year.
With at least 2000 more novak points to lose, who needs the guru?

jane Says:

by the way, wog boy, i posted none of this pepe business to refute your concerns. novak is a bit of an enigma right now and so we fans – his true fans – are worried about him. some of us are more pessimistic and some more optimistic in how we express this, and that’s fine. let’s just try to hope for the best. fingers crossed!! cheers.

Van Persie Says:


Herzlichen Dank für die Wünsche. Werde versuchen das Weihnachtsfest zu geniessen. Leider hat Mama diese Welt in der 2-ten Adventswoche verlassen. Weihnachten war ihre Lieblingszeit…
Ich wünche dir und deiner Familie ein wunderschönes Weihnachtsfest, alles Gute und guten Rutsch ins 2017!

Danica Says:

Wog Boy,
Ti to meni pretis? Nemoj da si smesan covece.
As Willow told you once, and probably a few more, you cannot tell me who to address on a public forum.

J.S. Says:

WOGBOY – is 100% correct, knew I liked you!
Can someone stop the Bowing and turning to fans after his wins? That is so off putting to “real” tennis fans. What a showboat who is desperate to be liked, not happening!!!

Truth Says:

I worry about his off court desire for praise.

He probably broke down on the court due to the stress in his childhood when he had little time for fun.

J-Kath Says:

Van Persie;

I am always interested in what you say. Please give us an inkling in English/French/GermaN. Always respect your views.

Danica Says:

Hope you are well. Stay safe.

Van Persie Says:


Am very impressed for having gained your interest.



Hoffe, alles ist gut bei dir.

Danica Says:

Novak’s heart giving to the audience is actually part of the Uniqlo promotion. They asked it of him.

The links WB posted do not resolve any “issues” specially not WHY Novak and Jelena didn’t attend Viktor’s wedding (if indeed they didn’t). Both links are from the trashiest tabloid press and are pure bait for those who want to know “all things Novak”. The first one was here presented as some kind of proof for his absence although it only states what everyone knew – that the Djokovics were staying at a certain hotel. As for the second, it just shows some low quality photos from the wedding. We can talk of the Djokovics’ fashion style but I hardly think it is worth mentioning.

Berghain Says:

Danica, thx I am well.

Danke für deine schöne nachricht. Es tut mir sehr leid wegen deiner Mutter… du must Weihnachten auf jeden Fall trotzdem genießen, und mach dir bitte keine sorgen! Aber scheisse, ich glaub ich lass es mal mit dem weihnachtsmärkte… Zu krass.

WB I understand and agree :)

Danica Says:

Thanks for replying. Take care.

Wog Boy Says:

Novak i Jelena did not attend church wedding, only reception in the hotel, that is the fact. Whether it is tabloid or not that doesn’t change the fact they did not attend church wedding, every single person in Belgrade knows that, it was on the TV, prees, YouTube and what’s the point of lying in order to defend them is beyond me, it is not “trashiest tabloid ” fault they decided not to attend church part of the wedding, but only the reception in the hotel, here is another one with better picture:

Wog Boy Says:

I don’t care whether you are going to defend them or, it’s your preference, but I do care if somebody calls me liar, even worse knowing that I am not.

Danica Says:

Did not call you a liar. Nor am I one. Just commented on the links.

As far as I am concerned, I do not care whether or not they attended the church service. They had their reasons if they didn’t. And neither the all mighty yellow press can know WHY. There are no comments from Viktor on the topic. I am more inclined to believe it was the mutual understanding and agreement. His life choices are his own, I love his game, I root for him, and as long he is a nice human being, I have no reason to turn my back on him.

Ana Ivanovic also received a lot of badmouthing from her compatriots because she chose to have HER wedding in Venice, and – gasp! – in a Catholic church.

Wog Boy Says:

Wedding day is made of two parts, (church) weeding itself when two persons are spiritually joined and reception when the guests are joined with food, drink and dancing, no need to explain which one is more important for bride and groom, I would be filthy if my guests, any of them particularly best friends would choose not to attend the first part and join me only for the second part. Viktor certanly won’t say anything, it is stupid to expect that.
On the other hand, nobody in my life had (ever) my unconditional support nor will have, that includes my children, otherwise it is worshiping, idolatry and so on. Novak Djokovic is not above that particulary because of the influence and his popularity that he has on young people, that somebody else might use for their personal goal, but that popularity going down due to some of his choices. He is entitled to his choices but so are the othets not follow him due to those very choices he made. It is not all about game, game is only that, just a game.

This is interesting:

“Ivanovic also received a lot of badmouthing from her compatriots..”

Aren’t they your compatriots too, or you just want to look nice in the eyes of the posters here and distance yourself from your “former” compatriots?

J-Kath Says:

VP: My interest once caught is forever steadfast. (Ho, ho, ho as Santa Claus says).

Van Persie Says:

Nice to know this JK :)

Will impress you in Romanian this time. There is a quote “Se ține ca râia de om”. Sorry, do not find a proper equivalent in English…:(

Happy Holidays!

jalep Says:

Horrible news about what happened early today!

Czech news google translated

As horrible and sickening as it is, at least she’s alive. But poor, dear, Petra!

jalep Says:

Ben Rothenberg Retweeted
Courtney Nguyen ‏@FortyDeuceTwits 40m40 minutes ago
Hard to get this across beyond simple words: @Petra_Kvitova is such a gentle, kind, nice human. It makes imagining it all so so disturbing.

Ben Rothenberg Retweeted
Madison Keys ‏@Madison_Keys 9m9 minutes ago
So upset hearing the news about @Petra_Kvitova. Hands down one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. All my thoughts with her gentle, kind, nice human. It makes imagining it all so so disturbing.

It is disturbing news. Her Left hand too.
She’s a fighter…but I’ll miss her while she heals — love Petra Kvitova!

AndyMira Says:

@J…It was said that this is a random crime..her attacker did not attack her as Petra but still really sad this happened to her..11 cuts to her very precious left hand..that’s too much..Hope she will recover fast..

Margot Says:

Awful for this to happen to for poor Petra inside her own home too, makes it so much worse. Said in G her hand is injured.
Hope she can recover quickly mentally and physically.
Horribly reminiscent of the Seles incident.

Danica Says:

Anna Chakvetadze (spelling?) comes to mind too :(

Django Says:

I won’t be actively supporting Novak unless he gets rid of new age crap. But good luck to him

Okiegal Says:

There was a time when some tennis fans thought Rafa needed a sports psychologist. Is this what Novak is doing regarding Pepe? Could this guru be considered a psychologist of sort??

What has happened to Petra is horrendous! She seems to be a very sweet gal Anne I am so very sorry for her. Best wishes to her for a speedy recovery!

Danica Says:

In Serbia, as you know, Church is separated from the State. Church weddings are not official and are not recognized as legal. Only the weddings in City Halls or at the reception with the licensed official are considered legal. Like I said before, I do not want to get into the reasons of why the Djokovics chose not to attend. There is a multitude of reasons to think of. If they decided not to be Orthodox Christian followers, I will not think the less of them. I simply believe that whatever they decide is the best for them, is also fine with me.

That brings us to Ana Ivanovic. Sure, the people who commented on her choice of church are my compatriots too. I am very patriotic. But I do not side with people who define Serbdom with Orthodoxy (although it DOES have huge part in history and culture and art) nor do I support those who are judgemental and take themselves as some kind of parameter.

Most of these people who found fit to comment on Djokovics and Ana probably have parents who were not wed in church.

Wog Boy Says:

“In Serbia, as you know, Church is separated from the State. Church weddings are not official and are not recognized as legal.”
That is communist leftovers, everywhere else , including where you and I live is recognized, I got married in our church in Australia and it is legal, the rest of your post really doesn’t make any sense, Nole…Ana…particularly knowing how Novak built his enormous popularity in Serbia (not as sectarian but loyal member of SPC for which he got the highest order) that is slowly fading away due to his sectarian actions.
Nevertheless, I am sure you impressed your friends on TX, I am not one of them, that’s for sure.

Danica Says:

I am writing what I think and what I feel. Same like you. Whether you agree to that or not is your choice. I certainly do not write to impress anyone. That’s ridiculous.

You know what makes no sense? Writing about the weddings in churches elsewhere. I do not particularly care how it is done in the rest of the world when Viktor’s wedding took place in Belgrade, Serbia. Thus, the rules and laws of that country apply. I am all for separation of Church and State. I am also an anticommunist to the core, but think that religion has no place in the matters of the modern State.

If you did not care to try to understand what my post was about, then I’m just gonna say that for me, being a Serb is not defined by Orthodoxy. Again, your right is to disagree.

Humble Rafa Says:

Someone should hire RedFoo as a coach. He brings variety and color to any tennis team.

Wog Boy Says:

Thanks HR, if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t see the answer to my post.

It is embarrassing, and shows basic luck of knowledge, for educated person to say that recognition of church wedding as legal, but instead forcing peple to have civil marriage, on top of church one, in order to legalize their marriage is proof of state being separated from church.
The right to choose where are you going to be married (and to be legal) is basic right of every person and has nothing to do with separation of state and church or you are implying that in the rest of the world, western world, state is not sparated from church due to recognition of church wedding as legal?
If you did research, you would find that communists declared it illegal when they took power in Serbia and believe it or not it is still in the constitution (the new one written after the collapse of communism) and they have to change constitution in order to legalize it. They managed to kick the communisam out of Serbia, but not out of themselves, their kids are now running the show (country), and the only reason why they are going to change constitution is because EU is demanding it, not because they recognize need of the people to choose freely where are they going to get married.
Next time do a little bit of research before you post, it won’t harm you, you can start with this link and educate yourself about the matter you were trying ti discuss:

You are welcome

Wog Boy Says:

Of course Humble Rafa, this wasn’t for you but for danica:)

Wog Boy Says:

Just to clarify though I think it is pretty clear, “church wedding” applies and includes any religion and denomination wedding, not just particular one…even if they open the “hugg & peace” church franchise in Belgrade..

J-Kath Says:

So, WogBoy: Did you and your guests quell their thirst bringing in 1917? Aussie’s fireworks looked great. In my vicinity, some went off so close to my garden that I had to explore (in my dressing gown) to see if my windows were intact….and I’m no-where close to Edinburgh.

Am really excited about 2017 tennis, particularly betwixt Andy and Nole. Also note Rafa is finding his awesome range. 3-man race? Think Andy and the “Sir” business is embarrassing and Andy’s delicate make-up and fuelled need to play well magically all the time may be negatively affected by such expectations. Think Nole and Rafa will at least get a head start before Andy starts to learn to live with this ridiculous too-soon so-called honour.

Hope I’m wrong. Have a New Year as close to your dreams as you can get. K.

J-Kath Says:

Sugar!!!! – 2017 – — 1917!!!!! -Major typo! Bad as 2017 might be I believe 1917 – was not a good year!

Wog Boy Says:

Ohh yes JK, thanks for asking, I stocked enough panadols for the next morning too;)
I watched fireworks on the big screen, they are great, but Sydney is blessed to have facilities for fireworks, harbour, bridge(s), water views, opera house and other advantages in CBD, so when you put everything together you can’t go wrong, plus room for over million people to party on the foreshore and 7 million dollars that city of Sydney forked out for the fireworks and who knows how much more to clean the mess that one million people left behind:)
I watched Rafa and looks sharp, we’ll see in Brisbane, he has some stiff opposition overthere.
I won’t comment on knight thing, I’ll just say I am glad David Bowie knocked it back, when I am talking about Bowie, the fireworks were designed as tribute to Bowie and Prince (and some other that left this planet last year), if you look carefully you will see “purple rain” coming of the Harbour Bridge and also “space ships” formed by the fireworks above the Harbour Bridge, very nice tribut indeed.
Thanks for the nice wishes, all I need is a good health and that’s what I wish to you, everything else will come around. Cheers

lakie Says:

Agree with Danica. Church and State should be separate. They are, in all advanced countries. Recognition of marriages is a legal issue as Marriage is a legal institution. So it makes sense to have it recognized by law which in advanced countries is made by the State. Even where wedding ceremony is performed in a church, a marriage license has to be obtained and other legal requirements of the State satisfied for the marriage to be legal. Wog boy is mixing up wedding ceremny and marriage.

BBB Says:

My wish for the new year, aside from world peace, or even just peace on Tennis-X, is for Tennis Channel to list its programs correctly. Today, it said “classic tennis matches” when in fact it was Hopman Cup. Happens all.the.time.

Wog Boy Says:

lakie, again trolling?
You don’t have clue what are you talking about, sitting in NY and talking about other countries laws, right, how stupid one can be.
In the western countries you get married in the registered church, witnesses sign and priest duty is to send your documents to register office and marriage is registered, you don’t have to repeat ceremony, it is one and only wedding and ceremony that couple has to do.
In Serbia you can get married in church but legally means nothing, the couple has first to go to local council register office and to do entire ceremony with witnesses signing again so only then the marriage is legal.
But of course you are here to troll, so keep trolling.

lakie Says:

Wog boy. You are wrong. You are mixing up ceremony with the institution. Everyone who gets married in a State where laws are made by the State have to satisfy the legal requirements of the State. Try to think with logic instead of trollese and all would be clear.

Wog Boy Says:

Even you are trolling I will congratulate you if your trolling succeed in what you aming at, and it is obvious what you want, you don’t care less about our arguments, let alone danica, let’s wait and see, but I think you will succeed and I’ll keep my promise.

Okiegal Says:

@Wog Boy…..i worked in the court clerk’s office where the marriage license are issued as per Oklahoma law. You get the license first and it is your choice if you want to be married by a an ordained minister or a Judge…..both are recognized by law. I had a cousin who married a Catholic and eloped and got married by a Justice of the Peace (civil) ceremony. For the Catholic Church to recognize their marriage they went through another ceremony and were married by a priest. Yes, different marriage laws in different countries. I found the Serbian marriage laws very interesting. Glad you shared that information. Having done that very thing in my job for many years, another country’s way of doing it was enlightening. One more thing…..after the minister or judge and all the witnesses sign the document it is returned to the court clerk’s office to be recorded. A copy is made for a permanent record.

Wog Boy Says:

Thanks for your input, that is exactly right, you have choice whether you want to do civil ceremony or church one, because priest or pastor is licensed to do same is civil celebrant so they register your marriage in the register office, in Serbia that is not the case, you must do civil one in order for your marriage to be legal, so basically you are physically doing two weddings in one day, your right to choose is taken away from you and that was introduced by communists in put in the constitution, during monarchy, prior communists took over you had a choice,
When I got married for the, well not first time, but first time in the church here in Australija, I only had to bring our birth certificates, we did everything in church, signed the contract, two witnesses confirmed and that was it, church the rest and registred the marriage, at least I have experience in getting married in different countries and different political systems, so I feel qualified to talk about that with absolute certainty…;)

Wog Boy Says:

Or to simplify, you are not required to do religious or any other private one, there are no licensed civil celebrants, that’s banned, you can’t ask for license to be married somewhere else, that’ doesn’t exist, but you have to do civil one, required by the law, in government sanctioned local council office performed by government official (celebrant) and I am talking about full ceremony that lasts forever with the same speeches about duties and obligations and so on and only then it is registered and legalized …:)

Wog Boy Says:

lakie is just killing the time and throwing the bone, she is smarter this time around than in her previous life under different moniker on TX. Last time she was here, she had embarrassing public meltdown (almost nervous breakdown) on TX, before she disappeared for few years, but not before she admitted her few previous monikers. She tried to engage Roger and Rafa fans in her last battle with Nole fans, they didn’t come to help her. This time aroun she is smarter, since she came back she is trying tobuild her fan base, to put posters against each other and avoiding any confrontation (communication) with one Nole fan that she hates the most (more than Nole and any other fan on TX), even that fan commented few times her posts, she never replied, but soon or later she will, she can’t hold it for much longer, she wants revenge for all embarrassments she suffered on TX for quite awhile under different monikers. Right lakie? Good girl, I’ll buy you a treat, how about bone..or pigs ear?

lakie Says:

I haven’t even been around on tennis forums long enough to be able to disappear for a few years. I have no idea who wog boy is talking about. But somebody who doesn’t know the difference between marriage which is an institution and wedding which is a ceremony….well what can you expect from him? Who is supposed to be the person I hate the most? It is not wog boy for certain because despite his delusions he still comes across as likeable…just deluded…poor soul.

Okiegal Says:

@Wog Boy 12:19 ……I had never given it a thought how different the marriage laws could be from country to country. That might would be an interesting research. I loved my years working at the courthouse. It was a very interesting job. I enjoyed your explanation of the Serbian and ..Australian way of doing things.

lakie Says:

No matter how the wedding ceremony is done, the marriage has to be recognized by State law. The Australian Marriage Act 1961 is a law made by the Australian Parliament which regulates the rules for the recognition throughout Australia of marriages. If one of Wog boy’s numerous weddings was performed in a church and the marriage was legally recognized, that was because the minister who officiated was recognized as an authorized marriage celebrant under the Marriage Act. In other words, he was also acting as an agent of the State.
The Catholic church probably suffers from power hangover because before the Reformation spearheaded by Henry VIII, it was the Catholic Church which wielded power and the King was its agent. So it probably insists on a Church wedding for recognition by it even if the marriage is already recognized under secular law and therefore legal.

Danica Says:

Wog Boy,

How long have you been living in Australia for? How many marriages did you witness in, say, past 10 – 15 years in Serbia? Because, you have it totally wrong.

You are telling me that I lack basic knowledge on the subject and ask for argumentation. You write this:

“…recognition of church wedding as legal, but instead forcing peple to have civil marriage, on top of church one, in order to legalize their marriage is proof of state being separated from church.
The right to choose where are you going to be married (and to be legal) is basic right of every person and has nothing to do with separation of state and church or you are implying that in the rest of the world, western world, state is not sparated from church due to recognition of church wedding as legal?”

– In Serbia, you can choose to get wedded wherever you want. If you want to do it in the forest, yes, you can. Your church in Australia still had to send the paperwork to some state office. Right? Otherwise, your marriage would not be considered legal.

After Lakie wrote a very sensible answer, you said she knew nothing of western countries’ marriages as if she does not live in one. Sorry, but in the USA, you HAVE to obtain the marriage license. Period. Form the County official. Going to church and having the ceremony means NOTHING if you do not get the license. Just like in Serbia. So yes, you are mixing up the institution with the ceremony.

Explain this:
“… In the western countries you get married in the registered church…”

What does it mean “registered church”? Are there churches that are not registered? How do they get registered and by whom? State of course.

Danica Says:

“you are not required to do religious or any other private one, there are no licensed civil celebrants, that’s banned, you can’t ask for license to be married somewhere else, that’ doesn’t exist, but you have to do civil one, required by the law, in government sanctioned local council office performed by government official (celebrant) and I am talking about full ceremony that lasts forever with the same speeches about duties and obligations and so on and only then it is registered and legalized …:)”

This is not the case. Don’t take for granted what WB said specially if you are comparing the systems. Because, this whole statement is NOT true.

Like I said before, you CAN perform your civil marriage anywhere you choose. No one is forcing you to do anything. You do NOT have to be “in government sanctioned local council office”, you can be wed in a barn if you so desire. As long as the registered official is there to perform the basic civil ceremony which, by the way, does not last that long at all. You need only two witnesses.

I had my church wedding in Belgrade in 2001. I had my civil marriage in 2011. Two witnesses only, we didn’t inform anyone. Went for a nice drink with witnesses afterwards and that was all to it. We could have had a civil marriage legally in a restaurant where we went to celebrate after the church wedding in 2001. The state official can come to any place you want, in our case to the said restaurant, and perform it legally. Usually, they don’t want to take up much time from the celebration so they say minimum needed. So, I was legally married only since 2011.

My brother wedded in Belgrade in 2012. They did it in a club, by the pool, thus at the place where they had the music, food, cake and so on. The registrar came, read what was needed, they signed and that was it. No reason, nor did anyone asked them to, to go to the county offices.

So, the church weddings in Serbia are only performed for the sake of tradition and nice protocol. They last waaaaay longer than the civil weddings. Viktor’s official, legal wedding happened in the hotel where the celebration took place. Nole and Jelena attended that.

Wog Boy Says:

Congratulations, you did it.

Instead of BSing the people and writing a novel, check the link I gave you which is the LAW, written in constitution. Everyone can do google translate and will find that what I said is true.

As for “registered church”, yes, unless the church is proper church and priest has the license marriage is legal, ther is lot of so called “churches” and sects who can’t obtain license therefore their marriage is legally worthless.

“Ne da si ovca, nego si ovčurina, zrela za sisanje, prija ti laskanje.”

Wog Boy Says:

And for your information, I’ve been living here 30 years, came through Germany, I am “emigrant” not “imigrant” like you, being accepted by the people from SNO and was blessed to see and experience real “Serbian emigrants” who arrived here as oponents to communism and Tito’s regim, not “bumbarsko dete” like some of you.

Danica Says:

Wog Boy,

I was mostly quoting your BS, thus the longer posts.

Since you do not have any arguments and you showed that you do NOT know anything about the system in Serbia as of now, you decided that the best defense is to offend. Yes, your article can be google translated as well as your Serbian last sentence. Write it in English so everyone can see who you are.

Your article states that “maybe, eventually, potentially, some time in future, if this and that…” the weddings in church can be recognized legally. Huge IF. But:
“U slučaju sklapanja verske forme braka, verski starešina pred kojim je brak sklopljen bio bi dužan da u vrlo kratkom roku, dostavi matičaru”
Meaning, the priest still has to send the paperwork to government officials. And in the case of a divorce, there is no church involved – it all has to be done through county offices.

Danica Says:

I have to disappoint you, I am not a “bumbarsko dete”, on the contrary, I am coming from a long line of priests and church officials, some of whom were also teachers alongside Vladislav Petkovic Dis, or pretty high on a SPC ladder. Being in the States for 20 years myself, I met and stayed with a lot of people who escaped Tito’s dictatorship, so I am the last person you should be preaching about that.

The English speaking posters here can tell us whether there is a difference between words “emigrant” and “immigrant”.

Wog Boy Says:

They certainly can google translate what I said, because that’s who you are, just a plain sheep, and you shear the sheep, not just that, but you are goose too, since you allowed to be used.
At the end you said what I’ve been saying all along, you can’t get married and be legal like in the west, since local priest don’t have license nor they can legitimase it, for different of here where they have a license and they have equal rights as civil celebrants, who do excatly the same thing (just last Thursday attended wedding in Royal Botanical Garden in Sydney,), they finished everything and celebrant is going to send the signed documents to registar office, same as priest and that’s it. You can’t do that over there, maybe you can do it in the park but civil celebrant has to state employee, not private operator not religious person, therfore doesn change what I said and don’t translate only the part of the link, since link is addressing entire problem inherited from the communist regime and amazingly being incorporated in the new constitution written by “democratic’ government. As I said in all days of Kingdom people had a choice, but not today.
I know your acedemic pride is hurt, but sheet happens, and as I said, sheep are for shearing, “ovce su za sisanje”.
Stick with your new friend lakie, she sucked you in.

Congratulation lakie, I told you so;)

Wog Boy Says:

You know very well what is different between an “emigrant” and an “immigrant”, that is what matters, but you are obviously confusing “bumbarsko dete” meaning, kids from well to do family, whether it is priest backround (they are usually wealthy) or any other, but definitely not working class kids.

Willow Says:

Well i got married in a field, surrounded by neolithic stones, wearing a medieval dress, a long robe, and a crown made of flowers, it was a freezing cold day, but i wouldnt change a thing, or swap it for a church wedding anymore, just wanted to throw that in there ….

Margot Says:

To emigrate means to leave your homeland.
To immigrate means to enter another country, where you become an immigrant.
To migrate means to move.
Hope this helps.

Wog Boy Says:

No it doesn’t, because we are talking about meaning of those words in Serbia and how it used in that language which are different of one you can google and danica knows the meaning and difference of being “emigrant” and being “imigrant”, she is just being smart. No need for outside involvement since both of us know the meaning, that’s what matters to me.

Margot Says:

Danica said, “The English speaking posters here can tell us….”
That’s me.
BTW, as we both well know, there’s no such thing as a “private conversation” on an open forum. If you and Danica want a “private conversation” you should go elsewhere.

J-Kath Says:

Towards the end of apartheid in RSA – there were two different categories: (a)entry by people of independent means; (b) entry by people who had obtained employment in advance. I don’t really want to enter the “private conversation” but wondered if this goes to the heart of the exchange.

That’s it. Bye bye.

PS: Andy lost his doubles match. Nole nearly lost his first set but seems to have re-set his play in time.

Danica Says:

No Wog Boy,

Why don’t you just admit that you have no clue what you were saying so that we can all move on?

We speak of weddings in Serbia and how they are performed now. What part of it don’t you understand? You showed lack of knowledge and experience. Sorry. Maybe sometimes in 1950ies when you got married there for the first time, you absolutely had to do it “in government sanctioned local council office” but it is not so NOW. Church weddings are a folklore NOW. That’s the law of the State. You keep droning about things being forbidden, about civil ceremonies that last forever, but many things changed since your time.

As for “bumbarsko dete”, no, sorry again, but mine were not wealthy, communists took what little they had. They never were in the Party, and couldn’t move up. Just normal, middle class family of yes, educated people. “Bumbarsko dete” is a synonym for kids of communist parents who were well to do because of their allegiance. So no, not at all me.

As for Lakie, she agreed with me. I, of course, agreed with her. Neither did I sucked her in nor did she do the same thing. This is an open forum and everyone can pitch in anytime they like.

“Immigrant” and “emigrant” are also synonyms. You migrate to somewhere else for different reasons. You try to tell me how “old emigration” are people who left for political reasons and how the “new immigrants” that left in the ’90ies, are somehow different. Sorry buddy, try harder.

Danica Says:

God no. What would I talk privately with someone like WB?

Nice wedding. I bet it was magical. ;)

Wog Boy Says:

Firstly I wasn’t married in 1950s, but very early ’80s, secondly whole discussion is whether you can get married in church and to be legal like here and everywhere else, whether state gives you permission or simply the church is licensed to do it, like here without foing civil ceremony. The answer is no, you have to do civil ceremony to be legal (religious is optional) you dont have choice between two. Which part you don’t understand?
You keep moving the post and watering subject to look different, but it doesn’t work.

So the question: do you have a choice over there?
The answer: No, you don’t,.

The question: Do you have choice over here?
The answer: Yes, you can do either of two.

The question: Who invented that law and put it in the constitution?
The answer: Communists, until then, in the old Kingdom, You could choose either one, religious (Christian, Jewish…) or civil, and both were legal.

The question: Is that law still in the constitution and are they going to change it?
The answer: Yes and Yes, EU will force them.

These are the facts, the rest is watering down and moving goal posts.You try harder.
Now go back to the link I gave you, which is factual and educate yourself.

Everybody knows that in official public (political) vocabulary, until ’90s, when you are using word “emigrant” it was exclusively used for political oponents living overseas, whether they are actively opposing the system or just joining Serbian clubs (with not “approved” flags and pictures on the wallls), instead of going to “approved” Yugoslav clubs, the word “imigrant” was used for the people who left the country for any other reason, but you are puppy (puppet) so it forgiven to you, it is more clear to me now remembering some of your posts from while back praising “brotherhood and unity” in former Yugoslavia.

Now you will excuse me, Vanuatu is waiting for me and I really don’t have any more time for “guska” like you who’ll do anything to prove herself worthy of “laskanje”, stick with lakie, she succeeded and not just her.

Good job lakie, nothing but respect, and I mean it, so far you are doing well.👍

Wog Boy Says:

God no. What would I talk privately with someone like WB?”

You certainly wouldn’t be able to talk anything with me because “šlihters” (uvlakače) are not allowed on my table.

lakie Says:

wogboy is in full rant mode. Poor guy still doesn’t understand that he doesn’t understand…

Willow Says:

Danica thanks and it really was, and BTW stay true to yourself, theres nothing wrong with your posts, i enjoy reading them ;-)

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