Caroline Wozniacki Isn’t Thrilled Maria Sharapova Can Get Wildcards After Drug Ban

by Tom Gainey | March 12th, 2017, 2:52 pm

A growing number of players have voiced their disapproval of Maria Sharapova making use of wildcards in her return to tennis from a 15-month drug ban next month in Stuttgart.

Andy Murray was on record saying those who get caught should not be able to receive wildcards immediately after the suspended is over.

“I think you should really have to work your way back,” he said.

Francesca Schiavone didn’t say Sharapova by name, but she wasn’t happy that a certain someone who already secured wildcards into Rome and Madrid may take her spot at the French Open.

And yesterday, Caroline Wozniacki also groaned about the practice, calling it “disrespectful”.

“I think obviously she’s a good draw to tennis, women’s tennis in general. That’s one,” Wozniacki said Saturday at Indian Wells.

“But, two, I think it’s very questionable, allowing — no matter who it is — a player that is still banned to play a tournament that week. I think that’s — from the tournament side, I think it’s disrespectful to the other players and the WTA.”

Sharapova, who has no ranking, already has spots in Stuttgart, Rome and Madrid. And is now awaiting word from the French Open and Wimbledon.

“When someone has been banned for drugs and something that is performance enhancing,” Wozniacki added. “I think that you deserve a second chance like everybody else, people make mistakes, but I think you should fight your way back from the bottom.”

As a Grand Slam champion, Sharapova is entitled to unlimited wildcards and with no ranking right now, that’s the only way she can play WTA events. And because of her star power, she’ll more than likely get as many as she wants until she can get in on her own merits.

Wozniacki is in action Monday at Indian Wells against Katerina Siniakova in the third round.

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81 Comments for Caroline Wozniacki Isn’t Thrilled Maria Sharapova Can Get Wildcards After Drug Ban

Wog Boy Says:

Those jealous little b….s are going green, “davai Maria”.

BBB Says:

I don’t think of Wozniacki and Schiavone as jealous little b*tches.

Wog Boy Says:

Correction..big b*tches. It is up to organizers who are they going to give WC, foes anyone has balls to question Larry Ellison why he gave WC to X or Y?

Maria did the time for the crime she committed, end of story, if they are not happy they can boycott the tournaments she is invited to play.

BBB Says:

I don’t think of Wozniacki and Schiavone as jealous big b*****.

You can disagree with their argument – which is substantive – without relying on a trope for which there is no evidence in regards to these particular women.

Czarlazar Says:

And don’t forget the little b*tch Murray. Why is he commenting on women’s tennis at all? Surely he has better things to worry about, like trying to develop a second serve after 20+ years of trying?

HJF Says:

All Wozniacki is saying is that Sharapova shouldnt be given special treatment, and that she should have to fight her way back, she did say you deserve a second chance, and that you makes mistakes, i dont think its about malice, its about everyone being treated fairly ….

Van Persie Says:

I do not think Wozniacki, Schiavone, Kerber are selling so many tickets as Sharapova at her matches….

“its about everyone being treated fairly …”…Federer was ranked Nr. 17 at the AO, nevertheless he palyed all his matches on Rod laver Arena, night matches… Andy played 1-2 day matches, if I remember well, 1 match also on Margaret Court (?)…and is Nr. 1. So we should not be hypocrites and pretend it is all about fairness in sports.

Sharapova is a 5 GS winner, she did the time for her crime…and organizers can give the wild cards to whom they want.

Van Persie Says:

^^ 5 time GS winner

Van Persie Says:

I posted a comment at 4;49, and it is awaiting moderation. The above comment is a correction for my comment.

Markus Says:

The tournament officials are greedy for giving Sharapova free passes to the tournaments. That shows how some people will throw away their principles for money. They are supposed to punish users of performance enhancing drugs not make it very easy for them to return to game in spite of the offense. Unprincipled greedy people, just like those people here who say it is OK to just let Sharapova to get all those wildcards.

HJF Says:

Right on ….

Wog Boy Says:

Davai Maria

HJF Says:

Markus refreshing to get the POV from a male perspective, most other men think females are out to get her because of her looks ….

Luke Thomas Says:

There’s been no evidence that Meldonium is a PED, so it isn’t one. She was treated overly harshly for being Russian in a year when WADA was out to get Russia banned from the Olympics. He wild cards can be seen as compensation.

steve-o Says:

She’s getting the wildcards because she’s tall, blonde, and attractive. That means she moves product for advertisers. It’s really that simple. Has nothing to do with right or wrong, only with money.

Wog Boy Says:

Luke Thomas,
You couldn’t be more right, everything was about to ban Russians from Olympic, even WADA admitted the other day, but nobody noticed, that Mclaren report doesn’t really have hard evidence and basically is based on the word of one Russian turncoat, but it served its purpose, Russians were kicked out of Olympics even ParaOlympics, at the same time doping alegation of Mo Farah, his coach Alberto Salazar and some other athletes coached by Alberto went unnoticed:

Wog Boy Says:

Sorry, Sir Mo Farah;)

Wog Boy Says:

Same as the tweet of American born Serbian swimmer, who lives in LA, to Michael Phelps went unnoticed:

Ovi Says:

Beyond money, ethics and moral questions, I think it would be good for Maria and for her game to start from scratch, work her way up. It would silence all the nay-sayers and would actually put her in a better position to be a true contender, again.

Czarlazar Says:

You mean the Serbian swimmer who beat Michael Phelps — according to Omega, the official timekeeper — but wasn’t awarded the gold because he didn’t touch hard enough? A perfectly reasonable explanation when politics and big money is involved:

BBB Says:

I haven’t read the pleadings in awhle, but I thought meldonium did help with exertion, which is why Sharapova took it more frequently during matches than before or after.

I have no problem with her taking it before it was banned, PED or not. Once it’s banned, it’s a breach of the rules to take it.

She was also deceptive about her use.

Kimberly Says:

sorry but Sharapova a way bigger draw than wozniaki, way more accomplished player

skeezer Says:

BBB has brought clarity once again. This was already determined, ruled and dealt with. She paid a penalty for it. Some trying to re visit the story and twist the facts around won’t change the real facts. The players are voicing their opinion on the matter, and I see it as a fair complaint against the wild card usage.
Andy is spot on “β€œI think you should really have to work your way back,” he said.”

BBB Says:

She was fully in control of her own situation. What did the panel say – she was the architect of her own misfortune. Again, if something’s not banned, take it all you want, but at least pay attention to the list of prohibited substances. And when you’re caught, learn from Martha Stewart’s mistake and keep your mouth shut.

jalep Says:

It’s the usual Sharapova lovers defending her.

I’m with Caroline Wozniacki, and those that think she should work her way back and I’d say the same if it was Serena, Kerber, Federer, Rafa, Nole, Andy, whomever…banned and coming back entitled because of money and fame. I’d hate it; just like I do Maria’s preferential treatment.

HJF Says:

Well said Jalep and BBB ….

Luke Thomas Says:

Can being a grand slam winner, blonde, tall and attractive, be the only reason that Porche went overboard in extending the wild card to Sharapova? After all they already have a brand ambassador who fits the bill in Angelique Kerber who won the Porsche event last year. After Sharapova’s ban, Porche could have got out of their financial commitment to her and probably saved themselves some mega bucks. Although Porsche suspended their arrangement with her, she has been seen at Porsche marketing events recently, implying that their deal is back on. More than just standing around in a picture, Sharapova has made herself into an accomplished marketer. Possibly she is unique.

Margot Says:

@ jalep
And defending her in the usual extremely sexist way.
Plus ca change.

Bruce Myles Says:

She took the drugs and that is that…she should fight her way back, if she can, to prove that she is good enough. Druggies are disgusting people.

Van Persie Says:

“And defending her in the usual extremely sexist way”

Well, if Judy Murray is allowed to make sexist comments towards Deliciano, mens are also allowed to do so

Van Persie Says:

It is normal to be attracted by attractive people…. I am wondering if Carla Suarez Navarro (as much as I like her game) would get a great deal from Porsche if she won 3-4 grand slams. I think not. That’s the world we live in and we have to accept this.

Luke Thomas Says:

The final arbiter was CAS, which superceeded the ITF. The CAS report disagreed with much of the ITF tribunal, and said (paraphrasing); she did not cheat, and did not intentionally take a banned substance (which even WADA have not said is a PED). However she was very lax in reporting responsibilities, hence the punishment. A bigger concern should be Scottish English language education because Andy Murray said he doesn’t see the difference between intentional and unintentional.

Wog Boy Says:

And VP, it is apparently ok to make racist (chauvinistic) comments in public if your name is Kim M. according to same hypocrites.

Van Persie Says:

Well WB, I can get it, that some people dislike Maria…but I do not get , why is it a problem for some, if others consider Maria attractive…WTF, am I a sexist, because I said here that Safin is hot?

Wog Boy Says:

Well, he is hot…am I sexist if I say that as a man or that applies only for opposite sex?

Van Persie Says:

WB, we will let others decide that ;) hehe

Van Persie Says:

and furthermore: there is no rule in WTA and ATP, which forbids tournament directors to offer wild cards to tennis players, which were banned…so nothing illegal here, but then, off course, tennis players are welcome to express their opinions.

HJF Says:

I Think people are missing the point, its not about looks or gender, what it boils down to is the integrity of the sport, and players being treated fairly, and all been on an equal footing, why should any one particular player be given preferential treatment ? ….

Margot Says:

Calling women “big jealous b*tches” is extremely sexist, not to say extremely disrespectful. I don’t know what Judy said but if she called Lopez “hot” then that is not the same thing at all. Now if she’d called him a “big jealous c*ck” then that would be completely different.
Anyways in what universe do two wrongs make a right? That’s the morality of the kindergarten. Surely we can all take responsibility in the here and now for what we write and stop justifying what we write because of what x said.

Van Persie Says:

She was banned, she was treated fairly.
In April, she will not be banned anymore but organizers want her at their tournaments. The law allow them to offer wild cards in such cases. I do not see “the preferential treatment” here…

Van Persie Says:

my above comment was for HJF.


Serena Williams used the “b*tch” word a few times during her matches, and it is mostly addressed towards the opponent. She never got a warning for that…so I assume it is ok :)

Van Persie Says:

“Anyways in what universe do two wrongs make a right? “…agree, 2 wrongs never make a right. WB highlighted more , that some of us observe and insist only on “1” wrong, and ignore the other one, which is inconvenient.

Van Persie Says:

Regarding the wild cards,

I have noticed, that at the tournaments in the US, there are mainly the Americans, who get the WCs, at The FO the French, and so on. So it is a problem, that Sharapova got a WC, but it is not a problem to “discriminate”.

Van Persie Says:

^^ so, 12 Americans at IW 2017 + Donna Vekic, who gets so many wild cards, but never makes further then 1st or 2nd round….

skeezer Says:

It is not uncommon of tournaments to give WC to the local countrymen/women. Look it up. Latest I remember was AO.
“Serena Williams used the β€œb*tch” word a few times during her matches, and it is mostly addressed towards the opponent.”
Women calling each other B’s is not sexist is it? I have been called worse here by other guys, can I shout out sexist? Need some help here…..
Webster: “prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially : discrimination against women”

Van Persie Says:

No Skeezer, but it is disrespectful for sure…tu use the word b*tch at an official match. No very lady like, I would say. WB posts here anonymus, it is not his intention to be a role model.

Agree, organisers have the right to give wild cards, to whom they want. Was my point. It is not illegal. Sharapove is also no longer banned starting with April, so also not a problem.

skeezer Says:

“it is not his intention to be a role model.”
then there should be no intentions………just sayin’..;)

Van Persie Says:

Yep Skeezer, you should also try to stop trying so hard to be one ;). It does not work. Just saying ;)

skeezer Says:

Yep VP, and either should you, just sayin’ ;)

Margot Says:

“Sexism in language is an offensive reminder of the way a culture sees women.” Thus it is disingenuous to refer to women as female dogs and then pretend you don’t understand what sexism is. It’s also about power so I guess Serena had more power/status than her competitor, but of course she was in the wrong and should’ve been fined. Did her opponent complain?

Van Persie Says:

Just came back for you, Skeezer, to make myself more clear. I did not blame the Americans for the wild cards. Every country does this, if they have tournaments. It is a good opportunity to give a chance to young people from your country. And since US has the most master tournaments, they have the uper hand and talented Americans can build quicker the ranking points for other tournaments. Lucky them. Others could say, it is unfair. HJF was very concerned about unfairness here

Van Persie Says:


Well, some do not like to complain about each stupidity

Van Persie Says:

Wozniacki and Schiavone also did not complain about WB. All good.

skeezer Says:


BBB Says:

WADA didn’t say she intentionally took a banned substance. WADA said she intentionally took meldonium, without knowing it was banned. That’s why she was looking at a 2 year suspension not a 4 year suspension. The question was her level of negligence in unintentionally taking such banned substance.

Sharapova’s suspension was lessened because the appellate body found it reasonable for her to rely on the doofus Eisenbud to monitor the banned list. So, not because she was “very lax.” In fact, that’s where they most significantly parted company with the original decision.

They’ve taken the original decision down, so I can’t see exaclty what they said, but I disagree that meldonium is not a PED. It improves heart function. Same as the stuff I take for asthma – it’s a PED, even though it also has a therapeutic use. Now, there’s a debate over whether she *intended* to consume it for PED purposes. But that’s different from whether it’s a PED.

I myself found the appellate body’s reasoning to be elliptical. She didn’t go to Skalny for the purposes of enhancing performance. But that doesn’t mean she didn’t take meldonium for PED purposes. They also gave her a pass for misunderstanding what she needed to disclose on her tournament forms – meh, I didn’t find that persuasive, but if they give everyone that kind of benefit of the doubt, fine.

As I said before, whether it’s a PED is irrelevant until it’s banned. I have no judgment against her for taking it prior to its being banned.

I think stuff she said at her presser turned out not to be true. Can’t remember the details, but I then found her to be dishonest and had no sympathy for any suspension she got up to 2 years. More than 2 years would have been unfair, as I believe she did not know it was banned.

BBB Says:

VP – I agree that’s the way the world is, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try to make it better.

I think it’s fine to support Sharapova’s getting these wildcards if you are comfortable that money should be the driver. That’s a legit philosophy. I also think it’s fine to oppose her getting these wildcards because it undermines the penalty that was imposed on her. That’s also a legit philosophy. It doesn’t make anyone a jealous beey otch.

HJF Says:

BBB Well said ….

Van Persie Says:


Do not get me wrong, but I do not like Maria. She paid fir her sins for having taken the PED and now she is allowed to compete.
Am also sure, that she did not need it for medical purposes….like Serena does not need her PED for medical purposes. Maria doped illegaly at the beginning of last year. The other one dopes legally.

So, I am sorry, in order to make this world a better place, I think it is not enough to forbid the wild cards for Sharapova. It is really irelevant.

BBB Says:

I think people here are claiming sexism in that anyone objecting to Sharapova’s wild cards is reduced to a jealous beeyotch. The jealous part bothers me more than the beeyotch part. I see no problem calling it out when it happens. Sometimes people don’t realize they’ve got a particular bias until it’s pointed out.

Wog Boy Says:

Thanks and sorry for having hard time because of me.

As for what I said, I absolutely don’t regret and just have to add Kiki Mladenovic and Cibulkova as jealous know what. As for jealous bitch(ing), there is far more jealous bitching in women’s world than in man’s that’s fact, that’s how the world is made by mother nature, God or Charles Darwin, whether you like it or not.
I can’t wait to see Sharapova back and faces those little …you know what in the locker room.
The point was, if I am tournament organizer it is absolutely my right to give WC to whoever I want, if that’s my sister in law, than it will be my sister in law and she is hot..Maria did her time, she is the most accomplished player on tour after sisters, she is hot and sexy (though I am not big fan of blonde girls), every sane organizer will have her on top of his lists of WCs, Larry Ellison would call her first if she was eligible to play and actually I wasn’t Maria fan at all, but I am now, davai Maria, kick the asses of those little…you know what..

Van Persie Says:

I am more amused, because calling somebody a jealous b*tch has nothing to do with sexism, but with disrespect. But the word sexism is very loved here.

BBB Says:

Sexism and disrespect are different things?

If you assume that a woman who criticizes another woman does it based on pettiness rather than principle, that ticks both boxes, in my opinion.

Wog Boy Says:

Good that you mentioned Dona Vekic, since she comes as part of a deal between Stan’s agency and tournament organizers, if they want him than they have to give WC to Dona, they were not happy in Brisbane, but they gave her WC anyway.

BBB Says:

I hadn’t seen WB’s latest….

QED :)

skeezer Says:

“….like Serena does not need her PED for medical purposes.”
What are you implying?

J-Kath Says:


Kudos to BBB and VP. Let me know when you are both free – lots of work available in Bonnie Scotland. PS: If Maria would stop screaming….!!!!!!

BBB Says:

I am totally moving to Scotland! I think I’m 1/4th Scottish….

J-Kath Says:

BBB: Hurry up…got your ensuite ready.

Van Persie Says:

I am implying that both, Masha and Serena, do not need medication, Skeezer.

WB, you’re welcome.:)

Cheers to all, JK, BBB, Margot included. Am off now

Van Persie Says:

P.S. hate the shrieking, but the actual WTA would be a mess without Serena and Maria. The others are unreliable.

Wog Boy Says:

“If you assume that a woman who criticizes another woman does it based on pettiness rather than principle, that ticks both boxes, in my opinion.”

And you assume that these two (you know what) criticized rather of principle and not pettiness after seeing that literally every tournament is rushing to have Maria signed to play their tournament months before her suspension expires?
Come on, I don’t believe for a split second that you believe they did that because of principles, you are smarter than that, you are just killing your time like me on TX..

Wog Boy Says:

I don’t mind shrieking, not at all;)

Wog Boy Says:

Difference between boy and girls:

1. Gasquet and Troicki were given WCs as soon as their suspension ended, boys were happy to see them back on tour, maybe Andy had something to say, he always has, but I can’t recall it, so no bitching about WCs, not at all

2. Maria is given WC and what?

Yes, I am sexist;)

BBB Says:

I assume based on a lack of evidence of pettiness by either of them in the past that these comments are not predicated on pettiness.

But, you’ve said yourself that their reaction is ordained by God, because women.

Wog Boy Says:

No, I sad mother nature, God or that conman Charles Darwin, I gave you choice of three, you picked God.

BBB Says:

That changes everything!

Wog Boy Says:

We have inside knowledge about each other, you were married to Serbian, I was married to solicitor.

Dee Says:

Firstly Tournament organizers can give wcs to anyone they want. Its a business.

I love watching live tennis, I go to tournments and pay for my tickets however I plan to avoid Sharapova from now on. Ive loved tennis all my life (playing and watching). Ive attended wimbledon every year sense the early 90s but the whole match fixing thing and the doping really shook me. Am i being naive? Is the whole thing fixed?

I know its entertainment but I dont watch WWE for a reason.

When you dont follow the rules you rob someone else of their break through or that cheque that could have made a difference.

Just saying.

BBB Says:

Dee, I don’t like Sharapova, but she took something that was legal and stupidly didn’t have sufficient internal controls to know when it became illegal. I don’t consider her a doper in the league of those who know something’s illegal and mask it.

Her intention, as far as I’m concerned, was to follow the rules to a T. She screwed up.

I think she’s a liar, but I don’t think she’s a doper in the real sense of the word.

skeezer Says:

Can you point out to us all what “medication” Serena is taking that she doesn’t need ?

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