Is Novak Djokovic Back With Marian Vajda?

by Tom Gainey | April 9th, 2018, 9:59 am

After Jettisoning Andre Agassi and Radek Stepanek, might Novak Djokovic be returning to former coach Marian Vajda?

Djokovic, who parted with Vajda a year ago, was spotted hitting with the Slovak last week at Pepe Imaz’s academy in Marbella, Spain. His brother, Marko, also works there.

Nothing official has been announced on Vajda from Djokovic. But one Serbian media outlet is reporting the partnership could be more than just a weekend support call.

Djokovic is expected to be back in action next week at Monte Carlo where we will find out more.

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43 Comments for Is Novak Djokovic Back With Marian Vajda?

Daniel Says:

Finally, some potential great news. At least his trying something, so the ones claiming retiring soon might be wrong.

BBB Says:

I don’t know how much, if any, blame lies with Imaz, though I’m inclined to believe he’s not necessarily a healthy presence. So I’m going to say thumbs up to the fact that Djoker is hanging out with Vajda, and thumbs down that it took place at Imaz’s facility.

Mridul7 Says:

According to b92sport, Vajda is going to coach Novak for atleast the rest of this season. Its surely gonna go upwards from here on for Djokovic.

Willow Says:

He was a great coach for Novak, although i never cared for him after his need to gyrate on top of a care bonnet after Novak beat Rafa in 2011 ….

Tennis Vagabond Says:

It doesn’t matter who the coach is. If it is true, as reported, that Becker and Agassi both quit over lack of commitment from Novak, that is what needs to change.

Only Novak can get himself out of his slump.

Tennis Vagabond Says:

As Pepe would say, change comes from within.

Margot Says:

VP: are you more optimistic now? Hope so.

fionski Says:

Djokovic is losing because the gas in his C-Vac pods has been banned.

autoFilter Says:

Has the gas he used really been banned, fionski? Can you provide sources for that, please?

Willow Says:

I Think we have a troll ….

Van Persie Says:


Am not much more optimistic, but have to admit , it is a good sign.

Margot Says:

VP: “Good sign” is good. :)

Van Persie Says:

^ yeah, at least a “likeable” and more familiar face in Djoko’s box

Willow Says:

Agree with Tennis Vagabond, the change has to come from between the ears ….

Humble Rafa Says:

Pepe has a hold on him. All others including Vajda are standing between the Egg Lover and Peace. Pepe will convince the Egg Lover the importance of peace in his life.

j-kath Says:

Brits on “home” territory vs Uzbekistan Davis Cup September – wonder if wee Andy will be there….

j-kath Says:

A question that I think belongs on TX tennis main stream (as opposed to the “other-than-tennis- strand”) – the question of Facebook users as it may apply to Tennis X contributors who are not F-users? What data can be collected through innocent chat by Facebook contributors about their TX friends i.e. those who have not signed up for Facebook?

I understand that many people are happy with Facebook but there are many who do not trust it and I personally have good reason to be uneasy about it.

Willow Says:

J-Kath i was also a bit sceptical about it, and still am, i only originally went on there because it was a good way to interact with my pagan friends on their personal pages, and also they sold their tickets for our camps on there, the people that make it dangerous are the ones that share too much personal info, there are hackers and scammers which can happen on any type of social media, im usually very careful whom i friend, they are usually people i know or friends of friends ….

j-kath Says:

Willow: Did you see that interview with Mark Zuckerberg on Newsnight? Hairy, scary!!!????? Yesterday, a local resident relayed some unbelievable info. on how the tracking/hacking is done..Phew. Agree, it happens on all types of social media…but the sheer numbers on Facebook makes it a popular target.

Keep well and cheerful.

skeezer Says:

Love the Novak pic on the home page. Djoker!

Willow Says:

Thanks J-Kath its all fine, i actually dont discuss tennis or TX on FB, and the only FB friends i have on there are Okie, Andi Mira and Jalep, there are pages for certain players, or certain things, but they arent clearly visible to all FB users unless you give them a like, and you can leave the pages whenever you wish if you decide your not interested anymore by going on your own personal profile page and by pressing unlike ….

Humble Rafa Says:

Dear Staff,

With losses to players ranked 175, shouldn’t the Arrogant One go in the trunk? Just asking for my own benefit.

skeezer Says:

^you must have a consistent history of losing to 100+ ranked players to be trunked*

*See HR

rognadfan Says:

HR should be happy that roger is in the same row there. so you can be near the funky bushes ;)

Humble Rafa Says:

Path to greatness involves making sure you are above the person you don’t want to be.

#funk and trunk

Humble Rafa Says:

the US Open will add another one this summer, becoming the first Grand Slam event that would use a 25-second serve clock in the main draws

Is this necessary? You let some people make their own schedules (day/night) and then force time limits on others.

Tennis is artistry. Some things take time.

skeezer Says:

scheduling = time clock?

Giles Says:

Fed chooses his schedule, eg day/ night. # smart cookie.
Tournament directors pander to his every whim!
Time clock = bad idea.

skeezer Says:

Trying to compare scheduling and time clock is ludicrous. Apples and Oranges.
Everyone knows the time clock was coming thanks to Rafa. Been talked about and discussed years ago.
If Rafa is so great a player, then he will adjust. All great players do.

Markus Says:

Why does Nadal wear a $775K Richard Mille watch?

AndyMira Says:

Markus…Not only Rafa..but Sascha too wear watch on court…As to why,maybe this article will give the answer…

skeezer Says:

He obviously doesn’t wear it to keep time.
Notice he takes it off before play and puts it on right after.

AndyMira Says:

Heh heh!…Sorry to disappoint u Skeez!…But Rafa also been captured by wearing watch while he’s on court too!…Check this out Bro!

Markus Says:

I’ve seen Rafa wear his Richard Mille while playing but he never looks at it. Time is of no concern for him.

Margot Says:

AM: I see we’ve all gone for Rafa to win MC. Only thing in dispute is who he will play, Busta, Sascha, Shorty, Lukas all possibles.

AndyMira Says:

M!…Hey Boss!!…Yeah!…we’re all picked Rafa!…And good luck with your Busta pick ma’am!…Yeah!All of them r very possible candidates for final…

Oh!Btw…Much congrats for Marrakech win Boss!…Your last surge by picking Sousa in QF sure kick Big4fan to the curb!!Hahaha..You’re awesome!!

Hope Kyle will win the whole thing now M!…He should be!Andujar didn’t play in ages!Very possibly lack of stamina in the final…

skeezer Says:

Am sure he has had photo moments showing him wear it whilst playing, but have seen him also wear nothing and put it right on after the match. Se le ve.

Margot Says:

skeeze: “…have seen him wear nothing… heavens to Betsy, whatever can you be watching?” :0

AndyMira Says:

Yeah Skeeze!…I knew what u mean…i’ve seen him wear nothing too sometimes in the past..but,it’s been a long time now since he did that…i guess the term in the contract with RM demand him to always wear it on court…

Margot Says:

Now you too AM! What is going on? Could you let me know which channel you are watching? I …ahem…ahem…need to verify this in the interests of pure academic research, you understand….;)

AndyMira Says:

M!….Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!….Very funny M!!!!Hheehhehehehe….

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