The X Blog - Dysfunctional Tennis Blogging at its Finest

March 26th, 2010

American Tennis Player Odesnik Caught Smuggling HGH

“For possession there’s a possible two-year ban,” a spokeswoman for the International Tennis Federation said. “We know the court hearing is over and we now await a report to be sent to our Tennis Anti-Doping Program. Until then we can’t provide any further comment.”

Posted by Staff @ 9:25 am in Tennis | 20 Comments »

November 12th, 2009

Yanina Wickmayer Tennis Doping Press Conference

– On February 18, 2009 I went online and Googled the general email address of the
doping agency, and sent them and email to ask for information as I had heard several
players talk about the new anti doping program.

Posted by Staff @ 11:49 pm in Tennis | 10 Comments »

January 18th, 2009

Tennis Opinion: Volandri Asthma Doping

President Jimmy Carter was such a micro-manager in the White House that he reportedly personally OKed or nayed all requests to use the White House tennis courts, but was also so passionate that he phoned 14-year-old newcomer Tracy Austin after he watched her beat Virgina Ruzici on television in the fourth round of the 1977 US Open to congratulate her.

Posted by Richard Vach @ 8:37 pm in Tennis | 4 Comments »