Did This Man Try To Break Into Boris Becker’s Wimbledon Home? [Video]

by Tom Gainey | May 3rd, 2014, 11:39 am

Police officials confirmed a man who’s long been targeting the homes of the rich and famous around Wimbledon tried to break into one that belongs to tennis great Boris Becker.

According CCTV footage recorded last October, a man attempted to enter Becker’s Wimbledon Common house before an alarm scared him away (it is unclear if that’s Becker’s house at the start of the clip).

Police say the man has since returned. Though nothing has been taken or damaged, Becker’s wife, Lily, now lives in fear.

“Not only do I have to switch on all the alarms I have to leave some lights on in the house when I am sleeping,” she told the BBC. “I can’t enjoy my living room because it is connected to the garden where he has jumped over a few times.

“That freedom has been taken away. I would do anything to protect my family but I am a skinny little woman so there’s not a lot I can do.”

The Beckers and their children have lived in the home for many years, and now the family considering moving out unless the intruder in caught.

Here’s footage of the man doing what he does:

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3 Comments for Did This Man Try To Break Into Boris Becker’s Wimbledon Home? [Video]

Hippy Chic Says:

Oh dear i really hate this sort of thing,whether your rich or poor makes no difference,having your home broken into is a violation of ones sacred space,you can replace meterial things but your home never ever feels the same,i hope they catch this man so he cannot do this to anyone else,and i wish Boris and the family all the best after this traumatic experience :((….

Colin Says:

Hippy Chic, do you remember when, a few years back, some guy invaded George Harrison’s (apparently secure) home and menaced him with a knife? Mrs Harrison arrived suddenly and clocked the intruder with a heavy table lamp. There was a picture of him looking very battered, and it’s a wonder she didn’t kill him.

Of course when Boris was young you wouldn’t want to have him catch you intruding, as he was physically formidable. Another home I wouldn’t burgle is Lendl’s, as he has a whole bunch of large and dangerous dogs.

Hippy Chic Says:

Colin yeah i do,and rather scarey considering that George Harrison is a Billionaire and could afford all the gadgets and security,and this scumbag still managed to break in,i would say Boris and Lendels earnings put together are dwarfed compared to what GH has earned from his career with The Beatles,im not a nasty person but i would also say good his wife for clubbing him like that,shame that the Harrisons didnt have one of Mr Lendels dogs to bite him in the bollocks and Boris intruder….

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