Serena Williams Apologizes Again — Part II

by Staff | September 14th, 2009, 12:54 pm

After getting ripped across the internet yesterday for her non-apology apology statement  press release, Serena Williams issued another statement through the USTA today regarding the US Open final against Kim Clijsters where she threatened to ‘shove this f*****g ball down your f*****g throat’ to a linesperson. She also gestured menacingly at the linesperson with her racquet and reportedly threatened to kill her.
Serena Williams Statement, September 14, 2009

“I want to amend my press statement of yesterday, and want to make it clear as possible — I want to sincerely apologize FIRST to the lines woman, Kim Clijsters, the USTA and mostly tennis fans everywhere for my inappropriate outburst. I’m a woman of great pride, faith and integrity, and I admit when I’m wrong. I need to make it clear to all young people that I handled myself inappropriately and it’s not the way to act — win or lose, good call or bad call in any sport, in any manner. 

I like to lead by example. We all learn from experiences both good and bad, I will learn and grow from this, and be a better person as a result.”

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36 Comments for Serena Williams Apologizes Again — Part II

Gordo Says:

The class bully hits another student and makes her cry. The teacher sees this and demands “You apologize right now.”

“No,” says the petulant student.

“You apologize this instant or else!”

“Yeah, okay – I’m sorry, whatever, not that I did anything wrong. It’s my right to slap someone if I want to.”

“That’s no apology!!!” I mean a REAL apology!



“Okay – “I want to amend my press statement of yesterday, and want to make it clear as possible — I want to sincerely apologize FIRST to the lines woman, Kim Clijsters, the USTA and mostly tennis fans everywhere for my inappropriate outburst. I’m a woman of great pride, faith and integrity, and I admit when I’m wrong. I need to make it clear to all young people that I handled myself inappropriately and it’s not the way to act — win or lose, good call or bad call in any sport, in any manner.

I like to lead by example. We all learn from experiences both good and bad, I will learn and grow from this, and be a better person as a result.”

“Now did you really mean that???”

“Of course.”


Steve@TennisNewz Says:

I think if the first apology had gone through her PR team it would have come out like this one. This is pretty much what everyone was expecting her first statement to be. It’s unfortunate that it took a lot of people bashing the original ‘apology’ for a second one to be released. But this is the type of apology that was needed to be able to justify not adding a suspension. It’s difficult to say that the fine is enough of the player doesn’t give the impression that they are sorry for the incident. Now I don’t believe that there will be any further action.

I did some looking into previous incidents to see what type of punishment was typical. A few years back Malisse was suspended for 4 weeks and kicked out of the doubles draw after being ejected for yelling at a baseline judge. He didnn’t appeal the suspension because it ended right before the French Open so he was still eligable to play in the next grand slam. There’s a video of the incident on the net if you search for it. His conduct deserved a suspension but because it’s been done before for a similar incident it’s hard to say if Serena would be suspended if she wasn’t such a big name player and if it was earlier in the doubles draw when it happened. The US Open isn’t going to cancel a doubles final with the Williams sisters, they are the only doubles team that actually gets mentioned during any tournament coverage. But if a lesser known player did the same thing it’s tough to say if they would receive similar treatment. I don’t think Malisse would feel the tour was picking on Serena if they did give her a suspension. But I think it was the ATP that suspended Malisse so their rules may be different from the Grand Slam committee and I don’t know how much say the WTA has in what goes on with something like this.

Now that an apology has been released that includes Serena actually apologizing I’d be surprised if this wasn’t the end of it.

tennisontherocks Says:

^^^ good one, Gordo :)
I think Nike got on the phone and made her understand the $$$ consequences of her actions.

G. Ian Gioseffi Says:

Foremost, no question Serena’s behavior was over the top, inappropriate and wrong. OK, that’s out of the way. The sanctions committee will make whatever decision they will make. OK, that’s out of the way. NOW! The media and the television announcers; both will be like a dog with a bone over this for weeks, possibly months and even years. I would hate to Serena announced with this tag, no matter what or where the match, for the remainder of her career. Mary Carillo, let it go! Think Lendl, Becker, McEnroe, Hrbaty, Safin and all the others who behaved similarly, if not as verbally, as Serena did. Don’t let her fame, her gender and her race play a part in this. None of the others have their past behavior linked to their intros or the very mention of their name. This was bad for tennis. To linger over it will be worse for tennis. Forgive, forget and move on!

Dan Martin Says:

I think this is called, “the please don’t bar me from the 2010 Australian Open” apology.

Steve@TennisNewz Says:

They gave Connors 10 weeks and forced him to miss the French. I don’t see them doing anything along the same lines for Williams. With Women’s tennis lacking many good consistent players these days they don’t want to make one of their top players sit out a major.

deep Bist Says:

Such a shame!!
Serena should learn something from Kim and Wozniacki regarding how to carry yourself in front of so many fans.

At the least, USTA should show some guts to teach serena a lession or two by suspending her for at least one year. Then lets see how she comes back in the future matches.

poor lines woman, She deserves a BIG APOLOGY from the dumbest No.2

ShayHay Says:

ok…..apology accepted. Can we move on now?

Ramon Says:

What I think:

I believe Serena didn’t feel she make anything wrong, and her first “apology’ said it all
She was “forced” to make a new “apology” but still doesn’t believe she did anything wrong

What does this mean:

As long as there are not clear and enforceable rules this sort of behavior would not end
Just because someone is a star does not entitle them to behave like they own the universe

She should be penalized with a suspension and a bigger fine (You are kidding? $10,000.00 is nothing for her)

Alfredo Nieto Says:

At the least she should be ban from the Australian Open. And she should not get a Penny from her US Open earning.
I am really sick of this woman.
She needs to remember that tennis is a game for ladies and gentleman.
She has no grace at all!

lisseut Says:

Disingenuous apology from a classless maliciously poor sport. Taking ownership of your actions means not waiting until your THIRD statement to the press to admit your wrongdoing. She’s clearly trying to salvage her “nike” image so that sales of her new clothing line do not suffer and she doesn’t lose endorsements. Let’s face it, rules are rules. Anyone (John M included) who says you can’t call a foot fault at that point in the game is an idiot. So what else don’t you call because it’s near the end of a match? A double fault? A long ball? A netted return? Why do these “bad call” proponents want everyone to look the other way when it suits them? Take a lesson from Roger Federer, Serena. Learn to be gracious in triumph and defeat. Also, hooray for Mary Carillo! She’s got guts, and she’s right. Suspend the remorseless jerk.

been there, done that Says:

Congratulations to Serena & Venus Williams for their 3rd doubles GS win in 2009.

She has issued her apology, & the crowd at Arthur Ashe has accepted it….time to move on, & let USTA or whoever handle the rest.

Now on to 2009; may Venus & Serana sweep through all GS singles & doubles.

Von Says:

Yes, I echo Been there, done that, congratulations to Serena and Venus for their 3rd GS women’s doules championship in ’09.

plantlady Says:

It was obvious after the final that Serena did not issue that apology nor did she believe it was due!
She missed a huge opportunity when asked by Patrick McEnroe if she had anything to say!

sensationalsafin Says:

That was a hardcore article.

paula Says:

Jason Whitlock has some strong feelings!

been there, done that Says:

What am wondering is why Vared has to point out that the writer of the article is black. What does race have to do with any of this? I think everyone, black, white, red, yellow, whatever, are in agreement that Serena should have controlled her emotions better. Similar articles have been written by caucasian writers. Why does race have to be injected into everything? Jeez.

j.f. mamjja Says:

Staff said:
“She also gestured menacingly at the linesperson with her racquet and reportedly threatened to kill her.”

No, she didn’t threaten to kill her.

Anyway, with that apology, Serena has diffused the situation.

Must have been the week for outbursts and apologies. I am thinking of Joe Wilson who also had to be prodded into giving an apology after his ironic outburst in congress.

In any case, Serena’s outburst prompted more racist outbursts on this blog in the last 2 days than I have ever seen here before.

The irony is not lost on me.
Will the last closet racist to return to the closet please lock the door?

Von Says:

j.f. mamjja:

“In any case, Serena’s outburst prompted more racist outbursts on this blog in the last 2 days than I have ever seen here before.

“The irony is not lost on me.
Will the last closet racist to return to the closet please lock the door?”

There are many around, except they’re not showing it by using the specific words, but doing so in a roundabout fashion — sorta coming through the back door, and that in itself, speaks volumes. How can anyone not see that racism is damaging and should be kept out of discussions. The focal point of the whole discussion should have been Serena’s poor behaviour during that incident, however, the chief racist here, who’s a vacillator and bandwagoner, yenta, amoeba, monomaniacal, sociopath, et al., deemed it fit to turn the discussion into a race topic. And, to add insult to injury, there are those who instead of reprimanding the racists, are chiding those who saw fit to disagree with the racists. If that’s not condoning racism, then what is?

I view racism as one of the most crippling drawbacks to society. It should be stopped, but from the discussions here, I’d say it’s still rampant as it has been throughout the ages. What has education and experential learning done for mankind? NADA.

ruby springer Says:

I love u rena u are great Jesus made u great dont let the devil trick u God Loves you i need to talk to you i have a massage for you love love love this is the spirit speaking nana love

pam Says:

Serena has already said she misunderstood when she thought the linesperson said she was going to kill her. The first statement came through her PR people and was not an apology, it was an excuse. The second statement came after the media made it clear that an apology was in order. She no doubt is also worried about that committee that is meeting as we speak to determine her fate. Personally, I think they should keep her out for at least six months. Don’t let her earn any more points. It’s the number one ranking that she wants, the money won’t matter.

vared Says:

Been there, it’s nice to have a Black sportswriter’s view of what happened. Why is it not OK after, as you say, all the articles written by caucasians?

ShayHay Says:

been there, done that Says:

Congratulations to Serena & Venus Williams for their 3rd doubles GS win in 2009.

She has issued her apology, & the crowd at Arthur Ashe has accepted it….time to move on, & let USTA or whoever handle the rest.

Now on to 2009; may Venus & Serana sweep through all GS singles & doubles.

Amen to that!

GOAT Girl Says:

Von is killing this blogsite. Her lack of control is turning many people off and sending them to other sites. Parking yourself online all day speaks volumes. She needs to get a life instead of spewing lies and stirring the pot of racism just to get attention. You are one sad person, Von.

Von Says:

Goat Girl, aka, brady. LOL. WOW, that was a quick name change. LOL.

Avid Tennis Fan Says:

Womens’ tennis may not suffer with her suspension, maybe it will improve if the standards of conduct are kept high for ALL players. No exceptions for supposed “stars”. It’s not about race, it’s about CONDUCT. Then it is about an evasive “statement” which does not actually include any regret or apology. Finally, the second statement looks like someone who tried to dodge the issue, realized they couldn’t get away with that and were then reluctantly forced to apologize (including seemingly disengenious offer to “hug lines woman”). The USTA and US Open would gain more respect and credibility by suspending her and sending a message to everyone – players and fans alike that you don’t spew profanity and threats around a tennis court and get away with it.

JWimbley Says:

No female Tennis player has endured more pain than Serena and Seles. Well,having a baby does hurt like Hello and strengthens your resolve.

Losing this match is nothing like losing a sister by a murderer who got away. Sonething like that sorta make you strongly feel you MUST stand up for what you believe is RIGHT. Whatever happened to electronic souns we used to hear when player footfaulted? Time to dispense with LINE callers, which stops that kind of controversy makers. Players deserve protection from Spiteful or PAID to mis-call “foot faults” There’s gotta be better solution that what we witnessed USOPEN 2009.

Anonymous Coward Says:

Tell you what, this is already a big deal, let’s give Kimmy the attention she deserves!!! Now she’s actually in the rankings, at 19. Serena did something wrong, move on.

I suggest to the ATP WTA ITF that they change the rules.

Safin once said, it doesn’t help him serve any better.

Why not issue a warning beforehand before deducting any points?

If the linesmen/women sees a foot fault it must be a warning first, after she serves. Render the ball out of play. The second time around make it a call.

That’s the way it should be. And I’m sure the players will be pleased if they come to these terms. Now I’ll start thinking negatively if they don’t take action on this matter. Maybe it’s made to put people of and have them fined for outrageous behavior.

And please don’t discriminate. People might bring up Kanye West’s behavior in the VMAs alike to Serena… come on they’re are upset and are normal people. Don’t bring up the ‘blacks are like this’ idea.

thetennisguy Says:

Congratulations to the Sisters for another magnificent doubles win and representing the USA!! They are a great doubles team and fearsome competitors and a joy to watch.

As for Serena’s apology II; Been and Von have it right … move on. Don’t suspend Serena. And please tell that lineswoman to call the 1 mm foot fault earlier in the match (to set the bar) and not on match point. Lame.

Oh, and stop targeting the Williams sisters for foot faults at the US Open.

Stick with your American players America. They aren’t flawless no one is. But they are Americans, our people. In this international sport we need as much solidarity as we can get.

All you racists and haters … and Dick Enberg lovers … take a hike.

rcm Says:

Hmm…does Serena’s assessment of the situation change the opinion of those who excused it?
What’s important here are HER words, not those commenting it, including all the racist and sexist vitriol in comments on various blogs
It was incredible!
It was also incredible and too bad that this real racism obscured for so many the fact that her behavior was, as she said, inappropriate, and that the linesperson deserved an apology.

She won’t get any further punishment because she’s such a tremendously popular and talented star.
In this way, she also generates huge profits for sponsors, for tournaments, keeps professional tennis in the spotlight.
Money trumps here, as it does in other sports.
That is an equal opportunity phenomenon.

vared Says:

Juju is coming back. Wasn’t she a Serena slayer?

According to TV channel RTBF, Justine Henin has placed an order for 14 racquets tailored to her specifications and may announce her comeback in a press conference held as early as this week.

EnglishLord Says:

Nike should cancel her endorsement contract. She is a shame to sports and a school-book example of the immunity that certain prominent individuals believe to have.

Renee Says:

Forgive, forget & move on. Serena is still a class act and the best women’s player in the world. She has provided tennis fans everyone
with excitng and explosive tennis matches and grand slam wins for
10 yrs now. But she has been unfairly scrutinized and criticized her whole career, I believe, because of her confidence and belief in herself. SHE COULD HAVE COME BACK AND WON THAT MATCH IN THOSE LAST TWO POINTS—SHE HAS DONE IT MANY TIMES. Let’s
celebrate the fact that we in the US have the top woman tennis player and support her. (We sure don’t have it on the men’s side even though I adore Roddick and always root for him.)

I, for one, am a huge Serena & Venus fan and admire both of them immensely for all they have accomplished and for their character.

Lastly, Federer’s tirade at the Miami tournament was talked about for a couple of weeks and is now totally forgotten. He also has the gall to always think his ball calls are better than Hawkeye. In the words of another passionate tennis player from the past, “You can’t be serious”, (Roger~you don’t really believe your eyes are better than the Hawkeye, do you!!??
A Tennis Nut

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