Roger Federer: The Slow Indian Wells Court Helps Rafa

by Tom Gainey | March 17th, 2012, 11:07 am

For the 28th time Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal will on the ATP World Tour. This afternoon their rivalry will debut in the state of California home of the BNP Parisbas Open in Indian Wells.

Nadal leads the series 18-9 and based on Federer’s comments, Roger thinks Rafa’s the favorite in their semifinal today because of the slow Stadium 1 court.

“I think this and Miami probably plays best for Rafa on hard court, you know, because it’s very slow,” Federer said yesterday. “Miami can be windy, which I don’t think he minds. I mean, I don’t mind that, either. Just the slowness of the courts helps his play. He has such great movement that obviously this is a court that works well for him. I think also the results show he’s been incredibly consistent here particularly here over the past years.

“I don’t know how consistent he’s been in Miami, but he’s been also very tough to beat over there.”

Nadal countered, suggesting the court speed is no different than other hardcourts.

“My feeling this court is not slower than most of the hard court courts from the rest of the season,” Nadal said. “That’s my feeling.
That the ball flies quick here. The ball is fast, my opinion, and the surface is normal hard court. Not quicker than the rest; not slower than the rest.

“I feel good. I like this court. I don’t know, maybe next year will be much faster if Roger says, no? I have already this week a lot of time violation. That’s the true.”

Federer also said he admired Nadal’s commitment to the game and the work he puts in to improving.

“He’s got a great work ethic, and obviously he’s one of the great players, you know, of all time,” Federer said. “I have had some great matches with him all around the world by now, you know.”

Federer advanced to the semifinals after pounding Juan Martin Del Potro 62, 63 for a fourth time this year. The three-time Indian Wells champion was pleased with his play against the Argentine.

“I did play well against Raonic and struggled against Bellucci,” said Federer. “So this was definitely a great match. I sort of expected myself to come out and play a good match today after the struggle I had against Bellucci. I don’t usually struggle, you know, back to back days, so this was for me a really good match against a great player. I’m happy I was happy to maintain the great streak I’ve got going against him this year.”

Nadal. who advanced after edging David Nalbandian in three sets, is looking forward to another showdown with Federer.

“Always are special matches, no, especially because always are in very important matches for both of us,” Nadal said. “That makes always the match very special. But even if it’s not the final, being in semifinals is important match. But I play always against Roger means a little bit more than against the rest of the opponents because, you know. I am playing probably against the best of the history, and because I played probably the most important matches in my career against him and probably him against me.
So that’s why it makes the match a little bit more special than the rest.”

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97 Comments for Roger Federer: The Slow Indian Wells Court Helps Rafa

Roger Federer Fan Says:

I really love the great Roger Federer.
Hope the authorities listen to him and quicken up the courts all around the world.
It would also be absolutely great if grandslams are moved to indoors.
Indoor tennis is the real form of tennis.
Indoor tennis allows you to play only tennis without the intervention of unwanted external factors like wind, sun, rain, humidity, air pressure, etc. Players need not struggle under the hot sun too. Hence indoor tennis would improve the longevity of the tennis players.
Most of all TMF would have remained number one for 9 consecutive years… what a feat !!!

Ajet Says:

Wow, fed and rafa differing in opinion over speed of courts! Now fed, just give it up the ”we’ve had some great matches in the past”! Those matches were mostly great only from rafa’s perspective and not from yours! so please, just try to beat this guy, add some hate within yourself for rafa, it might work! Don’t be so friendly always to nadal,just be a bit rival-like!

Jeanius Says:

Agree Ajet. Being gentleman won’t help your cause. He should adopt the ” I am gonna beat him” attitude

skeezerweezer Says:

Don’t know what all the fuss is about here, except RFF trying to stir up sh!t. Facts are Rafa struggles on fast surfaces, extraordinary on the slow stuff. Fed is extraordinary on the fast stuff, and uh…not so bad on the slow stuff. He got a lot of his slams on slower stuff anyways…

The important thing here is Rafa knowingly admits he breaks the rules……

“… I have already this week a lot of time violation. That’s the true.”

jane Says:

Rafa says ” I don’t know, maybe next year will be much faster if Roger says, no?”

Is Rafa implying that Fed can decide if he wants the court faster, say something to the organizers and it’ll change? Or have I misread this quote?

Jeanius Says:

I think Roger is gonna turn the tables tonight. And he will win the final. Watch this space

Jeanius Says:

I actually know he will win against the Mafia of tennis – Rafa

madmax Says:

I think so Jane; I read it that way too. It doesn’t become rafa to be like this. He was never like that in the past. I think there was hidden sarcasm in there.

Not sure why. Think rafa is getting a bit shirty in his old age starting when he decided to diss fed with the spanish interview a couple of months ago saying that fed did nothing for the players,wanting to appear to be ‘a gentleman’ all the time – which ironically, was a very ungentlemanly thing for him to say in my view.

mem Says:


i think that’s exactly what rafa is implying, who can blame him. i’ve said it all along!

i think rafa is finally catching on! he knows that what roger wants roger gets! if he wants the schedule to change so that he can play his match before rafa or before the women, he gets it!

tennis is a competition, not just for one player. professional competitions are designed to force players to work harder, adapt, invest the effort to reach their goals, not to make changes to make it easier. if nadal can put in work to play better on all surfaces, so can any other player. if that’s what he is implying, he is spot on!

as a fan of tennis, i’m sick of it myself! i believe in athletes working to earn what they get. do you for one minute think that commissioner david stern of the nba would consider moving the 3-point line and lowering the goal so other players who are not as efficient as lebron, koby, dirk, etc. could have a chance. it’s preposterous!

that’s my opinion!

rafa is willing to adapt to every surface, but roger supposingly the greatest ever can’t stand up to a challenge and adapt his game. changes have be made for him to win, and some of you wonder why i don’t refer to him as “the greatest of this era.”

Philip Says:

“I feel good. I like this court. I don’t know, maybe next year will be much faster if Roger says, no? I have already this week a lot of time violation. That’s the true.”

Wow, Rafa with the passive aggressiveness. Implying Roger has outsized influence and alluding to Roger’s comments about time violations. While I think they’re still on good terms, they just don’t see eye to eye on most tennis issues. And I get the feeling Rafa’s not happy being on the losing end.

Jeanius Says:

Is mem for real. How can Rafa adapt to all surfaces when all are slow. That’s why he can’t win WTF. Make half the surfaces quicker and let’s talk afterwards

Steve 27 Says:

Federer has a big mouth, I remember after his defeat against Djokovic in the Us open, call the 2lucky shot” in that match point. Federer are you afraid of more defeats?. if you are so good, don’t talk crap and win in the court depends of yourself and non extra tennis.

skeezerweezer Says:

Rafa replied sarcasticly to Feds statement that Rafa plays good on slow courts. If you think Fed is going to try to talk organizers into changing it to a faster surface for just Fed that is the Joke of the year.!!

As far as Fed adapting, that’s a load of crap also. Did he win 16 slams on fast courts? King of adaptation!!

mem Says:


yes, i’m for real! you should try it sometimes!

nadal never asked for the courts to be slowed or maybe you know something i don’t.

as far as i’m concerned, they can make them all quick. then, when nadal adapts to the change, it will something else that needs to be changed. that’s what a lot of people do when they compete but can’t win on their own merit, they resort to undermining.

Brando Says:

I agree with skeez- rafa was just being sarcastic!

The players play on the surface that is presented to them- end off!

I very much doubt the conspiracy angle that some seem to be alluding to here- that a player, either rafa or rog, has a say on how the surface is to be for a specific tourny.

Otherwise why on earth would rafa, if he could, request for a fast madrid clay surface?

It’s complete BS really- alot of fuss over nothing!

Ajet Says:


to be very honest, roger just doesn’t show the overflowing willingness to beat rafa the way he shows against djoker. federer was burning with anger for the loss he suffered to djoker in AO 11, I could see the hatred in his eyes in the FO 11 semi against Djoker, he was unnaturally aggressive and celebrating and roaring and determined and motivated to dust djoker, and that is why he beat djoker! federer whn happy is a guy who can be lenient, but a hateful federer is most dangerous thing in tennis. I sure think the day fed starts hating rafa deep within, that’s the day his raw emotions’ll come out and will convert into the required destructive energy to floor rafa!

I sure believe federer’s skills are way superior tpo rafa to keep losing so freaquently! it’s not a thing of match up even so much IMO, but rather it’s a thing of lack of that killer instinct in fed swhich has created mental block in him! imo nadal flattered fed with his heavy praises even after destroying fed in RG and wresting from him wimby in 2008, fed probably believed more in rafa’s words and i guess he started buying into nadal’s public display of respect for fed. am not saying nadal’s disrespectful deep within, but he certainly is unlikely too much in awe either of fed, even though he keeps calling fed fave; as can be seen from how disdainfully nadal celebrates winning points against fed and how ruthlessly he demolishes fed; and now nadal’s even started openly stating his differences with federer( they’re contradicting each other in almost every issue these days)! and it’s not that nadal needs to be too respectful to fed either, he doesn’t owe fed much, so far as i know! but the point is fed certainly started believing in the flattering words of nadal and thus the losses didn’t hurt fed as much! however, on the other hand djoker openly stated how he can beat fed and how fed’s not unbeatable! this rubbed fed on the wrong side and he became antagonistic to djoker and started playing him with hatred many times, and it paid him rich dividends as well as he usually kept beating djoker in many important matches, and that revengeful attitude also helped fed kick @$$ of djoker in last year french open!

imho, fed’s a guy who loves praises of people and you can know it from his demeanour overall! so there’s on one side a guy like nadal who’s diplomatic and pampers fed with his praises, and so fed plays with not so much zeal agasinst nadal, and is generally happy even after big losses! whereas on the other side there’s the more frank djoker who speaks his heart out and has tume and again been clear that fed’s not unbeatable, thereby rubbing fed on the wrong side, and fuels fed’s anger and fed bitterly fights to deafeat djoker as if there’s no other option acceptable to him excvept beating djoker, and he even does it!

thus, i think djoker has payed price of his frankness while nadal has taken great advantage from his diplomacy! i just never see the fire fed shows against djoker in the case of nadal! that’s why i believe fed needs to fuel his anger, and play like he plays when he hates a guy1 for example, murray wil also talk big and woke up the beast within fed and fed would thrash him! but nadal has so far been succesful in keeping the fire dormnat in fed, and thus fed has suffered! and if a guy doesn’t mind losing too uch to a guy, it’s highly unlikely that he’d fight or be able to gather the required motivation while playing against his rival!

hence, the opinion of mine and also belief that the day fed adopts the killer instinct and antagonistic attitude aganst rafa, may be he’d find the motivation needed to overcome rafa! coz you cannot live unless you remorselessly kill your heartless enemy(who’d most love to kill you) without any second thought in the battlefield!

Ajet Says:

”Brando Says:
I agree with skeez- rafa was just being sarcastic!”


Ajet Says:

”roger’s not the greatest ever and rafa’s not great!”


jane Says:

Yes, it seems likely that Rafa was being sarcastic, but because he said it in the context of having many time violations already this week it kind of muddied the waters, in that he could’ve been alluding to Fed’s comments earlier in the week about Nadal taking too long. On the other hand, the time violations could be linked to a joke about the slow court speeds! LOL. That’s why it was slippery to read, which was why I asked, and why hearing the players speak is so important. Would’ve probably been more obvious seeking him say it.

jane Says:

Ajet very interesting post at 2:05 about motivations. Rafa is a very savvy man if that’s the case! He’s pulling the right strings.

Ajet Says:

steve 27:

fed has apparently everything big about himself, may be that’s why he had to grow his mouth to adjust to it! ;)

Tennislover Says:

I don’t think Fed necessarily minds playing on slower courts. He can deal with the power hitters better on slower courts although he obviously will prefer to play the likes of Djoko and Raf on a very quick surface. His main problem is dealing with the high bounce. The indoor hard courts aren’t necessarily quick these days but the slightly lower bounce helps Fed there. IW courts are tailor-made for Raf’s strategy of pounding Fed’s bh although it works at just about any other place. Raf’s heavy top-spin balls kick off more crazily here than at any other place especially under the hot sun. Raf has not been more consistent or successful at any other hard court event. Fed’s nice little campaign will, in all probability, end here just like it ended in Australia. I will not be surprised to see even a Miami-like scoreline.

I get the feeling that Fed has better chances of doing well against Raf – and even Djoko – on clay than in IW or Miami. Of course, that still is a slim chance especially versus Raf. As Fed has said before, his primary problem is Raf implying that other factors are secondary.

Fed had a decent post-USO run. However, it is now that part of the year where Fed hasn’t done so well in recent years. Djoko and Raf should be making the big finals until RG from this point onwards unless Murray does something about it.

skeezerweezer Says:


Don’t disagree here, would have liked to see them actually talkin about it also. Again, probably just a bunch of bru ha .

However, Am feeling like they are starting to display the characteristics of a normal marriage. The honeymoon phase is gone ;)

skeezerweezer Says:

Anyone watchin Isner/Djoker?

mem Says:


you can call it whatever makes you feel better, but i’m not naive as you. if you say it’s just a sarcastic remark that’s your interpretation. i say it’s not and that’s my interpretation. regardless of what rafa meant it to be, it’s a true statement.

skeezerweezer Says:

Big John already has 5 aces and down a break

Jeanius Says:

Steve 27 why all the hatred. You seem to have a problem with yourself. Fact of the matter is Ajet, even if Rafa won 20 GS Roger would still be regarded as the greatest. Mem has a vacuum between the ears and all the noise comes probably from there

jane Says:

I am watching Nole/Isner. John is serving 85% first serves in and 5 aces already but Nole got a break in the third game. Nole has hit no aces and only 58% first serves in. John has made some inroads into Nole’s games, so Nole better up his serving, imo, to hold on to the advantage. We’ll see. Still very close.

Ajet Says:

yes jane, i cannot understand how and why fed should fight against djoker so bitterly and have so much hatred at times that it’s hard to hide from his fans, whereas in nadal’s case, fed just seems content! as you said, ”he promptly lost to nadal in french 11 again” after beating djoker! in fact his press conference after beating djoker left me worried coz it implied one of two things to me, that’s either fed himself won’t mind losing another final to rafa or that he’s apparently going to make nadal even more motivated by saying stuff to the effect that by taking out djoker he has done nadal a favour(isn’t that subtly implying by fed that nadal csnnot beat djoker and that’s why he did him favour by avoiding nadal a meeting with djoker)!

racquet Says:

I’m loving the little sarcastic dig by Nadal. It’s nice to see his humorous side. Anyway, it made me laugh.

Ajet Says:


Even if rafa won’t 30 slams, doesn’t mean anything to me!

who cares what nadal/djoker does, I’d never love them even close to fed/borg/pete/laver who’re my tier-1 faves! then i like guys like mcenroe, edberg and becker for their sheer talent! heck, I even like agassi, connors and lendl a hell lot more than this rafa/djoker!
other guys i love are safin, rafter, nalbandian…

however, i prefer nadal/djoker to wilander.

Djokowins Says:

Any links to watch it online….please

Ajet Says:

i also love guga a lot

jane Says:

Ajet, i think you already explained why: because Nole used to speak in a more “cocky” way when he was younger, whereas Rafa has always deferred, and still does, hence it’s flattering. Yes, that press conference after beating Nole at the FO where Roger said it was an early birthday gift for Rafa was telling in some ways. He definitely has a different relationship with Rafa than Nole. Not sure if Fed “hates” Nole; I think they respect one another, but for sure on the court – for both of them – it’s about winning, bottom line. A little fire in a rivalry is perhaps a good thing. Nole doesn’t speak in the way he used to anymore, as he’s matured in that sense, but he expresses his belief in himself in a different way now.


Arrrgh trying to serve out the set, Nole is broken, :( 5 all.

jane Says:

6-5 in the blink of an eye. Now Nole is in trouble. Has to hold just to force a tiebreak, where 3 minutes ago he was serving for the set. These big servers are so tough to play!

racquet Says:

jane, I’d be very surprised if Nole doesn’t take care of business.

Ajet Says:

if isner beats djoker, IW goes to nadal! :( :( :(

jane Says:

racquet I hope you’re right but it’s not easy to beat guys like Isner, whose serves are almost unreturnable. Plus Nole himself hasn’t been serving superbly which make a tiebreak an even dicey-er thing than it already is! Fingers crossed.

Ajet Says:

c’mon djoker, please oust the bloody isner!

Ajet Says:

why bloody djoker faltered serving out for the set??? f@#$ him!

Skorocel Says:

Looks like that Isner’s win over Federer in DC wasn’t a fluke… 1st set to the American!

jane Says:

Isner with set one. You still sure racquet?

racquet Says:

Jane, I’m never sure but I’d still be surprised if he doesn’t prevail. I’ll know better by the 4th/5th game of the 2nd set.

racquet Says:

Jane, still too close to call but at least Djoko is getting more looks in Isner’s service games and has cut down the errors.

Djokowins Says:

I dont know why Federer keeps complaining about the slowness of the surface here.
ALl kinds of players have done well in the recent past here(Ex: Roddick, Lubijic, Nole, Nadal, Isner).
Whats with Federer…..the supposed GOAT ??

racquet Says:

See Jane, not to worry! ;)

jane Says:

Yes, Nole pushes it to a third set – come on, go go go!

Skorocel Says:

The camera just switched to the outside of the stadium, and from what I saw it looks pretty dark in IW… A rain in the desert just when Federer and Nadal are about to play? Talk about an irony here…

Skorocel Says:

3 lines in a row for Isner ;-)

Nirmal Kumar Says:

Djokowins says “I dont know why Federer keeps complaining about the slowness of the surface here.”

I believe Top 3 of the Top 4 has said this is a slower court. Novak said he likes the slower conditions here, Murray has said this court is slower than clay court. So what is it specifically wrong with Roger saying the same.

Also before AO semi, Nadal said Roger is the favourite because it’s a HC slam. Can we say he is whining about the HC’s. Is it not like many players have won in HC.

jane Says:

Beh, congrats to Isner I guess.

Better luck next time Nole!! Am crushed. :(

racquet Says:

Well well, Isner does it. Nail biting finish. He deserved the win, played clutch in the key moments.

Kimmi Says:

nobody want this guy in their draw now. he is now beaten nole and federer. good for him

isner has improved so much. that serve is a killer. and the FH too.

Now go win the title..

Djokowins Says:

There is no shame in losing this match.
Nole has won 20 points more than Isner today.
Isner just came up with scuds at the right time.

But anyway the title will be won either by Federer or Isner

jane Says:

Nole should have won the first set imo. He was serving for it and made costly mistakes, but in the end, i.e., third set, yes Isner deserved the win. Let’s see if he can beat Fed again in the final or Nadal.

jane Says:

Yep, Nole won 117 points to 106 for Isner. Them’s the breaks… or them’s not the breaks… or something.

racquet Says:

Yes, he should have won it. Quite sloppy by Nole standards. Jane, nothing to be crushed about….yet. Wait for the Isner hype to begin. I’ll start to believe it when he beats Andy and Rafa.

Djokowins Says:

I guess Federer should take a leaf out of Nole’s book and stop complaining about the surfaces.

Mark Says:

Djokass pffffft!!!!!

Brando Says:


Nole was unlucky- isner could have done this to anyone today!

I wouldn’t read too much into nole’s loss here today- he’s still the main man.

I think if rafa plays isner, he will struggle. Nole’s the better returner, gave a good service performance- and look who won? Big John.

Fed has a better chance against isner IMHO, based on his track record against the big servers!

Either way, come on rafa… get the win!!!!!!

Djokowins Says:

“I think if rafa plays isner, he will struggle. ”

No…he wil not struggle…he will be blown out.

jane Says:

Brando you’re right. After the first set Nole did serve better, and let’s face it Isner is playing really well right now. I think at night he’d be easier to beat, as Simon was able to return a few more serves since they didn’t kick up quite as high.

Brando Says:


Hi. Like i said i wouldn’t be too disappointed. Nole was unlucky today, but on the bright side his serve did improve as the tourny went on- so that would be a plus for him going forward.

It would be a first wouldn’t if rafa and big john face each other in the singles and doubles final in the same tourny, wouldnt it?

I don’t think that has ever happened b4.

jane Says:

Brando, you’re kind. I am trying not to be crushed. Got spoiled last year with Nole winning so much. :)

Yeah, that’d be interesting if Isner/Rafa faced off in both singles and doubles finals!!

Ajet Says:

Terrible! Now rafa’ll most likely win his 2nd IW title. :( :(

now loser dave and b@#$^ sienna can start worrying about how many guys can beat djoker from now onwards instead of making jack@$$ predictions about how 200 guys can potentially beat nadal! it seems that djoker’s damn vulnerable already! and so far as it occured to many, only djoker seemed to be able to beat nadal, but now even that’s doubtful looking at what’s up in tennis!

and apparently now that fed seems incapable of defending himself by beating rafa, hopefully only nature can save federer’s GS tally from nadal!

Nirmal Kumar Says:

Djpkowin says : “I guess Federer should take a leaf out of Nole’s book and stop complaining about the surfaces.”

So, what was Roger’s complaint.

skeezerweezer Says:

Big John in the final! Congrats big guy!!!

jane, mat4, wog boy , commiserations. You know he couldn’t win everything. He’ll be ok. He’s still the guy to beat.

Ajet Says:

i sincerely hope nadal doesn’t win more than one slam this year, although i’m afraid he may run away with more than one slam if djoker starts losing more frequently before finals!

c’mon fed, please step the f@#$ up your game and attitude against nadal when you face him! seems like you’ve to start fighting now to keep your record safe(djoker fought well for you last year)! so please, step up and bring it on against rafa! don’t let him beat you!

skeezerweezer Says:

The 26-year-old Isner has now won three of his last four matches against Top 10 players.

Mark Says:

@Ajet rafa has won IW twice already

Ajet Says:


then make it three for me :( :( :(

Ajet Says:

hope to wake up in the morning to some better news than that of ”nadal again beating fed”…

bye bye guys

mem Says:


if i didn’t know any better, i would think you are really a closet djokovic fan posing as a nadal fan. don’t get me wrong, that’s your choice and i don’t have a problem with it.

but, i’ve been reading your posts recently and you sound pretty disappointed when rafa wins and novak loses. it just seems odd to me! normally, fans are excited, thrilled, overjoyed, happy that their favorite player was able to pull through, especially under difficult circumstances. you say you are a nadal fan, but you don’t sound that way to me. maybe it’s just my imagination or maybe i’m misinterpeting. if so, i apologize!

i’m not saying you should wish for the demise of novak or any other player in order for your favorite to win. i’m definitely not suggesting anything like that and i don’t find anything wrong if you have decided you would like to cheer for novak over nadal. just come out and say it. that’s all i’m saying. i despise when fans pretend to be for one player and all the time they are for another.

case in point, you made a comment on one of the other threads, (i think it was the article entitled “Federer Blunts Raonic…” @7:59 pm ) after the nadal-dolgo match that caught my attention. in that comment, you sound awfully disappointed that dolgo didn’t beat rafa or at least take him 3 sets.

like i said, it’s your business how many players you choose to support and there’s nothing wrong with it, but i’ve always thought that true fans cheer for their favorite to win no matter who he’s playing. that’s how i see it!

nothing personal, just an observation!

Daniel Says:

Skorocel is a Fed fan who is not afraid to jab him once in a while, especially regardig Nadal HxH. Same as Brando. He is here long before you mem, and believe me he is a Nadal Fan.

Lx Says:

Does anybody know if they are playing now, Fed and Raffa whats the score? Please Help me I can’t find it on tv I need to know!!

Colin Says:

It’s a bit late to say it, but I must jump on the person who said early in this thread that indoor tennis is the real form of the game. If that’s the case, matey, why is it called “lawn tennis”? Or is he/she thinking of Real (or Royal) Tennis, an ancient game and a different sport, which is indeed played indoors?

skeezerweezer Says:

“nothing personal, just an observation!”


“maybe it’s just my imagination”



Blog on!

mem Says:


i appreciate your response, but i don’t see what you see, not that it matters.

Brando Says:

@Skeez, Daniel:

Thanks, i appreciate your stance/thoughts. When i read mem’s post- quite truthfully the 1st ever occassion that has happened, and that too since it was addressed to me- the immediate thought was: lets respond in kind.

However, after a moment of pause and thought i came to a conclusion:

1- To respond would only continue the dialogue and hence feed her obvious paranoia.

2- She’s not worth a post! Unless i say the sun shines from rafa’s behind, i very much doubt she will ever be convinced that i am a nadal fan!

alison hodge Says:

does anyone out there know when the fed/nadal match will start?its ten past midnight uk time,is it worth me staying up?

mem Says:


thank you, at least you responded to some of us. i was beginning to think you were trying to avoid me, and i know you are too courageous to do that.

no reason to get bent out of shape, if you’re not a phony nadal fan as think you are, just disregard my comments. it’s all good!

Daniel Says:

Nadal returned all serves in this game to break back. Sometimes I think Fed should take linger between points. You can see after a ling rally he is still breathing strong but he go on to serve fast, with a average serve.

Nadal playing smart and with top spins high as clay. He can’t be serious when he says this court is similar to all other HC, c’mon?!?!

El Flaco Says:

Daniel Says:
Skorocel is a Fed fan who is not afraid to jab him once in a while, especially regardig Nadal HxH. Same as Brando. He is here long before you mem, and believe me he is a Nadal Fan.

Skorocel is not a Fed fan. He hates Fed, but tolerates him now because he can beat Djokovic which helps Nadal.

Skorocel Says:

El Flaco: “Skorocel is not a Fed fan. He hates Fed, but tolerates him now because he can beat Djokovic which helps Nadal.”

Made me laugh with this one;-) To be honest, I’m not gonna try to convince you that my most favourite player on the tour is and always will be Federer, as it would be a waste of time for me to do that (in case you still don’t believe this, then ask someone like jane, who’s on this site since 2006, which is btw the time I joined it), but I can assure you about one thing: despite I’m not a fan of Djokovic, WHENEVER he plays against Nadal, you can bet your house that I’ll NEVER root against the Serb!

Michael Says:

I do not like this talk of Nadal saying next year the court will be fast because Roger says so. That is definitely not in good taste. He somehow is trying to say that Roger is controlling the Tennis Authorities and the tournament organizers. My feeling is that he is still having that grudge towards Roger of not taking up his cause.

Nirmal Kumar Says:

Michael says “My feeling is that he is still having that grudge towards Roger of not taking up his cause.”

I believe the problem is the ATP president election went the way Roger wanted, ie the President who was chosen was backed by Roger whereas Nadal backed Richard.

jane Says:

Skorocel is a Fed fan, I hereby do solemnly swear. He is a provocateur and doesn’t suffer fools. You must understand that his humour / sarcasm is also a veil for his frustrations. That’s how I see it. He is likely celebrating tonight. Hope you’re enjoying the win Skorocel!

Tennisfan Says:

Fed kicks Nadals butt … congrats again Fed! Indian Wells is yours!

Michael Says:


But Rafa had no business to talk like that. He was also commenting about the time taken between points rather sarcastically after what he said before. I know he is not comfortable with English, but such talk peppered with sarcasm is not expected from a player like Rafa who has achieved so much in Tennis. He has to stick to the basic ethics of what has to be spoken in the interview.

Nirmal Kumar Says:

Michael.. Yes, I agree. I understand what you say. Rafa is really showing his true side, contrary to his false humble talks in the media. But I’m happy Rafa is doing this to Roger. Roger definitely needs something to spur when he plays against Nadal.

His mind is so deeply filled with Negative thoughts after losing many many matches to Nadal, that he needs some strong hatred to get over it. In that way I would be happy if their relationship turns sour. Though Roger is the greatest competitor, he does not seem to have the killer instinct when he goes against Rafa. That’s what he lacks and I hope Nadal’s such talks helps Roger get that killer instinct.

As a Roger fan, I would like Rafa to make more such comments.

Ajet Says:

Nirmal Kumar:

Hell Yeah!!! May Nadal Always Make Sarcastic/Hateful Comment Against Fed So As To Wake Up The Wrath Of The Hungry F@#$%^g Killer Beast Within Federer!!! :D


Ajet Says:


you’re a huge roger fan I know and so congrats over this straightforward win! :D

And to be honest, you must feel rather happy and want nadal to bash fed more and more in the media so that it doesn’t go down well with fed, so that nadal isable to promptly irritate fed, so that passion and hatred in fed ignites! That way, I believe fed can stop being content and with hatred, zeal and utter motivation to beat rafa everytime they meet, at all costs!

Skorocel Says:

jane: “Hope you’re enjoying the win Skorocel!”

Definitely! ;-)

Michael Says:

Nirmal and Ajet,

Yes, hate keeps a man alive and I do think their relationship has already soured over the players council issue with Rafa feeling that Roger is not doing much to help the players cause. But Rafa is too clever not to show it off and maintains that his relationship with Roger is excellent. However, in the media interview now and then he irks Roger by his silly comments. Who knows this might have been a trigger for Roger in Indian Wells and he put forward his best. I do think that this win is special and has the potential to turn around the H2H in their later encounters. Now Roger has a plan to beat Rafa. He knows that he is not unbeatable and Novak did it not once – but seven times consecutively.

Ajet Says:

well michael, i have also always thought that fed never felt he can’t beat rafa, just that he faltered at the finishing line many times, gifting rafa away wins after wins! that must be incredibly tough for fed to believe as to how can he lose to a guy so many time when his game is actually far superior! that also probably played tricks with fed’s mind. and add to that, rafa’s flattering words, no wonder fed was finding it hard to motivate himself!
but lately with nadal exposing his inner sentiments about fed in media, fed probably must and couldn’t take this lightly anymore.

i sure hope fed inflicts many more defeats on nadal before both of them retire, it’s hightime!

mem Says:

it’s about time a player come along who is not programmed to skin, grin and kiss up to everything roger says and does! that’s what i’m talking about, you go rafa. you can’t lose what you never had. they don’t like no way!

mem Says:

should be, “they don’t like YOU no way.”

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