About Time! US Open Officially Moves Men’s To Final To Monday; Adds Prize Money

by Staff | December 14th, 2012, 11:35 am

After five straight years of unscheduled Monday men’s finals due to inclement weather, the US Open finally gave in to Mother Nature and player demands by officially announcing today that men’s championship will be moved to Monday for the 2013 event.

Under the new final weekend schedule, the men’s final will be played at 5pm ET on Monday. The lucrative “Super Saturday” men’s semifinal afternoon remains intact but now the winners earn a much-needed day off to prepare which should appease the finalists and lessen if not end any player outrage over the schedule.

“I’m pleased that the USTA has modified the US Open schedule to include a day of rest between the semifinals and final,” said 2012 winner Andy Murray. “Together with the prize money increase, its good that they’ve taken on board the players’ concerns.”

The women’s final, which had been played Saturday night and faced stiff competition from college football on in U.S. TV landscape, will now move to Sunday 4:30pm.

“Both the prize money increase and the addition of a day of rest are great for the players,” said Serena Williams, 2012 US Open winner. “These moves make the tournament stronger than it’s ever been for all players.”

CBS will continue to televise the final four days of the event in the U.S., though if the men’s final runs long the broadcast will run into Monday Night Football.

The tournament also announced a prize money bump of $4 million to a record $29.5 million. The distribution of the money is still to be determined. The Australian Open recently raised their total outlay by a similar $4 million dollar amount, an increased welcomed by the players. Although the US Open revenues far exceed those in Melbourne.

With the latest news half of the four Grand Slams in tennis are now 15-day tournaments, the French Open the other.

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40 Comments for About Time! US Open Officially Moves Men’s To Final To Monday; Adds Prize Money

Ben Pronin Says:

I don’t agree with this. Why not start the tournament on Sunday, make a Super Friday, and have the final on Sunday. Or, play the first round in 2 days like every other slam and, again, Super Friday, final Sunday. How is spreading the first round over 3 days more rewarding than playing the final on Sunday? Makes no sense. They need to get over Super Saturday. It sounds cool but it’s impractical.

Until then, I can’t wait until next year when I miss the first hour of the final while riding the subway home from work! It’s gonna be so awesome!

Brando Says:

AGREE with Ben.

A monday final is just very impractical and to be honest, ridiculous.

GS, MS ALL finish on a sunday- for a practical reason.

It’s so stubborn and silly for the USTA to announce it as a monday final from here onwards.

YES, the day break helps- but the the 3 day 1st round is just PLAIN STUPID!

Unfortunately the schedule is STILL an issue at the USO- now for the fans!

the DA Says:

Agree with the 3 day 1st rnd nonsense – get rid of it. They also just increased their revenues with an extra day but didn’t reflect it in the prize money %. Sneaky.

Krishna Says:

Monday finish is stupid.. 5 PM EST..many people wont be able to watch it … I am on the West Coast and would be working..wouldnt be able to watch it.. unless it is a 5 hour “marathon” ..then I can catch the ending of the match lol..

having it on Sunday is the best thing..and they should get rid of the 3 day 1st round… agree with above posts..

Ben Pronin Says:

It’s ironic that catching the final of all the other majors is easier since we’re in a different time zone. Live is 9am and then there’s usually a repeat. The US Open being played with my time zone is terrible. Especially since it “conflicts” with football (I love football and all but I’d love to see some other event cut into Super Bowl coverage – NEVER GONNA HAPPEN). And now it’s at 5pm? At least they replay it like the other non-national slams… oh wait, they don’t.

skeezer Says:

We all discussed this at depth sometime ago and seem to come up with reasonable answer. That is schedule those earlier rds better ( 3 days in between??? C’mon! ).
Apparently the USTA does not read this Blog, which doesn’t surprise me.
Just goes to show the USTA still is most arrogant one minded Tennis organization in the world.

Monday final? Pffft! Thank God for D V R!!!

Kimberly Says:

Its certainly better for the players, more fair, but worse for us viewers in the US. Especially those of us who love MNF. Also I have a standing appointment with my trainer Monday at 5:30. Unless Rafa is playing the final I would likely DVR and watch replay. But for the tennis purist it certainly will allow for a higher quality final. Unless of course, rain wreaks havoc and you have a sunday semi and a monday final. I imagine its better for the European viewers though.

alison Says:

Living in Britain means the likes of us have to watch it in the middle of the night anyway,and if it gets rained off,it means ive stayed up half of the night for nothing.

alison Says:

Watching on a recording is not the same,as the whole point well for me anyway,is the excitement of seeing the final live,had i missed the final this year,and watched it on a recording it would have spoilt it as the news the next morning would have been all over the newspapers and the TV before i had the chance to watch the recording,when the aurthorities come up with these bright ideas i wish they would take these things into account,still it is what it is i suppose(sigh).

jane Says:

I agree with y’all. They should condense the early rounds, have a super Friday and a Sunday final: makes more sense than Monday at 5:00 pm. But *at least* this does even the playing field for the finalists and gives them a day’s rest.

Ben Pronin Says:

The fact is, someone will always be at a disadvantage because the semifinals aren’t played at the same time. I know that would never happen since it would split viewership, but it’ll always be unfair. What if Djokovic and Federer go 5 sets for 3.5 hours and then Murray and Nadal play second and go 5 sets for 4.5 hours? Not only do Nadal and Murray start late, but they end even later. So even with a day’s rest for both, it’s going to naturally be harder for the winner of the second semi because they started second.

But a Monday final is just so dumb. So, so, so dumb.

RZ Says:

Agree with Ben.

For those of us in the Pacific time zone, it means that the match is likely to be held during work hours, which is ridiculous.

sienna Says:

Good news for Fed he will take them down.

Wog boy Says:

Ben Pronin


That is exactly what I was thinking.

Wog boy Says:



Welcame to Australia, we are watching tennis matches in the middle of the night for nine months a year, Asian leg exluded.
My workmates cannot understand how that little yellow ball can keep me awake until early morning and I still have to go to work, though with a dark sunnies in order not to scare my customers with my zombie appearance.

Wog boy Says:

“Good news for Fed he will take them down.”

First, for a change, he has to make it to the final.

He never had a problem with sunday finals, results speaks for themselves, but in a last couple of years he has a problem of making it … finals.

Wog boy Says:

This is not really the time to talk about tennis.
I just read the news about this awful tragedy in America. My deepest condolances to American people.

Gregoire Gentil Says:

I’m ready to bet that Mother Nature will make it rain on Monday night next year!!! Solution is not schedule, solution is a four-letter word: roof.

skeezer Says:

@Wog boy

Yes, a very sad day. No posts further from me today :(

alison Says:

Very much with Wogboy and Skeezer,a very sad day in America,some things are so much more important than arguing the toss about tennis,makes you put things into perspective,tennis is after all only a game.

alison Says:

Wogboy @7.04pm December 14th,i feel for you,its only the AO and the USO that go on through the night mostly,the rest of the tourneys are on during the day to the best of my knowledge,so i shouldnt really complain too much,as it sounds like i have it alot easier than you do,the last 3 years ive watched the USO through the night,and had to go to work the next morning,and run around after 27 old people while half asleep,still it was worth it to see Rafa complete a CGS in 2010,and Andy win his 1st GS this year,sorry about Nole though,on both occasions.

The Great Davy Says:

More money? Time to win my first slam!

Chico Says:


Guns and money.

The money part is understandable. The more you have of it the more freedom you have, it is as simple as that. Ok, when you go beyond a certain treshold the sense of anguish steps in when you start pondering what you loose if someone takes it away from you. Alas, you’ll be needing fences, barb wire, bulldogs – and guns.

The US Open have a wery good show during the weekends when people have the best opportunity to turn out in the stands. Moving the mens final to Monday actually ads another high profile day. Good for the USTA. I would guess the logic is something like: sunday will attract people anyway. Say internationals that have come to the tournament probably want to get the feel of GS sunday. But it is not like the king customer wouldnt have something to say. Voting with the wallet is something you can allways do. Just say no, close the wallet. No need for guns.

I think it would actually honour the wictims of the latest episode to stop for a while, and think about how you really feel in the gun matter. For me, I have never understood this logic of easy access. The statement that the bad guys are going to have them anyway sounds logical, but that is as sound as the idea to build so big guns that nobody is going to dare use them. Well, accidents happen. Would it not be better in the end to lessen or take away the opportunities for those accidents alltogether.

The right to hunt? Huntsmen are probably the most responsible and disciplined gun users but they are human beings, equally fallible, equally flipping out as the rest of us. If your hobby builds a more gunfriendly anvironment, making way for an attitude were a machine that is capable of killing a person is a part of everyday life, is it worth it?

This is just nuts.

Just say no.

Chico Says:

Sorry for the off topic rant :(

lazlo Says:

The shooter’s mother had guns and they were registered.

Reagan got shot surrounded by secret service. If someone is bound and determined to kill, they will. This nutjob didn’t have a record. He was autistic, had bad psycho genes, or a bad environment and flipped out.

As long as the cops and all the gangs and criminals have guns, I want the right to have mine to protect myself from nutjobs. Sorry.

jane Says:

All so very sad, unbearable, really. :(

Brando Says:

When I first heard the news yesterday, like others here, I felt immensely sad and was gutted for the victims and their families.

But in all HONESTY: unfortunately after a while the shock of it all disappeared, since sadly this seems to occur every 6 months or so in USA today.

The shock and sting of such a horrific incident lessens each and every time it tragically occurs due to the indefensible frequency of such tragic incidents occurring in the USA.

The question that arises is:

HOW MANY MORE innocent people needlessly have to die before their is some change or action in the USA regarding guns?

When will such tragedies be met with MEANINGFUL actions to counter it as opposed to another statement of condolence to the victims families?

Are we so MORALLY BANKRUPT now that we allow the profit of a few to be placed over the protection of innocent life from such horror?

alison Says:

Brando all too often true,not only in America,but here in Britain too Hungerford and Dunblane spring to mind,yet we never seem to learn anything from from such tragedies.

Chico Says:


Honestly, until your last sentence I thought you were making an opposite argument.

If you read what you wrote, does not the idea spring to mind that even though Reagans security detail was heavily trained it still did not make a difference? Or he should be lucky he only got wounded?

I just can’t see that the final answer would be that everybody has to become a specialized gunman to stay safe? How is that going to work in the long run? Great for the gun industry, but what about the rest of us?

And yes I know, the alternative, for people to grow a courage to put the guns down, believing that others would follow, so that by a tedious little by little, the tide would shift, and the consensus against guns start making a difference in how they are taken in to use. Why would you start on something that you will not see the result of during this lifetime.

In my book life is sacred: gunman/-woman = coward

Now we’re really off topic but I don’t care, so moderation please.

Alok Says:

It’s always very saddening when such tragedies occur. Not only the victims suffer but those who are left behind to grieve them.

The answer to such occurrences is a grey area because there’s no concrete solution, due to the diverse emotional reasons that trigger these incidents.

Morality is not even part of the equation, but more times than not, it’s always an emotional imbalance, a mind that’s tortured, which triggers the action. Thus, how can the law be held responsible for an individual’s mind-set becoming imbalanced?

Additionally, in these instances, e.g., killing of innocent children in a classroom, due to a grievance, definitely cannot be attributed to monetary gains which are totally unrelated, because no one sold the guns to the killer with the express intention of killing those children for X amount of dollars, as in putting out of killing contract.

The law prohibits killing or injuring of another individuals(s), but it cannot be blamed or held responsible, in such situations and has very little control over anyone’s state of mind at the time of such unfortunate incidents.

I don’t understand why the US is being placed under such scrutiny. Yes, such situations happen a lot in the US, and more times than not, justice prevails. But, such crimes are more publicized as opposed to other countries, because America is the focus of the entire world. However, let us not forget that more horrific crimes take place on a daily basis, and are overlooked, in third world countries, viz, Asia, Africa, the Middleeast, and parts of Europe, which are never brought to justice, but it’s treated as just one of those things that happen in life.

Was 9/11 a fault of the US?

There are laws in the US which prohibit the sale of guns without a justifiable permit, and a gun can only be gotten with a license, which is registered for specific uses, but profit is not one of them.

Before passing judgment on this country, it should be taken into consideration that the illegal guns are smuggled into the US by many non-US residents, for profit, similarly to illegal drugs, and those aliens who are smuggled across our borders hourly, for huge monetary gains.

The US is a country of immigrants, which is comprised of people from different walks of life, and who bring with them, upon entry into this country, criminal activities, for which the US is blamed. Anyone who wants to engage in finger pointing, should first view the whole picture, know the facts, before speaking.

di-10S Says:

Bet it will rain on Monday and final gets pushed to Tuesday

Margot Says:

Hasn’t Canada got one of the highest gun to person ratios, yet one of the lowest murder by gun ratios?
Of course where the acceptance of gun ownership is part and parcel of the culture of a country, you will have many, many gun crimes but you also have to look at the culture of violence as well.
That being said look what happened in Sweden/Dunblane etc.
Just seems almost an everyday occurrence in the USA.

Thomas Says:

I was chatting with a friend in the US yesterday with regards to america perhaps having tougher gun laws? His response: “It would be stupid to have tougher gun laws, as this would mean that potentially innocent victims would have nothing to defend themselves with” LOL

Giles Says:

One of the Newtown victims 6yo Grace McDonnell is niece of former ATP CEO Adam Helfant.

jane Says:

^ Sad. Here’s an interesting piece on gun culture in American; it’s definitely strong in its views:

lazlo Says:

just can’t see that the final answer would be that everybody has to become a specialized gunman

Chico, I want to be able to protect myself if anyone dare enter my home without my permission.
In Colorado, at the movie theatre massacre, if just one person in the audience had a gun, he could have taken that nutcake out of his misery and maybe, just maybe there would have been a few less killed and nutcake would have a hole in his head. I don’t want to be stuck in my house without a weapon while the home invader has an uzi. You can live like that if you want to. Sorry we will always disagree.
BTW, McVeigh killed all those folks with fertiliser. It’s hard to stop someone who is determined.

jane Says:

Why would the home invader have access to an uzi in the first place. :'(

Another interesting take:


However, The ATP Players Aren’t Thrilled By The US Open Prize Money Increase And Monday Final Says:

[…] the tournament has held its men’s final on Monday the last five years. Also Check Out:About Time! US Open Officially Moves Men’s To Final To Monday; Adds Prize MoneyFederer Says He’ll Investigate Why The ATP Turned Down An $800K Infusion Into Indian Wells […]

the DA Says:

“One failed attempt at a shoe bomb and we all take off our shoes at the airport. Thirty-one school shooting since Columbine and no change in our regulation of guns.” – John Oliver

andrea Says:

definitely an odd choice. might be easier to snag some monday final tickets though. the only potential upside.

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