ATP CEO Chris Kermode Denounces Ray Moore, Silently Applauds Novak Djokovic’s Prize Money Stance

by Sean Randall | March 21st, 2016, 3:36 pm

ATP CEO Chris Kermode denounced Ray Moore’s inflammatory comments in a statement just sent out within the hour.

“Ray Moore’s comments towards women’s tennis were disparaging and made in poor taste, as Ray has subsequently acknowledged,” said Kermode. “The ATP fully supports equality across society, while at the same time acknowledging that we operate in the sports & entertainment business. The ATP seeks to achieve fair compensation for its players by setting minimum prize money levels for ATP events in accordance with the revenues that are generated from men’s professional tennis. The ATP also respects the right of tournaments to make their own decisions relating to prize money for women’s tennis, which is run as a separate Tour.”

But Kermode passed the buck on the equal prize money issue, saying it’s up to the tournaments (i.e., the market) themselves to determine prize money allocations. And that goes is step with Novak Djokovic’s words yesterday saying that the men deserve more money because they have the bigger following.

So while they men’s tour supports equality, if tournaments say men deserve more money, then so be it.

Translation: Moore should step down, and high-5 Novak!!

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18 Comments for ATP CEO Chris Kermode Denounces Ray Moore, Silently Applauds Novak Djokovic’s Prize Money Stance

George Says:

This is a natural stance by ATP CEO Chris Kermode. As Djokovic said, it is up to ATP to negotiate the best possible deals for ATP. We all know that “salary you get is not the one you deserve, but the one you negotiate”.

Wog Boy Says:

What are we going to do now, somebody agrees with Nole, and that somebody is ATP CEO..

mat4 Says:


On the French Eurosport page devoted to this question, 60% of the 3237 voters agreed with Novak…

mat4 Says:

But let’s also add that Laurent Vergne wrote an excellent article treating that question under different angles.

His most salient point is that equality of money is not a question of equity, but a symbol of gender equality. Under certain limitations (I would like to see less disparity in earnings not only between men and women, but among players themselves, at least) I agree with him.

skeezer Says:

“What are we going to do now, somebody agrees with Nole, and that somebody is ATP CEO..”
There is nothing to do now, most of “mainstream is against Novak” was crap, and fans should not read into their own crap about Nole hate conspiracy. He currently is representing Tennis well, he learned from Rog very well in that dept. Thanks Fed!

Wog Boy Says:

You just can’t stay away from me can you? Keep it up with your crap posts and dream on that he learned from your idol.

Lodhi Says:


The universe was created for Fed, by Fed, against Fed.

Jac Says:

Thanks you, I was looking for something like that.

WTA Premier Mandatory are always played togother with ATP tournament (4×1000 and 500 in Pekin).
Bit suprising is difference between Premier 5 and rest of ATP1000, since there is also big difference in pay in mixed tournaments (Rome and Cincy).
This table shows that sponsors are less interested in WTA only tournaments. They are willing to pay half in comparison with men’s event of the same status. Besides tournaments they were “forced” to.
But that’s what we all knew :)

Eric Says:

The argument that men and women players should receive the same prize money is only given plausibility because of the close relationship between the two tours in sharing most of the same important tournaments. And while I do think it’s an important and valuable statement on gender equity, imagine someone suggesting the same thing for the NBA and WNBA, or the LFL and NFL–it’d seem ridiculous, and rightly so. Novak is actually just recognizing the reality that in entertainment you get paid for your ability to draw in eyeballs, not your accomplishment or excellence. (Of course, he also said some weird stuff about hormones.) But given that pro tennis is much more closely intertwined than those examples, it is also cool that the top-flight tournaments are pretty egalitarian. The real issue is how hard it is to make it as a low-level pro; when you can make $40 million in endorsements per year, do you really need another $10m in winnings–or would $5m suffice?

chrisford1 Says:

Eric – The “weird stuff about hormones” is actually something that should be more openly discussed. It is part of the reason that the woman’s pro tennis game is inconsistent and some of the most sought after information by oddsmakers that bother making book on womens sports. Performance in many women is strongly impacted by a woman’s monthly cycle. The winningest NCAA women’s basketball program UCONN, has the assistant coach tell media she tracks her players menstrual issues and adjust roster based on history some women have with impairment, use of NCAA approved medication for cramping, etc.

PC feminists HATE this concession to nature, of course, as they push the idea that women can be just as good combat Marines as men 24/7/365.

In tennis of course, you can’t do roster changes and Everyone on Tour, men women, officials and media, knows it contributes to lack of WTA consistency. And as Djokovic said as well about women being forced to defer parenthood unlike the men as a price for being a professional athlete…it makes life tougher on the women than it is for him.

Media plays along with it, pretending to be utterly mystified how come the invincible Simona Halep of a week ago gave way to losing 6-1, 6-0 to a qualifier in the 2nd round – acting hobbled, clutching her lower stomach. As former players they know perfectly well what was going on, but fear telling the audience. Enraged feminists could then set out to destroy their broadcasting career for undermining the Equality Narrative.
And why so many ranked players in the WTA drop out of events they are scheduled for before they happen? Same deal – explained away as a slight rib strain, a 24 hour bug, disagreeable food..

Its just politically incorrect to talk about it in the USA.
Fortunately, Djokovic is not an American, so he has more freedom of speech than is allowed of Americans these days.

Margot Says:

Please read this:
and please take her advice and shut up about “hormones.”
Goodness me, you’ve such a heap of timber on your shoulder, I’m really surprised you can move.

chrisford1 Says:

Some tennis fans believe the duty exists in athletes to hew to the notion that the most clever thing is not to give any opinion about anything. Or speak in general bland platitudes like Maria’s handlers and Nike want – that she is excited and that she found her game before being swept by the next opponent. And Djokovic should only repeat that he supports world peace and protection of animals. Since jocks have a rep being no brighter than beauty contest bimbos.
Problem is that certain athletes are smart, not to mention all beauty contestants are not airheads. But even so, they for the most part find “seeking world peace” the best contestant answer. They say they are interested in the Super Hadron Collider or detest the drop in workers wages – they fail to advance by vote. The exceptions not only have to be articulate, and honest in opinions and thoughts – but they also have to have balls in the present time to risk speaking out on any non-PC matter. In tennis – like Roddick, Derren Cahill, Djokovic. Becker. How Cahill and Becker survived in broadcasting as they did is a marvel. PC forces want it more like how Mary Carillo and Pat McEnroe way of saying nothing about things.

chrisford1 Says: is a well-known tool of the Fascist Left, Margot, and you appear to be as well.

You cannot legislate or intimidate away human biology and established regular behaviors. Or insist that the only values & beliefs that are valid and should be permitted are ones that align with your particular ideology.

The Bolsheviks and National Socialists tried and failed. Pol Pot thought he’s have a better shot in a small country – but he failed too.

Margot Says:

“A tool of the fascist left?” ROFL. You’ll have to do better than that.
How about, “and you are a tool of the facist right Chrisford.” Look how far we got with this…not very far.

chrisford1 Says:

Please, this Gibbs is a rather portly grad of Tisch performing arts school. She writes well, but like most leftists, is unable to avoid sticking her nose in other people’s business and unable to avoid demanding they follow “rules” in all their thoughts and conduct to destroy sexism, racism, Islamophobiaism and so on and so on.

Two years ago, frustrated with this exact topic, I wrote a handy guide to keeping sexism out of women’s tennis coverage. The rules were simple: Stop looking for excuses to insult women’s tennis, stop questioning equal prize money, and whatever you do, leave hormones out of it.
Well, Djokovic broke all of those rules, and then some

Oooooo! Djokovic broke the RULES an obese sportswriter laid down!! What makes him think he can be disobedient to an angry feminist!! Who after all has great moral authority as a person in the news media….and who is part of the pack that demanded and got the head of the IW official-who-OFFENDED!

As bomb blasts kill dozens in Belgium because the Offendees are so outraged at Belgian thoughts and speech and beliefs, they have to set bombs off. Because they just can’t get all native Belgians fired for incorrect thought and breaking the rules laid down by Muslim activists…

Okiegal Says:

Regarding everything Mr. Moore said, I was appalled about the remark he made concerning attractive women and the not so attractive who play tennis. It was all in poor taste, however. Who does he think he is anyway?? A CEO??? Not anymore…lol He should have kept his big mouth shut……good riddance!! He’s a jerk!! Maybe Serena should cram a tennis ball down his throat to keep him silenced 4 ever!! LOL

Margot Says:

Oh jeez:
“rather portly grad”
“obese sportswriter”
Your attitude to women encapsulated.
You just dug a huge hole and you can’t get out.
My point is proved, without any input from me.

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