Roger Federer on the Cover of ESPN The Magazine

by Tom Gainey | April 23rd, 2010, 10:24 am

2010 -- ESPN The Magazine -- Roger FedererTennis No. 1 Roger Federer will grace the cover of the latest ESPN The Magazine which hits newsstands today, April 23.

Federer is featured in a story “One Among Many” written by Tim Keown who profiles the 16-time Grand Slam champion.

Personally, I think they could have used a better picture for the cover.

Click here for some behind the scenes footage (with a look at the mini Federer’s) and an interview with ESPN.

Federer, who has been off the court for a month or so now, will be the top seed in Rome next week.

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33 Comments for Roger Federer on the Cover of ESPN The Magazine

O-Kerr Says:

It was due long ago, Roger should be on the cover more often. Yeah, the picture could have been better but would not replace with the hooded one of the video clip. The footage is simply awesome.

challengerlevel Says:

No doubt about it. Roger is the greatest athlete in the world today and has been for about 7 years minus 2008 when he was struck by glandular fever. Tiger Woods himself said Roger was the athlete of the decade, and Tiger knows why he won the vote for that honor. He is American and Roger Federer is a low profile Swiss boy. If Roger averages 1 major a year for the next 3 or 4 years than 20 majors will be the number he reaches. If he does that than you are witnessing possibly the greatest athlete of all time period.

madmax Says:


I absolutely LOVE the photo on the front of ESPN! I just LOVE it. Love, Love, Love it! Absolutely Love it. Federer looks cool, and just great. I love him in the hoodie, I love the clips you have shown, I love what he says about rafa, I love the fact that he feels great. I just love it.

Thank you.

Duro Says:

I love you too, Maxi. Roger Federer.

Huh Says:

Fed is extremely handsome, but seemingly not so much on this cover page. Anyway, good for Roger.


Nice to see ya so happy about Roger coming on ESPN Magazine. It was long due thou.

Huh Says:

Roger’s hair cut looks fine however in the photo.

Texas Longhorn Says:

Wow. I think the photo looks good. Very handsome. I can’t wait to buy a copy next week.

Kimo Says:

I like the photo. Brings out Fed’s rugged masculinity, something which some misguided people tend to doubt sometimes.

Fot Says:

I’m just so happy ESPN is actually recognizing him (never too late, I guess)! lol! Hey, it can’t hurt tennis by having Roger on the cover – and he hasn’t really done anything lately either! lol!

But I love the video and his interview. Great stuff. We need more of this in tennis. I’m ok with the picture as well.

madmax Says:


I absolutely love you! love you! love you! love you!

Huh! I absolutely love you too! Love you, love you, love you!

I cannot wait. cannot wait! for Rome! Then we can start having some serious fedfest lovefest tennisfest for the world no. 1. Been too long.

Tom Gainey, I love you! for posting this about roger. And I love the mini me rogers as well. I also love marmite.

Duro Says:

Maxi, get married as soon as possible… :-)!

ThyGodisTennis Says:

He is the greatest tennis athlete since Martina!

He is the greatest male tennis player of all time!

Kimmi Says:

Tom, what do you say, photo not good? C’mooon, its great. the photo too. love it, love it, lol!

Good luck in Rome!

skeezerweezer Says:

Interesting how Fed says he wants to play till 35. Here any other players say that?

Having that mindset, picking and choosing tourneys is the first step. Second is staying injury free as best as can. Third is stay in excellent shape.

Yes, I am a Roger mini me and I know better….:)

He’s already proven he can do all three…hope he can. Wow that is another 7 years?


skeezerweezer Says:


Now if he would only do a commercial for Marmite :-)

Lol, can you imagine him holding the jar and saying.

” Every morning before I go for my workout I have Marmite on Toast, Ohhh what a feelin!

“Thanks to Marmite, I can run faster and hit harder…”

“Try it, you’ll love it, you’ll see,

It’s Marmite for me!”

madmax Says:

Skeezer! That would be just great!

Talking of which, postage takes 5-7 days, so I am hoping that by next weekend, somewhere on that side of the planet, you and I will be sharing marmite on toast in completely different time zones, but the feeling skeeze, will be just great. I really hope you like it. It has a motto over here in the UK. You either LOVE marmite, or you HATE it. If you like savoury food, then you will love it, if not, then you will have to pass it on!

Yes, Duro! I will – one day! Too young right now! Too many tennis matches to go to, too many books to read, too many top ten things to get through, too much music to listen to, sunsets to watch, travels to go on, journeys to conquer, serbia to visit, etc. Great that you are back duro :)))))

madmax Says:

Fed has always said he wants to play as long as possible, and I remember reading in a broadsheet over here last year that federer said though he wanted to continue playing until “at least” 2012 olympics to “calm everyone down” (presser people keep/kept asking him when he was going to retire), he also has said he would like to continue for as long as possible, and compared his career (in terms of longevity) to Agassi who retired near on to 36 years old and also Connors, who I think went on until 41?


Eliza Says:

Vegemite is way better than Marmite.

Von Says:


” Every morning before I go for my workout I have Marmite on Toast, Ohhh what a feelin!

“Thanks to Marmite, I can run faster and hit harder…”

You should have added: *more petal to the metal*, with every bite. LOOOOOOOOOOLZ

madmax Says:


Vegamite is the Australian version and nowhere near as great a taste as Marmite!

Duro Says:

Maxi, so that’s how you think about marriage? Like the end of the life? You’re right, ha ha ha! Kidding, of course…

TP Says:

Love the pic..!!!!!!!
And of course Rog is the best ever..!!

Skorocel Says:

“Personally, I think they could have used a better picture for the cover.”

Same here. Federer looks like a 40-year old on that photo ;-) Ouch!

Twocents Says:

Fed looked like a 30-year old anyway, when he first won Wimby at 21…

Von Says:

Two Cents: “Fed looked like a 30-year old anyway, when he first won Wimby at 21…”

Nice to see you here (another Roddick fan) again.

I agree that Fed has always looked older than his years. His is a Charlton Heston type of face which has that craggy/rugged look. Even though Mr. Heston was waaayyyyy before my time, I’ve seen old movies with him as a young man (The en commandments and Ben Hur) and that face has looked the same throughout the years. That said, Fed seems to be like one who will have the same face even in his 70s and that’s a good thing, because for the majority of us, facial beauty diminishes as we grow older. Additionally, he’ll have that look of wisdom (I see depicted in that picture), which IMO, is an enduring quality.

Von Says:

en s/b Ten Commandments

Twocents Says:

“Fed seems to be like one who will have the same face even in his 70s”

You get it absolutely right, Von The Smart Lady :-)). One stupid reason I’m a Fed and Roddick fan: one’s so European and one’s so American!

While I’ll miss Roddick for Roma, I hail his decision to take care good care of himself before the big W!

Long Live The King Says:

Von :

perfect description of the Fed….. thanks for the Fed love. :)

i am glad espn got him on the cover….. is espn as bad as SI, tennis-covers wise? when was the last tennis cover for espn…… i am sure it must be 1 of the women….. :)

madmax Says:

Federer (to me) looks 28, no more no less. Strange how we all see different things. He looks fabulous. Checking out those photos of him on gototennis. Utterly, completely gorgeous. I love the look from him into the distance.

one day i would love to get married. of course. but too much to do,to travel, etc. that is the reason. I believe in marriage very much. It’s an honorable institution! Crossed fingers that will happen one day.

C’moon federer!
Loving the look!

I dont know who it was that said he looked like Charlton Heston, just scrolled down, it could be von or longlive, i think the ONE player who really looks like a very young charlton heston is Andy Murray, they have the same carved jaw. Federer looks nothing like charlton heston,to me, a more handsome version of the film director – whose name right now escapes me – i’ll post it later.

Even so, Roger Federer, such a handsome man.

Lion Says:

Madmax – I agree, Roger has cool looks. I think the director you are thinking about is quentin tarantino. donot know if i got the spelling right, but federer and him look similar. Anyway, this is enough “looks” talk for a proud heterosexual guy.

madmax, Von did not say federer looked like heston,
just that he has heston face type. i hope you understand the difference. I agree murray has similarities with heston.

Von, you seem to be one of a kind. A roddick fan who says nice things about federer. Roddick is a nice guys, but a lot of his fans grudge federer and they have become nadal fans or djokovic fans to keep fueling their federer hatred. As a fan of Long Live The King, i join him in thanking you for your nice words to Federer. :)

Long Live The King – what a nice name. perfect for a federer fan. I am a fan of your posts and I think you are the best at Federer’s statistics and records.

Go Roger! Keep roaring!

Armenienne Says:

Roger is the greatest athlete in the world!!!

Roger, we love you in ARMENIA and NAGORNO-KARABAkh.

good luck in Rome

l,n Says:

Rog looks like Burt reynolds that’s crazy! from head to toes; even the hairchest is similar

A man without hairchest is like a cat without fur :)

FaneX Says:

Roger looks so so hot…Love him…I like his cut hair…God will bless Roger

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