Novak Djokovic and Girlfriend Jelena Ristic Appear on Hello Magazine Cover [Photos]

by Tom Gainey | August 2nd, 2011, 11:21 am

djokovic-risticAfter posts on Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer, I don’t want to leave out the current No. 1 Novak Djokovic, do I? Djokovic and his longtime girlfriend Jelena Ristic are on the cover of an issue of the Serbian version of Hello Magazine.

Inside the magazine, there’s an interview with Djokovic accompanied by several photos of the happy couple.

Djokovic and the beautiful Ristic have been dating since the end of 2006. Earlier this year there was a rumor of their engagement, though unconfirmed.

After his Wimbledon title, the 48-1 Djokovic will be the top seed at the Rogers Cup next week in Montreal.

Djokovic spent much of last week working out in Los Angeles in preparation for the hardcourts. He’ll appear as a guest (along with Katie Holmes) on the Jay Leno Show later Tuesday night in the U.S. on NBC.

Copyright Hello Magazine

Copyright Hello Magazine

You can see more pictures here.

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25 Comments for Novak Djokovic and Girlfriend Jelena Ristic Appear on Hello Magazine Cover [Photos]

sar Says:

… Only a day after his appearance on Leno’s show, Novak will have a guest appearance on Conan O’Brien’s show. ..=

jane Says:

She is gorgeous imo, and doing a masters degree in business too. I hope that in between his TV appearances, Nole is getting ready for some serious tennis. :) But it is nice to see a tennis player getting this sort of publicity. I would think it only raises the profile of the sport, exposes Nole and tennis to more people, who may take an interest.

stu Says:

she is very pretty. seems very very young though. younger than Nole for sure.

Angie Says:

@stu she’s actually one year older than Novak :O

Kimberly Says:

stuf, i looked it up she is the same age as Novak, 24.

Of course, I was hoping maybe I could send him up on some statutory crime so rafa can start winning, but alas, they are the same age. Guess Rafa will have to keep trying the old fashioned way. MTOs, etc.

dari Says:

whoa, that’s a lot of pictures. i would say jelena looks best when directly face-on. cute couple.
pretty funny, kimberly.
you’d have to be up on serbian penal code, no?
also, i just found tickets for courtside cornerbox uso in the first week for 150 on ticket exchange. is it too good to be true?
i obviously don’t know who is playing at this point but thought that was too good of a deal to pass up, just hope i don’t get scammed or they fall through!

Kimberly Says:

dari, as i imagine they are in california right now, US will do as the “crime” would be perpetuated in mutltiple jurisdictions as they are traveling together, no?

dari Says:

this is what you get when you make legal joke with a lawyer!
i imagine serbia’s age of consent is lower than any us state anyway, so us would be the place to nab him, hehe
does anyone know if us open has any tradition like wimbledon where defending champ opens play or plays on which day, etc? maybe they don’t make a statement out of it, but anyone know of an unspoken trend/tradition

Kimberly Says:

dari—-i dont think there is such a tradition. Nadal will ask for a late start to work on his serve.

jane Says:

dari, for where are your tickets? USO or Washington or what? Lucky girl!! I would love to see some live tennis.

skeezerweezer Says:

Studly, Suave, something no one else can pull off but Fed ;)

jane Says:

He was funny on Jay Leno; he brought on traditional Serbian dancers, and even had Jay and Katie Holmes up dancing with them. :)

dari Says:

I thought it was not that good :/
Conan will be better
Jay leno is crap

jane Says:

I liked the dancing, but a lot of the interview itself was typical stuff, same old same old to a tennis fan.

jamie Says:

Ana Ivanovic is way hotter than Nole’s gf….

Hiii Says:

She’s gorgeous.

House Says:

Novak with Olivia Wild on Conan tonight,..Interesting

Humble Rafa Says:

As a world no. 1, he can do better. He has choices, you know. She doesn’t look good to me.
Unfit to be a Ms. No.1

suzette Says:

The comment about Novak’s girlfriend not being as pretty as this one or that one is silly. Jelena is a naturally pretty girl, well educated and loyal to him. She was asked in an interview what she liked about Novak and responded that she loved him not because he was a tennis star( they having been dating for 5years)but because he of the person that he was. It is a testimony to their relationship that with all the hype, tennis groupies and pressure, they have remained committted to each other. Looks wan, but having a devoted partner’s love and support throughout your ups and downs is a thing of” beauty”

dari Says:

jane- they are for uso.
didn’t come through QUITE as expected- that price was louis armstrong stadium not ashe! :/
but i don’t think i will sell them – should still be some good matches there and front row is front row. maybe we will score with a delpo match or something, fingers crossed.
still will continue on my search for dream ashe seats and hope the corporate tickets come through.
gonna have to agree with jamie (!) and say that ana I is hotter.

jane Says:

Well it sounds great regardless dari – front row!! Delpo would be awesome up close like that. The ball whacking would be gigantic.

Kimberly Says:

Dari, fornthe heat tickets i generally send kaisers down to buy them as we get them off craigs list. Then I call the same person trying to buy the exact same seats tonsee ifnthey will try to sell them to me. So far no sleazes, they have all said the tickets were sold.

dari Says:

I might try Craigslist this year.
Sad thing is it wasn’t even a scam
I went back to the listing again and it clearly said Louis a.
Needless to say I will not be in charge of next purchase

Mike Says:

Your all nuts, she’s hot! The real hottness lies in the fact that she wanted him badly even when he was 83rd in the world! Good for him! Met him once, seemed like a nice guy. Wish him well.

margot Says:

jane, I’ve seen Delpot at O2 and he can hit the ball so hard, u CANNOT see it!!

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