Roger Federer Lindt Chocolate “Airport” Commercial [Video]

by Tom Gainey | September 4th, 2010, 4:20 pm

The last of my commercial catch-ups today is from Roger Federer who puts on another comical show in this new spot from Lindt Chocolate.

In the new commercial dubbed “Airport”, Federer is in an airport security screening when two female security agents can’t keep their hands off the Swiss and his Lindor Truffles. The agents eventually confiscate the Truffles after giving them a taste and Federer so some remarks.

“You move very well, you must work out a lot,” the agents fawn.

“I am excited to continue to grow my partnership with the leader – and my top choice – in premium chocolate,” Federer said. “I am also thankful to Lindt for their support of the Roger Federer Foundation. This is a cause I am very passionate about, and it is great to know my potential success on the court will have a positive effect on children in need.”

Lindt also announced a special partnership with the Roger Federer Foundation that will help raise awareness and funds for the non-profit in conjunction with the US Open. For every match Federer wins during the Open, Lindt will donate $1,000 to his foundation.

Federer is on today and in the lead right now against Paul-Henri Mathieu in the third round at the US Open.

Here’s the commercial:

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14 Comments for Roger Federer Lindt Chocolate “Airport” Commercial [Video]

Nina Says:

Absolutely great, i was laughing so much. Roger looking gorgeous here.

scineram Says:

Who is writing these things, this and the psychiatrist ones?

Tennis Racquet Bargain Says:

Wow, I respect Federer much more now.

Kimmi Says:

love it. hahahahah

Veka Says:

those chocolates are amaaaaaaaaazing…yummmy!

cindy wolters Says:

I go through airport security quite a bit. It is not fun and no joking matter. I find this commercial to be a mockery of the system put in place to protect the masses. It is offensive.

Polo Says:

cindy wolters, wherever you go, you must be the life of the party.

cindy wolters Says:

Polo (with no last name), parties & experiencing airport security are in no way related. You don’t know the difference ?? Try telling a joke while taking off your shoes, exposing all your (over 2oz) liquid/creams personal items in a see through plastic bag. Don’t forget to take your lap top out of it’s case. I could go on & on….
As for me @ a party….Dear Polo (with no last name) I’ll have a shot of tequila, cold and naked with a lime.

Chalea Says:

Who is the blonde security? My husband and I were ‘discussing’ that is was Emily Procter off of CSI Miami. Does anyone agree or disagree???

Purcell Says:

In that case Cindy Wolters, stop telling jokes,leave your shoes and laptop at home to save the extreme inconvenience of removing them from feet and case respectively and stop exposing your cheeky liquid cream personal items. You can then go through security with a light heart and body and you won’t be a misery guts any more.

cindy wolters Says:

well well purcell (no last name) lets see here what’s your problem? crazy person maybe? People wear shoes. (hopefully) Everyone has toothpaste and deodorant(that you MUST show). I travel with a lap top for work.
Did I say ‘extreme inconvenience” NO, I said, a system put in place to protect the masses. I am not miserable going thru airport security. I didn’t get the commercial. Is it suppose to be a funny ha ha or show the fact that the workers can make any law abiding person subject to a strip search. As I said I find it (Lindt commercial) offensive, regardless of your views purcell (with no last name).

Erika Says:

Chalea, I am inclined to agree. I googled it myself and found this blog/thread because of you!
I am not so sure though, because she’s preggers right now, so unless the commercial was filmed strategically or several months ago…it’s hard to tell. Good eye though. :)

Judi and Bart Says:

We love Roger. Only the first half of this was aired on t.v. when I saw it.

We think the girls look like “Addicted to Love”.

Sandy R. Says:

I believe that the blonde in the commercial is Emily Procter from CSI. My husband disagrees, and we haven’t been able to find anything to confirm or deny it.

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