Roger Federer Plays Chauffeur, Picks Up Rafael Nadal From the Airport! [Pictures/Video]
We are still hours from first ball in the Match for Africa tennis exhibition between greats Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal, but already there’s been a lot to talk about.
According to Blick press event ticker, Nadal arrived into Zurich earlier this morning just after 11am and guess who picked him up at the airport? Federer! Federer and his agent waited for Nadal on the runway, then it was Federer driving Nadal 25 minutes to his hotel in a Mercedes SLS (sponsor plug). Funny stuff.
Now if I didn’t have picture evidence you wouldn’t believe me. Here here:
Said Federer on Facebook, “Just picked up Rafa at the airport. Looking forward to lunch together in town.”
And they did.
“Went for a quick walk around downtown Zurich with Rafa before lunch,” Federer said.
After the brief 90 minute tour of Zurich and some lunch, it was time to get back in the Benz and return to the hotel for some last minute prep.
Boy, these guys must really HATE each other. Ha ha.
Both guys arrived at the Hallenstadion just after 3pm to hit and meet with kids.
The match begins at 8:20pm local time. ESPN2 will have it LIVE, not tape delay I’m informed. See the Blick link for the latest news plus video.
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