Hot Or Not? Maria Sharapova Gets A New Haircut (FAKE!)

by Tom Gainey | April 17th, 2012, 2:54 pm

sharapova-haircut It seems to be the rage this clay season, first Andy Murray and now Maria Sharapova has introduced a new, shorter hairstyle.

Via her facebook page, the 24-year-old said, “So what do you guys think?? I kind of love it!”

Me? It looks very hipster Hollywood-ish, but good.

No word on how fiancee Sasha Vujicic feels about the cut. The two will be married November 10th in Turkey.

Sharapova is scheduled to debut the new style on court next week in Stuttgart. The Russian World No. 2 has won three of the four Grand Slams, missing only the French Open.


Sharapova has confirmed the haircut was a ruse. It’s a wig in the photos!

She posted, “Wow, when I posted those photos with the short hair I had no idea everyone would all go bananza….( my dear friends, I never actually said I cut my hair!) so for the sake of my email inbox and it’s stressful 24 hours, I would like to show you the below pictures…my hair is still long…and blonde…and well it’s pretty much the same! We did a shoot a few days ago and I sported all types of hair styles…long and yes short (a wig!!!).”

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55 Comments for Hot Or Not? Maria Sharapova Gets A New Haircut (FAKE!)

Andre Says:

I like it!!!! HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jane Says:

She looks nice, but she’s pretty enough that most hair styles would suit her.

alison hodge Says:

stunning but then again marias a beautiful girl who always does look good,no matter what as she never seems to take a bad picture,im pretty sure all her male fans will love this look.

Colin Says:

It’s very nice and it suits her. Having said that, I must repeat what I have often said, that her looks are vastly overrated. Walk along a big city street on a sunny day, when the ordinary working girls are off to lunch or the park, and you’ll see many just as good looking as Sharapova (or any tennis player), and some more so.

the_mind_reels Says:


Kimmi Says:

hmm, i will wait till i see her on tennis court.

alison hodge Says:

^thanks for saying that colin,i take alot of heart from that comment,maybe theres hope for women like me yet lol.

Mark Says:

She will probably have to wear a headband now.

Human Eraser Says:

Since Maria was awfully close to the top of the “Most Beautiful Women in the World” list, there was only one way for her to go. Thumbs down on the short hair. She’s still hot, but only a mild 2nd degree burn vs. a severe 3rd degree.

Leon Says:

@Colin 3:30 pm:
Can’t disagree.

mat4 Says:

She could be bald. Wouldn’t change a thing…

alison hodge Says:

mat4 she could be bald and dress in a potato sack,and probably still look stunning.

mat4 Says:


You just reminded me of an old joke, in La Fontaine style.

Three oxen on the top of a hill are watching a herd of cows. The young one says: “Let run down there and get one each.” The middle-aged answers: “Why hurry?” And the oldest to add: “And why one each, when there’s a whole herd?”

When men are young, a woman is never pretty enough. Beauty is a thing men discover with age.

Ajet Says:

pathetic style! she may be beautiful and sexy, but this hairstyl looks pretty bad.

alison hodge Says:

Ajet im shocked i thought you would have loved it,each to there own i suppose,it will probably grow back soon enough anyway,maybe she just fancied a change,having said that she looked lovely with long hair anyway.

Ajet Says:


maria is surely a beautiful girl, but her previous hairstyle clearly looked way better! she still looks nice looking at from sideways, but from the front view, it’s downright pathetic to me.

Ajet Says:


i don’t mean to say that the hairstyle in itself is bad, but the thing is it just doesn’t suit her like her previous style.

Ajet Says:

argh, the right side photo of masha.. she couldn’t have looked worse than this!

alison hodge Says:

Ajet if her hairs anything like mine,it should grow back soon enough anyway,just hoping your other favourite does not decide to do the same thing.

Kimberly Says:

Still beautiful

karl tres Says:

she look amazing in the left one

Humble Rafa Says:

Maria Boy looks like crap. Sorry.

You ain’t no Diana. Why bother fixing what was just fine. I hope this fixes her serving menace.

Humble Rafa Says:

My left knee just gave an interview to Peter Bodo. Get the details here. Your Humble Highness doesn’t let his body parts give interviews. But a future Pulitzer prize winner Bodo asked, so your HH had to oblige.

skeezerweezer Says:


Friggin hilarious. Thank you Bodo! Lol……lol……lol.

Mark Says:

What do u expect from a journo with a name like BODO. I reckon his job is on the line so he writes these non-articles in utter desperation. Maybe if Rafa gives him one of his love bites like he does to his little cousins he will finally resist writing crap about Rafa. People are withdrawing their subscriptions to Tennis World thick and fast. Won’t be long before Bodo is on the dole. Stupid stupid man.

jane Says:

Funny. I guess she should have made it more clear that she was just shopping hair ideas. And it sure looked real!

jeanius Says:

My husband agrees with you. She strikes him as cold, not hot. He has said many times that he sees prettier women walking on the street. His faves? Ana Ivanovic, Elena Dementieva, and others.

racquet Says:

Bodo’s sense of humor is an acquired taste. I’ve lost count of the moronic articles of his that I’ve read over the years. Occasionally he can be astute and insightful but this was lame.

skeezerweezer Says:


Funny you rag on Bodo when he writes something funny once in awhile. He is the Senior Editor for Tennis magazine, writes for the NY Times, and won best writer of the year award TWICE. He has written several books for the game of Tennis. Tennis Magazine is the #1 Tennis Magazine in the World. Every member of the USTA gets the magazine every month ( 700K members ). I don’y know where you are getting your invented info on that.

I get you don’t like the article, but don’t knock his credentials.

Steve 27 Says:

Latinoamerican women are a lot better than the cold Eastern European women.

skeezerweezer Says:

Steve 27,

Whoa…..Why do you stereotype Women? Women from any part of the world can be beautiful!!! And are! Obviously you have never been with a eastern euro woman, they are quite warm and warmer the closer you get ;)

Steve 27 Says:

skeezerweezer ,
In fact I had a crush with an Ukranian women from Donetsk. Maybe was not a good time for us, but you dont know anything about latinoameican women either, so, I think capitalism has something to do with the coldness of the world’s wealthiest regions.

steve-o Says:

She strikes him as cold, not hot.

She has a certain reserve and seems like a private person. She certainly couldn’t be described as bubbly.

Sometimes the warmer and more personal side comes through, as when she talked about her attempts at cooking to while away the time when she was recovering from her shoulder injury. But it isn’t always on display.

Mark Says:

Skeez. If u think Bodo’s article was funny you have a very warped sense of humour. I don’t care about his so called credentials. He is an A&&&£E TRYING to be funny. He doesn’t get paid to write trivia. Steve Tignor is a far superior journo than Bodo and he knows that. Down with Bodo the chipmunk!!!

Mark Says:

@Skeez. Also I think he was smoking pot at the time of writing. Or something else!!!

skeezerweezer Says:


Of course I’m warped. It was hilarious! Lighten up (pot might help u )

alison hodge Says:

skeezer nice post women from all parts of the world are beautiful,and britain has stunning looking women,but the best ones come from yorkshire like myself ha ha.

Mark Says:

@Skeez. You mean like it helped Bodo the clown???

Skeezerweezer Says:


Whatever makes him the brilliant writer that he is. He has the credentials to prove it. But if you feel you can write something more brilliant and have the experience you can apply for a position I am sure Bodo won’t be offended.


Then I must visit one day this fine place called Yorkshire ;)

stu Says:

I think Bodo’s article was written in the style of my favorite James laRosa – for example, Day 9 on the link below:

Humble Rafa Says:

britain has stunning looking women

Yes. I look at Her Royal Highness…she is so adorable she could be my grandma. LOL

Mark Says:

@Skeez. I was just reading a comment on one of Steve Tignor’s articles “Journalism at it’s best. You spend time to analyse a d write an article. Unlike Pete Bodo’s articles that are declining in quality on a daily basis”. SEE!! Am not alone in my criticisms. Have a good night re-reading Bodo’s garbage.

Ajet Says:

i like women from every part of the world! ;)

what’s there in which country girls belong to so long as they’re beautiful and sexy! ;)

and talking of being warm, don’t you people dare count out indian women on this point either! i have experienced it and thus i believe it: the warmth part! ;)

and alison:

am going to yorkshire next year then!!! ;)

Ajet Says:


LOLZZZ!!! @ your April 18th, 2012 at 4:04 pm post! hahaha! so funny! ;)

Ajet Says:


aren’t you married already???!!! why visit yorkshire then? looking at what our alison says: it’s perfect place for bachelors like me to visit!!! ;) :D

stick to where you’re thus, and look no farther! ;)

alison hodge Says:

skeezer and Ajet thanks guys as well as the gorgeous gals,the scenerys stunning the dales are breathtaking,i do regret moving away but i had no choice as the unemployment is so bad,in that part of england,but i live in norfolk now by the sea,which is also lovely too.

alison hodge Says:

Ajet indian men and women are gorgeous,theres quite a few indian guys and gals in the block of flats where i live.

alison hodge Says:

^sorry meant to say who are good friends of ours.^

alison hodge Says:

Ajet bet your pleased to know that marias hair cut was a fake.

alison hodge Says:

humble rafa lol,but kate middletons quite beautiful,and so was the late princess diana,the most photographed woman in the world.

Ajet Says:


really doesn’t matter if maria grows her hair longer or becomes bald, i could hardly afford to date her! ;) of course she’s a beautiful girl and sexy too, no matter how much anyone may differ! she looks very beautiful with her long hair and that’s why i don’t like her to make it short or experimenting much with it to the detriment of her own beauty and sexiness! and of course i didn’t even bother to look at whether it’s fake or not, but glad to hea from you that it was fake images shown here about her shortened hair. i lke her as a very good tennis player and her sexiness and beauty is just gravy on it! ;)

BTW, thanks for your kind words about our indian women, i see you can see the truth about their hotness, lol! these indian women really’re too hot to handle at times i tell you, lol! ;)
and to be honest, indian men including me ain’t too bad either, hehe. ;)

and about kate middleton, i won’t tag her sexy because she is really, as you said, BEAUTIFUL! :)
wising her and prince williams all the happiness in their life. prince is also reserved guy and i like his personality. and for sure his mother diana was very gorgeous and SEXY, lol! ;)

alison hodge Says:

Ajet@ 6.48pm jmo but for me i think princess diana is the most beautiful woman ever,and the two princes william and harry are gorgeous too,and get there good looks from there mother,and your quite right indian men are gorgeous,we have some indian guys living next door to us,in our block of flats,who are really nice guys,and are good friends of ours.

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