Rafael Nadal Files Defamation Lawsuit Against Roselyne Bachelot

by Tom Gainey | April 26th, 2016, 10:05 am

Rafael Nadal said a month ago that he would sue Roselyne Bachelot after the French sports minister alleged the Spaniard was serving a doping suspension in 2012. Yesterday, Nadal backed up threat by filing suit against Bachelot in Paris.

In a statement Monday, Nadal said:

“I hereby make public the defamation law suit against Mrs. Roselyne Bachelot, that I have filed today April 25th 2016 before the Paris law courts.

“This legal proceeding was instigated after Miss Bachelot made offensive remarks last March on Le Grand 8, program of French channel D8.

“The lawyer in charge of the case is Maître Patrick Maisonneuve, lawyer at the Paris bar.

“Through this case, I intend not only to defend my integrity and my image as an athlete but also the values I have defended all my career. I also wish to avoid any public figure from making insulting or false allegations against an athlete using the media, without any evidence or foundation and to go unpunished.

“Should the tribunal consider there has been a wrong-doing and the sentence recognises the right to damages, any compensation will be paid back in full to an NGO or foundation in France.

“On the other hand, I ask for total respect regarding the legal procedure just started and would like to express my complete trust in the French justice system who will be judging the legal case.

“I will not be making any further statement about the case.”

As Nadal said, there will be no public updates from him on this case and any monetary award Nadal wins will go to charity.

Nadal reportedly also wants all his drug test results made public. “Please make all my information public. Please make public my biological passport, my complete history of anti-doping controls and tests,” Nadal wrote in a statement to the ITF obtained by the AP.

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161 Comments for Rafael Nadal Files Defamation Lawsuit Against Roselyne Bachelot

Green Lady Says:

Well done Rafa, and about time too, lets get this out in the open, and clear your name once and for all, and perhaps all the haters and naysayers, can leave him alone to play tennis ….

RZ Says:

I don’t blame Rafa at all. He’s probably fed up of dealing with these allegations and wants to put an end to them. This is the 3rd time that I can remember someone from France making allegations. If I remember correctly, Yannick Noah made statements to that effect in the past and there was that French TV show with puppets that made references to Nadal doping too.

bojana Says:

Bravo Rafa,

This is right thing to do.That is way I said that Novak was right too,because if we start accusing each other without any proof that would be world without any justice.

Margot Says:

I think he’s right to do this. Otherwise the rumours just keep going round and round.

SG1 Says:

Uncle Toni called Bachelot an imbecile…LOL

SG1 Says:

“…would like to express my complete trust in the French justice system who will be judging the legal case.”

This is an even funnier comment than Uncle Toni’s.

chrisford1 Says:

Good. He’s right. Years and years of getting slimed and he’s had enough. Nadal may be starting the drive to nail the PEDs smearers.
Djokovic was also right to say until proof to the contrary is there, players need to be cast as innocent, and the sport fairly clean. And perhaps like Rafa, he should be looking at a lawyer to go after former WADA official Dick Pound for slandering Nole as “having the same attitude as Lance Armstrong.”

SG1 Says:

Anyway, good for Rafa. He’s putting it all out there. Publically smearing someone’s reputation without an ounce of concrete evidence deserves a swift and merciless legal response. And giving the money to charity? All the better. Rub these liar’s noses in it.

Jack Corrydon Says:

Good for you Rafa! I heard about it. I never believed it for a moment. Champs don’t have to enhance with anything other than their talent. And you have plenty of that! Good luck on the tour this year.

Green Lady Says:

Yes and i wouldnt blame Nole either for doing the exact same thing, if people are casting aspertions, then they should be prepared when those in the firing line fight back, it would certainly teach them a lesson before they start trying to bismirch an athletes reputation ….

SG1 Says:

You have to wonder what Bachelot’s job entails when she has time for this kind of stuff.

SG1 Says:

I wonder how these bozos would react if Tsonga won the FO and Spanish Minister of Sport said he thought the guy was on something.

SG1 Says:

Which is not to say that Rafa, Nole, Fed and others haven’t used something illegal. It is possible. But, it’s not what you think. It’s what you can prove. And when you’re in public office, you have to know when to turn the verbal filter on and when you can turn it off.

skeezer Says:

Wimbledown announces increased funding for doping and match fixing👍


Green Lady Says:

SG1 yeah exactly, it is by and large an uninteligent discussion anyway, its about doing things properly, and going about doing things in the proper manner, and through the proper channels, the rest is just hot air ….

jane Says:

rafa said the same thing as novak — “”As a player, first an amateur and then a professional, I have been sure that our sport is clean.”

so will there be more attacks?

i think it’s great what rafa is doing, and i commend him for it. people’s names / reputations shouldn’t be smeared without proof. it is unethical journalism.

it also reflects the endless bias in tennis media that some players’ names are dragged through the mud while others’ aren’t.

MAYBE this suit will change things.

J-Kath Says:

SG1 @ 12.56 pm

“….when you’re in public office, you have to know when to turn the verbal filter on and when you can turn it off.”

Absolutely. How dare she. Had she even believed herself she ought to have acted immediately.

Giles Says:

Rafa will be flag bearer for Spain in OG.
Well done Rafa!

Giles Says:

^^^ Sorry wrong link.
Anyhow the information is correct, he will be flag bearer for Spain.

bojana Says:


As always spot on.

Green Lady Says:

I remember some years ago, that Frech sketch RZ was talking about, and all the LOLs from the haters, and the isnt this soo hilarious etc, yeah right not so bloody hilarious now that Nadal has finally decided to sue ….

Temple Says:

Some people who talk about Rafa’s suing like it is evidence thar Rafael Nadal walks on water should be reminded that Lance Armstrong sued the Sunday Times and the French newspaper L’ Express 12 years ago for doping allegations.

Suing proves nothing.

jane Says:

nor does rafa suing prove he’s guilty, like armstrong was.

this “guilt by association” stuff is classic yellow journalism.

rafa has asked for his tests to be made public; so if there are no positives does that clear his name?

jane Says:

in that article giles posted it says, of wimbledon authorities, i believe, that they are “committed to videotaping every match in qualifying, in case it seemed likely that a player had been artificially manipulating the outcome”

“seemed likely” – nice. the old eye test. ; )

i hope, going forward, that drug testing itself is videotaped. seriously!!

let’s have surveillance on both sides shall we?

maybe put up big screens up everywhere, to ensure all people involved are transparent at all times.

jalep Says:

Here’s copy of what Brooks said at the Wimbledon spring press conference without the Rafa and Sharapova pictures. (easier to read)


This bit caught my attention:
“We don’t think there is a big issue but we will do whatever it takes to keep the sport clean,” he said. “It’s an issue of perception rather than reality.”

jane Says:

this is a piece written by the same “sports guy” who wrote a response the washington post’s slanderous piece on novak. rafa fans will likely appreciate this:


J-Kath Says:

The French “Lady” Minister has already lost the case because if she believed what she was alleging she was duty bound to act – given her position.

Even if she tries now to prove she was right she hasn’t got a leg to stand on. She is truly guilty of defamation. Rafa will win – I’m guessing she’ll try to make an out-of-court settlement. Her problem is Rafa doesn’t need the money and has stated who will benefit from his award.

Okiegal Says:

@Jane…..Thanks for the last link….hadn’t seen that one…..my sentiments exactly. BTW, Novak should not still on this issue either.
Regarding Rafa and doping…..could never see him doing anything like this…..he is so paranoid about his body……just saying…..

gee Says:

Uncle Fed certainly is acting cool to Nadal because he believes he’s way more multidimensional than Nadal.
He feels very threatened by nole because Fred had rarely given Nadal lucky wins. Fed was just beaten by journeymen & couldn’t believe the ‘misbehaving’ Nole bludgeoned Nadal.
Nadal cheered for Fed at the ’11 US Open
Semi, in the hopes that Nole would go away & he expressed shock that Fed “missed” easy match points.
Fed wasn’t really Nadal’s pal, but Nadal was in denial.

Fedal matches were very overrated, except to their big fans.
Nole’s fans are happy no matter what.
Fed is pretty dull off court, so the ex-players (Mary Carillo & Mcenroes) have to tell him how powerful, sweet & classy he is.
Obviously, after a new commentator said Fed liked acting like a prick to Novak, PatMmcenroe became very agitated.
It’s ironic that fed floons whine that novak fans beg for adulation from people like fed & his floons.
Novak will continue to casually beat King Nadal on clay
while the 2001-2006 players weep.

chrisford1 Says:

[Temple – Some people who talk about Rafa’s suing like it is evidence thar Rafael Nadal walks on water should be reminded that Lance Armstrong sued the Sunday Times and the French newspaper L’ Express 12 years ago for doping allegations.”

Yeah, the hilariously named and quite dumb “Dick Pound” , formerly of WADA had to say in a similar vein, that Djokovic is just like Lance Armstrong. Because Nole and Lance both said their sport was clean and testing was in place to catch cheaters.

It’s a classic trope Dick Pound and Temple use. Hitler loved dogs and the Olympic games. Your neighbor Fred has a dog and is a big fan of Olympic track&field and Winter Olympics skiing and skating competition. Ergo, Fred is just like Hitler.

Now any athlete that asserts their sport is clean or sues anyone for defamation is “just like Lance Armstrong”.

chrisford1 Says:

Gee –
There were 3 years where the Fedal rivalry was close and quite good. 2005-07. Epic battles on clay Rafa always won save when he lost one to Fed as a teen newbie at Hamburg and the other Madrid 2009 where an exhausted & hobbled Rafa after his semi with Djokovic had no hance. Epic battles on grass, just two, but they were memorable.(2007&2008).

Then Rafa ruined everything by dominating Fed everywhere but fast hardcourt.!!

Gee ” Novak will continue to casually beat King Nadal on clay.” Djokovic, one of the very few who have beaten Nadal on clay, says Rafa is the best ever on that surface and playing him there, especially at RG, is the “Ultimate Challenge”. There is nothing casual about going to war with Rafa on clay.

Gee – “Fed wasn’t really Nadal’s pal, but Nadal was in denial.”
True dat! While Rafa and Nole, in the rare times they are together away from the competition pressure cooker – have fun. When Nole’s Dad Srdjan went off the reservation, and slammed Rafa and Fed, Novak did some quick damage control on his Dad’s cantankerous remarks. Told a reporter he smoothed things over with the two, loved his Dad and his Dad had a right to his own opinions, but he didn’t share those opinions. “Rafa is a friend and a guy I like a lot and look forward to doing more things with. And he and Fed have a “professional relationship with, and great respect for Roger and all Roger has done” (words ‘like’ and ‘friend’ were not there when discussing Roger.)
Gee – ” Nole’s fans are happy no matter what.”
Mostly. But a certain cadre of fans are in a Novak is Superman euphoria where any loss is a grave Novak failure and beginning of the end. Another cadre, Serb fanatics, believe Novak would let down the Serbian people if he failed to play Davis Cup in the midst of a jam-packed schedule that includes this year, representing Serbia at the Olympics. And he MUST win there, and he MUST win Paris and Wimbledon or he ets them down. (Not all Serbs, but a small minority that see winning everything as Nole’s duty..)

Jun Says:

mat4, your thoughts please…

Jun Says:

“It’s an issue of perception rather than reality.”

Andy Murray, your thoughts please… Exactly.

Jun Says:

Very bold statements from Rafa. Hope he gets the justice he’s seeking.

Does anybody know if the french minister have money if she loses the case and the court fines her a good amount? What if she doesn’t have the money? What happens then?

Humble Rafa Says:

Wimbledown announces increased funding for doping and match fixing

That’s all fine and good for the game. I hope they didn’t steal it from the cow’s food budget. They will all be at Wimbledon anyway.

Okiegal Says:

If mat4 doesn’t weigh in on this discussion it will be because he likes me and Green Lady and respects us……

Jun Says:

OkieGal, you’re probably right. He likes and respects both you and Alison. However, it doesn’t change everything that he’s said on this blog about Rafa and doping, does it?

The case hasn’t been decided on yet, and the french minister could be proven correct, but until that happens however unlikely it is, Rafa (or anybody else) didn’t/don’t deserve the treatment he’s received from these people.

And the bad part is, the damage has been done. Even if Rafa gets a favorable ruling, all the theories and insinuations about him and doping will never be erased completely. Do you think that’s fair?

And the same thing is being done to Novak right now.

Wog Boy Says:

Can you imagine, God forbid, if somebody comes up with crazy idea that Roger’s vintage tennis at the age of 33/34 is result of “improved” Swiss goats milk..

Dave Says:

Wog Boy,

I just watched the highlights of the Madrid 2011 final and Rome 2011 Final. Rome looked faster than Madrid, which surprised me because I thought it was supposed to be the opposite. Also, the hand shake at the net in Rome was probably the least warm handshake that I have seen between Rafa and Nole. I am excited to see these 2 play each other again soon enough on clay. There were some pretty crazy rallies in those 2 matches.

Wog Boy Says:


That could be due to Nole’s celebration after Madrid win. Rafa didn’t like it, same as few Rafa fans here, including the one that keep telling and repeating lies how Nole and his team went to celebrate infront of Rafa hotel, when actually they were celebrating in the stadium car park, but he/she is notorious lier.
Don’t forget, that was breakthrough Nole’s win against Rafa in the finals (after five lost finals?) followed by another six consecutive final wins, and Rafa was #1 at the time. Surely, it was worth celebrating.

Dave Says:

Also, the Madrid win was the first time ever that Nole had beaten Nadal on Clay in 10 attempts or something. So this was also the biggest win on clay in Nole’s life. Look how much excitement Nadal showed after beating Zverev this year. And that wasn’t even a milestone win or a final or one of the more important matches of Nadal’s career. People can show emotion after they win. Nothing wrong with what Nole did.

roy Says:

Attacking an aggressive male with extremely deep pockets was a bad idea, sweetie. This isn’t gender studies class any more.

chrisford1 Says:

Dave, Madrid was a huge moment for Team Nole after the War in Madrid in 2009 nearly wrecked Nole and hobbled and exhausted Rafa. But yeah, they did get carried away, some team guys humping cars on Spanish TV and yelling Rafa was a worthless POS and Nole would soon be the “real #1”. Team members, not Nole so much – but it was HIS team and the curt handshake in Rome was deserved. Plus, at that point Rafa and Uncle Toni were rattled beyond words that Rafa played well, but lost two straight clay finals because Nole had such a high level he was better.

skeezer Says:

Since when does a guy named “roy” call anyone else a sweetie? LMAO.
Re check your poster name please, and your gender.

Margot Says:

Patronising, sexist men call women “sweetie” “love” “dear” etc all the time as a way of putting them down.
Please see the rest of “Roy’s” comment see exactly where he is coming from.

anki Says:

Good for Rafa, that he did as he promised to do a month before. Tired of hearing these baseless digs and allegations at great players like Rafa and Novak.

Nadalista Says:

Lemme guess, as we speak, @Ben Pronin and @mat4 are busy putting together the extensive evidence they have on Rafa’s doping, for presentation as a nice, neat dossier to Madam Bachelet, or whatever her name is, to finally nail reckless Rafa in a court of law no less. Finally, after telling anybody who would listen that Rafa is a drug cheat on tennis-x blog, Rafa presents them with an opportunity to prove their contention, irrefutably, in a court of law. Magic.

I mean, such 2 respectable tennis-x posters would never pander to slander, would they? They know.

J-Kath Says:


If the French Minister “loses the case and the court fines her a good amount? What if she doesn’t have the money? What happens then?”

Inability to pay will not be acceptable. She’ll be imprisoned. Be interesting if her financial situation is investigated and the authorities find she’s got funds in an off-shore account for which she has not paid French taxes.

danica Says:

Haha Wog Boy :)
– “Can you imagine, God forbid, if somebody comes up with crazy idea that Roger’s vintage tennis at the age of 33/34 is result of “improved” Swiss goats milk..”

Maybe there is ground to think that Novak’s success comes from donkey cheese ;)

danica Says:

These crazy insinuations start circulating when an amazing athlete appears. The talent and hard work bring success that some mediocre people see as unnatural. They simply become jealous. Jealousy and envy breed this kind of sick attempts to bring a great person down.

I am quite sure this “lady” is now thinking how it would have been better if she had kept her mouth shut.

courbon Says:

Margot: Dear Maggie, you are such a sweetie.But don’t get upset love, with all this sexist posts…life is too short
Greetings from Gascony…

Margot Says:

Au contraire Courbon, my delicious little pain au chocolat, I was merely challenging Skeeze’s illogical assumption that because roy is a chump, he must be a woman.
That slur cannot be left to blow in the wind.

skeezer Says:

Ahh I see. So HE is sexist. Mmmm….

Margot Says:

^ yep, hence snipe at “gender classes” and racist too, I seem to remember.

Pauly Says:

Rafa is clean
People jealous of his success
Nothing more than that
I hope he finally gets some respect for his ability rather than being smeared with lies

RZ Says:

What’s interesting is the part about Rafa wanting to make his test results public – because really, why aren’t ALL of the test results already public? The best way for tennis or any other sport to be transparent about what doping has or has not occurred would be to make all of the tests and results public.

Matt Says:

Pauly or any of the rest of you so defensive of Nadal, why is he (more or less) the only one singled-out? People are jealous of Nadal? Jealous of what? Why not go after Sampras, or Federer or McEnroe?

Why him? One of the most beloved players ever?

That you don’t see the possible logic (that others do) is just as shocking as someone having even an ounce of suspicion.

Reconcile the fact that he is so popular, so successful, but more or less the one singled-out?

And the jealousy argument is foolish. Ah yes, Federer’s legacy is accusing him, right?

In the end, this process will reveal nothing of any substance. If you believe the truth is forthcoming, you’re as gullible and naive as my dog.

And again, don’t come at me: explain why he’s the one people are so suspicious of (beyond Bachelot who is only the latest).


Okiegal Says:

@Jun 10:58

I guess that’s my point……why does he want to belabor that issue over and over again. Everyone knows how he feels regarding Rafa…..he just made a comment a while back he wasn’t going to get into it again…….I think it’s because of me and GL…..I could be wrong…… and that is his prerogative to come forth and say anything he wants to about it…..and who knows, he might just do that and that’s OK too. My question to you is why do you want to hear it …..yet again??? You know ahead of time what he thinks.

Regarding Novak, I left out a word in my comment above….he should not sit still for what is being said about him either….

Daniel Says:

DelPo won his opening match in Munich.

Hope he goes deep, maybe reaching finals to contest for a title again.

Okiegal Says:

My post above is getting in very late. We had tornado warnings all over Oklahoma last night. Lots of high winds…..and my electricity went off in the middle of my post. Sorry to Jun for the delay. I like to answer all comments directed to me because I think it is good manners to do so……my Mom taught me this….

gonzalowski Says:

Temple at 3:29,
good point about Armstrong’s lawsuits, I’ve seen lately some public people (politicians mainly) strongly deffending their innocence but being guilty at the end.
I tend to think that this Nadal’s movement is a kind of proof of innocence, but, right, you can’t be sure.

Matt, we are deffensive on Nadal because you people are offensive to him, and you are making harm to his dignity without knowing the thruth

skeezer Says:

^ so true. One only needs to look at cycling about mouthing off how innocent you are. You never know….

SG1 Says:

“Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin, generally known as Roselyne Bachelot, is a French politician, former Minister of Solidarity and Social Cohesion…”

Let’s emphasize “former” as there truly isn’t anything logical or cohesive about her these days. In other words, she’s a career politician.

SG1 Says:

DelPo’s wrist looked really questionable at Indian Wells. I wonder if things have improved over the last month. I sure hope so.

courbon Says:

Margot-I know, you are right.I’m just being silly as usual

Green Lady Says:

Courbon nice to see you here ;-)) ….

J-Kath Says:

Agree RZ

I said something similar (via the fact that UK politicians are now rushing to publish their tax returns) and suggested players do the same re. testing reesuults…stop all the nonsense).

RZ Says:

@J-Kath – I’m curious as to why they hadn’t done that before, but maybe there information that the ATP/WTA wants to keep hidden, such as Agassi’s positive test for crystal meth.

Okiegal Says:

@RZ….I am glad you brought up Andre and his drug use…..that fact just flew over everyone’s head in the USA, I am talking about the tennis commentators when I say this. I don’t believe I heard a one even mention it. For the most part, they usually like to stir the pot. I guess it was not that newsworthy so we will sweep it under the rug…….just saying….I guess I should be clear, I didn’t hear anything but maybe someone else did……I could have missed it.

RZ Says:

@Okie – possibly because the truth came out years after Agassi stopped playing competitively? There were several articles about it but I agree that it didn’t get the level of critical analysis from the angle of the ATP covering it up that it deserved.

Okiegal Says:

Ahhh “Memories” by the other King….ELVIS!! It is tennis related, really….I am remembering all of Rafa’s 9 French Open wins!! 🆗

Green Lady Says:

Okie Andre talked about it in his Autobigraphy, if books is your thing, you could read all about in that ! ….

Okiegal Says:

@RZ…..I thought about that too…..it was long ago and the commentators have it a pass….just saying they don’t usually skip a beat when it comes to gossip. I remember when Maria and Grigor were hot and heavy they tried to delve into their business and he pretty much told them in no uncertain terms that their relationship was a private matter. They can get very pushy and nosey sometimes. Regarding Andre, they liked him a lot. Wonder if they respect him? I think if I had been Andre I would have kept that little tidbit of info up sleeve…..

Okiegal Says:

^^^^^gave it a pass….

Okiegal Says:

@GL….yes I know he did but I am just saying it was not discussed among the gossip mongers…..

courbon Says:

Green Lady-Hi there.Very busy so have very little time to posts but I was following Nadals journey last couple of weeks.I was quite impressed with his play, specially in Monaco, where he had to go through 3 high quality players to win the title.Very incoraging for Nadal fans-you must be happy.It makes clay season exiting and always had a opinion, that Novak in order to win RG, has to beat Rafa fair and square, Rafa in a good form and if he doesn’t…well, no shame loosing to Rafa, no?

J-Kath Says:

RZ…It didn’t seem to be newsworthy is all I can think of. Previously it was on the fringes of interest until it hit public awareness in a number of sports. Okiegal’s comments goes a way to explaining it.

RZ Says:

@Okie – Probably because they didn’t have a reason to bring it up in current matches, whereas Sharapova and Dmitrov are current players on the court, so that gossip could be considered relevant (even if it isn’t)

Green Lady Says:

Okie yeah true, it is indeed strange that it took so long to come out in the Open so to speak !….

Green Lady Says:

Courbon as well as Rafas played so far on clay, granted im happy, but im not predicting a second coming, as he hasnt actually beaten Novak now since 2013, or took a set, and time will tell though about whether this good form, will have any bearing on what happens at RG ….

Margot Says:

Talking of Dimi, I heard one of the commies call him a “slick operator” today. No, no not in that way, altho I’m sure some of the “laydees” would agree, lol. He meant his footwork on clay…..or so he said…
However, it did put me in mind of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cA9gUspn6gc

Batten down those hatches girl and stay safe. Don’t do a “Dorothy” on us.

courbon Says:

Margot-You just got me transfered to my high school days with that tune. When ever I had a girl in the room, I just had to put that record and everything else would flow as I planed…ah, memories, memories
Dimi? That boy is such a disapointment…

P.S; By the way, pain au chocloate is Parisian thing, here they call it ‘chocolatine’

Green Lady Says:

Thanks Margot Sade was one of my hubbies favorite female singers ;-)) ….

courbon Says:

GL: I don’t know what will happen,but Nadal looks good at the moment..

Margot Says:

Glad to oblige courbon and GL. :) Won’t be able to see Dimi without hearing that darn song in my head from now on now!
Dunno where you live darling “chocolatine!”

Margot Says:

Just googled and got this caff in LA. Is that where you live?……;)

Okiegal Says:

RZ……There was a tournament going on somewhere (like in the song lyric ..”it’s 5:00 somewhere”)…lol Now I think the book was talked about when it was released, just not the drug stuff…..but I could be wrong….I am most of the time. I will Google it and see when it was released and then search for the tournament it coincides with……lol!!🆗 Thanks for the feedback….even though we are at an impasse……😊😊

RZ Says:

@Margot, try this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pain_au_chocolat
So if this is accurate, Courbon is either in southwest France or in Quebec. Will Courbon solve this mystery for us?

That cafe you found is about an hour away from me so I may have to try it if I am in that area. I’m a big fan of pain du chocolat/chocolatine. :-)

Okiegal Says:

I am listening to Solid Gold Oldies…..just now hearing Twist and Shout by the Beetles. I loved them…..popular in my heyday!! Love old music from yesteryear….gets me all melancholy with warm fuzzy feelings…..then comes being weepy…..I’ll stop there……I am turning into a big bawl bag lately….😢…🆗

RZ Says:

@Okie – my point is that even if there were tournaments going on at that time, Agassi wasn’t in any of them so the issue might not have come up. But to your greater point about the commentary on what happened, you are right that it was taken much too lightly for what was admitted. Crystal meth may not be performance enhancing, but this was definitely “swept under the rug.”

Green Lady Says:

Okie the tennis-x posters seem to have a appreciation for great music, my favorite of theres was In My Life, as i just love the lyrics ….

courbon Says:

RZ-You are right-South West France-Armagnac ( Gascony ) region.Sherlock, I bow to you…
Margot:Are you getting ready for a Brexit?

Okiegal Says:

RZ…..Fair enough, but I still think they discussed the release of his book and I kept waiting for the mention of the drug use….didn’t happen. I am a persistent little heifer aren’t I??? Lol All in fun to a nice fellow TXer! Cheers mate🍻!

I have never heard of Sade….beautiful voice and lovely song…..where does she hail from?

Green Lady Says:

Okie ill see about getting a FB page set up, i think it would be a great place to chat, i have a tablet PC now, just need to get used to it, then i can also send posts with emojis lol ;-)) ….

RZ Says:

Cheers to you too Okie! Sade is British (born in Nigeria). She has a very smooth voice. “Smooth Operator” is probably her most well-known song. I also like “Your Love is King” and “The Sweetest Taboo.”

Courbon – the power of Wikipedia! :-) Enjoy those chocolatines (yum!)

Margot Says:

That’s some coincidence RZ! The caff looks fab.
Courbon if there’s a Brexit vote, I am packing my bags and coming to live in SW France….be afraid, be very afraid…or alternatively start praying UK stays in.

Okiegal Says:

RZ….just thought of something else….maybe the release of the book was at the time of a slam and it wasn’t mentioned period. I am remembering something that I thought was odd at the time…..but not sure what????? I’m frazzled….oh well….horse feathers, I don’t guess it makes a tinker’s damn one way or the other!! But the chat was fun! I love interaction with posters, not so lonely and very entertaining……Thanks!!

Okiegal Says:

@Green Lady….Please do the FB thing. My daughter in law had mine set up in a flash. You can see each other’s photos, hobbies, homes, country scenery etc. Private messaging is available. Social media can be a great thing, but it can be vicious too. DO IT! 🆗

Okiegal Says:

Thanks RZ for the info on Sade…..never heard of her!

GL….A lot of TXers like poetry too…..but music is poetry…..if dancing it’s poetry in motion!! 🎼🎻🎹🎷🎺🎸🎶📀 I love music and poetry…..

Wog Boy Says:

I don’t know what people expect from this case, but keep in your mind that french law is different to anglosaxon law, it is known as “continental law” so I wouldn’t expect much sensationalism and big firework like in this kind of cases in USA. It’ll bit more like dispute of the neighbours in the village about whether the fence was put on the correct boundary, nothing much will happen, it will be sort of “words taken out of context” or the “reporter missed to quote me correctly” and everybody will be happy, Nadal for suing and “proving” his innocence and former minister for keeping her dignity intact, the messenger (reporter) will be shot:)

Wog Boy Says:

BTW, I noticed that Frenchie is back seducing the girls on TX, beware of soft spoken Frenchie girls..

J-Kath Says:

Okie re. Facebook.

Very much suspicious of it. Too many precious types on it. Obviously you and GL will raise the level.
However, can be upsetting for some people. I talk not from my own personal experience but a couple of people close to me.

J-Kath Says:

If there is a Brexit vote I shall willingly stay. Ah ha, the first crack between Margot and myself.
Also the first crack between myself and the SNP who are encouraging a stay…if not they will go for a new referendum to split off from the UK…which I welcome.

Sorri Margot.
So Courbopn you can breathe again you will only have one “Celtic” camping on your doorstep.

J-Kath Says:

PS Courbon: I love the arrogant, French. Truly. I also love cake. I have a vague memory of a past life when I said “if they haven’t got bread, why don’t they eat cake.”

J-Kath Says:

Don’t count on it Wogboy: There are many levels and if Nadal vs. a French Minister even gets civil hearing it will be reported all over the newspapers.
They have to have reasonable consistency with other EU countries…..this will create an explosion of interest and there will be posturing and reputations to gain and lose (not talking about Rafa here – he will become irrelevant). I’d rather be accused of a minor crime in Russia than in France.

Wog Boy Says:


So you were very noble in your past life, though at the end they chopped your head off. BTW, it was never proven that those words “eat the cake if you don’t have bread” were said by you, they were invented. It wasn’t enough they chopped your head off but they invented the things about you..ahh those revolutionaries..

Wog Boy Says:

Back to topic, somehow I am certain this case will disappear quietly into the night and everybody will be happy and live happily ever after..
Sean can open another poll about this case.

J-Kath Says:

Yes I know Wogboy

That is why I’m back for revenge.

J-Kath Says:

Back to topic`….Wogboy, I don’t have your confidence.

Wog Boy Says:


I am just neutral observer, I don’t have a horse in this race, though I would like to see Roselyn’s interview properly translated to start with, I already heard that she didn’t quite say what they are accusing off, good barrister can do miracles..

Wog Boy Says:


Good on ya, go and get them.

MMT Says:

I don’t know much about the defamation laws in France, but unless they are fundamentally more strict than in the US I don’t think he wins this case. This woman, Roselyne Bachelot, is a former minister, but is now a presenter on talk show in France that, if I’m not mistaken, is not a sport show (I think it’s more like the View in the US).

She strikes me as a very clever and sneaky/snaky rhetorician who has irrationally accused Nadal, soley on the basis of a pattern which has only on relatively rarely occasion proven indicative. But she also seemed to qualify her accusations at the end of her monologue almost immediately.


MMT Says:

Actually, the accusation is even more damning than what has been (more) loosely translated (than my own translation). She didn’t say probably tested positive, she said his absence from the game was “…very certainly due to a positive test…”.

But even her certainty is qualified almost immediately following a perfunctory protest from that beautiful colleague sitting to her right, and so the establishment of defamation would seem to be more difficult.

I could, of course, be missing that point that Nadal simply wants to actively demonstrate his denial and refutation of these claims that have dogged him for years.

Tempie Says:

Matt at 10:47 am.
Why is Nadal singled out for these accusations? I have a theory. While the GOAT argument will never be settled, people still have perceptions about players i.e. in their mind they think somebody is the GOAT. Fans of other stars think Nadal is the GOAT and so they spew their venom on him.

Jun Says:

Thanks for the response. Not ‘experts’ as you guys probably are in OK, but we do get tornadoes and lots of tornado warnings too where we’re at.
Please be safe.

I am writing a proper but short response.

Hint: In heated discussions around here, I usually find myself agreeing with WB, jane and Patson. And yes mat4, too (except for one subject).

Okiegal Says:

@Jun….I want a cellar so bad. The only safe place to be if an F-7 tornado heads your way is underground…..the above ground safe room won’t cut it, so the weather forecasters say. Oklahoma isn’t called tornado alley for nothing!! I will take shelter for sure. I have a good friend who has a basement, so I can always go there.

I try to be open and fair minded on this forum. I agree with a lot of things said on here but one or two things I don’t. I will not accuse any player of doping w/o proof…..it just isn’t right. If they’re innocent there is always that black eye in their career just because….get the proof then make the accusations, that’s all I’m saying….

Okiegal Says:

@J-Kath…..Facebook has its positives along with the negatives. There is lots of drama on there for sure. But I like it because I can watch my relatives children and grandchildren grow up. Some of my family I rarely see so FB helps me to keep in touch. Like I couldn’t attend a wedding, and they posted a video and lots of pix of the wedding. So, it’s not all bad. Pluses outweigh the minuses…me thinks!! As I stated in my comment above…..it can be vicious too.

chrisford1 Says:

Thought the F scale for a tornado only went to F-5. So maybe an F-7 is a mythical badass one.
Never understood how America can build trailer parks in tornado alley or houses there on a concrete slab foundation with no cellar.

Matt Says:

Matt at 10:47 am.
Why is Nadal singled out for these accusations? I have a theory. While the GOAT argument will never be settled, people still have perceptions about players i.e. in their mind they think somebody is the GOAT. Fans of other stars think Nadal is the GOAT and so they spew their venom on him.

Ah, so Bachelot, for instance, is, say, a Federer or Sampras fan?

It’s not just “fans” who have had these suspicions, obviously.

J-Kath Says:


FB obviously fills a need and unites a lot of people across the world too. So, yes, it has good points. Some of the not-so-good things that can occur is too much personal information is afloat and there are maurauders who take advantage. Knowledge is power. Even in my small community there’s been strangers knocking on doors.

Green Lady Says:

Jun you sound familiar, have you been here before under a different name, i used to be the poster your reffering to as Alison, as its my real name ? ….

Green Lady Says:

Okie agree with your post at 10.26am ….

WTF Says:

Anyone who has the confidence to ask the ITF to publish all his test results has to be clean. Because if he wasn’t, the results will incriminate him. That or the ITF and WADA will be proven to be corrupt.

WTF Says:

Absolutely, people shouldn’t be allowed to accuse a person without proof, because the effect will be very damaging on a player’s career, even if it gets proven false.

That is why the ATP/ITF/WADA will never comment on a positive result until they’ve checked it multiple times and can confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that the player is dirty. Even when they highly believe a player is doping, they still won’t make a public statement until they are 100% certain.

Green Lady Says:

WTF Right on sir, perfectly summed up, best post on the entire thread ….

Okiegal Says:

@Wog Boy 6:17…….Jealous much??? Tee hee

ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL TXers: Do the FB thing! It is fun, really it is! I would love to see an image of the person I have been chatting with for the last 2 or 3 years. I know what GL, Wog, and Andy Mira look like…..that has been so neat to have a face to go with a moniker. Oh and Kimberly from Florida, have seen her pic too. I would put mine on the tennis challengers but don’t know how. Think about it guys.🆗

chrisford1 Says:

While the powers that be have been shy of branding individuals, there have been some at WADA, ITF that have been anything but shy – in publicly claiming or insinuating that tennis MUST have a problem as bad as cycling and MORE POWER AND MONEY given to them is needed to ferret out the miscreants.
When it is looking like after blood passports and increased testing – that tennis is a lot cleaner than some “suits at the top” claimed. Thus deserving , as Roger and Novak have said, of not having the sport tarnished on groundless speculation and PED smears to go on uncorrected by ITF/WADA.
Meanwhile those whacky cyclists are back at it again. One Belgian got caught with a miniature engine concealed within his bike frame.
Next thing we will hear from the “tennis must be as PED-ridden as cycling ” crowd is RAFA comes to play with a rocket engine shoved up his ass, and all butt-picking is, is a means to turn the rocket engine on and off between points.

Tempie Says:

Matt, obviously everyone perceives Nadal as GOAT. So their jealousy makes those who are fans of other stars or those like the French who do not like Spaniards to vent their spleen in accusations without any proof. It is actually a compliment to Nadal that they think his performance is super human!!! So rejoice all Nadal fans! The perceived GOAT is Nadal! He is hated by Fed fans, Djokovic fans and Murray fans. Fed is the next in line for GOAT. He is hated by Djokovic and Murray fans but not to the same extent as Nadal for whom whole websites were set up by Fed fans to share hatred and accusations! Djokovic fans cluttered Nadal’s wall with obscenities and swamped blogs with their wild accusations and we still have Travis Bickle types obsessively doing so.Nadal is universally perceived as GOAT Q.E.D

Okiegal Says:

Regarding the link above…..It just goes to show how frustrating playing a match can be…..Andy got frustrated with Rafa in their last match…..and now look at them……supporting a common interest and setting aside other minor issues….good for them!! Love the pic, btw. I think I have read that Rafa was instrumental in telling Andy he should go to Spain and train…..is this true, Andy followers??? That was several years ago, however….

RZ thanks for the link! 🆗

J-Kath Says:


Andy fans: Certainly I don’t hate Rafa. Nor have I ever encountered any Andy fans that hate Rafa either….

PS: Noticed the Fed. is playing Madrid next week.

Green Lady Says:

Lets just enjoy the tennis folks, its just a game, not life or death ….

RZ Says:

@Okie – I also heard the story about Rafa suggesting to Andy when both were teenagers that Andy should train in Spain.

BTW, Sports Illustrated did a recent podcast with Judy Murray on raising 2 top tennis players. More interesting to me was hearing about how she started up a tennis program in Scotland with a tiny budget. http://www.si.com/tennis/2016/04/21/beyond-the-baseline-podcast-judy-murray

RZ Says:

@GL – exactly! I was playing mixed doubles last night and had to remind one of my opponents and my partner who were squabbling about a line call that none of us were going to be getting trophies or money for winning the set.

jane Says:

that kind of dislike/hate comes from all directions/fanbases for all the top rivals. it’s not unique to people hating/disliking nadal. some feel the same about fed, novak or murray too. it’s par for the course in sports when similar players/rivals are competing for the big titles and records.

Green Lady Says:

Jane i never said it was exclusive to Nadal, thats why i said its just a game, so lets enjoy it, whomever your a fan of ….

Travis Bickle Says:

Temple convincingly states at 1:08pm:

“Nadal is universally perceived as GOAT Q.E.D”

Luckily, I studied Latin in between my cab rides and will try to explain his abbreviations:



I base my explanation on what I heard from an “Armani” fashion photographer who did a photo-shoot with GOAT QED…

Matt Says:

Oops. You kinda shit the bed there, bud.

Good luck.

Wog Boy Says:

I was thinking, when sportsperson wins thanks to using drugs that sportsperson is disqualified and banned from competing. rightfully so.
When musician makes a song thanks to using a drugs, that otherwise wouldn’t be able to do it, we are celebrating that musican as a genius, I don’t get it, isn’t that cheating too?

Wog Boy Says:


Agree, he/she shit the bed big time:)

Green Lady Says:

Ill repeat what i said at 2.59pm, its only a game not life or death, cant we just enjoy it, people really take it to a personal level at times ….

jane Says:

g.l., my post above was in response to tempie (or temple) not you. cheers.

Wog Boy Says:


I don’t know if that was for me but I was referring to this:

“Matt, obviously everyone perceives Nadal as GOAT.”

Was he/she serious or just blinded with a love for Rafa. The rest of the post was just spewing hate and yet he/she talks about the others hating Rafa, and that’s only after Rafa’s two wins, I can’t imagine what are we going to read here if Rafa wins FO, actually I can..back to 2013…God help us..

Everybody knows how much I like Roger, but fact is that more people consider Roger the GOAT and not Rafa, and Roger has the numbers, Rafa doesn’t, fact.

jane Says:

interesting philosophical point wog boy, re: drug usage and its contexts. with poets, too, it’s been celebrated. all those decadents.

you could argue, well that’s to do with the mind, whereas as sports is to do with the body. but musicians are using a tool (e.g. guitar / drums) and their bodies/coordination, just like athletes.

perhaps the biggest argument is competition (sports) vs individual (or band) achievement?

but that’s an interesting contradiction to think through. :)

Green Lady Says:

Wogboy not for you, it was just an overall generalisation, i didnt even agree with that post, which was why i originally said, lets enjoy the tennis, its not life or death ….

Green Lady Says:

OK Jane ….

Wog Boy Says:


Thanks for your input, music can be competion too, as you mentioned, all those awards for the best song, composer, selling records, best guitar player, best drummer etc. using drugs is unfair advantage..and sends a wrong message to youngsters.
I agree about poets too..we don’t know what is behind some those great poems.
I am sure for one thing, if somebody finds a cure for some deadly disease while stoned (high in drugs) nobody would care less, he would be celebrated regardless.

Green Lady Says:

Wogboy, Hendrix, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Bob Marley etc etc, wrote some of their best songs under the influence of drugs ….

Okiegal Says:

@RZ……thanks for the response regarding training in Spain. I just knew I had read that somewhere.

Tempie Says:

ha ha I made my point. Nothing else can explain the visceral hatred toward Nadal. Fanboys hate other stars too but have they generated the kind of hatred or websites devoted to hating the star? Travis Bickle is consumed with his hatred and makes stupid allegations which hurt only him and make us wonder why he is so obsessed with Nadal and queerness. Hmmmm……
I won’t say anything about his idol because everybody knows his idol can never be the GOAT as he would have been perpetual bridesmaid if Federer hadn’t gone out of his prime. The debate regarding who is the GOAT ( not perceived GOAT ) can never be settled. But perceived GOAT is NADAL!!!
Goodbye everyone. I wish Nadal and his fans well but I am not a Nadal Fan. I just find allegations leveled at him truly disgusting and have become the unofficial defender of decency on tennis blogs. I am done. I made my point and I depart leaving TB and others of his ilk to wallow in their sad venom.

Van Persie Says:

Comment from 04:02 PM, April 28 reminds me on that song from Garbage: “The queerest of the queer”

Good one TB :)

Van Persie Says:

P.S. Arthur Rimbaud was awesome ;)

J-Kath Says:


You made a point, but not the point you intended to make. But, as you’ve said you are leaving – do have a safe journey.

J-Kath Says:

Aldous Huxley’s books….and substances…

Green Lady Says:

Tempie i didnt agree with your posts, but i didnt agree with all the nasty remarks geared towards you either, theres a way of putting ones point across i feel ….

Giles Says:

Poor TB drives his cab probably through the night to earn a pittance. All those sleepless nights are bound to have some adverse effect on his brain and senses me thinks. He’s even hallucinating that he was conversing with an Armani fashion photographer, that’s how obsessed he is with Rafa. Poor guy!

Green Lady Says:

Wogboy tennis talk closed down in 2013, the reason why so many Rafa fans migrated over here, however they all seem to be on Ten Grand now which seems very similar, and actually it wasnt exactly a failure of a year for Novak, as he still won AO, made the semis of FO, final of W, final of USO, won the WTFs, and still finished the year on a high, with the highest winning %, i agree on the fanatics, but i dont think this is exclusive to only Nadal fans only, Novak has his fair share on this forum now, as they all do, also cast your mind back right before that W final two fans Danny Morris and Tennis Zod, both absolutely making Margots life miserable on this forum going on about Murray lady forehand etc, as i say fanatics from all fan bases ….

Green Lady Says:

Moderation pftt why tennis-x, when you let comments like the one at 4.02 pm through ?….

SG1 Says:

GL…completely agree with you. Perhaps the moderators of Tennis X actually agree with TB and this is why it’s permitted to slide by.

You know what’s equally sad? Nadal, Federer and Djokovic don’t hate each other. And these guys are the ones beating each other on the tennis court.

I don’t see any reason why fans should literally HATE the rivals of their favorite player. Federer, Nadal and Djok have all built their legacies on beating one another. They need each other.

Green Lady Says:

Think your right SG1, no more to be said really ….

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