Grigor Dimitrov Wins Third Straight Challenger, Win Streak at 15

by Tom Gainey | September 26th, 2010, 11:49 am

To follow up on earlier in the week, Grigor Dimitrov has continued his winning ways. Yesterday, the Bulgarian teen won his third straight Challenger beating Alexandre Kudryavtsev 64, 61.

The 19-year-old has now won his last 15 matches and 27 of 28! The win should also lift his ranking to a new career-high into the 130s.

Dimitrov will return to Europe on October 11 to play the Rennes, France Challenger where he will join Arnuad Clement, Leonardo Mayer and Daniel Brands in the field.

Here’s some more from a Wilson Q&A:

Q:What are your goals till end of year and 2011?

Grigor Dimitrov: Before the end of this year, I would like to get into Top 100 to get a jump start for Australian Open. And 2011 is gonna be an exciting year for me, so I’m looking forward to it. And of course, I have high expectations for my game and attack the Top 50, but most important is to stay healthy and in good condition.

Q: What is the picture/screen saver on your Blackberry?

Grigor Dimitrov: On my BB my picture is: black and white wallpaper over looking New York City made by Henri Silberman!

Q: What is your off court style?

Grigor Dimitrov: I don’t know from where should I start!! haha. I like clothes a lot. Actually in the end of the day, I’m trying to get off the tennis gear, when I go for dinner or have time off. Love stores, you can find all sorts of nice stuff in outlets and for sure in the expensive top brands stores. I personally like retro and rebel style, therefore my favorite designer was Alexander McQueen. All of his lines and models were different every time and you can find your style in it and you can express yourself in the way you want.

Q: Who would you like to see in concert?

Grigor Dimitrov: Well, I like all types of music but if I could really pick one, that would be the rapper Lil Wayne. I’ve been following him for a while and I like the background of his life and way to the top.

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20 Comments for Grigor Dimitrov Wins Third Straight Challenger, Win Streak at 15

grendel Says:

Great stuff! Don’t want to put the mockers on the lad, but perhaps he is the one who will emerge to do the business, tennislover. My younger son, however, informs me that Dimitrov’s taste in music is execrable – apparently, where this Lil Wayne fellow is concerned, the lyrics are terrible and this kind of “mainstream rapper”, so I am told, is just interested in fame and money and is generally in love with himself. Never mind. If the boy can play a decent game of tennis and get that scowl working on Nadal’s face, he’ll be forgiven.

zola Says:

So everything comes to the revenge from Nadal!? Interesting!
Don’t forget that they can play Federer too. His reactions to adverse conditions are far more interesting than Rafa’s! (throwing the water bottles, “F” and “S” bombs,….)…we will see!

I am glad there is someone who plays great tennis. I think with Tomic and Harrison, this might be the new “young guns” generation.

contador Says:

hahaha… his english is accented like – it’s totally gangsta style. personally i agree with your son- lil wayne is crap… but… he loves shopping! as long as he watches tennis, practices, has dreams and drive to win with loads of confidence. he’ll need it! i don’t care what is on his mp.

glad you liked the video grendel and zola on the other dimitrov thread. yeah it is old i think it was done a year ago but i just wanted to add it to that thread. and he is coached now by an american i think.

maybe tom gainey knows / can tell us who coaches him now? appreciate the grigor update tom. i was wondering where he was going after bangkok 2. he just pummeled the competition there – from what i have read.

Grendel the best video i can find as an example of grigor playing tennis but you will want to hit the “mute” button. all vids are a little dated. maybe someone will upload something new soon.

his one handed backhand is a ringer for fed’s – powerful like young federer. and notice how speedy he is! light on his feet.

contador Says:

comment meant to grendel about agreeing with son. just clarifying

zola Says:


Thanks again for the video. Dimitrov moves very well and I like the one handed backhand. He aims for the AO and will be one to watch.

about coaching, this is on his wikipedia page: ” In June 2010 he ended his coaching relationship with Lundgren and his new coach since the tournament in Queens is the Australian Peter McNamara.”

grendel Says:

Peter McNamara formed a great doubles partnership with his Aussie buddie Paul McNamee (the 2 Macs)- john Mcenroes generation. Thanks, Zola, for saying when – i did wonder why Dimitrov cut ties with Lundgren, or was it t’other way round. Thought there was supposed to be big bond.

b.t.w., what’s all this:” everything comes to the revenge from Nadal!?” stuff. Incidentally, don’t think Tomic’s going anywhere much. Over hyped. But I do like the look of young Harrison.

Contador – will have a look at your video in a minute. Son glowering at me, thinks he’s entitled to computer.

zola Says:

I was referring to your comment.

Yes, Tomic seems to be overhyped. Although he was playing well in the AO. He seems to have issues with Hewitt,(or his Dad does?) …so he gets distracted from tennis. Hopefully he won’t be another Dokic.

I like Harrison a lot. He played really well for an 18-year old. I am looking forward to see these new kids in the next big event.

contador Says:

thanks for the info zola and grendel. i looked up mcnamara on the atp website. an aussie.

zola- funny little piece on atp website about rafa getting his new “rocket serve” from jack nichlaus golfer genius – according to uncle toni. : )

i don’t rule out tomic – he has been hyped- especially AO 09 but he is young enough and has time to sort it out, maybe. he doesn’t have dimitrov’s personality, for sure.

i liked the pictures of grigor playing beach volleyball – if you look up grigor dimitrov on atp site there’s those slideshows to the side of their profiles. i do wonder if he has the serious side and focus of a rafa or roger.

he was with lundgren long enough, i imagine. i like the good results right now.

zola Says:

Thanks for the piece on Rafa. Toni is a wise guy! It is funny to use the “reverse wisdom”, hit hard and then worry about placement. I guess then I shouldn’t feel bad about all my serves going long!

Just googling Dimitrov I read on a fan site that lundgren might come back when Dimitriv starts playing in GSs, saying “he needs to earn a living too”.

Here is the coach info from Dimitrov’s website:

grendel Says:

My comment, Zola? Now I doubt that’s fair. I was first alerted to the existence of Dimitrov by Sean Randall – took the opportunity to watch him at Queens, and instantly liked his style of play. Of course, it was impossible to know where he was going. Youngsters can promise so much – think of Nishokori – and then tumble into never never land, often through no fault of their own – their bodies just can’t handle the rigours of the tour, perhaps.

Well, it looks like Dimitrov has passed that particular hurdle. He looks set to make a grand entrance. That’s a cause for rejoicing on two accounts. 1)just because he’s so good to watch and 2) because hopefully he will provide proper competition – in the course of time – for Nadal. That’s hardly “everything”. Nadal himself, you may be sure, will welcome the competition – he’s a competitive junkie, and will only get bored if things are too easy. Furthermore, he will enjoy pitting his wits against a new generation, just as Fed claims to have done. (Bit of a double edged one this, I’d guess).

Contador – ” i do wonder if he has the serious side and focus of a rafa or roger.” Rafa was born to it, Roger made a conscious choice. There’s no doubt the first route is more powerful since it involves less strain, but even so, Federer’s resolve is quite exceptional given a relatively unpromising background. Where Dimitrov is concerned, I suspect he will find out himself over the next year just how strong his desire is. How much does he enjoy winning? How much does he hate losing? I get a slight sense he’s got what it takes.

Kimmi Says:

enjoyed the discussions on this thread. Dimitry! never seen him play. thanks for the clips contador.

Winning three challngers in a row says something. Hopefully the guy is tarting to mature. injuries has been his major obtacles in the past.

” I have high expectations for my game and attack the Top 50, but most important is to stay healthy and in good condition.”

staying healthy is the biggest challenge for any athlete. how amazing when delpo came out in the seen and wins 3 or 4 tournaments in a row. sometimes I believe that schedule is what did it for him. will be a long way back, i am sure.

BTW, gilles simon wins in mets. 1st tournament since coming back from injury. great to see.

zola Says:


I have written this before. The biggest joy I get from watching tennis is when I see a player has changed something and has improved. I am not a Federer fan but I remember when he came in 2007 with a new serve ( I think it was Madrid )and it was amazing to watch. Same with Roddick and Murray last year, with Rafa this year….I think this is the essence of completion . The drive to improve oneself. So to me it is strange to want new blood in tennis just to see Rafa “scowl”? Then what is going to become of Federer? That is why I found that comment a bit strange.

Dimitrov seems like a serious player. We have to see. So far I like the trio ( Harrison, Tomic, Dimitrov). We have to see how they perform in big events.interesting that none of them is a big guy!

That was a great win by Simon:

“I have a special thought for my partner because she was worried coming to Metz with our child Thimothee, who was born three weeks ago,” an emotional Simon said in a courtside interview.
“She was worried that I would sleep less and that it would disturb me. I think (today’s win) was the best of all answers.”

Awww….too cute!

Tom Gainey Says:

@Contador, Dimitrov’s next confirmed event is the Rennes Challenger. I’ll be sure to put up another post when Grigor makes more news!

grendel Says:

Zola: “So to me it is strange to want new blood in tennis just to see Rafa “scowl”? ” Zola, I was attempting to be humorous. Nadal has a particularly delicious scowl, dunno if you’ve noticed. I do realise one can fall flat on one’s face in not sticking to the literal.. But in any case, you are not justified in saying “just”. I’ve already explained that I like Dimitrov very much.
As for this business of improving, yes I agree, it is fun to watch players improve, although I fear I miss a lot, some of it must be pretty subtle. But Nadal in particular has been awesome in his recent improvements, and I kind of enjoy that, it is exhilerating, whilst hating it at the same time (I’m afraid I’m not as generous natured as you, Zola).

As for Federer, I keep a beady eye on him you may be sure, and sometimes feel faintly encouraged, only to find that the improvement I thought I had detected (say, in volleying) proves illusory even in the next match. I can only assume that the despicable antics of father time have wrapped poor old Roger in their spidery coils.

b.t.w., Dimitrov is 6ft 2. Surely, even in these days of giants, not small? Ideal, I’d have thought.

zola Says:

I think you have a secret mancruch on Rafa! admit it! lol!

well, considering Rafa and Fed being 6ft 3, Dimitrov is in the same range ( I think he will grow more). But I was referring to Delpo, Isner, Tsonga,…I was under the impression that the new generation will be taller and stronger.

I think Federer does not play as much as he used to. If he does, those improvements will stay with him. This year I think he has added the drop shot. When I watched his match against Soderling, I thought he had the US Open. He played a flawless match. It was scary how good he was playing. Then it broke down against Djoko and I cannot understand why. I don’t think it is the matter of ability. It is the matter of motivation and concentration.

zola Says:

I meant man crush!

I will never learn to type properly!

grendel Says:

well, you have to remember 3 things – 1)Federer rather likes the wind,or at any rate he can handle it 2)Soderling hates it 3)Djokovic’s returning was spectacular (how much was that responsible for Fed’s poor serving – i.e. did Djoko force him to try for too much? Or was there something else the matter?)

guy Says:

thing is he’s 19 and not in the 100 yet. after he took a set off nadal at rotterdam i thought he might push on from there, but it doesn’t look like he’s done a lot since. sure the atp tour is brutal, but this kid is being hyped as a top contender, and djoker,murray,delpo,nishi all these guys were doing much better at the same age if i’m not mistaken. some people take a little longer, davydenko for eg but still, i think with this guy i’ll believe it when i see it.

contador Says:

thanks Tom. i appreciate it.

really couldn’t find where grisha was playing next when i tried tracking it down yesterday.

margot Says:

grendel: he has one handed backhand, a disadvantage playing Rafa. re son, second hand computers are v. cheap;)

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