With Vina Del Mar Added, Here’s Rafael Nadal 3-Stop February Latin American Schedule

by Staff | January 17th, 2013, 6:11 pm

After an 8-month layoff to heal a bad left knee, Rafael Nadal is set to return to tennis next month for a now 3-stop Latin American swing. Nadal initially just targeted Acapulco but has since added Sao Paulo and earlier today it was confirmed Vina del Mar would be added. It will be the former No. 1’s first trip to Chile.

Via translation, Nadal posted on facebook, “I am delighted to confirm my participation in the tournament in ViƱa del Mar in Chile. I would like to thank the organizers of the tournament for the invitation, and say that I have many fans in the Andean country. Finally I can go in person to be with them and play my first tournament after the injury that has taken me away so long.”

The only event he’s not playing, as of now, is the July 18th event in Buenos Aires.

Here’s Rafa’s full schedule as it stands at the moment:

Feb 4 Vina del Mar, Chile, VTR Open
Feb 11 Sao Paulo, Brazil, Brasil Open
Feb 25 Acapulco, Mexico, Abierto Mexicano Telcel

Nadal hasn’t played a tournament since Wimbledon last June.

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15 Comments for With Vina Del Mar Added, Here’s Rafael Nadal 3-Stop February Latin American Schedule

nadalista Says:

Vamos Rafa!

Giles Says:

Stay healthy. #VamosKing

Sienna Says:

This is what has come from Rafa. SA clayswing aka the golden swing. Yes indeed he is gonna steel the food out of Almagro’s children. This former #1is definetely again turned into the 1 dimention he is. Clay boy is hoovering as many clay ttitles as he can just to add to his total.

Keeping the losses low while not entering the big events he certainly is aiming for a few records himself. Be it on clay.

alison Says:

Welcome back Rafa Vamos.

Michael Says:

Nadal’s schedule looks pretty much loaded. But he is compensating for his long absence. However he must take care not to exert too much for it will lead him to the same problem. I think Nadal and his team will be wise henceforth and will tread with caution.

alison Says:

^Hes already said on his website,that hes planning on lightening the load,as he wants to peak for the GS,and for the longevity of his career,whether or not he does remains to be seen,im hoping for quality now rather than quantity at this stage of his career,hopefully hes now seen the light.^

alison Says:

Michael lol might sound nit picky,but is it only your two favs whom you refer to by their 1st names,when you refer to Rafa its always as Nadal,when you send in posts is always Roger,Novak,Nadal and Murray,although now youve started to say Andy,it comes across as you have more respect for your favorites and less respect for every other player,like there is an air of disdain,no harm or foul just saying.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion Says:

So glad Rafa will be back soon to light up tennis again. tennis has been on dim without him.

I wish him all the best with his comeback and hope he plays many more years injury free because tennis is dull without him.

VamosRafa You are the best.

JC Says:

So… He can play potentially 15 best-of-3-set matches over 2 weeks on clay as a starter, as opposed to 5-7 matches best-of-five-set matches over 2 weeks on slow hard court?
I know clay is apparently softer on his knees, but the ball still bounces high enough off the surface, doesn’t it? Which means it has some iota of hardness…
Sorry guys, I like him, but… sheesh!
Feel free to nitpick

JC Says:

Scuse… Over three weeks. My bad. Still, it’s a lot

max Says:

JC, clay is MUCH MUCH gentler on the joints than cement! and Nadal has a bye in each R1 so he’ll play a max of 4 matches each tournament which is 12 singles matches in FOUR weeks(he has a week off before Mexico). Rafa’s practice sessions are usually tougher than any matches he’s likely to play on the swing, except for the Acapulco final against Ferrer.

Michael Says:

Alison, Let me say, Rafa, Rafa, Rafa. Are you satisfied ?! Lol, I was just kidding. Somehow I like to say Nadal instead of Rafa, but if you have reservations about that, well I will change myself and address Nadal as Rafa from hereon.

Yes, Roger and Djokovic are my favourites. But as I said and repeat, I respect all the players. And which Tennis lover will not love players like Rafa and Andy who are tremendous competitors and Ambassadors of this Sport. You can be a Fan, but not a fanatic. I will watch a match of Rafa and Andy with the same enthusiasm as I do for Roger and Novak. Hope I am putting your doubts on my partiality to rest.

alison Says:

Michael honestly i was just kidding about the whole Rafa thing lol,anyway im not a fanatic myself only a fan of tennis,no player is bigger than the sport itself,and i just hope for an open and well contested season though,not with any one player dominating the tour,as i enjoy competition not domination.

Michael Says:

Alison, I endorse your thoughts. Tennis is much bigger than individual players.

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[…] In a new story out of Spain, Rafael Nadal admitted that his troubled knees are still… troubled. Nadal, who withdrew from the Australian Open due to a stomach virus, told IB3 via Marca during an interview today that he’s hoping his “sore” knees will hold up through the 3-event clay swing in South America. […]

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