Novak Djokovic: My Australian Open Loss Had Nothing To Do With Boris Becker!

by Tom Gainey | February 24th, 2014, 9:35 am

Novak Djokovic is fired up for his title defense in Dubai where the former No. 1 and 4-time tournament champion met the press yesterday to discuss an array of topics including the Australian Open loss.

“It was a tough loss for me,” Djokovic told the Gulf News referring to the Stanislas Wawrinka loss. “But I wasn’t disappointed because I knew I gave it my all and fought until the last point. I lost an incredibly close match to a better player who after that went on to win the tournament.”

He cautioned that the loss had nothing to do with the hiring of new coach Boris Becker as some had directed the blame.

“It’s sport, you win and lose, it’s normal. It’s not because Boris was there instead of [former coach] Marian [Vajda] as many people were saying.”

Since the loss over a month ago, Djokovic passed up on Davis Cup to spend time travelling and meeting friends and family.

“In the last three weeks after the Australian Open I’ve done a lot of things and been to places that I haven’t visited since childhood,” Djokovic continued. “I reconnected with a period of growing up and spent time with family. It’s something that has given me a lot of food for my soul and a lot of life energy that I can hopefully transfer on to the court.

“I miss competition and I miss playing matches and I can’t wait to get back out on court. It’s still only the beginning of the season and I’m still running on the confidence I have from the end of last year.”

Djokovic, who already lost in the doubles earlier today, will play Denis Istomin Tuesday night in Dubai. Djokovic has played just once event this year, fewest of anyone in the Top 20.

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58 Comments for Novak Djokovic: My Australian Open Loss Had Nothing To Do With Boris Becker!

metan Says:

Finally, he speaks up. Lately, Nole has been transformed into better personality, the way he conducts himself on the court or gives a press. I Still remember cleary how he consoled Delpo in shanghai last year. It was so sweet. Good luck Nole!

Okiegal Says:

Novak’s popularity in the realm of tennis is not there. Does anyone want to venture as to why?? Even when he was #1, all the tennis talk was still about Roger and Rafa. Once in an interview, Novak’s mom made a statement……..” Everyone is always saying Roger Roger Roger……Rafa Rafa Rafa and now everyone will be saying Nole Nole Nole” but people didn’t get behind Nole to the degree of Roger and Rafa. Just wondering why that is??

RZ Says:

Okiegal, I think the international popularity of Roger and Rafa (and Murray in the U.K.) really put a dent into Nole’s ability to gain worldwide fans. People generally seem like him, but not as much as they seem to like Roger and/or Rafa.

the DA Says:

Actually, Nole is quite popular in Asia & Australia. But he has a checkered past with US crowds, especially when he mocked Roddick. Several European countries are warm to him but not to the level of Nadal/Federer. You also have to credit the formidable PR teams behind Rafa/Roger for the amount of publicity they’ve generated over the so called ‘rivalry’.

@ RZ – Andy is popular in a few areas outside the UK (USA, SE Asia and Australia). He scored higher popularity numbers than the other members of the Big 4 after his US Open win.

Hippy Chic Says:

His loss had nothing to do with BB qite right,a coach can only coach they cannot playe the game for you,he didnt actually do anything wrong he played a great match,its just Stan was a little bit better on the bigger points,as the saying goes sh*t happens.

Hippy Chic Says:

As for whos the most popular,im of the impression does it really matter,they are all popular with their own sets of fans??

Hippy Chic Says:

IMO People sometimes go way OTT,especially when it comes to the cult of celebrity,fawning over each and everything that they say and do,the kitch becomes so silly and irritating at times.

Brando Says:

Huge props to Novak! It was ridiculous to see how some were blaming Boris for the loss here and elsewhere. It was comical to see! Credit to Novak: he knows why he lost: he did his absolute best and lost to a player who could feasibly have won one of the past 2 5 setters they played. A tough matchup who finally had one going his way. No shame about that- pretty much happens to all players.

Okiegal Says:

Thanks guys for popularity feedback. I just don’t see the fervor of Nole fans on TX being to the degree of other two fan bases. I know he has thousands of fans……but it just seems like the talk is always centered around the two “Rs”, on this forum, anyway.

Glad Roger did well today. I know his fans are ready to watch him all week long and are hoping for a final with him in it. Best of luck to him!

Okiegal Says:

@RZ and DA

Thanks for feedback, you two summed it nicely.


I will agree with you too……it does go over over the top at times to the point of being ridiculous. I think if all the fan bases start being congenial with each other, like we are now, a few will disappear because they’d rather fight than switch, imo.

RZ Says:

@DA – I believe it! A lot of people appreciate the hard work that Andy has put in over the years. Explains his Rado watch ad that runs on CNN pretty often.

Hippy Chic Says:

Okiegal thankyou lol whenever i mention you in a post i seem to always end up using that word,anyway yeah i get somewhat irritated with fans sometimes,its all too much their favorites have to be the best,the most popular,the best dressed,the best looking,have the best endorsements,the best haircuts etc etc,and its never enough that their favorites are the best with some fans,they also have to be the best sportsperson overall,and their favorites rivals are not allowed to be regarded as one of the best,its the feeling that im happy but only 100% happy when everyone else is 100% miserable,and dont get me started on the whole back scratching that goes with with players promoting their foundations,when many of us mere mortals give to charities everyday,yet you dont here us making a song and dance about it,end of rant lol.

Okiegal Says:


Yes, I get you……it all gets so crazy sometimes…..just saying!!

Hippy Chic Says:

IMO The Nole fans(the pound for pounders) were always the best fans that used to frequent this forum,Mat4,Wogboy,Jane,Bada Bing,Duro,there doesnt seem to be many left anymore which is a shame except Courbon and Patson whom are great fans,they all just seemed to want to just talk about their love of Nole and the game of tennis,the Fedal fans seem to want to have an axe to grind with each other.

Hippy Chic Says:

Okiegal lol sorry if i went a bit OTT there.

Okiegal Says:

Chic, you didn’t, not at all. I enjoy reading the comments of everyone… …why I’m here. As I’ve said before, none of my friends like tennis so at least I have TX to fall back on. Always interested in your slant on the hot topics! Okie

G Corp Says:

Interestingly, the so called fab 4 came from 4S. In the order of their current rankings.
Rafa – S-pain
Novak – S-erbia
Andy. – S-cotland
Roger – S-witzerland
Also, the current world number 3 (Stan) and number 4 (David Ferrer) are also from “S”.So we better to get used to them for 4 now. In the subject of popularity, to me the greatest is the one who has the most humble heart and the current number 1 has more of that than the other members. That quality exceeds far more than just tennis…GC

Hippy Chic Says:

Okiegal my husband hates tennis,although he was chuffed when Murray won Wimbledon,must be the only time hes ever watched a match with me,one of my closest friends is a die hard Federer fan,but funnily enough says she actually likes Rafa too.

rafaeli Says:

G Corp Says:
Interestingly, the so called fab 4 came from 4S. In the order of their current rankings.
Rafa – S-pain
Novak – S-erbia
Andy. – S-cotland
Roger – S-witzerland
Also, the current world number 3 (Stan) and number 4 (David Ferrer) are also from “S”.So we better to get used to them for 4 now. In the subject of popularity, to me the greatest is the one who has the most humble heart and the current number 1 has more of that than the other members. That quality exceeds far more than just tennis…GC

February 24th, 2014 at 4:03 pm

Rafa indeed is the best of the lot.

Does this mean that there is hope for Kevin Aneron, then?

Skeezer Says:

‘Fed indeed is the all time best of the lot.”

Bad Knee Rules Says:

… to me the greatest is the one who has the most humble heart and the current number 1 has more of that than the other

Okiegal Says:

@Chic…… more thing we have in common
He did watch the Wimby final when Rafa won. The only reason he did was because I was staying with his mother after she’d had a stroke……..He was bring soooooo nice. He did make a comment when it was over…….”I didn’t think that was ever gonna end”……….I agreed!! LOL. It was a long one!! I’m talking about the Roger match.

Patson Says:

@Skeezer: I wholeheartedly agree with you. Fed was,is, and will be the greatest of all time. He was the greatest 4.3 billion years ago when the earth’s crust was super-super-super-hot. He was the greatest even during the great ice age. He is the greatest at this moment when I’m writing about him, and he will be the greatest even when the Milky way collides with another galaxy. The truth is that Newton wanted to pen down Fed’s greatness in his famous laws of motion, but didn’t get the chance to do so.

Okiegal Says:


Wow, that’s deep!!! You had to put a lot of thought in that post. Are you a science major by chance??

skeezer Says:

Appreciate the kudos. When Fed came on the Tennis scene he changed the Landscape, the style, and the records, one of a kind. That said, being real, he is not a God. Or the God. As the saying goes, records are made to be broken. And they will be broken.
But the bar this unique man has set for the Tennis game will not be broken for a very very longtime. The totality of his achievements are so beyond, so rare, that his minor critics have to shout out holes to lesson the overall impact of the mans greatness. Why? Jealousy. No other reason. And how pathetic that is.
I am confident, when his career is done, players will be chasing a dream of wishfullness that will take decades to achieve, if at all. Media, commentators, and the like will be always using him as the high bar of tennis. How can one consitently get to the semis, one step to the final and shot at a title, in 3 era’s, than the Maestro? It’s quite obvious why he has 17 GS titles.
The cream will rise to the top of Tennis in history. Always has, always will. Not the hot bod, the excuses for not winning, the bending of rules to win, etc, etc…but the results. And all done with the high charactor and modelistic behavior that has elevated not only the game for professional players, but for the tennis juniors of the future. Despite the vamosheads idiotic rationale, his legacy is cemented, secured, and revered.
My gosh, could, can he, will he win A tournament in 2014? If by chance he does, he will just add to the best all time career in tennis. And if he doesn’t? Who cares? There is nothing to prove, despite the few who thinks so. He has given the Fans, the Game more than enough. That with a Family to take care of and love. Who else can say or have done that on tour?

Hippy Chic Says:

As a Rafa fan i agree Roger is the greatest,and most probably always will be till somebody else ever proves otherwise,Rafa says so,Uncle Toni says so,many all time greats say so etc,and Rafas one of the greatest and that aint too bad either,and this Rafa fan is more than delighted with that,we are IMO lucky to have both of them whomever your favorite is,all the bickering gets so silly sometimes.

Hippy Chic Says:

Bad Knee Rules im slightly scared to ask,but here goes,just wondering whos your favorite,as you have never actually said,thats assumimg its ok to ask you,without getting attacked as i did about religion the other day??

the DA Says:

Bad news for Delpo. He retired mid-match in tears because of his wrist. He says it’s a similar pain to that which he had in his other wrist 4 years ago. Not good. What gets me is he entered doubles with Steps. Crazy.

I hope his career doesn’t follow a similar trajectory to Nalby and Haas. It looks like it might do.

Brando Says:


A troll who sports a pathetic user name provides a post that blatantly exaggerate’s in a mocking manner the standing of one player, has that very post lapped up and completely feasted upon by another troll who’s been around here for age but still has the habits of day one:

Being a sad, pitiful old troll interested in nothing but harassing and belittling others who dare not worship his favourite. Said pitiful troll adds to the lavishness- blind to the mocking tone of the original post- and further extol’s the player receiving this treatment to height that say’s less about the player- Fed- but more about the poster’s erection over his achievement’s.

But typical of this troll: he cannot do so without – you guessed it- being a fool and belittling another player for no reason other than petty hate.

Poor old man: what a sad sap.

And then what happens?

A poster who spends more time apologizing, butt kissing on here than anything else adds to the farce by adding to this discourse of mocking by one, idol worship by another by giving a token comment of support hoping be met with a:

Aw, ‘their’s a nice sport’ pat on the backside.


Tennis X in a nutshell these days folks: less exchanges of intelligence, musing over the present event and more engaging in the miasma of fanatical idol worship and belittling of who all who dare not join them in their blind worship of an individual who likely could not give a —- about them.

Brando Says:

@The DA:

That’s awful to hear.

I concur with your own notion about how Delpo’s career may fare: I sadly feel he’ll be one of those highly gifted but injury prone players.

It’s a shame since he more than anyone else was a real threat to the top 3 of this generation- Rafa, Novak and Muzza- and seemed like he could genuinely turn it into a fearsome quartet of brilliant players.

But I do not think he’ll ever be able to make the most of his talent due to his playing style and and ever bothersome wrist.

It’s a shame for all.

A Tango Lad Says:

Brando. Bravo for your eloquent words regarding such obvious behaviour. Surprised that it continues to be tolerated to be honest. Embarrasses me as a fan of Roger.

There is something lacking when people take pleasure in antagonizing others systematically. Best left ignored. They seek the attention they don’t deserve.

Brando Says:

@A Tango Lad:

Thanks for your kind words A Tango Lad. I wholeheartedly agree with this part of your post:

– ‘There is something lacking when people take pleasure in antagonizing others systematically. Best left ignored. They seek the attention they don’t deserve.’:

Completely spot on!

There is something strange, sad and ultimately pathetic in that kind of behaviour. That’s why to recognize it with a response is possibly the worse thing one can do since it’s only feed’s more life into it.

Best to ignore such rubbish and eventually it should disappear due to being starved of what it seeks: attention to it’s misery.

– ‘Embarrasses me as a fan of Roger.’:

You should not be. Same with fans of other players also. A few rotten apple’s does not mean the entire barrel itself is rotten!

Sure there are a few, vocal posters here that one will be embarrassed to be associated with by the fact that they root for the same player but in the main most- thankfully- do not seem to go the silly way at all.

It’s funny:

In life I have many friends who actually root for Fed and I have yet to experience any point of contention with them regarding the game and my being a Rafa fan.

I think this kind of behaviour that you touch upon ATL is mainly a internet phenomenon: a haven that offer’s such people a anonymous identity, a licence to behave in a ridiculous fashion with no real consequence as a result of their mean, ill spirited behaviour.

That’s the 21st Century my friend.

skeezer Says:

“Tennis X in a nutshell these days folks: less exchanges of intelligence…”
Truth! From the Horse’s mouth.

Admire Novak for clearing the air, there was a lot of Jabber about BB being with him, and somehow he was not going to do well with him. As he said, Wawa was the better player and he played his best. ( other players take note how to accept a loss! ). Think everyone should not lay down a verdict so quickly on this team. Give it the year, and see what pan’s out.

Bad Knee Rules Says:

I think this kind of behaviour that you touch upon ATL is mainly a internet phenomenon: a haven that offer’s such people a anonymous identity, a licence to behave in a ridiculous fashion with no real consequence as a result of their mean, ill spirited behaviour.

Look in the mirror.

Bad Knee Rules Says:

@Hippy Chic,

Nastase, Connors, Agassi, Safin …

Skeezer Says:

Yes, lmao at the posters who start claimin who trolls are, start accusing fans of this and that when there is log stuck in there own eye. The talk diverts from talking Tennis to this junk.
“anonymous identity,”? The funniest kind imo is the male name but its a woman, or vice a versa. So easy, so easy…

Okiegal Says:


You are referring to the Bible verse Matthew 7:3….this is a great verse for us all to adhere to……..also the Golden Rule, Silence is Mom instilled these in me at a very young age. I try to live by these principles daily, but sorry to say some days I lose sight of what I’ve been taught.

Hippy Chic Says:

Rafa is a sore loser,so is Roger,and theres no two ways about it,Novak seems to be a more gracious loser,taking it much better than the other two,im just wondering if this is actually the problem,in that maybe he is too nice for his own good,do we all want our favorites to be happy and accept it when they lose,?well im damn sure i wont,the problem for Novak is he lacks that killer instinct of the other two IMO,as the saying goes show me a good loser,and ill show you a loser.

Okiegal Says:


I think Novak is a gracious loser too…..he is so docile and tame……..but when he wins, he looks and acts like a wild man! Not intending to put him down, it’s just such a drastic change in his personality from losing to winning! He is a gracious loser, imo.

Perfect fan Says:

I too agree with Chic n okiegal….but I’ll put him in 2nd of the list of gracious losers.

First for me has to be Delpo….the most down-to-earth and gracious player in the circuit IMO. I rly feel for that guy whenevr he loses and go on to have a friendly hug n a chat with the opponent.
I absolutely love this guy for his humbleness.

Novak, i admit has come of age and has really matured a lot since being a top dog. One of the rare breed who has not let success go to his head.

Margot Says:

What’s that quote again:
“Show me a good loser and I’ll show you a loser.”
OH for the days of Mac and Connors.
Too much PR around these days.

nadalista Says:

“Nadal’s mind is the single biggest weapon in the game of tennis.”

The truth.

Thanks @Giles.

Okiegal Says:

@Perfect Fan

He’s not called the Gentle Giant for nothing!! Chic brought up those three in her post for comparison, but yes, DelPo would definitely be in the congenial group. I like him too. So sorry for him….Hope his wrist gets better. Tennis needs him!

Hippy Chic Says:

Brando i dont know if that post was actually a dig at me?in your last but one paragraph to ATL @9.27am February 25th,its a shame if it was that you couldnt actually confront me rather than making indirect sly digs,anyway as a matter of fact i dont seek to toe the line of popularity i only want to give a fair yet unbiased opinion,if somebody says something i disagree with i will say so,and if you choose to look at my posts over the last few days you will see how irritated i have become with the never ending negativity Rafa has had to stomach lately,look at my post 3.00pm February 24th on this thread and you will see what i mean,if you dont then thats your choice,but its a shame IMO as we used to have some pretty good discussions so i dont know why youve got the hump with me?shame really but your discesion i suppose.

Giles Says:

@nadalista. You’re welcome. Glad you appreciated the article.
Vamos Rafa!

Hippy Chic Says:

Okiegal/Perfect Fan yeah i would actually put Nole,Andy and Delpo as been the same,they are all nice guys and great players,but they are too nice when they loose too matter of fact,Roger and Rafa are sore losers,and as a fan of my favorite i wouldnt want them to lose graciously anyway,take Roger when he wagged his finger at the crowd at the FO in 2011,it was a suggestion saying how dare you write me off,and Rafa absolutely hated losing to Soderling in 2009,the look on his face was priceless in that final the following year,in that he was saying how dare you beat me the king of clay on my own teritory,your gonna pay for that,i will love to see Noles reaction the next time he and Stan face off,im just wondering and its only a theory if thats what seperates Roger and Rafa from the rest,and why they have been so much more sucessfull than their counterparts,likewise Serena has never forgiven Maria for that defeat at Wimbledon all those years ago she simply hates her for it, repeat show me a good loser and i will show you a loser.

Translated Age Says:

How can you call Novak a loser with six majors?

So much for that adage.

Margot Says:

Exceptions prove rules, so they say.

Translated Age Says:

Del Potro has a slam. Only one of two active players under 30 outside the Top 4 that can make that claim. Is he a loser because he shows good sportsmanship win or lose?

I just don’t agree with this message.

Other than bumping Rosol, I also don’t agree that Nadal is a poor loser. He is very respectful especially in post match interviews.

A poor loser is one who disrespects or falsely discredits his opponent on multiple occasions.

On the women’s side, one of the nicest losers is Venus Williams and she is one of the most successful players of all time!

Seems like there are more exceptions to this rule than there are examples.

Okiegal Says:


I wondered if you picked up on that subtle dig. I think it was directed to both of us since we don’t hate Roger. Oh well, you can’t please everyone! I have been called out for apologizing before. Go figure! So I’m an apologetic type of person…shoot me!

Robin and Rafa’s encounter at Wimby that time was priceless. I will watch it on you tube when I need a good laugh! They weren’t laughing, they were both serious as a heart attack! Robin got his revenge at FO…..but Rafa’s record against him says it all, well Rafa’s head to head against almost everyone tells the tale…..not intending to get a food fight started, but facts are facts!

Have a good evening, Chic….love our chats!!

Hippy Chic Says:

Translated Age i think your rather missing my point,i think Okiegal,Perfect Fan and Margot have a better understanding of where im coming from,im not saying Novak,Andy and Delpo are losers per-se,nor am i saying Rafa and Roger are disrespectful to their oponents after defeats,all im saying is that they seem to take losing easier than Roger and Rafa,probably a bit too easy IMO,nothing wrong with it either im just wondering if thats why Roger and Rafa have been more successful throughout their careers.

Margot Says:

Didn’t JMDP cry at least once after losing?. Seems to mean he minded losing quite a lot.
I think you are missing the point. Hating to lose doesn’t mean you go round dissing your opponents, rather it means you’re angry with yourself for losing and you certainly don’t want it to happen again.
Extensive PR and the media these days means it is a lot more difficult for players to be honest these days about what they really feel.
Hippy mentioned Rafa losing to Soderling. You think he was happy that happened? Do you think less of him because he wasn’t?

Hippy Chic Says:

Thanks Okiegal its one thing thats always annoyed me,whether or not its on here or in the real world,when a person has a problem with me then they should just come out and say it,not by using an indirect dig,anyway ive never disliked Roger,Novak or any player that i can think of,oh correction i didnt actually like Berdych all to do with that Almagro incident, but he has grown on me lately,and i think his personality is alot warmer these days,i dont actually like Gulbis i think hes talented but the way he speaks about women well i would slap him if he ever spoke to me in person like that,i dont dislike Robin even after he beat Rafa but i doubt theres any love lost there,and Rafas record against him is stellar anyway as it is like you say against the majority of players.

Hippy Chic Says:

Thanks Margot i think you have a better idea of where im coming from.

Translated Age Says:

Different interpretations of “sore loser” then.

For me, Djokovic looks extremely upset when losing cursing in Serbian and yelling on the court in frustration. Same as Murray. They hate to lose and it shows! So I don’t see that they lose graciously. For that matter, Nadal and Federer lose more graciously (or they hide it better during the match).

But when the match is over, even though they are upset visually on the court, they show respect at the net and in their post match pressers.

This is not being a sore loser IMO.

So perhaps just a matter of semantics.

Hippy Chic Says:

Translated Age yeah fair enough i see what you mean,i think whether Roger or Rafa are winning or losing their body language remains the same,Novak and Andy let it show more on court,but its all a matter of ones perception i suppose?

Okiegal Says:

I remember a story concerning Borg, my very first favorite, a master of clay as well. He busted up a tennis racquet while having a temper tantrum. His dad stepped in and told him if that ever happened again, his tennis career would be over. He was young when this happened and I never saw any display of anger when he played……very solemn and stoic. Never a display of happy or sad or mad…..He was just the same always. When Mac beat him at Wimby the on court interviewer wanted to ask Borg questions and with a slight smile he told him to talk to John, that it was his night. I think the interviewers of today would not take no for an answer. I guess we all perceive things differently. I think displays of anger on court while playing is out of frustration when things are going awry…..some players get pumped up by acting out and some get worse. One thing I can say about Rafa…….he’s never busted up a racquet…..a shoulder bump once……out of frustration because he was losing, is the worse thing I have ever seen him do, other than altercations with umpires, but they’ve all done that. He’s told Uncle Toni to be quiet before and Roger told Novak’s family to be quiet…..these actions all out of frustration, imo…after all tennis is their occupation and who am I to question anything they do??

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