Andy Murray Shows His Sarcastic Side On Facebook, He Hopes To Never Win Another Slam!

by Tom Gainey | July 25th, 2014, 8:22 pm

Andy Murray had some fun yesterday during another round of his “#AskAndy” Q&A on the popular social media site Facebook. The Scot who hasn’t won a title since his Wimbledon title a year ago, fielded and “answered” a wide range of questions from his worldwide fan base.

A sample:

Allen Bell: Do you ever listen to Ska music? If so, what bands do you like?
Andy Murray: i have never heard of it

Jamie Dickson: Why are you such a stuck up english loving tadger?
Andy Murray: your adorable.. try to relax when you get a chance

Sarah Bradbury: Facial hair or clean shaven?
Andy Murray: what does it look like !?

Deborah Delarue: Did you ever beat rafa nadal on playstation? #askandy
Andy Murray: always

Collin Munashe Dhliwayo: Do your knw a country called Zimbabwe ??? And would you mind visiting it??
Andy Murray: yes i know a country called zimbabwe i have reasonable geography knowledge

Kinga Rzepecka: can you shave?
Andy Murray: yes i can shave.. ive done it a few times in my life

Robbie Johnson: Do u hope to win another slam
Andy Murray: no

Jayne Perry: What do you do in your spare time to relax??
Andy Murray: do facebook q and a’s

Lindsay Taylor: Do you ever have a break from your strict exercise & diet regime? Fir example hit the beer garden followed by a curry on the way home?!
Andy Murray: i have been known to pop into the beer garden from time to time

Iain Anderson: Is it feasible to have women’s grand slam matches best of 5 in the future?
Andy Murray: second week i think it should happen for sure

Kristoffer E.J. Sinigayan: name one thing that is a MUST to keep in your tennis bag before a tennis match?
Andy Murray: tennis rackets

Alison Milton: Hi andy are you still working with aimlee? Xx
Andy Murray: who is that?

Murray, who is currently in Miami training, is expected to announce any day now that Amelie Mauresmo will remain as his coach moving forward. He’ll be back on the tennis courts next month in Toronto.

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18 Comments for Andy Murray Shows His Sarcastic Side On Facebook, He Hopes To Never Win Another Slam!

Hippy Chic Says:

Roy not the time or the place….

Hippy Chic Says:

LOL so nice to see Andys funny side,and i do love some of the replies,do you hope to win anothe GS?no,and is it feasible to see womens GS matches best of 5 sets?second week i think it should happen for sure,too right Andy too right,best of luck in the HC season Andy,and lets bag some titles and end the season on a high,and prove the doubters wrong….

Hippy Chic Says:

Thanks for removing that rather tasteless post….

Colin Says:

What does that guy mean by “English loving” and what the heck is a ladger? That sounds like an Aussie word to me.

His ignorance of Ska may be an age thing. Also, Andy is one of those who doesn’t read books – sad for such an intelligent person. As a classical music and jazz lover, I quite like ska, much more than reggae, anyway. It does swing, as does also klezmer for instance.

I think Amelie would laugh at his reply, and would probably give a similar one herself.

Colin Says:

Where is our Canadian correspondent? This topic reminds me of a question I’d like to ask concerning social media.

Don’t know if you folk know, but Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling wrote an article in a UK newspaper explaining why, as a Scot, she hopes Scotland votes to remain in the Union. She was met with a barrage of hate on social media. “You effing bitch! I hate you and I’ll never read your effing books again.” That sort of carefully argued political response.

What I wondered was, how active is the French Canadian separatist movement nowadays, and what do they think of Eugenie Bouchard’s parents naming three kids after members of the British Royal Family?

jonathan Says:

Separatist movement in Canada is currently as quiet as its been in over 40 years.

Genie is warmly welcomed throughout Canada including Quebec.

She will definitely be the crowd favourite in Montreal in August.


Colin Says:

I can remember the furore when De Gaulle,during his rather brief time as French President, was on a visit to Canada, ostensibly to visit EXPO 67. Giving a speech in Quebec, he ended, with heavy emphasis “Vive le Quebec. Vive le Quebec LIBRE!” A startling piece of ill-mannered arrogance.

Anyway, he was publicly rebuked by the Canadian President, Pearson, and returned to France earlier than had been planned. It was an event which back in the 19th Century would probably have started a war.

Trigg Says:

1) Alison:

I like piano myself very much. I started a piano collection in the times of vinyl, thirty years ago. I am a big fan of the Romanians, Clara Haskil and Dinu Lipatti…

2) Colin:

I think that your post is not for a site about tennis.

Charles de Gaulle was a very intelligent statesman, perhaps the only European visionary politician after WWII. What he said certainly wasn’t “politically correct”, but it doesn’t mean that he was wrong.

I know the history of Canada very well — I had to study it thoroughly. Having seen the Eastern European struggles first hand, I can assure you that it can happen anywhere, and it will happen relatively soon, I have not a shadow of doubt about it. But this blog is not a place where we should argue about it.

RZ Says:

Love Andy’s sarcastic sense of humor!

Wog boy Says:

Colin, I am sorry to disapoint you but “tadger” has nothing to do with Aussies, it is English, very much English. Btw, why do you love Aussies so much?

noun the penis. A vulgarism of unknown origin (probably from a lost dialect verb) used for many years in the north of England and revived by students, alternative comedians, etc. in the 1980s. Todger is an alternative modern version.

Humble Rafa Says:

Lady Forehand can only be improved a lady.

Margot Says:

Yawn, same old, same old, boring sexist nonsense.

Colin Says:

Wog boy, look at my posting again. I typed LADGER, because that was what I thought it was. My old eyes didn’t see the cross piece of the tee. I might have guessed if I’d read it correctly, because I do know the word todger, which I first heard in a TV comedy show years ago.

I don’t love Aussies, but I sometimes visit an Australian forum, where there is a truly ludicrous situation because they have censorship software, and whoever set it up neglected to set it for whole words only. So if PART of a word you type is a naughty word, it’s replaced with asterisks when your posting appears.

You cannot post “document” or “circumstance”, and you could never type “Roddick” when Andy was still playing. I once tried to post the word “molecular” and it got censored, because “mole” is, I was told when I asked, an unacceptable term for a woman, maybe something like “tart”.

And this is Australians, who think they’re straight talking, down to earth types! Drives me nuts, and the mysterious Ladger word reminded me.

Colin Says:

Trigg, I wasn’t arguing about French Canadian seperatism as such, about which I could not care less. The De Gaulle anecdote merely came to mind as a result of wondering about the Bouchard family’s naming habit.
You seem to think Canada will split some day, but Jonathan probably doesn’t think so.

Glad to see you like Romanian pianists. Regarding the vinyl, I hope you didn’t get the supposed Lipatti concerto recording (I forget the work)which turned out to be by Czerny-Stefanska!

I have lots of Romanian music, notably Enescu. You should read his biography – he had great problems with a wife who ended up more or less insane, but he stuck by her nobly.

Wog boy Says:

Colin, I thought that your “ladger” was a typo.
About Aussies, you are wrong. I found that they are down to earth people, pretty stright forward and honest. I can’t comment about Aussie forums since I don’t post on any of them.
Don’t forget that political system here is copy of Westminster system so lot of rules and regulations came from UK, same as Union leaders that Margaret Thatcher kicked out, somehow they all ended up in Australia. At one stage a few years ago all Union leaders had UK accent, them and Labors didn’t do any good to this country imo. You are guessing right, my vote never goes to labor party, they are hopeless with the money.

Hippy Chicl Says:

Trig i think my taste in music is very different from yours lol,i hate the manufactured boyband,girlband type of musis,which is all a much of a muchness,but i am a big fan of Indie type stuff ala Muse,Greenday,Oasis,Blur etc,dirty rockers with tatoos and guitars,maybe i should change my nic to the dirty rock hippy chic,unlike our Andy i do also love ska music too :))….

SG1 Says:

Colin Says:
I can remember the furore when De Gaulle,during his rather brief time as French President, was on a visit to Canada, ostensibly to visit EXPO 67. Giving a speech in Quebec, he ended, with heavy emphasis “Vive le Quebec. Vive le Quebec LIBRE!” A startling piece of ill-mannered arrogance.

Anyway, he was publicly rebuked by the Canadian President, Pearson, and returned to France earlier than had been planned. It was an event which back in the 19th Century would probably have started a war.


DeGaulle was a jackass and had no business meddling in Canadian affairs. His blurt spurred on a very ugly period in our history. It’s a quote still spewed by the vile nationalist demigogues at every opportunity.

I prefer a quote by Sarkoczy (another French President) when asked how he felt about a Quebec separate from Canada,”There is far too much division in this world already. Quebec is stronger as part of Canada.” Or something to that effect. Exactly right! He was subsequently attacked by the nationalist demigogues for his comments. Too bad for them.

SG1 Says:

demagogue…bad spelling….

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