Andy Murray: I’ll Leave The Australian Open To Be There For The Birth Of My Child

by Tom Gainey | December 16th, 2015, 10:45 am

Andy Murray revealed that if he had to he will leave the Australian Open mid-tournament to return home for the birth of his first child. Wife Kim Sears is expecting the baby in early February, but any hint the baby is coming sooner and Murray will be back home.

“I’d go home. For sure, yes,” Murray told the Daily Mail. “It’s obviously important. I want to make sure at the beginning I am there as much as I can be to try and help out, just be there for whatever is really required of me.”

The baby’s impending arrival has also impacted Murray’s training this month. He’s usually in Miami, his second base, but now to be closer to Kim he’s in Dubai.

“I was either going to go to Dubai or Miami but because obviously Kim is quite heavily pregnant it’s a lot easier to get back from here. All the flights leave in the evening from Miami, whereas here you can fly at all times in the day.”

Back down to business today after a few days off. Preparation for Australia starts now! #Dubai #PreSeason #HereWeGo

Posted by Andy Murray on Thursday, December 10, 2015

With Murray already planning having tennis taking a backseat to the baby, how much will Murray play/practice once he becomes a father?

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109 Comments for Andy Murray: I’ll Leave The Australian Open To Be There For The Birth Of My Child

Ben Pronin Says:

Andy “I threaten to skip every major tournament” Murray.

jane Says:

this makes sense. of course he’d wanna be there for the baby’s arrival.

Rob Says:

Not to change the subject, but who ended up making the best predictions for the year-end top 10 for 2015? Did I miss it?

danica Says:

Man knows his priorities. Way to go Andy!

calmdownplease Says:

Nice thought
But if he is in the semis or finals and he leaves Oz to be with his wife he will be a laughing stock.
He’s not going to be around for the birth and surely he has staff and family members to take care of Kim for a few days.
So I doubt he’d do it anyway.

Margot Says:

CDP you know how easily he gets distracted, a feather can do it, so if Kim goes into labour while Andy is in OZ, his mind will be thousands of miles away and he’ll be a twitchy mess on court anyway.
But I too don’t think he’d pull out at semi or final stage, before quite possibly.
Looking on the bright side….he might start playing more aggressively to get matches over quicker.
luv Pollyanna.

calmdownplease Says:

`CDP you know how easily he gets distracted, a feather can do it,’

hehe I had tried to erase that absurdity from my mind
You do have a point Pollyanna
let’s hope for a timely birth for the Mini Murray then.

jane Says:

a feather, lol… margot i nearly spat out my coffee on that one. :)

RZ Says:

Kim Sears is a bad@$$. She won’t let that baby come during the A.O.

calmdownplease Says:

Yeah, she won’t put up with some little `flash f**k` baby trying to steal Andy’s thunder!
S/he will have to wait and be announced at the appropriate time thank you!

jalep Says:

cdp, I’m assuming you haven’t had a baby? Missing the birth of your first-born? That would be a major distraction – he’s right and there’s no shame in leaving if he needs to go. But first babies can take longer than subsequent ones. My sisters’ first born was 2 weeks overdue. Baby had a full head of hair by then and teeth :D

Okiegal Says:

@Jalep….Did your Sissy breast feed??? :(

Okiegal Says:

@Jalep…..if so….OUCH11

Okiegal Says:

@CDP…..If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you???

Chrisford1 Says:

If Andy is hours or a day away from the Finals, and labor starts? Kim Sears needs to lie down, cross her legs tight, and Think of Britain First.
Do her part for Queen and country. Stop that little sucker from getting out until Andy finishes playing.

Margot Says:

Oh and NB, Dustin Brown said “Andy…..makes us laugh all the time.”
Let’s put those tired old cliches about “dour Scot” to bed once and for all.

Okiegal Says:

I think Andy has a great personality and still say he delivers the best on court interviews. He can be hot headed when he is playing a match but is so sweet when being asked questions. His pressers are good too! I love the Christmas sweater. That showed a real goofy side of him….love that pic, bad hair morning and all. His personality makes him so dang cute. Should Rafa retire (bite my own tongue)and Andy is still playing, I will flock to the Andy fans, if those old birds will welcome me…..I really like the guy. Oh my gosh……if he happened to get to the Semis …, it would be a heck of a predicament to be in. I think Kim would say play on Andrew, we got an extra mouth to feed!!

J-Kath Says:

Okie…you can’t “flock” to Andy’s camp – remember a single feather can distract him…

Not feeling too cheery…my other half is in hospital getting blood transfusion…(got a clot on a BA flight and (over-prescribed?) warfarin has created a range of problems including excruciating pain, weight loss..mobility etc.

…so if my half-assed jokes fall flat that’s my excuse…

Giles Says:

Does Andy really want to be labelled as a “clown”??

Gypsy Gal Says:

Chris Ford 1, I must admit although weve had our differences,your post at 5.59pm December 17th,actually had me howling with laughter….

Okie your post at 2.56am December 18th was a classic,your bang on form girl ;)….

Gypsy Gal Says:

J-Kath my thoughts are with you my dear,and i wish for the best for your good self and your lovely hubby….

Gypsy Gal Says:

Margot our Andy has a great SOH,i remember Annabelle Croft asking him hows the groin?to which he replied very well thanks Annabelle hows yours?which made me howl out with laughter,what a classic….

Margot Says:

Oh Kath, so sorry, how awful. Seem to remember some time ago you saying he wasn’t well.
Huge virtual hugs coming your way.
Kim is bringing out a book of the wit and wisdom of Maggie Mae. I expect you know Maggie has her own twitter account….;)

Gypsy Gal Says:

Margot lol ;)….

Margot Says:

Watched some IPTL highlights and Nick is obviously enjoying himself hugely as well. Perhaps he too likes team stuff. Lots of “Bryan bumping going on! Lol.
Nick seems to get on really well with Andy….can’t be all bad then….;)

Okiegal Says:

@J-Kath…..The feather remark….LOL I think he is a great guy and has really sweet and cordial fans.

I’m sorry about hubby. I too take warfarin. A-fib the culprit. I have had TIAs since 1978 and was told that they were forerunners to strokes. Had a mini-stroke in 2008, so now on a blood thinner. Hope all goes well for him. Messing with that particular med is a pain, but a stroke would be bigger pain so guess I will take it. My sister died from a brain bleed on that med. She had a mechanical heart valve replacement was the reason for her being prescribed the med. Gosh, girl I hope he gets on the mend soon. Don’t worry about your jokes….gotta take care of him and totally understand your worry and concern. Hugs too from across the pond!!

Okiegal Says:

@GG…..Regarding my post…..well I try! I have got good news for you. Went to the movie last night and they showed a trailer of a new movie coming out starring Mr. Jackman. It is a true story about a man from Great Britain who wanted to be an Olympian in something so he trained to be a ski jumper. His name was Eddie something. Should be a good human interest story. I wasn’t familiar with the Eddie character but you Brits probably are. I am gonna do some web research on the guy and see what I can find out.

@Giles…..Rafa has a clownish side to him too. I love you tubing his Funny Moments videos…they are pretty funny. He can say some cutesy things at times that crack me up. But you rarely see a smile from him during a match, he is all business……I said rarely, occasionally a smile will cross his lips.

Giles Says:

Is Margot now a Nick fan as well??

Okiegal Says:

@ GG….The groin remark was a classic. When he won his two greatest titles he was very subdued and rather shy acting I thought. Loved his demeanor on those two occasions….he seemed very humble in those moments.

RZ Says:

@J-Kath good luck to you and your husband on his transfusion and recovery.

RZ Says:

Happy holidays from the ATP! Andy isn’t the only one in a Christmas sweater this time.

Colin Says:

I know all about Warfarin. I’ve been on the stuff since a few years ago when I had a blood clot on the lung (the only thing I have in common with Serena Williams). Trouble is, since boyhood I have been prone to nosebleeds.

The Warfarin ensures that if my nose bleeds it’s like a damn tap and very hard to stop. I stuff a large chunk of cotton wool up my nostril as far as possible and give it about two hours to stop. Last time I had the routine so well organised I didn’t spill a drop. Previously the bathroom used to look like a crime scene. And still people talk about Intelligent Design. The human body is an absolutely lousy piece of design.

Margot Says:

That was fun RZ and at least one of them can sing….just the one :)

RZ Says:

@Okie – that must be Eddie the Eagle. I remember the hype about him although I had moved to the U.S. by then. Apparently he’s married tot he actress Samantha Morton.

J-Kath Says:

Thank you Margot, RZ, Okie, Gypsy and Colin for your support…you are very warm and kind people.

They sent a taxi for me today and back (cost £140) to take me to the hospital. For those of you on warfarin- (his registered 15 when the very highest should be no more than 5)…in addition, it turns out that Walter’s non-hodgkinson may be back and thirdly MacMillan’s Nurses have been called in – approved by me on behalf of Walter. 5 minutes ago they called proposing “a touch of morphin in a pain killer” and a move to a smaller hospital within reasonable reach of my home.

I shan’t post on this again until matters are clearer. But thank you, and thank you.

Margot Says:

Take care darling.

jalep Says:

J-Kath, sorry to hear about your hubby. Sounds complicated right now. Hope they get it all sorted soon and he’s back home again. Thoughts and prayers with you. Take good care.

Cute video, RZ. Wish they would have let Gilles Simon sing longer – I think he can sing.

Okiegal Says:

Oh, J-Kath… sorry. Glad there was a closer facility to take him to. That will help u out immensely. Wishing you and hubby the best. Please keep us posted if you are up to it, if not we understand….hang in there!!

@RZ…..Yes, Eddie the Eagle is right. I forgot the whole title….dang that mini stroke…short term memory shot. I have been out all day so I haven’t had time to research it…. but thanks a bunch you did it for me!

@Colin….I have always taken Coumadin but insurance wouldn’t cover it so I had to change to warfarin. It isn’t as easy to regulate as the Coumadin, why I don’t know. Changing my insurance in Jan… will cover the Coumadin so gonna go back on it. Sorry about the nose bleeds, I have them too but not like you do….wow, that is not good……. :(

Okiegal Says:

@RZ…Thanks for the Christmas video…..cute!!

jalep Says:

Okiegal, how are you holding up these days? Hope you are doing okie dokie, darlin’

Yep Coumadin is tricky sometimes – has to be so closely monitored. It can be a pain to manage.

Okiegal Says:

@jalep…..Hi, and thanks for asking! I have really been busy doing business things with Byron’s estate. I hate going to the mailbox….there is always a problem to solve in there. Doctor bills that haven’t even been billed to my insurance carrier. Had to call medicare and was informed he wasn’t in the system….very frustrating……but I will get it done in time. I’m still weepy but I’m sure that will be better in time.

You obviously know someone on Coumadin……you are right, it’s tricky! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Colin Says:

Have you people noticed that in the various sad stories on this forum, it’s men who are the actual victims? Makes me feel a bit uneasy!

lakie Says:

It is a well known fact that men are weaker.

Okiegal Says:

Lakie, how are men weaker…..brains, brawn, spirit?? The strongest individual I ever knew in my personal life was Okieguy. He was my strength, my protector and I am missing him terribly atm. To all of the married TXers out there, be kind to one another……

Colin, pay attention to anything happening to your body that maybe out of the norm and get it checked out. Byron started having acid reflux real bad and his urine was very dark and hurting under his breast area around to his back. Didn’t get it checked out for four months or more…..too late. His body was telling him something was not right. On second thought Lakie, it is a man’s brain where they are weaker….they don’t want to go to the doctor!!! I begged him to go way before he did…just saying…….
On a more pleasant note, they wont ask for directions either!! :)

mat4 Says:

You have here a lot of interesting an truthful articles about men. A man wrote them, and only because he’s a man. The motto seems great to me:

“Space… The male frontier”.

I do often read this article — mostly every time when I have an argument with my wife — and I feel much better afterwards. It speaks a lot about the arguments developed in it, so deeply thought out. Dick, the author… I’m speechless.

So, that’s the truth about men. And I pointed it out because I am a man, so I am objective and disinterested in this matter.

Wog Boy Says:

Holly cow mat4, you’ll get yourself in trouble with this link on TX, feminists are coming after you, embrace yourself for an mighty impact..

mat4 Says:


I’ll take it… like a man.

mat4 Says:


I’ll have to admit that I was shocked when I saw that many posters on that site took the articles seriously.

The author is showing auto-derision and an outrageous sense of humour, making fun of all the so-called “manly things”… I’d enjoy even more if I could find a similar site but from the other site, like

But I guess I probably won’t find it. Who knows? Could Dick Masterson be serious?

mat4 Says:

… the other side…

lakie Says:

mat4…what an outrageously funny article. Dick is actually making fun of men so no feminist is going to attack you. Men are such show-offs and so insecure. And their whole world revolves round women.Why does a man make lots of money or solve some complicated problem? Only to impress the girls. Without girls men would become useless lazy lumps.

lakie Says:

okie I am so sorry about Byron. It must be so hard to live each day without somebody with whom you had spent most of your life. But the God who gave you this pain will I am sure give you the strength to bear it.
Byron not complaining about his ailments is surprising. Most men are such babies making so much fuss about even a common cold that you might be excused if you thought they suffered from some terminal illness.
Men are supposed to be weak because baby boys are more likely to die than baby girls, men have shorter lives, are more prone to genetically transmitted diseases, are more prone to heart disease, more likely to be autistic,more vulnerable to all sorts of pollutants ….
But I guess they are stronger in many ways too. So vive la difference!!!

mat4 Says:


You really should read the comments. It’s just like these:

But anyway, girls without men would become useless lumps, just like men without women. Necessary evil?

mat4 Says:

“Most men are such babies making so much fuss about even a common cold that you might be excused if you thought they suffered from some terminal illness.”

It depends of the culture. I come from a culture where it’s indecent to do it. Men make joke about illness. We write poetry.

Anyway, it’s futile to complain to a woman. They never listen anyway ;-)

Okiegal Says:

@lakie, he could be a baby about the common cold……but he did have a high tolerance to pain, obviously. I just wish he had been a bigger baby about the pain in his back….The mass in his pancreas was the size of a tennis ball….no wonder he was hurting……and now I am. I apologize to everyone, I bring this up way too often……I do pray for strength to do better about my loss. I do appreciate your concern. Oki

lakie Says:

mat4…that link is priceless!!! Thank you!!! I got a belly ache from laughing so much!!!

Re culture where men joke about illness and write poetry, they might be making a big fuss at home and having the whole family attend on them hand and foot while putting on the stiff upper lip to show the public????

lakie Says:

okie please do not apologize. Your loss is irreparable and I truly admire your courage in managing your grief so well. I can imagine what a struggle it must be but you are so brave.
There is nothing that anyone can do to reverse your loss. But goodhearted tennis fans here will,I am sure,be happy to help you cope. If you feel like talking about it, please do so anytime. Pretty soon tennis will start in earnest and I hope that will help.

Okiegal Says:

To Whom It May Concern: I love men! I have some good friends who are of the male gender. Let’s call a truce here…..I personally think we can’t live without each other. There are things I simply can not do w/o a man’s help. I am finding this out more now than ever. Okieguy was a very strong man, but possessed a sensitive side. He didn’t write poetry but could pen a beautiful letter. He was an artist with metal, could make anything`…….an excellent welder and a good football player…..and was told by friends he went to school with, he had a mean left hook!!!

Okiegal Says:

@lakie…I’m so ready for tennis. The sleepless nights I am having, the Aussie Open will come in handy. Appreciate the encouragement. It hasn’t been easy, but I will get there! Thanks….

Okiegal Says:

@lakie……Like your “stiff upper lip” comment, that is a common saying in my family….

Margot Says:

……wait for it….fatherhood…;)

Colin Says:

Okiegal, I have a very low tolerance of pain, and that, though it sounds illogical, is the very reason why I will NOT report potentially sinister symptoms.

Suppose I did tell the medicos what I felt, what would happen? My doctor would refer me to the hospital, the consultant would arrange a scan or cystoscopy (yecch!)or other test, and if that proved positive I’d be in a hospital bed as fast as one could be found.

Once you’re in, you are monitored non-stop, with wires and bleeping machines attached to you, and your life is completely out of your hands. Since only the staff can open the windows, so you can’t even jump out (not that I’d fancy that!). You just have to hope the particular hospital has a sensible approach to alleviating pain.

My life now, with my 81st birthday only days away, might be thought boring by many, but listening to music, reading, and watching DVD movies, is quite pleasant to me. I have virtually no contact with other people, and that’s just the way I like it, being a born hermit. Above all, I wish to remain independent, which I would never be again once diagnosed with cancer, or whatever.

So, Plan B is my chosen option. When the medical evidence says I have some fatal and perhaps painful ailment, I’ll commit suicide. I can’t afford to fly to that Dignitas facility in Switzerland, but I know a very simple and painless method, requiring no cutting or such (I’m far too squeamish!). I’m not a bit afraid of death as such. Why should I fear total oblivion? If I did, I would never agree to a general anaesthetic.

So, when you hear no more from me, it will mean ‘m dead, one way or the other. If it is Plan B,I might even leave a note asking someone to post a farewell to this forum. I’ll also leave a note to the coroner, sympathising with his dilemma. Does he describe my method, thus making it known to the public, or does he manage a cover-up?

However, I have every intention of living to be 100 if I can manage it.

calmdownplease Says:

Good grief Margot, where are you!?!

This Lackie creature is being a tasteless & total Idiotic bigot and complete & utter sexist a**hole!

I said SOME women seem to have a predilection for online censorship and you nearly blew a gasket!

And I said it because, well, they do!

Oh yeah sorry, it’s against men all of this bilge.

So that is okay then


calmdownplease Says:

That was a fairly devasting post there Colin

I never guessed you were an octogenarian either!

You ‘read’ much younger :)

It’s not as old as it used to be, however.

And I expect to see you posting online for at least a few decades more.

A little bit of what you fancy every day might be the key to great longevity ;)

calmdownplease Says:

“Most men are such babies making so much fuss about even a common cold that you might be excused if you thought they suffered from some terminal illness.”

Is this a joke?

Surely it’s humour, right?

I usually see the Doctor at best once a year for a check-up.

My mother and most of the women in my family have them on speed dial!

J-Kath Says:

How will you execute Plan B if you never go to the Doctor and obtain the medical evidence?

That said, I never voluntarily go to: Doctor; Dentist; Optician or (the ladies won’t believe it) a Hairdresser…..I hate waiting and I weary of the process of being “attended to”. I only put petrol in the car when it begins to stutter.

CDP: I’m supposed to go to the Doctor’s once a year because they threaten to withhold my Atenolol. When I refuse to go they pester me with phone calls and when that doesn’t work they send a Nurse to my door armed with “I’m-here-to-take-your-blood-pressure-equipment”. So I thank her and refuse.

Back to You Colin:
I suggest you simply get on with the intention of living until you are 120 years old….this is the future age expected of today’s youth….my niece has 102 years more to live, she says….so why not plan accordingly? I’m not joking either – there was a woman on “Bargain Hunt” aged 124!

Apologies to everyone for blethering – I’m preparing to go and see Walter tomorrow and I’m one minute hopeful and the next fearful. PS: He won £101 on the Lottery…he’ll be ridiculously delighted when I tell him.

Margot Says:

Well darling, obviously I hold you to far higher standards than non Murray supporters….nerneenerner!
Bored with all the blether above TBH and mat4 is obviously being an agent provocateur, best ignored.
Hi Kath, hope it goes well.

calmdownplease Says:

Way more women use the health care services in the UK and they are more geared towards them too.
My family members don’t have to use the NHS, however. It’s their money. But in socialised systems people should consider speaking to their pharmacists instead of always going to the GP for every little thing.
Also, for both sexes, there should be a more sensible attitude to going out and getting drunk. A and E’s are at breaking point some weekends.
Actually men not going to the GP’s up to 3 times less than women could have serious ramifications for society, they need to go if something is wrong, the sooner the less likely it can turn into something worse.
I will go if I feel something is off just not for a cold or something like that!

Maybe a balance could be struck on this. Some women should go a bit less and some men a bit more.

Stay well, however, J Kath and always be sensible about your health

lakie Says:

Colin seems to be a sensible guy. Obviously he is very healthy and so is CDP.
My great grandfather never went to a doctor and was extremely healthy till age 106, walking miles, sharp mind…. He would probably have lived till 120 or more but because the next gen in his family were dying, he executed what might be called Plan B of Colin.

calmdownplease Says:

Well darling, obviously I hold you to far higher standards than non Murray supporters..’

Oh my goodness!
Was that the reason dear?!
I should have worked that one out then, eh?
As we have higher standards, after all.
I tell you what just made recently me ill, however, & that was being dragged out of the house to see Star Wars with my nephews.
What a rehashed and disappointing sh**fest that was.

calmdownplease Says:

Actually, I think you should strongly consider taking Colin’s Plan B up as an option instead of him, Lakie

lakie Says:

Is CDP the cause of women in his family needing frequent medical attention? Their nerves must be worn to a frazzle!!!

mat4 Says:


“… and mat4 is obviously being an agent provocateur”

Why? Because of a few humorous posts after something that could be seen as a provoc? At least Lakie got immediately the point.

calmdownplease Says:

‘At least Lakie got immediately the point’

Oh so this WAS a joke
oh excuse me!
I thought she was a straight up moron

Most women are after all…

calmdownplease Says:

I have to go but if my moderated post comes to light,, Margot it was a joke too!

J-Kath Says:

Margot – Thank you


Gypsy Gal Says:

Okie @December 18th 10.37am, thanks for the info,and sorry for the late reply,just to say when it comes to HJ,then i will watch absolutely anything with that man in,anyway Eddie the eagle Edwards won alot of hearts for his lack of skying abilities,he appeared on a reality show a couple of years ago here in Britain called Splash though and won,oh the irony,also dont know if you saw it some days ago when you said about your love of The Beatles,i replied something along the lines of even my nephews love them,as their music will be remembered and enjoyed for years to come,favorite songs include Hey Jude,In My Life and Here There and Everywhere to name but a few as there are so many,and it seems vinyl is making a comeback now….

Okiegal Says:

@Colin….agree with CDP, your writing is so very young at heart. Surprised by your age! You know what, 80 is sounding so much younger to me all the time. Is 80 the new 50?? But, all jokes aside…. age is only a number! You’re as young as your mind makes you feel. I have a very young mind and have been told I need to act my age….but heck that’s no fun!! I usually am in church at this time….but my sciatic nerve pain is back in my left hip……OLD AGE??? I’m sure of it! lol Colin, don’t totally write doctors off. A blood infection could kill you and a doctor’s script for an antibiotic could save your life…..after all, you do want to watch tennis as long as possible! :) Take care my friend.

CDP, we women folk have to keep ourselves doctored up for the men in our lives who depend on us for very important things and also insignificant things…..

Margot, back to thread and Andy….How far is a flight from down under to UK? That would be a dilemma for the Murray family if he got to the semis or finals. I still say Kim would say “play on, my love”…….NOT GOOD PLANNING! I think of all the babies that were born while the fathers were off to war. I have a friend who was born while her Dad was overseas. He was a pilot and was shot down in France. He is buried over there.
Her mother took her and her brother to France to see his grave. There was a man who was the caretaker of the church cemetery. They talked to him about the crash. He was a little boy at the time it happened. He took something off of the plane and made some type of Christmas ornament. His family always hung it on their Christmas tree. He gave this item to them. We both cried like babies when she related this amazing story to me. They were just in total shock that they met a person who was at the actual crash sight after all those years. Many fathers have missed the birth of babies…but Andy will want to be there for Kim…..I am sure of it!

Okiegal Says:

@Gypsy Gal…..Yes, I figured you had missed it for some reason or other. As you always say, there are other things going on in the real world. I will go see this movie, as I love true human interest stories that are made into movies. I love the boys from Liverpool. I listen to Golden Oldies all the time….listening to old music takes me back to my youth….and then when I try to shake a leg to it, I realize my sciatic hip ache won’t allow it…tee hee hee …..

J-Kath Says:

Margot – Just voted for wee Andy.

Wog Boy Says:

Flight from Melbourne to London takes 24 hours, if she goes to labor Andy wouldn’t make it anyway, why bother coming to Melbourne anyway, stay with your wife until she gives a birth if that matters the most to you. I really don’t understand all these fuss about father being present at birth, it is nice to be there but not all people have the same job nor, sometimes, possibilities to be present. I couldn’t be present for my first child, it wasn’t big deal, I shouted the drink to my mates that day when my first was born, and went next day to see both of them. In those days we were not allowed to hold them nor interfere with patients, we could ser the baby through the glass, but I had a friend who worked in hospital who gave me white coat (doctor’s one) and I walked stright in like a doctor, so my wife and daughter and walked out.
I don’t remember our fathers and grandfathers worrying about being present at birth, they had a bigger worries, how to put a food on the table for all the kids.

J-Kath Says:

Margot – Andy’s becoming a bit polished. Didn’t think he’d get it after the Team award. Pleased though.

Okiegal Says:

@Wog Boy…thanks for the flight info. If hubby had been off working when our son was born, so be it. It is a thousand wonders he wasn’t. He was a welder by trade and had to follow the work wherever it was. I got an idea, should this birth come at an inopportune time SKYPE IT!! lol I still say Kim will tell Andy to play on, especially if he is scheduled to play Berdy….How much is the payoff for the championship??

calmdownplease Says:

Andy has just won the Sport’s personality of the year award

Congrats dude!!!

Better than that trashy, brain dead pikey who lucked out on a Klitschko off day, I say!

Wog Boy Says:

$3.3 to $3.5 millions, highest out four methinks.

Irish Traveller beat Bitschko fair and square, more than happy for the dude, it was about time somebody kicked that arrogant Bitschko ass and he kicked well.

Okiegal Says:

@Wog Boy…. Wowzer on the Aussie purse! Kim is just gonna have to put the baby on hold until after the Aussie Open and that’s just all there is to it!! :)

Margot Says:

Nice joke: “A friend sent me an article which said ‘ Andy Murray is duller than a weekend in Worthing’ which I thought was a little harsh…..on Worthing!”

Well done, way to go Andy!
Yeah, Kath a lot more at ease in the spotlight these days.

Gypsy Gal Says:

Congrats to Andy Murray on winning SPOTY,TBH i thought Mo wouldve won it,but was pleasantly surprised and delighted,i wonder if it was the Davis Cup that sealed the deal….

Gypsy Gal Says:

And at the risk of repeating myself the guy has a wicked SOH,the groin remark as i said was priceless….

CDP watch it,i am from pikey stock lol….

Gypsy Gal Says:

Okie the prank Rafa played on Andy with the phone call saying how sexy he was was pretty funny too,Novaks always pretty funny,and that video of Rafa and Roger laughing when organizing that exho gets me everytime,Roger says so Rafa and starts laughing,and Rafa arches his eyebrows,i really love this side of the guys….

Mat4 and i love men,of all Nationalities ;)….

Colin Says:

JKath, what do you mean “If you never go to the doctor? The poor old National Health Service takes care of that. Once a year (around February) I am called in for a checkup. In addition to the usual blood pressure check, they’ll take a blood test and a urine sample. If there are even tiny traces of blood cells in my urine (as there were at one time) they’ll refer me to the hospital for further tests, which is when I’d get the bad news, if any, and make my decision.

Glad you think I sound young, folks,but don’t be deceived – it’s just that I never grew up! I could never take things like job interviews seriously, or indeed any job I was doing, which is why I never earned much money and currently live on the state pension.

CDP, you say a little of what you fancy every day might be the key to longevity. But what do you mean? The smiley you end with suggests what we in the UK call “a bit of the other”! As I explained, I was never going to be a millionaire, and I’d have to be to interest the ladies at my age.Even then, with my high blood pressure I’d be scared to take viagra.

There are loads of jokes about old men, such as:
Old chap of 94 goes to his doctor and says, “Doctor, I want you to give me a thorough checkup, as I’m getting married.”
“Good heavens,I’m surprised you want to get married at your age.”
“Oh, I don’t WANT to!”

Most of the other jokes are unrepeatable.

calmdownplease Says:

Er, Actually I was thinking more along the lines of a favourite drink or food or something like that Dear boy, sauce perhaps, but nothing saucy!


RZ Says:

Congrats to Andy and to the GB Davis Cup Team for their SPOTY awards!

Looking at the roster of the SPOTY nominees, I saw a lot of gold medalists from 2012. Bodes well for Team GB in Rio!

RZ Says:

@Margot: In case you haven’t seen this already:

J-Kath Says:

Well Colin – you sounded like Me…avoiding doctors every which way – maybe I misunderstood -with me same with dentists etc. etc. – in fact one of my sister’s went to my doctor and told him I didn’t want to come as I knew he’d find something wrong with me…..he had a chuckle ….which bought me some time.

However, our NHS system is totally over-loaded …I’ve been waiting 2 days for them to transfer my husband to a more local hospital…and neither of the 2 hospitals seem to find this unusual…and as you indicated, once you are in the system, you are in the system…and nobody authorized to give the patient’s family any information.

Keep well and enjoy your next decades.

Colin Says:

Sorry, CDP, for casting aspersions on your good taste.
Food and drink – rather a sore point right now, as most of the things I liked are off limits. I love coffee, but it raises one’s blood pressure and I’ve managed to give it up. Can’t drink alcohol because I lost my tolerance for it some years ago, and now it just makes me ill. I used to enjoy a Jack Daniel’s.

With food it’s worse, if anything. Pork products are fatty, so a simple old bacon sandwich or a pork pie – off the menu. I was surprised to learn that broccoli, which I ate often, messes up INR blood tests.

Never having smoked, I have a sweet tooth, but chocolate biscuits which I love, are to be avoided because chocolate contains caffeine.
It’s all a bore, but fortunately, though I sneak far too many choccy bikkies and another favourite, battenburg cake, it doesn’t seem to upset the blood readings too much. Thinking about this makes me want to scoff a mince pie NOW! So I will.

Margot Says:

Happy Mid-Winter Festival to all you tennsx lovelies.
Especially lovely are:
Resplendent RZ, comely Kath,circumspect Colin, delicious DA and even controversial CDP.
Almost as lovely are the “Andy second fiddlers”:
Gorgeous GG, far more than OK, outstanding OKgal, judicious jane and honourable, humourous honfleuresse.
Here’s my holiday offering and remember: take care out there people and do it to them before they do it to you.

Gypsy Gal Says:


RZ Says:

Magnificent Margot, Merry Christmas to you!

Happy holidays Tennis-Xers! Have a terrific 2016 and may your favorite tennis player win all the big tournaments as long as your favorite player is Andy Murray. :-)

J-Kath Says:

Dearest Margot

U are the star and may all your days sparkle.


And to all of you seemingly friends seemingly foes – let’s have a “peace” no matter what your faith.

Okie – special for you – I haven’t forgotten my promise – just times are hard right now.

jane Says:

marvelous margot, cheers milady, and many happy returns. i don’t really know what that means, but it sounds awesome. :)
(i like the song too. )

happy holidays to all….

(j-kath hope all goes well.)

Okiegal Says:

Thanks, J-Kath……I am so in hopes your hubby is on the mend!! Have a merry Christmas and a prosperous 2016 to all of my fellow posters, friends and enemies!! LOL That reminds of a joke. A man had been in the hospital for several days and a nurse walked in his room and he said: “friend or enema”! Words of wisdom from the girl from Oklahoma………………..

Remember little doggies…..always drink upstream from the heard and never take a laxative with a sleeping pill……MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Okey dokey????

Okiegal Says:

OOPS…..I used heard in the wrong context, should be herd like a herd of bovines…….

Okiegal Says:

@Mahvelous Margot……Just now read your comment wherein I was mentioned as outstanding! Thank you to Andy’s number one fan. You are a sweetheart! I also think you are everyone’s favorite poster. No one ever gets upset at you. You are so good at putting people in their place without ever offending them. I want to know how you manage to do this?? Am I jealous of this characteristic???
Yes, a wee bit! :) Merry Christmas, Margot!

Margot Says:

Thank you darlings :)
Off now to spend the festive season knee deep in tinsel and excited children.
See you all in the New Year.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

jane Says:

happy christmas okie; i’ll take your advice! ;) :O

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