Andy Murray Says He’s Better Now Than When He Won Wimbledon In 2013

by Tom Gainey | June 22nd, 2015, 10:04 am

After his fourth Queen’s title yesterday, Andy Murray says he’s playing better tennis now than when he won Wimbledon in 2013.

“I think you just have to improve,” said Murray after a 63, 64 win over Kevin Anderson. “Otherwise I wouldn’t still be in the same position. I was ranked, I don’t know, 3, 4 in the world around that time and I’m still there just now. Sport and life and everything moves on. If you don’t continue to improve and get better, there is going to be people that will take your spot.

So I feel like I have improved. Physically I’m definitely in a better place than I was then. Obviously I was having problems with my back around that time. Not so much on the grass but on the other surfaces. And, yeah, I feel like I’m using my variety very well just now, something that maybe I wasn’t the last couple of years. That’s been good for me. Yeah, more experience, more matches. So, yeah. There are a few things I’m doing a little bit better.”

Murray is 20-1 since his April wedding and the last time he won Queen’s he went on to win Wimbledon (2013).

“It’s great preparation obviously,” Murray said. “I think it has only happened six times where someone has won Queen’s and gone on to win. There are no guarantees that winning here, you know, gives you a Wimbledon title.
I need to go out there and earn it. I need to train well the next five, six days, prepare as well as I can. It’s great preparation. It’s a great start to my preparation on the grass. It gives me that little bit of confidence going in there.”

Murray added that with assistant coach Jonas Bjorkman in the stands he’s 9-0.

“So there has obviously been a good start with him, and hopefully that continues,” Murray said. “Obviously I’m not going to stay undefeated with him forever, but I also have to give a lot of credit to Amélie, because a lot of the work I have done with her is paying off. All of the things I have worked on with her, like using my variety is something I have spoken about a lot in the past, that’s things I have been working on with her for quite a while now.”

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112 Comments for Andy Murray Says He’s Better Now Than When He Won Wimbledon In 2013

lyle nubbins Says:

Andy obviously needs to stop saying “obviously” so much

calmdownplease Says:

Yes, obviously :-)

sienna Says:

obviously team Murray and bbc commentators feel he only has to make it in time for finalsday to collect his crown.

Okiegal Says:

I’m glad to see Andy feeling confident…..self confidence is half the battle! C’mon Rafa, get cha’ some of this!!

chris ford1 Says:

A little too early to equate it, but Andy is starting to have Djoker in his head like Fed got Rafa in his. Or Serena got in Sharapova’s. Another 4-5 losses to Nole, if it goes that way, and Andy will wilt at the sight of Djoker across the net, as happened with the other two that got fitted with their Owners dog collar.

But aside from that, Andy is clearly having the best season next to Djokovic and like Fed, Rafa, Stan…he can beat Nole on any given day. Andy is a shot making genius and he has physical gifts that rival Nole and Rafa on defense. So it is certainly not a lost cause. The Nole-Andy rivalry is still on……Obviously….

jane Says:

nice that he credits both ameile and bjorkman. also it’s interesting what he says about improving and how necessary it is. one wonders if that is why some of the other players get stuck, left behind, etc? like dimitrov, for example; has he worked to improve in any way? maybe fitness?

KatH Says:

I doubt that Andy would mind a bit of satire on whether it’s obvious/obviously or not – the question is he says he is better than 2013? Does anyone agree with him or not?

Personally, I doubt he has Nole in his head – previously the stats between them were close to 50-50% – and if Andy is better than 2013 – then we revert to the earlier scenario (for Andy anyway).

Yes, maybe I am prejudiced – but the best performance of Queens and Halle collectively was Andy’s.


Hippy Chick Says:

Hes played some fantastic tennis all year so far,but now needs to back that up by winning another GS,which is lets face it what all players really want,and what really counts….

jalep Says:

Ever since his 250 tournament clay win and his performance at Madrid and FO – I say he is right – better than 2013. He’s confident and that’s evident in how well he’s serving. He’s mentally more squared away than ever: happy with his team; marriage suits him. He’s stronger than Federer or Rafa, imo. He’s also due for a GS win either Wimbledon or US Open. He’s looking great…also due for an AO win too. Any of the above.

Nole is his head? Not sure about that at this point – at least not at Wimbledon. Considering what Nole just went through :( not sure about what to think. All I know is that I’m not over it…

Hippy Chick Says:

Andy hasnt beaten Novak for two years last time was W in 2013,so i think that qualifies now that Novak is unfortunatly in his head,and sorry close matches mean nothing,a loss is still a loss whichever way you slice it….

Hippy Chick Says:

Jalep sorry dont understand what do you mean when you say what Nole just went through,and your not over it?no harm or foul….

Okiegal Says:

Well let’s all badger Andy about the word “obviously”……who in the heck even cares about the words he chooses to use in an interview. He’s got some game going on atm winning a couple of tournaments….so it’s time to criticize him. This happens a lot…….ridiculous!! The best line in the TV series Lonesome Dove when Augustus says: “I will not tolerate rude behavior in a man”….something along those lines. Best western ever!! I wish Gus could do something about rudeness on this forum!!

Hippy Chick Says:

Okie lol aint that the truth,personally i can wake up in a morning in a good mood,and ive just had a lovely holiday,read the posts on this forum,and boom my day is spoilt….

jalep Says:

Another FO final loss still stings, Hippy Chick.

Nothing against Stan. Very happy for him, in fact.

But had such great hopes up for getting the missing GS title for Nole.

So not sure what shape Nole will turn up in at Wimbledon. I’m not expecting much. It’s no big deal if he wins another Wimbledon or double digits in GS’s. Just wanted the FO title for him and to a far lesser extent, Cincinnati.

Andy will be my bracket pick for Wimbledon Final. I like how he’s playing right now.

jane Says:

jalep, 100% agree with you, as usual. very unsure what to expect but my expectations are not “high.” feel the same about “wants” too.

Okiegal Says:

@Chick….I took jalep’s comment to mean Novak losing the FO and she’s having a tough getting over it?? I might be wrong, but she will let you know. That was my take on it, we will see!!

I know exactly what you mean….the TX forum can turn a great day into crap!! If it gets too bad, we have that choice to stay away, which you have done lately.

Okiegal Says:

Sorry, jalep slow keyboardist, but I was right, for a change! Didn’t mean to answer for you!

Hippy Chick Says:

Jalep fair enough,but winning and losing is all part of sport,and he won back the AO,so you must be happy with that?Andy has been RU at the AO 4 times now,and as hes my second favorite so that stings too,i would like Rafa to win a WTF that stings too,its tough been a fan sometimes,i try and look at what they have got,rather than getting hung up on what they havent….

Hippy Chick Says:

Okie it seems the taxi driver has vanished,crude and smutty have no placing on a tennis forum IMO….

Hippy Chick Says:

Jalep if you put up a link for a bracket challenge you can count me in,as i doubt Kimberly will do one….

jalep Says:

Well it is really special to have a tennis career with all 4 different GS’s. I’d wish that for him over 10 AO’s or whatever. The Cincinnati title would be a plus. I’m sure if Rafa was one short of having all 4, you’d want the same. Rafa has all 4 differt GS’s and then some.

Nole getting more GS’s than everyone…I don’t care about that. It becomes ludicrous and unreasonable as a fan. Someone has to lose, win, blah blah…

It’s the FO that is missing. That’s my feeling and opinion as a Nole fan. He wants it bad himself…is what I also feel. You disagree with me…no problem.

Rich Says:

Totally disagree with Murray saying he is better now than in 2013.

He could beat the Big 4 in 2013 – he beat Roger in Melbourne and Djokovic at Wimbledon. He’s proven this year he cannot beat Djokovic anywhere (0-4), Nadal is a dried up, shrunken shell husk of his 2013 version and Federer is even older, even slower and even less of a GS threat now than then.

Murray has played great tennis this spring, but I still don’t think his footspeed is back to 100% off of the late 2013 back surgery, he appears to inhabit the Berdych 2nd level of top players zone, and he no longer has Lendl….

Hippy Chick Says:

Jalep yeah fair enough and true,i would swap 1 FO for 1 WTF,which Rafa gets crucified all the time for not winning….

jalep Says:

Hippy Chick. sure…I will work on getting the link and a group, maybe of us two for Wimbledon ATP and WTA. Tournytopia aka Tennis Channel is the one we had our ATP 1000 bracket challenge in. There is not an ATP 1000 bracket challenge anymore but they do the GS’s.

Then we both had pictures and profiles on Global Tennis Network.

I’ll see if I can figure it out. But my username will be different because my old email is gone. Maybe i’ll try contessador again……..anyway. Give me a day or two.

Hippy Chick Says:

^And for what its worth,i think its more likely that Novak will eventually win a FO,than it is about Rafa winning a WTF,before both are done^….

Hippy Chick Says:

I need a better picture that is for sure lol….

Gee Says:

If choker djoker had gotten his head screwed on like a lightbulb, he wouldn’t have tanked the 2013 Wimbledon.
Murray’s very nice compared to Freddy, but djoker would be owning 12 slams if he had not been so scared of winning against Rafa and his buddies Murray & Stan.
When I mention legend djoker, i don’t mean someone like Hewitt and safin who barely showed up to compete. The worst Wimbledon of the last 15 years was the one Hewitt got a cake walk in. Safin was very lucky since Fred smugly hit a between leg shot to the net in the 2005 Australian open. Kuerten was great on clay especially, but he was gone by 2005. Rogifred had the nerve to praise his man roddick for being the worst mannered one trick pony in tennis history. Coincidence?

KatH Says:

“Totally disagree with Murray etc. etc.”
RICH that is rich!!!! (PS: couldn’t resist).

PPS: Berdych says: “Thank goodness someone recognises how good I am.”

Agree with Happy Chick: Nole will get FO next year. Rafa will get Aus. but doubt he will ever get WTF – doubt Murray will either.

KatH Says:

Commentators started with their Wimb. picks:

Barry Cowan has Nole, Roger, Andy, Rafa equal – (allowing for draw)
Berdych is his 5th choice.

Hippy Chick Says:

KatH like your summary,but its all another year away,and things get harder not easier with every year,ill enjoy the here and the now,might be well away from this stupid forum though sometimes….

calmdownplease Says:

`Andy hasnt beaten Novak for two years last time was W in 2013,so i think that qualifies now that Novak is unfortunatly in his head..`

Only because of the surgery and Novak moving on, while he was trying to just get back on.
He understands that (it’s common sense) and now he’ll feel he’s almost ready and I think he is
Nadal was in Murray’s head, as he beat him irrespective of any surgical comeback, unlike Novak. I think Novak won’t have it his own way if they meet on the grass.
If both get there that is.
And if they do Im expecting a few `performances` during proceedings from Novak also.

calmdownplease Says:

And if Roger DOESN’T make it 18 are his loyal fans going to finally accept that time waits for no one?

Klaas Says:

I like both Andy and Novak a lot, but I think Andy has the edge in Wimbledon. His backhand is marginally better than Novaks,his volleys are better, and he has dramatically upped his serve procent.
After his match in RG, I am sure Andy believes that if he can go toe to toe with Novak on clay, he will have an edge on grass. Mentally he will be ready to defeat Novak.

KatH Says:

@ Happy Chick

All I can tell you Hippy Chick is that this “forum” is way superior to (which I sometimes read – never comment) – there are so many nutcases on it – the extremity of some of the remarks make me wonder are these people real.

sienna Says: is far bigger then Tx.
Atp level compaired challenger level.
dont agree with nutcases on this site.

sienna Says:

time waits for no man CDP.

But no man can addept better to time then Federer is doing. Better then Nadal who has more trouble adjusting problems instigated by time. heck Nadal cant even deliver his next serve on time let alone find ways to deal with slowing down.

Nitesh Says:

Andy feels better in 2015 good for him

Nitesh Says:

Andy = Djokovic > Federer > Wawranika> Raonic > Nadal
My Wimbledon favourites

Hippy Chick Says:

CDP true,and i hope your right,but enoughs enough he needs to do it,rather than just talking about doing it….

Hippy Chick Says:

Nitesh i would be surprised if it was anyone else other than one of the ones you mentioned,except possibly Raonic….

Giles Says:

sienna. Lets have a role reversal here, fed with Rafa’s history of injuries and Rafa injury free. How do you like them apples, eh?

skeezer Says:

If a woulda and a shouldas made up records then it woulda and shoulda been so.
But woulda’s and shoulda’s don’t make up records, only one’s actual achievements and accomplishments do.

elina Says:

Exactly @skeezer.

How many times have I heard of all the French Open titles Federer would have if it wasn’t for that darn moon-balling dirt baller Nadal.

How else could he be considered the second best clay courter of all time by some with just one French slam to his name, am I right?

sienna Says:

Federer did have in or better said illnesses that kept him from winning slams.

it starts end of 07 with mono diagnose in januari 08 still elected to play on. against docters advice probably risking health issues and losing semi final against djokovic (slam1), He never truly recovered that year. The fact he made finale in next two was aan testament for his fighting skills. we can clearly state that wimbly 08 is lost due mono (slam2), incredible mindset and selfbelief gave him USopen. Still hè tried the up his fysicall levelmaintaining a full schedule so much that he got serious back problem that cost him Australië 09 (slam3), after that was sorted he was back at his dominant place winning 3 out of next 4. with losing to delpo boy wonder being 2 points from victory people keep saying he should not have lost that one.
but I wont count that loss as a result of sickness.

dominant fed was back where he wanted killing of Murray and djokovic at will Nadal couldnot bring himself to the table because his b game is just not good enough.
afterAustralië 10 he was dealt with lung infection that clearly had its effects onhis slam results the remainer of the year. he never truly could get himself back into slamwinning state. We safely can count wimbly and US 10 as missed slams. A fit Federer would have taken the MP at US open (slams 4 and 5).
2011 well he put it on the line in semi taking outDjokovic in his best form injured his back in progress that cost him his biggest chance against Nadal and of cost him wimbly 11 (slams 6 and 7)

I believe without these injury Federer would have taken 5 out of those 7 slams… maybe more.

skeezer Says:

Exactly @elina
Don’t think he is concerned about being the best Clay courter, ….now the GOAT, 17 still remains.👍

pitchaboy Says:

That is a lot of ifs and buts and some wishful thinking. Federer peak was 2004 to 2007; after that it is slow dwindles. Neither Novak nor Rafa dominated all around for as long Federer did as evidenced by triple slam winning for three years and numbers of weeks at No. 1. More than his slam count, the reason he is the GOAT is his ability to stay at No.2 at the age of 33 and beating guys 10 years younger than him with significant ease.

Giles Says:

Oh so now we have a detailed list of fictitious injuries/illnesses for fed!! LMAO

Giles Says:

Let’s not forget that Fed’s rise to #2 was entirely by default due to Nadal not being able to compete for the best part of 2014.
We’ve been through this in great length last year. Short memory?

elina Says:

Many agree with your assessment of what defines GOAT.

Many do not.

But yes we can all agree who owns the most slams.

He coulda shoulda had quite a few more on ALL surfaces if it wasn’t for his inability to beat Nadal at slams on any surface in his last six tries after turning the ripe old age of 26, only two of which were on clay.

But as you say, coulda woulda.

Oh well.

(@sienna, you forgot SARS and bird flu)

skeezer Says:

Many do not.
Most do.

elina Says:

pitchaboy, yes it is interesting how he is ablt to do this at almost 34.

mat4 might have some helpful insights on this perhaps.

Margot Says:

KatH: I don’t know when I’ve seen Andy looking so happy, relaxed, bouncy and confident on court! Plus a)his serve seems suddenly rocking b) he’s playing with tremendous variety and c) combining this with aggressive play when necessary.
And, as Andy is not one to big himself up, if he thinks he’s playing better, who are we to argue?
Let’s Go Andy. Let’s Go!

Colin Says:

For years we were constantly told that Andy’s problems were mental rather than technical. Now he exhibits confidence and even a bit of swagger, and still the critics aren’t satisfied.

Anyway, the draw’s out tomorrow, so we can have endless (and pointless) discussion as to who has a tough draw and who a soft one.

One forecast it is safe to make – there will be some rain interruptions at Wimbledon.

Daniel Says:


Nadal competes the first half of 2015 and he is #8 in the race with his best resulta being 3 finals: 1 Masters lost and 2 titles in 250 tourneys. He is basically a no show all season. If he would be that good he would have taken #2, but his resulta are low top 10, as his rabkings show.


And some consider Djoko the second best clay courter with no French Open titles?!?!

Daniel Says:

Also, Fed has the second best win/loss ratio of top 10 this tear second only to Novak. He is even unlucky that he wasn’t avle to play Nadal yet whom everybody is getting a piece of nowadays: 2 consecutive losses to Verdadco, 2 consecutive losses to Dolgo, 2 consecutive losses to Wawa, 2 consecutive losses to Djoko 2 consecutive losses to Murray (i know one was an exo, but still;-).

All jocking aside, hope they meet in the second half when the courts are faster and maybe a US Open encounter as they are yet to meet there.

Giles Says:

Daniel. I’m not going to get involved in an argument with you when so far as I’m concerned there ain’t one. Suffice to say that due to Rafa’s injuries last year and his operation he has not been able to get back to his best due to lack of practice and lack of matches. The op took a lot more out of him than people realise. How many matches has he played this year? Not many. He’s had early exits in too many tourneys which consequently affects the confidence factor.
Fed is healthy and you are happy. That’s all that matters to you, eh?

Giles Says:

Daniel. Stop being so childish. You don’t have to gloat over Rafa’s losses when really he himself wasn’t expecting to do well in any single tournament. Read his pressers!
So tell me Daniel, how many more Grand Slams are you expecting fed to win? 3, 4, 5??? ROTFL!

elina Says:

Yes Daniel, it is too bad Roger couldn’t make it to the USO party on the faster courts where Nadal was waiting for him in 2013.

pitchaboy Says:

“Fed’s rise to N0.2 was by default because of Rafa’s baD 2014”: Ridiculous.
Rafa is not going to have another good year, it is curtains for the guy except may be at FO (which is also doubtful). Rafa will linger in the top ten for a while and then disappear.

pitchaboy Says:

Optimistically speaking Fed and Rafa may have 1 more GS left in them, likely none. If Fed does not get one this year, he is done. Rafa has a shot at FO next year, maybe, and then it is curtains.

Daniel Says:

Nadal is declining since last year. He won Garros and Madrid (by default) and of course had bad injuries at the end of the year. But hos year was already so so for his standards losing a lot of finals. Being fit is part of sports he is 29 now for the second time in his career not having a Slam after 4 played, the only other time was from RG 2009 to AO 2010. But back them
He was young.

There is nothing in his game that sugest his is coming back to #2 any time soon if ever. Of course the core of his game is there and he’ll win more matches tha lose but he now is not consistant and he misses twice as more as in the past. With age advancing don’t see him muchnofma factor in Slams anymore. Specially with lower rankings.
That’s my take. He will need luck to win more Slams, same as for Fed whoch I think will not win anymore Slams. Maybe just 1 of everything aligns for him. Being #2 there is always a chamce and if the other falter and he somehow end up having to play Raonic, Nishikori, Berdych or even Murray in a final I fancy his chances there. Djoko and Wawa are going to be much tougher for him going on and Nadal versus Fed as it is now (with Nadal decline) is a big question mark. Nadal can wins as in the past or if he plays the way he did most of the year. Fed can win (which he always could in the past). No wonder he is the second with most wins versus Nadal.

jane Says:

rafa has a 33-10 win/loss record this year, so he’s played 43 matches. for comparison’s sake, fed has a 34-6 win/loss, for 40 matches; murray has a 36-6 win/loss, for 42 matches; and novak has a 41-3 win/loss, for 44 matches: with 1 slam and 4 masters novak’s played only 1 more match than rafa. all things considered, rafa’s played quite a bit but i think the south american swing really adds a lot of matches to his schedule. also rafa seems to prefer playing more than less, doesn’t he?

Daniel Says:


Agree entirelly. Fed last real shot woth his form and ranking is this Wimbledon. But anyhting cab happen. Imagine if Murray beats Djoko in Wimbledon final. Djoko would devasted for yet another year losing Slam finals and could be not a force in US Open as hos record there is not the greatest. Suddelny US Open is going to be wide open. So Fed has this next two Slams where he can deliver. AO and RG is gone for him and by the time Wimbledon next year he will be 34 almost 35. So this next 2 are it for him.

Also agree ref Nadal. To. Me he is not a factor this nor US Open where almaot all top 10 will have chances against him and we have to know where his rabkings will be. His next real shot is RG next year but a lot can happen in between and we don’t know if he is going to get beter or not. As much as some are optimist there is a possiblity that he declines even more.

Daniel Says:

Jane I think Nadal is 33-11. Forget to add Queens loss

Maybe as Nadal is losing early in tourneys he is goign to last all year. Usually henplayed almost all European clay matches. They all played the same amount but as he lost ealry a few times seems he is more rested, also mentally rested as well. Whereas Djoko must be the most mentally spent of the 4.

This Wimby will answer some questions ref Big 4. If Djoko win, he rebounced quickly after RG defeat ans is ready to dominate the year; if Murray wins he get right in contention and could finally be #1, if Fed wins #18 and pretty much setted the GOAT debate for good. It will be baaiclaly unreacheble for Nadal if this happens; if Nadal wins, silence of critics, sabes his year and gets back to GOAThood and being the Nadal of old. Placing a lof og egg in some ceitica face, mine included as I would be utterly shocked if he wins Wimbledon beating any of the other Big 4. Can’t seem him beating Djoko and Murray on grass of he lost to them on clay. Even Fed at this point would be hard for him, HxH and mental dominane aside.

Daniel Says:

The good for Nadal is he is playing closer to baseline, but his retunr on grass is not effective. He needs time to return which clay allows him to so he will have trouble and he needs to have a Troucki serving day all tournament which is vert hard to imagine for him. So he will have some roller coaster matches but ig he finds ways to win and maybe a good draw he always has a chance. 14 Slams says that, but judging form, confidence, etc.. Don’t see it!

Daniel Says:


Wimbledon draw is already out tomorrow? Thought it was only seeds and draw on Friday.

jane Says:

thanks daniel; i don’t know. i just took those numbers from the ATP site.

sienna Says:

Can somebody please explaine to Giles how ranking works and the race. maybe how they differ from eachother and what comparisons can be made.

I know we have to do it every screaming year but maybe somebody can finally create some magic or breakthrough so even he understands how it all works.

sienna Says:

you can see now why high win% is not saying so much. Als few years of 75% even on clay might bring the numbers down in alle hurry.
of course Im delighted fed turned his below 80% 2013 year into an above followed by another won.
Ik fancy him to up his game and have aan killing second part better then last year!

His trend till date is better so why not.

sienna Says:

especially with cilic on a delpo run after slamchamp. his best chance might be us open but he wants only 1 crown.

Rishi Says:

The best way to explain to Giles is….not to explain at all.

Each one has their own opinion/frame of mind. It’d be good not to force ours on the others.

We all have disagreements. Just have a healthy debate and move on.

@ Daniel

Only the seedings tomorrow. The draw will be only on Friday, as mentioned in the site (June 26).

Giles Says:

The draw is on Friday, the seedings out tomorrow.

Rishi Says:

@ Margot, Kath, Hippy Chick….

Did you get your tickets for Wimby this year? I am looking at Andy in the final, at-least the semis. With his good form and recent run of events, it might we worth getting them now.

Margot Says:

Hi Rishi. Amazingly have got tickets for the second Monday! Hoping to see Andy of course. But went last year and saw excellent matches anyway. Going to the Davis Cup against France which is at Queens.
You could only get tickets for the semis or final now if you are prepared to pay a small fortune, A grand and the rest at least.
I entered the ballot and got lucky! Yay!

Daniel Says:


Second Monday is awesome, all R16 play.

I was there in 2009 and it was great. But had to leave early and didn’t catch the end of Murray x Wawa which was a classic.

KatH Says:

Agree totally Margo – Murray really believes and he has the right to his belief…would be false modesty if he didn’t and Jonas can barely contain his excitement.

The “could have, should have, will do/not do” scenarios are very selective (some based on “Rock of Ages”).

Love your enthusiasm. Convinced Andy will give his very excellent best at Wimbledon.

KatH Says:

Rishi – oh I wish – I even have free accommodation in London (friend from “salad days”) – but home responsibilities + property development schedules – but I have a vow – 2016 is when I must do it MY WAY.

sienna Says:

every year wimbledon get stick for second sunday with no play but second monday is highly anticipated with nadalino probably seeded 9-16 making monday potential d day.

other you might want to think about is scheduling with Nadal seeded #10. Who gets bumped out of showcourts?

Murray/Federer will 100% play center or court 1.
Djokovic plays as defending champ on center R1. so ample room for other higher ranked players. controversy material with big ego’s and oldscole values….

Hippy Chick Says:

I wish i was as good at predicting the future as some people here are,stating their own personal opinions as bona fide facts,or is it just that people seem to love making other people miserable?….

Colin Says:

Daniel, you’re probably right. I don’t know why I thought the draw was tomorrow.

They’ll have to use a good deal of guesswork deciding where to seed Rafa.

Rich Says:


It’d be great if you explained why you disagree with me opining “Totally disagree with Murray saying he is better now than in 2013.”

I at least provided some of my reasons. Out of respect, it be fair if you did the same when you disagree.

chris ford1 Says:

Daniel – More than a lucky Slam win makes for a career on clay. Right now, only two active players are in the Top 10 in the Open Era in winning percent. Nadal, obviously, and Djokovic. There is only one player that has deeply worried Rafa and Uncle Toni on clay since around 2009, and beaten Rafa at all 4 major clay court events. Djokovic.

Love how various fans talk about how each of the big stars of the ATP will be totally devastated and their whole season ruined if the “FAIL to win”. It is a very competitive time in pro tennis. You can see 5-6 guys winning and it would be no surprise, another 7-8 where it would be considered always possible..A big surprise is more likely at Wimbledon than any other Slam. Ask Bartoli and Goran about that..And there is always a chance an Isner or some other servebot will have his day and take out a star.
What fans overlook is why there is a Top 4. It isn’t on Slamcount achieved each year. It is very tough to be the last of 128 talented and mostly dedicated to the bone pros. The quality of competition is up considerably since 2008. It the Top 4 is about being able to play on all 4 surfaces with sustained excellence.

You have to chuckle a bit at the picture selection for this article. Theme is Andy is better than ever, while an intent Novak looks over his shoulder.

Hippy Chick Says:

Rishi no unfortunatly not,but ive put it on my bucket list to go one day,ive done a couple of things and one was to learn tai chi,visit Glastonbury,visit the stones in Avebury which i have all done,visit Stonehenge,the native American Indian reserve ,and Wimbledon which i havent done yet,anyway if Rafa doesnt win W which according to some he has no chance of doing anyway,i would love Murray to win it again,as im British and half Scottish anyway,nice chatting thanks ;-)….

jalep Says:

Daniel. Hardly ever do I disagree with you. But about Rafa in decline I must. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if he regains #1 and has more GS winning form coming his way soon – or, at least, over the next few years. I think Rafa wasn’t playing that bad last Wimbledon after his FO win. He just got caught by surprise by Kyrgios.

Look at what happened to Stan Wawrinka at age 29. He never won a masters 1000, let alone a GS but suddenly like out of the blue…AO, Monte Carlo, FO and who knows what else to come?

I think we could see more transformations occur late in athletes careers. Youngsters are really up against it entering pro tennis.

anyway, changing the subject: here’s a 17 yr old from the US – won his first atp main draw match in Nottingham today – congrats!—nottingham-2015

Taylor also was runner-up at FO boys final this year. His dad coaches him and said he didn’t reach his full height until age 22 – his son is already 6’4″ at 17. Maybe another big serve and big forehand, we’ll see.

Also Genie Bouchard won her match v Alison Riske in Eastbourne. Signs of life maybe?

jalep Says:

Now have even more reasons to be jealous of Margot…

and Daniel…Wimbledon 09′. Murray v Wawa – remember it well.

Daniel Says:

Chris ford. Djoko may beat Nadal on clay the next 10 times they play. If he enda his career with 0 Garros. To me he is not better then Fed kn the surface. What matters is winning the big titles. Fed had his single oportunity in 2009 and he grab it. could have lost to Hass and DelPo but he didn’t. He found a way.

Djoko didn’t found a way agaisnt Wawa. That loss still linger to me. The more I thought about the less I want to thibk about it because I was 95% sure Djoko would win that match. That is separte the greats.

And frustration play a lot for this players. Last year Djoko bouce back at Wimbledon. Hope he can do it again this year.


Where did I say what I think is a fact. Everything we post here apart from stats or recorda are “opinions”. My opinion is that Nadal is declining since last year when he start losing more final, his resulta so far corroborare that idea. He has 1 Masters Titles in last 2 years and not holding one of the 4 Slams, is 29 yld and never had he missed so much UE as it is now. Almost double what he have per match compared on average wifh his career. He made his name out of mental tenacity and abukity to keep the ball in play and not miss anyhting forcing the other guy to miss. If he lost both this assets (he himself said his confidence is not there and is having nerves in clutch times) plus error count, don’t know what can he do. He has to recover confidence and decrease error count and at his age plus 700+ matches and more than 12 years on tour is very hard to do. Not everybody is Federer and neither him is not winning Slams anymore.

Daniel Says:

Let’s wait and see. Don’t want to brag bit early last year I said that if Fed and Nadal ended 2014 with 17-14 or 17-13 probably Nadal would never catch Federer.

Than this year I said it was un realistically to expect him ti win AO which he lost.

Than he had a lousy clau season and I said Djoko was favorite over him and if they play he would beat Nadal. I even soend 400 Euro in a ticket and flew to Paris the minute the draw came out because I knew Djoko would Nadal and I would be there to watch. Got my wosh come true but Djoko lost what matters most in the end😜

I could be just “lucky” with my predictions but they just don’t come out of nowhere, it is about analsying the game and what is happening.

I also said this year that Djoko would win 2 or more Slams and stand by it. still think he can take the next two and said he could finish this year with Double digits.

The only way I don’t see him winning one more Slam this year is if the RG final lingers more than some thought, which we’ll know pretty shortly.

So, whenever you sread aomebody saying something “bad” about Nadal not everybody thinks is a fact. That is the provlem with writen word, peiple tend to project whatever they Re feeling towards that situation.

The greta about this site is that we can express what we feel and based that on fact, stats, records, gut feelings and whatever. We can discuss, change opinios or not or agree to desagree. Is not just because it’s writtens is fact.

Daniel Says:

For example, my mind know 95% that Fed won’t win another major based on everyhting that is happening, his current results, lost of power strokes, habing some
Bad days out of nowhere, age and ao on. But part of me feels he still has 1 big win left in him and I am going to stick to that thought. Most may say it’s not going to happnen as ot was writtenn here ad nauseam but thenpossibility is there. Same with Nadal.

He will always gonna have chances in Garros for example. But Wimbledon I still think Fed has a better shot than him.

Hippy Chick Says:

Daniel i respect you as a poster,but Youve completely written him off for the whole year,saying he wont be a factor here,there or anywhere,i just think its possible that things can go one way or the other,no harm or foul youve made your point,but theres no need to revel in the misery of others,for the record i dont recall ever trashing the achievements of other players your personal favorites that is….

Daniel Says:

Chris ford,

Also don’t agree that Wimbledon is more open than other Slams. So far this is the only major dominated by Big 4 since 2003. Ivanisevic days are over. Big serves can have 1 semis spor but that is about it. raonic is the o ly one who can win it in a near future (not now just returning from injury) because he has more game than other giants. Even Garros gor the Nada- Fed duopoly broken and not by other big 4. The only open Slam is US Open.

Wimbledon os going to be won by Djoko, Murray or Fed. no way Wawa, Berdych, Nihaikori can beat 2 of tham on grass. They are just better.

Maybe Wawa has a shot and Nadal if somehow he finds a US Open 2013 form which he doesn’t reach in a long long time.

Oh, and regaridn theme of this thread, here is everybody is. Nobody carea for threada themes, we want to post where people are posting and discussing. The topisc are just for the get go.

Daniel Says:


I didn’t trash his achievements, I am trashing his “future” achievements 😜which, by what I see for 1 and half year is not looking good. He can rebounce in short time but is not as easy as some think.

Look at Murray, he recover from after surgery had a so so 2014 and is having a excellent 2015. If not for Djokovic he could be #1 and maybe even had 2 Slams. Maybe he coudo have played Wawa a hit different. We qould never know. But even with hos comeback Djoko was there and he couldn’t silve him
Yet. Alao he didn’t face Fed this year.

So even if Nadal found his form suddenly can have another player bothering him.

Look at Djoko, he solve Murray is almost reverting HxH versus both Fed and Nadal (1 win shy of Fed and 2 from Nadal) but suddenly wawa came of age and bang, beat him in 2 of the last 6 Slams and they are having marathon matches almost all Slams they play. Tennis always have this challengers which makes for a most intriguing year. It’s kind of one os retrofeeding the other.

Hippy Chick Says:

Daniel fair enough,im probably not the right type of person or criteria for a tennis site,way too emotional sorry shouldnt have said anything,i wont bother to post anymore,ill leave you all to it….

Daniel Says:


you are perfect for blogging, much better than me because you interact with more people and post regularly.

It’s just that written word is tricky, we tend to interpret what feel about subject or person. Sometime we don’t know the tone which it’s said.

chris ford1 Says:

There never was a Federer-Nadal “duopoly” at Roland Garros, Daniel.

Daniel Says:

One guy made 9 finals and 9 titles, the other 5 finals 1 titles plus 2 semis, in a spam of 10 years. So yes, it is a duopoly. At least the closest we got to it, as only Nadal and Federer have won it until Wawa won this year. Until somebody knew wins Wimbledon, I will go with top 3 right now and Nadal a distant 4. Wimbledon is just to important, too much pedigree to be won by outsiders. The top dogs won’t allow it.

Murray and Fed play all season to win Wimbledon, there eis their mainly goal. Even Djoko before he won it said so, but now his focus is Garros. And Nadal also prefer Wimbledon above the other HC’s slams, even with his recent bad results. That is why Wimbledon is the Slam with the least list of different winners through out history, It’s the one who matters most and the best players won it most of the time.

You can count in 2 hands the number of single winners, compared that to the other 3 Slams and the number is twice or 3 times more.

Maybe somebody can search it.

jane Says:

margot lucky you re: second monday at wimbledon; wowsers! should be an amazing lineup.

jalep Says:

Well there isn’t a thread it seems for the current ATP/WTA matches. Or, it got buried somewhere.

Heather Watson is sure fired up. She beat Lepchenko yesterday and took out Svitolina today – watching the replay of the match now – it’s some great hitting.

Happy to see the Dog made it past Pablo Honey today in Nottingham. (Dolgopolov d. Pablo Andujar.)

Wow, Taylor Fritz beat Carren-Busta. Maybe shouldn’t be surprising since the young man Taylor says his game is for grass.

Teenager Alexander Zverev d. Tomas Bellucci, too.

These teenagers are going to take over… someday.

Daniel Says:

I mean in the open era when I said least number of different winners.

I am checking it right now and it is as follows

One time different Slam Winners per Slam:

– Wimbeldon: 10 different Players with 1 title (if we remove Laver, 9)
– US Open: 18 different Players with 1 title (if we remove Laver and Newcombe which won prior to Open Era it is 16)
– Australian: 13 different players with 1 title (remove Laver and is 12)
– Roland Garros: 18 different Players (if we remove Laver, 17).

Wimbledon is the hardest to win, followed by Australia, than US Open and than RG, and mainly because Nadal won 9 of the last 11 times otherwise there would be more different RG winners. But that is expected as clay it’s more “specific” court which was dominated by clay court specialist. Only exception would be Agassi and Federer who play an aggressive game and Borg in the past due to his Wimby results.

Daniel Says:

Australia could also have fewer players winning because some didn’t go there beginning of Open era, while US Open was always well contested.

Rishi Says:

@ Margot…..awesome. Very happy for you. If I am not mistaken, that’s the day where perhaps all the Men’s R16 matches take place. Great that the Davis cup will be played on grass. GB has to be favorite for that. I hope you got the tickets for Center Court. Heard they are insanely expensive, not to mention SF or F match days.

I wish I could come. Maybe next yr. Want to see Fed play at-least once, hopefully in Wimby.

@ Kath….that is great. While we watch on TV, occasionally they show Henman Hill, or Murray Mount as some call it. I hope you’ll be waving to all the Tennis-X fans from there.

Rishi Says:

@ Hippy….Ah, I wish you would. If I had a chance, I’d love to go watch Fed in R1 or R2, just because I know that he has a good chance to win, and more than likely, on Center Court. I hope there is still a chance to get tickets for Rafa’s match, for which you should try for in the first week. See him win, enjoy Strawberries with cream, take a few selfies, etc.

Margot Says:

Only CC tickets for Davis Cup, as only one match is played at a time. And they are indeed more expensive than my Wimbledon ones! :0
Was hoping to see Monfils, as I’ve never seen him “live” but alas, I think he’s injured. That might, however, be good for team GB.;)
Can’t see us winning, whatever. Just too much strength in depth from the French.

KatH Says:

Rich – Just saw your request re. Andy. My answer is twofold: I think Andy is as good as, even better than 2013 because of his FO match against Nole and because the huge variety in his game as seen against Anderson at Queens. He is responding well to both his Coaches – e.g. more aggressive…

More importantly, Andy is self-critical and if he says he’s better, then he’s better.

You don’t have to agree – vive la difference!

Margot Says:

Well, I agree with you KatH :)
He just seems so relaxed and happy on court and these days seems to be able to put missed shots/opportunites right behind him, as we saw, and Ben even commented on this and he ain’t no Andy fan, against Rafa.

Rishi Says:

@ Margot:

:O. Who would’ve thought the DC tix would be more expensive. Boy, Monfils not playing is always good gor GB. Never know which Gael shows up. Happy watching!!

addicted Says:

@Giles “Let’s not forget that Fed’s rise to #2 was entirely by default due to Nadal not being able to compete for the best part of 2014.”

You do realize that even if you take away Federer’s USO points, he is still ranked ahead of Nadal right?

Heck, if Federer had missed both USO AND Wimbledon last year, he would STILL be ranked ahead of Nadal right now.

Hippy Chick Says:

Daniel@6.36pm June 23rd from you first sentence i very much doubt that?….

piyush chauhan Says:

may the best man win

piyush chauhan Says:

roger that

sienna Says:

Murphy claims he is better then 2013. I give him that but Federer could easiley claim the same and more.
So what is the point in this built up. Looks like he is blowing smoke up his own arse to make something happening for start of Wimbly.
He still lost 0 and 1 last time they meet.
He still bows out come fifth set knocking.
He moans and groans with every point lost…

Rich Says:

KatH (and Margot): Thanks for getting back to me on why you think Andy 2015 is better than Andy 2013.

We do disagree, and that’s fine, but I remind you that since his 2013 back surgery, Andy is 0-8 against Djokovic, and 0-3 against a Federer In Decline (“F.I.D.erer”).

In 2012-2013, Andy was battling Novak at 50%, and performing similarly against Roger.

Andy 2015 is playing great tennis, but I think he’s 2 levels below 2013, both due to a possible loss of core strength from the back surgery (I’m playing doctor, here), and the loss of Lendl and his potbelly. That said, Murray is my 2nd choice to win Wimbledon, and I don’t have a 3rd one (Berdych is my “4th”), so it’s a 2 horse race.

Jock-KatH Says:

Trying my new name

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