Rafael Nadal Temporarily Closes Down His Academy Due To Coronavirus
Rafael Nadal announced today that he is shutting down his academy in Mallorca to help slow the spread of the Coronavirus.
Nadal said the kids there will be looked after and to prevent infection, no one will be permitted to enter the academy from the outside.
Hello all,
I hope you are well in these complicated times.
As you know, the circumstances at the Academy are very particular as throughout the year young players of 42 different nationalities reside here.
For various family and logistical reasons, many of them have stayed here and it is our duty and responsibility to look after them and that is what I have told their parents.
It the last few hours we have been in contact with the Superior Sports Council and the Balearic Islands’ Regional Ministry of Health in order to adopt the suitable measures that are in line with the current law. The outcome of these conversations has allowed some coaching and support staff, as well as cleaning personnel, who have all volunteered, to confine themselves within the facilities in order to be able to look after these players who have to stay at the Academy during this time.
On Saturday, the Academy closed to the public, the adult residencies, the gym, the museum, the shop and the restaurant, such that the players and volunteer staff who are now confined to the premises are the only people on site. Nobody from outside can enter and thus we are able to try and avoid any possible infection from the outside.
I would like to take this opportunity to put the parents’ minds at rest and to tell you all that your children are being very well looked after by a great team that is giving their all every single minute to take care of their health. I know you want to be with your children and we hope that moment will arrive soon.
I would also like to encourage you to stay at home. These are difficult times but together we will come through them.
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