Roger Federer’s Twin Girls Watch Daddy Win Basel [Video]

by Tom Gainey | November 7th, 2010, 10:04 pm

It’s a first for me seeing video footage of Roger Federer’s adorable twin daughters. The Federer girls, Myla Rose and Charlene Riva, were courtside today to watch daddy capture his 65th career title beating Novak Djokovic in the Swiss Indoors final in Basel.

In the video the 1-year-old twins appearing to be taking apart the stadium box their in. Luckily, if any damage was done I’m sure the Roger can foot the bill. Mommy Mirka doesn’t seem to be worried.

My apologies if this footage was taken earlier in the week and not today but I believe this video is from the awards ceremony.

If you haven’t seen Federer’s girls in action here they are:

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35 Comments for Roger Federer’s Twin Girls Watch Daddy Win Basel [Video]

Sara Says:

How cute!

killerc Says:

future doubles champs! XD

Cynthia Says:

If someone’s child isn’t cute then I will not lie and say that he/she is cute. But these twin daughters of roger Federer are absolutely beautiful. And they are cute. I would love to see if they do grow up anf play tennis. If they played and had Federer (the greatest player in history) coaching them, imagine how talented they’d be. They’d be the winningest doubles team ever. Sorry Bob & Mike Bryan. You’d have some some competition there.

Rita Says:

its probably been said, but they look so much like him, especially around their mouths, adorable and precies…………….;

Ela Says:

I mean no disrespect but seriously they look like twin boys not girls. Too much Federer in them. They should look more like Mirka, just saying.

leo vixen Says:


Ela Says:

Well I would not say they are ugly because I think all babies got their own cuitness. I just think they lack this cute girlish look.

contador Says:

put them in little pink dresses and they look like girls. dress them in plaid boy shirts and voila, little boys.

either way they are beautiful.

and the bone structure on one that i can see does have mirka’s cheekbones. one or both appear to have rogers deep set eyes. but rogers eyes are wonderful.

both will have amazing hair, no doubt. mirka and roger are blessed with great hair!

Meee Says:

@leo How can you say somebody is ugly?especially those little 15 months old babies.Look at them,pure cuteness:)

Catherine Says:

Blurting out that two little kids are ugly, in all caps? Sounds like we’ve got ourselves a new troll over here!

@ author: at the beginning of the vid, it says ‘beim Siegerehrung’, meaning ‘at the victory ceremony’. So, it was indeed taped after the final. :-)

maria gumamela Says:

What’s so amazing about the Federer family is the fact that they are not too concerned about how their looks. Like Mirka, you’ll notice she’s so simple and she looks so fancy once in a while. Same thing with the twins, they just went out there and watched their daddy play dressed so simply, but I think they are beautiful.

We’re so impressed that even with Federer’s status he’s got a close-knit family.

My Aunt lives close to their area and Federer’s family members they mingle and they are visible to the community. That what makes them all beautiful. The twins are cute, watch out as they grow they will be one of the prettiest kids.

Tom Gainey Says:

@Catherine: Thanks!

RFFan Says:

The kids didn’t watch the match; they just came out in the end for the trophy ceremony.

They’d been in the player’s lounge during the SF and final but Fed had no idea they’d be brought out to court for the presentation,it was Mirka’s surprise for him :)

Fot Says:

I agree with the positive comments about the twins. I’ve seen then in their white dresses, and they DO look like little girls. That are ‘cute’. I hope some folks don’t let their dislike of Roger interfere with their comments about the twins. The twin girls have done nothing wrong so you shouldn’t have your bias personality about Roger linked with them. I was glad to see the video and I think they look adorable.

Twocents Says:

Myla: Mom will let us go into stadium today!

Charlene: Only if dad wins…

Myla: He will.

Charlene: How do you know?

Myla: I just told Uncle Novak to lose…

Fot Says:

Here’s a link with more pictures. Who in there right mind can actually say these girls are not cute! They are adorable!

maria gumamela Says:

@Fot: I totally agree with you, they’re so adorable. I feel sorry for the person who said they were ugly. If you’re a matured person that’s the last thing you’d say on a 15 month old babies.

madmax Says:

the twins are adorable and funny too – the mouths jutting out as if they are about to have a strop! It’s what kids do. I have seen Mirka in the flesh and I am telling you everyone, she is stunning – pictures do not do her justice – she has beautiful shiny hair (yep, runs in the family), and her skin is flawless – the federer family have it all. Good for them.

Twins are cutey tooty fruity. It’s leo vixen that’s ugly. how ridiculous to take things out on a couple of babies?

maria gumamela Says:

@leo vixen: don’t worry their dad is a millionaire, they can afford to have plastic surgery. HAPPY NOW?

jane Says:

Their jaws jutting out like that reminds me of toddler teething; that’s probably about the stage they’re at, with early molars maybe? Can’t remember the stages anymore, but I know it’s an on-going thing for what seemed like quite a while. I think they’re cute; and I kind of like that they’re aren’t dressed uber-girly, god forbid with any of those weird headband things some put on basically bald babies.

margot Says:

jane: “basically bald babies” oy, stop pinching my alliteration ;)

dimwitted recluse Says:


naughty…. (ever watched a British show called Dad’s Army? This gormless lad Pyke (“stupid boy!) refers to his mother’s lover, who is also his platoon sergeant, as Uncle Arthur….)

Manfred Says:

Hopefully they’ll grow up to be clever, because cute is what they’ll have only as toddlers, unfortunately.

Those girls look too much like their father: big chins and noses, small eyes. A man can get away with that, but a woman will look like Glenn Close.

dimwitted recluse Says:

I like Glenn Close

CeeCee Says:

Those babies are darling.. and they do resemble their father so cute and precious.

Twocents Says:

Thanks, dimwitted recluse.

That’s the only legit reason I could make out for Djok’s loss :-)).

madmax Says:

Jane and Margot! hahaha! laughed all night seeing your dialogue ‘basically, bald babies!’ and Jane – how many babies do you see at 0 months old wearing pierced earrings – gross and cruel!

Manfred Says:
Hopefully they’ll grow up to be clever, because cute is what they’ll have only as toddlers, unfortunately.

Those girls look too much like their father: big chins and noses, small eyes. A man can get away with that, but a woman will look like Glenn Close.

November 8th, 2010 at 8:05 pm

Manfred, Roger Federer is gorgeous. Your face does not have to be perfect in the slightest to be attractive. Ever seen Charles Bronson? Always described as ugly/attractive – not a ‘beautiful’ face, but hell did he look interesting –

Federer is a more handsome version of tarrantino, dark brooding eyes, and when you look at them closely, they are all different colours, green, brown, hazel? – just gorgeous, fabulously shiny hair, and I love his nose. I said this before. His nose is just great! His looks are Charles Bronson-esque, unconventional yet attractive in my view –

passed on those genes to those gorgeous cuties.

madmax Says:

Fot they are such lovely photos of the twins – thanks – the final one 7/7 when one of the twins is hugging Luthi, and then reaching out to the person in the stands ahead – just lovely.

Nina Says:

The babies are so cuuuute and I agree Federer is very handsome. I really love the sense of family Roger has, proves that he’s a great guy in all aspects. Actually most of the top guys are very family-oriented, just like Nole. I love that in a man.



one-little_ant Says:

Manfred, all I got to say is what a ridiculously stereotyping comment! So if a girl doesn’t fit into the prototype of “cute” she has to be clever to have any worth!

I think the girls are adorable … in one of the pictures they’re even pulling Roger’s ‘backhand face’ :)

Methinks this is going to another shiloh jolie pitt scenario!

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