Montenegro Football Fans Break Out Vulgar Chant Against Roger Federer [Video]

by Tom Gainey | October 15th, 2011, 1:05 pm

During Tuesday’s Euro Cup 2012 qualifier in Basel between Montenegro and Switzerland, a section of Montenegrin fans broke out into a profane chant against Roger Federer!

The chant, however, didn’t help the Montenegro team as Switzerland won the contest 2-0. At least the fans have some rhythm though their target is questionable!

Federer, who’s been resting for the Basel event, may have been in the crowd. The Swiss’s next event is scheduled for Basel starting a week from Monday. Novak Djokovic, Andy Roddick, Mardy Fish and Tomas Berdych are also expected in the field.

Federer will play Monday, Djokovic on Tuesday.

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32 Comments for Montenegro Football Fans Break Out Vulgar Chant Against Roger Federer [Video]

1fortheroad Says:

Hard to imagine Roger ever communicating like that to anyone. What a classless lot.

Ben Pronin Says:

I feel like this is the type of thing I would normally find funny but this is absolutely disgusting.

Kimmi Says:

crazy fans. good thing they lost.

MMT Says:

Actually, that’s pretty funny – and pretty mild by football standards.

M Says:

Horrible. Rude, and also useless.
And did their team no favors.

(Also, isn’t Milos Raonic originally from Montenegro? I know I’m embarrassed whenever Americans as a group do anything stupid.)

Stella Says:

So why against Roger and at a fotball match. Seems rather pointless .

L Says:

Federer wasn’t in Basel, he was photographed in the Maldives with his family.

Dory Says:

So disgusting. Get your act together loser fans. Do you want to get banned from future matches?

Wheeler Says:

Whoever shot this video and posted it online clearly himself is also a Fed hater. Why else would anyone give even the least bit of importance to this bullshit? Just ignore the haters.

vike Says:

typical montenegrins,LOUD and STUPID!

chris stevens Says:

I think ‘Fuck off’ must be a term of friendly endearment in Montenegro – several fans said it to me in Podgorica last week at the England game.

didi Says:

What a bunch of clowns with no class.

Kimberly Says:

tacky, what a bunch of pathetic losers.

lorry Says:

brain dead much? might as well say anything,like fuck you swiss cheese or f..k you swiss army knives or cows etc… oops! i forgot they’re a bunch of losers.makes me ashamed to think anyone including myself could share any similarities in any way shape or form to these imbeciles.unfortunately this is de-volution at its best & makes me feel primal causing my animal instinct of rage to rise up within me & lose control of my fists pounding away on this keyboard pretending it was their heads.bunch of classless, narrow minded, ignorant ,anyway i digress.peace & love,tolerance & understanding & most importantly any kind of basic education.peace out mofos.

rave Says:

just shows that these people will never be part of the civilized world. Nole had worked hard to bring respect but these morons just wiped his hard work clean.

12 Says:

Cut the crap people. Chants at fooball are not something to be taken seriously.
Almost everybody insults the opposing side during the game but it doesn’t mean anything.

Budo Says:

Interesting… if you lot who commented here are the civilized world, I’m not sure we ever want to be in it. I’m from Montenegro, and if to you it’s not clear that Federer is as much Switzerland as the Army Knife or the cheese, and that (harmless, mind you) football fans always fool around like this, well… the joke is on you. As for the loss – you do realize Montenegro sent the B team because the game was irrelevant, right? Oh, that’s right, a tennis blog, I forgot. Btw, Đoković is Serbian. These are not Đoković fans, or “Fed haters”, just guys from around here messing around with the Swiss. So get off the high horse and get over it. Just two cents from this “loud and stupid” typical Montenegrin guy.

Loudo Says:

Another loud and stupid Montenegrin here. Couple of points: this is football and no racial slur has been used so this is very mild, and as for second, you are looking for opponent’s weakness trying to exploit it so this was a chant used. It may have been slightly classless but at the end, it is more a joke than someone hating on great Federer. I also may point out that the team sent was a B team.
Btw, Djokovic is Serbian but of a Montenegrin father.

WB Says:

What happened in Leeds, cheering death of ManU players 50 years ago and opposition cheering death of two Leeds fans in Istanbul. To say” fcuk you Federer” is kindergarten compare to this. What about racist abuse of Welsh player that plays for Liverpool, and T-shirts with sheep and Welshman, use your imagination, England again. Again “fcuk you Federer” is kindergarten. These are civilazed Europians and not some Montenegrins. Do I have to continue about “civilised” European football fans or you can do it yourself. The list is looooooong.
And I am not Montenegrin, just fed up with double standards.

Lulu Iberica Says:

All I can say is, if this is typical football fan behavior, I’m happy not to be a fan. I’ll stick with tennis!

Kimberly Says:

Each sport has its own set of fan conduct that is deemed appropriate but this is just tacky.

And because of this, I am not taking my kids to the Dolphins Jets game tonight as I would be concerned for their safety, as american football crowds in Miami can be rowdy and violent. And as much as I am an FSU fan, a don’t envy a fan of another team entering Doak Campbell Stadium. Extremly hostile environment.

WB Says:

Djokovic grandfather is Serbian from Montenegro, who settled in Serbia. You know that so jast spit it out, same as that more than 30% of population are declared Serbs.

alison hodge Says:

@lulu iberica as well as been a big fan of tennis,i along with my husband also love football,and can assure you its not typical of football fans to behave like this,its just typical of a small minority of idiots, who are not real fans of the game but people who are just out to cause trouble,i have been to many football matches over the years most i have enjoyed seeing,and thank fully witnessed very little trouble,its only the small minority that spoil it for the rest,so please dont tar everybody with the same brush.

proud-serb Says:

montenegrins are serbs…and federer is all our biggest enemy because he is enemy of our great Djokovic. so FUCK OFF FEDERER!!

djokovic <3

skeezerweezer Says:

Wow…whats with the attitude against Fed? You guys still scared of Fed? Sure seems like it. Sad that some feel the need to trash a 30 yr old who will always be your Daddy in the record books.

Novak is a great champion and deserves his achievements but what he doesn’t deserve is some of his fans bringing down Fed or anyone else to validate it.

Wog boy Says:


You are not doing any favour to Serbian people by posting something moronic like this…. IF YOU ARE SERB, that I doubt, anyone can post and sign anything .
In case you are Serb I want to distance myself from such moronic comment and I am surr I am talking on behalf of vast majority of Serbian people and you can talk only on behalf of yourself.

alison hodge Says:

@proud serb djokovic obviously has way more respect for roger than you or these idiotic fans,and i think would be appalled if he were to read your comments,by all means have your favourite,but please show respect to all players,especially as roger is the greatest player ever to pick up a tennis racket,as for calling yourself proud serb sorry but you dont know the meaning of the word,as im afraid you have alot of growing up to do yet.

grendel Says:

Leaving aside the hooligan/tribal element, I found something curiously sonorous about the chanting. I half expected a Priest to emerge, conducting the chorus, ready to elicit the next response….

alison hodge Says:

@proud serb djokovic=4 grand slams,federer=16 grand slams.

Lulu Iberica Says:

@alison, sorry, I’m certainly not impugning you or most football fans. It’s just that several commenters above me tried to paint the anti-Fed stuff as “typical” football fan behavior and no big deal. I am just saying IF that is the case, I wouldn’t want to attend a football match. Anyway, as Kimberly mentioned, American football can arouse strong passions and bad behavior as well. Personally, I’m a believer in cheering and whooping and hollering as loud as you’d like for your own fave, but not booing, applauding opponents’ errors, or shouting insults.

alison hodge Says:

@lulu iberica honestly no apology needed,i agree with everything you say,unfortunatly there will always be the small minority out to cause trouble for the sake of it,goes with the teritory im afraid.

Suzette Says:

Much ado about nothing! In the first place the football that is being refered to, is what we North Americans call soccer, however our football fans can be equally obnoxious. The difference being that our teams don’tplay internationaly so there so there is no country against country rivaly. North Americans only call each other ‘M**HER F**KERS” and other derogatory terms. Don’t deny it. I have been to games where beer and popcorn have been tossed and fans have come to blows, so the Europeans have nothing on us in this case. Even supposed genteel tennis fans, on these sites, call each other and players, that they don’t like, names such as ” gorilla, faggot, ass picker, Djokerbitch, so no country has the monopoly on stupidity or unruly fans. Was it not in the USA,(INDIAN WELLS)where Serena Williams was booed , heckled and had debris thrown at and was it not in New York that Djokovic was booed and heckled by the crowd( that was explained as just that New York fans Are a tough crowd). Get off of your high horses,put down the scepters of moral indignation, and see it for what it was.Nothing different than many soccer tournaments, in fact tame by comparison. You can dispute soccer fan behavior if you condemn all the countries like England, France Argentina, Ect,and not vilify all Montenegrins, but I guess to some tennis fans any negative mention of Roger Federer is sacreligious.

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