Novak Djokovic: This Win Is The Best Possible Lead-Up To The French Open [Video]

by Tom Gainey | May 18th, 2014, 6:47 pm

Congrats to Novak Djokovic fans. The Serbian played two sets of the best tennis he’s after played on clay defeating his rival Rafael Nadal 46, 63, 63 in the Rome Masters 1000 final.

Djokovic, who dealt with some doubt after injuring his right wrist early last month, now goes into the French Open full of confidence as he seeks his first title there and with it the completion of a career Grand Slam.

“It’s been a great week considering where I’ve been a few weeks ago with the wrist injury,” Djokovic said. “Luckily for me, I played with no pain and increased the level of tennis as the week went on. I’ve had some tough matches. Four out of five matches were three-setters and I had to come back from one set down yesterday against Raonic and today again. That gives me a lot of confidence. Winning against Rafa in the final of a big tournament on clay, his preferred surface, is definitely a confidence booster.”

In the interview below Djokovic added that he dedicated the win to his country which was hit by severe flooding this week.

Djokovic has now defeated Nadal in their last four meetings, winning eight of nine sets. The victory was also his first with new coach Boris Becker in attendance.

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34 Comments for Novak Djokovic: This Win Is The Best Possible Lead-Up To The French Open [Video]

Max Says:

Congrats to Novak for the win! Well deserved.
Also credit and congrats to Murray and Nadal for playing the match of the tournament.
Great week of tennis overall I think!

skeezer Says:

“Four out of five matches were three-setters and I had to come back from one set down yesterday against Raonic and today again.”
And meanwhile Rafa continues throughout his career to give excuses for losing (now tired from long matches).
And what does warrior Novak do? Play through the long and tough matches and WIN.
Bring on RG.
Vamos Nole!!


Okiegal Says:

Hurt wrist…….Pffffft!!!!

Susan Says:

I am surprised that some are stating Novak Djokovic’s wrist was not hurt. In the semifinal at MC it was obvious he had a problem but the arm was taped from the beginning of that tournamnet because he hurt it moving from hard to clay in practices. The matches made it worse and he needed to take some time away. He got a break by skipping Madrid.

skeezer Says:

Hurt wrist? Love these post sour grapes accusations, lol. Typical Rafa fan love methodology. You’ve bought into Giles constant sour grapes totally unfounded facts of his injury. Did you get the Drs. Report?
That said, are you Rafa fans buying it? That Fed beat Nole with the same fake injury that now Nole smacked Rafa with?
Love this train of thought, keep it up.
Its typical, no worries, there is always an excuse for Rafa losses.
Congrats Nole, keep hitting that BHDTL and movin the Bull around like a Bunny Rabbit. Good luck @ RG!

Okiegal Says:


Just getting back at cha for all your comments about Rafa and his injuries……just in fun!! You of all people should understand sour grapes…you are sour grapey all time….loosen up a little!! LOL Don’t be so serious… I think Novak had a hurt wrist?? Yes I do. The Pffft is your signature at end of your comments. I wasn’t really serious. Trying to get a rise out of you and I did!! Lets be friends again…OK???

Michael Says:

Hearty congratulations to Novak for his 19th Master Series win. It is certainly morale boosting ahead of Rolland Garros and importantly he beat Rafa in the final of a clay court event. By virtue of this victory, he holds the record for beating Rafa most times on Clay, a surface where Rafa has also been invincible for time immemorial except for this year where he has become somewhat vulnerable. I think Rafa played much much better than he did against Nishikori in Madrid and he was near his peak. He literally dominated the first set when Novak couldn’t find range in his shots and was passive, listless and submissive. However, once Novak discovered his groove in early part of the second set, he began to dominate the match with his lethal sledge hammer blows particularly his double handed down the line shots which were incisive and precise. Nadal had no answer to Novak’s onslaught and in this match up, it is always Novak who has been the aggressor and Rafa the defender. Once Novak finds his range, then Rafa had no other option but to meek down in submission. Novak always plays differently against Rafa. Strangely he relishes the heavy top spin of Rafa unlike other players and just pounces on it. He also comes into volleying at right moments in the match and it does appear that Rafa just doesn’t love this match up. Although the H2H still stands in Rafa’s favour with 22-19, yet importantly in the last few years, it has been Novak who has been dominating this rivalry hands down except for a brief period in the interim.

Michael Says:

Novak and his team should have heaved a sigh of relief after everything went well at Rome and Novak showing no acute discomfort during any of the matches that he played in this tournament. It seems he is fit and raring to go. I hope he realizes his ambition of making it big at Rolland Garros this time around. If all things goes well, Novak is certainly the favourite at Rolland Garros to lift the title.

skeezer Says:

Love grapes… the making of wine. Not sour. )
Hope these 2 meet in the RG final, fully healthy, fully fit, fully in form. And NO excuses ;).

Okiegal Says:


Hey, glad you answered me back. I am not a drinker of wine or anything for that matter. I had rather be an old sour puss…..grapes and all!! Just kidding. I don’t have any idea what the Frenchie will have in store for us, but should be interesting. In all seriousness regarding Rafa, Novak has definitely got the edge. I am not an authority on tennis, for sure, but Rafa is struggling in many areas of his game…but he is still the best dirt guy ever and that will be hard for anyone to best him on that…just like Roger will never be bested on his records. Novak’s run got started a little later than Rafa, but he is a beast for sure. These top guys have been fun to watch and the rivalry between them all is very entertaining.

Who are you pulling for in the basketball playoffs?? I am happy Thunder is still in. Hope they can get a win tomorrow.

metan Says:

To all Nole fans CONGRATULATIONS. It was fantastic match and incredible performance by Nole. RG is within reached. Do you hear that Courbon, I said hi to Nole, just special for you. Hehehehe.

Skorocel Says:

Is it only me who thinks that Djoker has now become the first ever player to defeat Nadal FOUR times on clay? Interesting… Had it not been for those two losses in the FO 2012 final & FO 2013 semi, he could’ve been officially named as the first person to solve that Nadal clay puzzle…

Giles Says:

This is really hilarious from skeezer. Thought he was a Fedfan and he exclaims “Vamos Nole”. That was a quick turnaround hey skeezer, deserted the sinking ship already? I have no time for two- faced fans like you. What happened to loyalty to yiur man? You should be saying “Allez Fed” not “Vamos Nole” , no?

Giles Says:
ATP match facts. Joker does not lead in any category!!!

Giles Says:

Joker signed the camera in Serbian saying goodness knows what. What he should have done was to donate his winnings to the “cause” not just dedicate his win to the “cause”. Words mean absolutely nothing but at least the $$$$$ would. He can well afford it!! Am sure if he did donate his winnings it would have been all over the Press by now so I am assuming he didn’t!!

Max Says:

Giles he did donate his winnings to the cause

Giles Says:

Max. That’s good to hear. Was wondering as there was nothing mentioned in the Press.

milenka glisovic Says:

Before you say that Nole is not leading in eny category see how many turnamets each player play…. no…

milenka glisovic Says:

And sorry that you dont know what he was writing it wasent for you.You are taking care about Nole to much leave him alone haiter.

courbon Says:

@ metan: I can hear you loud and clear!
Well, RG this year will be definitely interesting.Your man will have rest and he will come with the bang…and if he meets Novak then is 50:50 in my opnion.Lets hope they meet and let best men wins!

Susan Says:

To Hippy Chic: “Also why doesnt Novak donate his prize money,”
To Giles: “What he should have done was to donate his winnings”

Giles Says:

Susan. You are far toooo late with your last comment and link. Max, on another thread informed me that he did donate his winnings. So keep your bloody sarcasm to yourself. There are numerous threads on this forum. You have to keep up and not just stick to one thread!!!!

Giles Says:

Susan. I hope he delved into his pocket to donate more than his prize money. Living in Monaco he saves a fortune in taxes!! That’s right, money that should be going into the coffers of Serbia!

Susan Says:

To Giles: There is a time limit to answers? Max did not provide link or the proof so I did that. Also it is not sarcasm it is an answer to both Hippy Chic and you who asked the same. Why you have a problem with that I don’t know.

Okiegal Says:

^^^ Or better yet, donate his salary…..I think we all forget that playing tennis is the occupation of the players. This is how they make a living…….they just happen to do something that millions of people enjoy watching. I don’t expect them to give every dollar they earn to a cause. I think they need to do an exhibition like the Hit for Haiti thing……get all the players involved. The church I attend did a special contribution for Haiti and we collected $16,000.00. Other churches did the same thing. It was a great effort in the US to help the people in Haiti. My $160.00 that I gave didn’t hurt my budget at all. So what a person can give personally, along with everyone else, collectively, hurts no one financially. I realize these top players are millionaires…….but I’m not gonna expect them to give their entire tournament earnings to charity. If they want to, fine, but I’m not going to come down on them if they don’t.

Okiegal Says:

Gee, I didn’t realize there was a time limit for responses. I have to leave this forum from time to time. Don’t stay glued to it every minute. I will have to shape up too, I guess!!

Bad Knee Rules Says:

@Susan, don’t waste your time. Do you really believe that a Nadal groupie, who spends all her unemployed time trolling Internet forums, didn’t know Novak donated his prize money? I bet she knew before Novak fans did. Let her suffocate in her hate and filth.

Polo Says:

What is Giles problem with Djokovic? He already gave all his Rome prize money. He didn’t really have to do that but he did. He has been doing so many things for his country more than most people do for theirs. What have you done to your country, Giles?

mat4 Says:

“Giles Says:
ATP match facts. Joker does not lead in any category!!!”

Sorry, but in fact he leads in a lot of categories. Just look here, and those stats are in depth:

It is interesting to note that, on serve, Novak plays the least points per game.

There are a awful lot of interesting stats, and while I agree that stats are often misleading, sometimes that can show that our first impression in misleading in fact.

Polo Says:

Oh, by the way Giles, that prize money that Djokovic donated to Serbia? That was from his pocket. He won that and that belonged to his pocket.

Hippy Chic Says:

Susan @ May 16th 11.16am,no harm or foul or anything i was merely asking a question,and Vox on another thread gave me a reply,i was just interested in whether he had donated money to this particular charity,and he did so well done Nole,and BTW i do like the guy whom has a heart of gold he is just not my favorite….

Hippy Chic Says:

Bad Knee Rules @7.00pm for the last time i dont hate Novak,however if you choose to believe otherwise then thats you with a problem not me?anyway i was just curious to know if he actually supported this particular charity which he has and i commended him in the above post,as i also donate to charities myself only a little as its all i can afford,as i am not unemployed like you assume i have a job caring for the elderly which doesnt pay much but its still a job,and i also do actually have a good raport with the different fan groups on this forum,most know me well enough to see im niether a hater or a troll,i have from time to time said things i wish i hadnt,howver i wont be the 1st or last,and when you have said something and posted it its too late unfortunatly,but then again nobodys perfect….

Bad Knee Rules Says:

@HC, how on earth did you recognise yourself in my post? It has nothing to do with you. You’re not unemployed, in fact you have a very rewarding job (not money wise though). You don’t hate Novak, even though you don’t like him and don’t hide it. You’re not a groupie, nor have I ever called you so. Finally – I’d never direct that language at you. You didn’t even have posts on this thread until now. Your friend “Giles”, however, has quite a few nasty posts. It was for “her”, Giles, not for you.

Hippy Chic Says:

Bad Knee Rules fair enough,i thought when you said she you were reffering to me in response to Susans post my bad sorry,about Novak i do like him hes just not my favorite probably a little annymosity sometimes comes through when he beats my favorite as we all have with our favorites rivals to a certain extent,also Rafa might be my favorite but i certainly dont think hes perfect by a long chalk same with every other player,about Giles though whom i think is a he? hes not my friend anyway as he doesnt even care for me or my posts,apparantly im not biased enough,anyway thanks for the reply….

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