Did Mirka Federer Call Stan Wawrinka A Cry Baby? Here’s The Video

by Tom Gainey | November 18th, 2014, 9:39 am

Day three of the Federer-Wawrinka gate brought with it a new video of Mirka Federer allegedly calling Stan Wawrinka a “cry baby”.

The incident in the video takes place in the 11th game at 5-5, 40-40 when Wawrinka, who just lost three match points in the previous game, backed away from a Federer serve because of something said from the crowd. Was it Mirka heckling Wawrinka with a “cry baby” for complaining to chair umpire Cedric Maurier when he was changing racquets at 4-4?

According to reddit, here’s the conversation translated:
Umpire:” I didn’t hear, Stan.”
Stan: “You know why? Because I’m not on her side” (i.e., the umpire didn’t hear because for that game Stan was on the other side of the court). “She did the same thing at Wimbledon. Every time I’m on her side, she talks when I’m about to serve. It’s unbearable.”
camera cut
Umpire: “Stan, what’s the matter?”
Mirka (allegedly): “Cry baby”
Wawrinka: “Hm? What does she have to say?”

La femme de Roger Federer a bien perturbé Wawrinka by beINSPORTS

With Davis Cup just a few days away, Federer tried to smooth perception a little by tweeting this team picture showing the top two Swiss in hand and in good spirits. Wawrinka also re-tweeted the pic.

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60 Comments for Did Mirka Federer Call Stan Wawrinka A Cry Baby? Here’s The Video

Nikola Says:

I think that Mirka can play DC cos we have 2 cry babies in Swiss team now…

Okiegal Says:

Well, this explains it a little better. Are we finally getting at the truth?? Interesting…..Stan did have a lot to say to the umpire…..so apparently she was mouthing up to that point and then after the complaint is when she called him a cry baby……it all makes perfect sense now! Thanks for clearing this all up, TX!

Polo Says:

Can we all move on already? This has evolved into nothing more than mere gossip. See that word “allegedly” inserted in that article? I hope you guys now what allegedly means.

Giles Says:

The only thing that makes perfect sense is that she indeed called him “cry baby”. The situation hasn’t changed from yesterday.
Okie. I don’t understand your comment at all.

Okiegal Says:

@Polo…….obviously TX does not want to move on…….Controversial issues keeps them in business!! This deal rates up there with the GOATS.

SG1 Says:

This is the “Dysfunctional Tennis Blogging Site”, it is not? In ordinary circumstances, I’d agree that this story is somewhat overblown. I can’t speak for the Tennis X staff but I suspect this topic has taken on a life of its own is entirely due to the upcoming DC tie against France. You have two guys, on the same team, likely having words less than a week before a huge opportunity to win the most important team event in the sport. Frankly, I don’t see how this isn’t news. It relates to tennis, tennis matches and tennis players. Where else, other than here, should it be blogged about?

SG1 Says:

If Switzerland wins the DC tie (which in a vacuum, seemed very likely not long ago), everything will blow over and be forgotten. However, if France wins this thing and Federer and Stan don’t hold up their end, this could all get even uglier. I hope this doesn’t happen. There have been occasions where off-the-field/court controversies has affected the outcomes of big events.

Stan, at least to me, seems like someone who can hold a grudge. I think it’ll be up to Federer to get this whole mess straightened out. More often than not, Federer’s a class act. I suspect this will all be dealt with before the opening singles matches of DC tie.

SG1 Says:

If nothing else, France now has a tangible strategy against the Swiss they can use. The WAGS of the French players can call Stan a cry baby and with any luck, he’ll lose all the big points.

Giles Says:

SG1. Don’t knock it, this is the single most exciting thing that has happened during the last 10 days or so. Lol

SG1 Says:

The pressure on Stan will be enormous in this match up against France. Does anyone want to wear the horns for being the guy who stopped Federer from getting his first DC title? I actually feel for Stan here. If the Swiss win, it’ll all be about Federer. If France wins and Stan loses in singles, all the blame will fall all on him. Particularly if Fed wins his matches (which is likely).

Polo Says:

@okiegal, in a way we are all guilty too because we keep biting whatever bait TX throws our way. Well, how bad can it be? As long as we feel happy in whatever he read or say. That’s the whole purpose of this place: argue, agree, disagree, speculate, hypothesize, theories, insult, praise…In the end, we’re all the same.

SG1 Says:


If nothing else, it spices things up a little. I guess we now know who wears the pants in the Federer household. I never really pictured Mirka as the confrontational type. I guess I was wrong to think that.

SG1 Says:

Waiting for France to come out with their “Picture of Stan Crying” t-shirts…..

RZ Says:

@SG1, the draw and when each guy plays will have an effect on it. If Stan plays and wins two singles matches and Fed only plays and wins one (I’m assuming here that the Swiss won’t win the doubles, the story would probably be about how the Swiss won because of Wawrinka. I don’t think there would be any story that didn’t talk about Fed and how he filled a hole in his resume, but the focus could be Wawrinka depending on how the draw plays out and order of play.

brando GOAT poster Says:

Its over: Roger Federer has played down his spat with Stan Wawrinka, describing it as “heat-of-the-moment”.
The Swiss pair are due to play together in the Davis Cup final on Friday.
But they apparently argued as a result of a heated exchange between Wawrinka and Federer’s team during Saturday’s ATP World Tour Finals semi-final.
“There’s no hard feeling whatsoever,” said Federer, 33. “We are friends, not enemies, but it was maybe one of those heat-of-the-moment situations.”
The last-four clash in London – which Federer won 4-6 7-5 7-6 (8-6) – was poised at 5-5 and 40-40 in the final set when Wawrinka asked Federer’s box to keep quiet between serves.
Afterwards, it was claimed the pair were involved in a “furious row” behind the scenes.
“We had a conversation after the match and every one is totally relaxed about the situation,” said 17-time Grand Slam winner Federer.
Australian Open champion Wawrinka, 29, added: “For me, there is not much to say because it’s become a big deal because of the press.
“But for us it’s nothing really. It took us five minutes to talk about that and to move on to the next goal which is the Davis Cup this weekend.”

sienna Says:

in the mean time. Fed has abandonned aan trainingsession on tuesday due to back ailment.

Ik dont see any update about that on tennis x.
FEDERER needs to dig deep into his arsenal, experiance, selfbelief to pull this final out of the hat.

But I am sure we will see and witness the spirit of a champion this weekend.

Giles Says:

Yeah, yeah fed play it down. What else do you expect him to say? He needs Wawa on side if they are going to pull out the win, no? I can assure you that this incident will not be erased from their minds for a long long time. As for Mirka, she’d best not be in attendance should the two of them lock horns in the future.

elina Says:

Cedric Mourier, much has been written and said since Saturday. But you, what have you experienced?

It was a tense moment. The match came to an end. And I see that Stan is annoyed by turning to the corner where sitting near Roger Federer. At this time, I try to understand and asks Wawrinka it happened. He replied: “She tells me.” I realize that getting angry against the wife of Roger Federer.


Giles Says:

SG1. Lol. Looking forward to the t-shirts . They should be red and white!

PeteH Says:

Stan is volatile, but I’m surprised that Mirka was heckling him. I suppose we don’t know much about her, despite her constant presence court-side. I wonder how competitive she really is? Maybe a reason for Federer maintaining his competitive fire for so long? Guess this is the downside.

andrea Says:

although this topic really belongs on Perez Hilton or similar, it is the tiniest of small cracks in the long standing, squeaky clean, impenetrable Federer armour….and of all people, his wife- who never says a peep about anything in the press or otherwise – is the perpetrator.

Okiegal Says:

@Giles 10:53….You don’t get paid for understanding my comments or misunderstanding them…….so don’t worry your pretty little head about it…….okey dokey??? This was the first time I had seen the clip showing Stan complaining to the umpire. I was at a loss why she called him a cry baby in the first place….that is why I said it made more sense…ya’ dig??

Hippy Chick Says:

Giles from the other thread, im a die hard Rafa fan,although i dont have annymosity for the other players,well perhaps a little when they play or beat my favorite,but it certainly doesnt go as far as hatred,however if you dont believe me then theres not much i can do about that sorry, and you dont seem to notice how irritated i get at times when people belittle his achievements….

mat4 Says:

OK, Fed and Stan tried to forget this incident, but…

While I didn’t hear Mirka clearly say “cry baby”, I heard Stan at the changeover. I can confirm that indeed he said that she was yelling (gueuler) at him each time he was serving.

Mourier in his interview just described what we all see, his conversation with Stan.

Mirka’s behaviour — especially since she was herself a tennis player — is difficult to understand.

Polo Says:

Maybe Mirka is pregnant!

Wog Boy Says:


Okiegal Says:

@Mat4……I am really surprised by her behavior during a match…….especially to her hubby’ s bestie on the Swiss team….I mean I’m shocked!! I really thought this was really a misunderstanding on everyone’s part, but obviously not. I think some seem to think the McEnroes got carried away…..the tale they told was solid!

Michael Says:

Amidst all the heckling and noise pollution all around the stadium which got engrossed in a thriller, how are we to make it that whatever stated is audible for fact ?

Gennie Says:

And I thought Mirka was mostly bored during Fed’s matches, since whenever the cameras pan on her she’s either on her phone or chewing gum with a disinterested look.
That Stan and Fed had a discussion in the locker room about the issue and that Federer seems upset about the umpire talking about it seems to give credence to what Stan is saying about Mirka.
Interesting… she’s the last person I would think of as a heckler.

Okiegal Says:

@Gennie…….Me too, regarding your last sentence…..

MMT Says:

Mirka was right out of order, and Stan had every right to take her to task. He has every right, and indeed an obligation to himself, to stand up for himself – particularly when nothing is done about it on his behalf.

At it’s core, the problem, once again, is this whole “team” concept in tennis. The absurd and ever expanding coteries following players around the world has pushed through the looking glass and into the surreal where a player’s wife thinks she has the right to insult a player in the middle of a match, at 5-5 in the deciding set of a masters semi-final. Ridiculous.

If this were Wozniacki’s father, or Richard Williams, people would be calling for their banishment from the game. I find it unseemly and entirely the result of the cult of personality created by “team” tennis. She should have been removed from the court.

The real problem is that removing her from the court is actually Cedric Mourier’s only recourse. Wawrinka has the right to request it, and the umpire has the right to grant. But of course, if he did this, the entire match would become a circus, and he would have been branded as having lost control, when the entire affair was incited by Mirka.

I think the players’ “box” should be placed far away from the court to avoid this sort of thing. What the hell difference does it make if they’re near the court – some players have nobody in their box, and at the end of the day, there are only two participants on the court and it should stay that way.

Hippy Chick Says:

Novaks parents called out when Roger was serving,and Mirka called out when Stan was serving,in both instances it was wrong to call out during play,the umpires should do their jobs better….

rogerafa Says:

“….. entire affair was incited by Mirka.”

This, to me, does not seem as clear as it is made out to be. There could have been some misunderstanding due to the noise inside the arena. Only people sitting close to the box would be in a position to confirm if she started it or whatever she started or continued was so objectionable as to merit a complaint to the umpire leave aside her expulsion. If she was indeed repeatedly disturbing Stan during his serving motion or when he was about to return serves, she should have been expelled from the arena. I do not recall ever seeing anyone complain about her behavior. This must be a first and if Stan’s version is true, it suggests she and Stan are not on the best of terms for some reason.

Wog Boy Says:

Actually, I blame Stan’s wife, if it was my wife she would fix Mirka up. That would be grand finale of WTF, wifes punch up:)

MMT Says:

Hippy Chick – I know this wasn’t your point, but Novak’s parents told Federer to check the mark on a ball called out in Monte Carlo in 2008 (if that’s what you’re referring to), but it was after the point ended. It was also out of order, but not the same as insulting, as did Mirka here.

Also, the umpires are handcuffed from doing anything because the only tool is too severe – which is to remove them from the court. Even a warning is meaningless because it is essentially an empty threat.

It would be better to simply remove the players box from the courtside altogether. This would go a long way to help with cheating, which Wawrinka also complained about against Nadal last year in Paris, if I’m not mistaken.

MMT Says:

rogerafa – there is no confusion here at all – she calls him a crybaby in English, which you can hear if you turn up the volume. That’s an insult and, and Stan has a right to tell the referee about anything that is bothering him, including someone in the other players entourage insulting him. These points are not in question. The problem with rules about the entourage getting involved is that there is only one remedy and it’s so severe that nobody wants to go that route. Although it was his right to ask for it, Stan didn’t ask for her to be removed – he didn’t even discuss it after that match when there was no risk of anything. That’s why I think the ATP should move the players box away from the court – far enough that anything they say is indistinguishable from the crowd. This would have the added benefit of diminishing illegal coaching, which is rampant in men’s tennis. At least the WTA has admitted to the imaginary dependence of players on their coaches, and capitulated to this ridiculous on court coaching. I think it’s terrible, and should never be a part of tennis, except in the Davis Cup.

elina Says:

Such fuss over a “Cry baby” comment. Well if he was that bothered by it…

Only in tennis.

Okiegal Says:

I have listened to this clip and never did hear cry baby….I guess I’m going deaf! I’m going to try to find this video on another site, maybe it will be clearer……or maybe I should invest in Lee Major’s “Bionic Ear”……lol

Okiegal Says:

@MMT……I turned up the volume, to no avail!!

RZ Says:

Same here Okiegal – I tried several times with full volume and never heard it although I can hear someone saying something. But I can’t imagine that a seasoned tennis match attendee like Mirka would yell out while Stan is complaining to the ump about talking during the match. My guess is that the “Cry baby” comment came from someone else nearby.

Okiegal Says:

@MMT…..I searched for another you tube clip of the cry baby incident…..and I did hear her say it and she was way out of line and classless and tacky…..it is plain to see she doesn’t care for Stan and I’ll bet Fed was totally embarrassed by her remark. A tennis venue for the post part is quiet……I have a feeling she was heard loud and clear…..no wonder this deal snowballed like it did……lots of witnesses…….moving on, yet again…….lol

Okiegal Says:

@RZ……Read my post at 6:37……I had to change my tune!! Googled it and this you tube clip used English along with the French so you know exactly what Stan said to the umpire. Cry baby was barely audible but by already knowing what was supposedly said, you could make it out. But like I said, lots of witnesses there that could attest to what she said.

Hippy Chick Says:

MMT it was when Novaks parents called out the king is dead long live the king,i dont know if Mirka said cry baby or try baby as some are saying?makes no difference people should be quiet between points which was my point,and when it comes to coaching completely agree nothing more to say on that….

milenka glisovic Says:

Where for god sake you found that Novak,s parents said that during the play.It was said in some intervew whit Novak,s mather.Even that I would not bay that she said like that.Please that is not fair.

elina Says:

No it was said after the match. Regardless, the King wasn’t dead as he went on to win another five slams since that loss (compared to just one more for Novak).

Here is her quote:

“As we said, ‘The king is dead, long live the king’,”

“No [he didn’t see him as the king coming into the tournament],”Because the last time the US Open they played, my husband said, ‘This is the last time he win against Novak’. Because Novak was making the points with Federer’s weapon. He told him that he is so mature that he can win, like him [Federer].”

“[This time] mentally, he very strong, US Open, it was his first grand slam final. You can just imagine, he is 20, you imagine you go in front of 23,000 people playing against the king. He was a little bit shaky. I know that he has so many points he can win, but he didn’t use it – so now he is very, very mentally strong.”

milenka glisovic Says:

Elina,please from what time Novak got only one slam and Federer got five???

Hippy Chick Says:

Well my apologies,as i was always lead to believe it was said during a match,and Roger said to Novaks parents be quiet,and i did see on you tube Roger saying to Novaks parents to be quiet,so i did get that bit right,anyway regardless of what they did or did not say,people should be quiet during play is the point im making….

elina Says:

milenka, not one but one more than Roger since that time.

That is, since that defeat when she claimed the King was dead, Roger has won five slams and Novak has won six slams, one more than Roger.

HC, I agree, the crowd needs to be quiet during play!

Roger told the whole Roland Garros crowd to shut up so Novak’s parents shouldn’t take it personally.

Okiegal Says:

Well, the “shut up” incident is on you tube, Google it and make your own assumption…….whether or not he was shushing the crowd or his parents…..simple fix to any argument, see for yourself and come to your own conclusion.

elina Says:

Okiegal, no that was a different match in Monte Carlo and he just said “be quiet”.


Hippy Chick Says:

Okiegal ive seen it on you tube Roger said be quiet to Novaks parents,the long live the king bit,i do admit to getting wrong,but at the risk of reapeating myself people shouldnt be calling out during play,no matter what they are saying,no matter who they are either….

Okiegal Says:

I too agree, people need to mind their manners during a match and try to show a little restraint. Tennis and golf are sports that require total silence. Now, I really don’t understand why a basketball player can be heckled when trying to shoot a free toss and golfer or the tennis player can’t?? But that’s the sports, no??? Lol

milenka glisovic Says:

Thay did not call out they try to say that it was not out.I did not say that they were right,but they did not call names,to Roger or said :king is dead during the play.Novak,s mother could say what ever she wants at least as we culd.Did she was right? No.

milenka glisovic Says:

And if Novak,s parens were called classles for what they did than Mirka Federer should be called at least the same because what she did was much worst.

Okiegal Says:

@Elina…….I did a fresh Google search and I stand corrected……exact words: “Be quiet, OK” The commentators mentioned Novak’s parents saying things and that there was no love lost between the two. There was also a time during a Del Po match when Federer told the umpire to stop with the hands, I suppose some type of gesture trying to shut Roger’s rant down and Roger told him to “not tell him to be quiet, when I want to talk, I talk, alright and I don’t give a s–t what he said”. DelPo had taken too long to challenge and that was the complaint Roger was sharing with the official…..Roger was right about it, DP did take too long, which is another aspect of the game that the officials are letting slide. I’m sure hecklers can get on one’s last nerves and they can be so close to the players where it would be hard to ignore. Maybe the professional should show a little poise and try to get past it. I will bet Stan wishes he had after all said and done!!

Elina, thanks for straightening me out, I will do my research first, before I spout off!! Lol

Gee Says:

King fed Pepper said he enjoyed Roddick’s joke about Novak being a clown jerk that had 16 injuries & SARS virus.
He also whined f-n shut up to Murray & screamed at nalbandian when he dared to beat pepper in his masters cup kingdom. In 2003-2009, roddick was the Mickey Mouse ATP 250 jester that benefitted from nalbandian’s injury at the ’03 us upen.

madmax Says:

Giles Says:
SG1. Don’t knock it, this is the single most exciting thing that has happened during the last 10 days or so. Lol

November 18th, 2014 at 12:40 pm

No Giles. YOUR POST is the single most exciting thing that has happened in the last 10 days! It really does give us all an insight into your life. :) Thanks Giles.

Oki, remember when Mcenroe came out and said that the “argument” went on for “hours and hours” into the night – we now all learn, it was around 5 minutes.

Need I say more other than Mac is a huge gossip. Should work for the Sun. Not only that, the umpire should not be blabbing his mouth off full stop. There is something in sports journalism called “integrity” and I am surprised there is nothing in his contract to say as such.

Gutter talk. “If” Mirka did say that, then she should be the one ashamed of herself. Roger shouldn’t be brought into it. He is not responsible for her actions, same as anyone else. Each person should take responsibility for their own actions and “If” she did “allegedly” say that – nothing in the clip above which categorically shows she did – certainly difficult to hear at all – then she should be suitably embarrassed.

Anywho, Davis Cup, done and dusted. Well done to the team!

madmax Says:

Giles Says:
SG1. Don’t knock it, this is the single most exciting thing that has happened during the last 10 days or so. Lol

November 18th, 2014 at 12:40 pm

No Giles. YOUR POST is the single most exciting thing that has happened in the last 10 days! It really does give us all an insight into your life. :) Thanks Giles.

Oki, remember when Mcenroe came out and said that the “argument” went on for “hours and hours” into the night – we now all learn, it was around 5 minutes.

Need I say more other than Mac is a huge gossip. Should work for the Sun. Not only that, the umpire should not be blabbing his mouth off full stop. There is something in sports journalism called “integrity” and I am surprised there is nothing in his contract to say as such.

Gutter talk. “If” Mirka did say that, then she should be the one ashamed of herself. Roger shouldn’t be brought into it. He is not responsible for her actions, same as anyone else. Each person should take responsibility for their own actions and “If” she did “allegedly” say that – nothing in the clip above which categorically shows she did – certainly difficult to hear at all – then she should be suitably embarrassed.

Anywho, Davis Cup, done and dusted. Well done to the team!

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