Maria Sharapova To Hold Press Conference Monday To Announce… Retirement?

by Tom Gainey | March 6th, 2016, 2:33 pm

Maria Sharapova has announced that she will hold a press conference on Monday at 3pm ET, according to her website.

The press event will be streamed live on her website and also broadcast on the Tennis Channel. With all the coverage and interest, rumors are rampant that the 28-year-old will announce her retirement from the game.

Sharapova has played just four events since Wimbledon, that due to leg injury which forced her out of the US Open last year and more recently a forearm ailment.

She has won 9 of her last 11 matches but in her most recent match she was defeated by her rival Serena Williams in the Australian Open quarterfinals.

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64 Comments for Maria Sharapova To Hold Press Conference Monday To Announce… Retirement?

Giles Says:

Sad news.

soycapitan Says:

Laters … pass the torch to the next shriekfest.

Green Lady Says:

WOW Didnt see this coming if its true,not a fan of her ball bashing type of game,or her shreiking,but i do admire her fighting spirit and never say die attitude,shame if it is true,shes one of the most tenacious and toughest players on the WTA mentally,and im sure her male followers will go into mourning hearing this news,GOOD LUCK MARIA.

Super Says:

If it’s true, I suspect it will be more about Maria wanting to concentrate on her personal life.

Perhaps she wants to start a family, and will return like Clijsters did.

We shall see. The WTA would be much weaker without her in the discussion, that is for certain.

BBB Says:

I have always admired her determination, but her nasty, nasty behavior when she was playing ivanovic in Cincinnati was a serious turn-off. That, and the screaming.

Wog Boy Says:

One thing for sure, she was never the same player after shoulder operation years ago, but still she managed to win GS title and climb back to top, her fighting spirit and never give up attitude was next to none. She is/was remarkable champion and if she retires she can only be proud of her career and herselef for always wearing her heart on her sleeve. I wasn’t fan of her, but she is and should be roll model for young girls who are playing tennis or simply looking for a roll model in their life.

AndyMira Says:

Maria is a big name in this sport..she sealed it with her talent,her determination,her ferocious spirit and also her look..if her retirement talk is is a sad news for tennis in general..also wondering if there is another high profile retirement lurking in the horizon..knowing how tremendous struggle he is at the will be no surprise if it’s happen..even though i wish he will stay for another couple of years..not ready to let go of him yet..but also knowing..we can’t be selfish either..asking something that he can’t give anymore..if that day will certainly will be a 1000th time sad than this maria’s news..

Lucy Says:

I certainly hope that’s true. Hell is listening to a Shriekapova Hooter (Vika) match. Her screaming is gamesmanship at its worst. If she is retiring, I for one will not miss her. The only pleasure I got from her was watching her get beat by Serena.

AndyMira Says:

@Lucy!..he!he!i also think her scream is just a gamesmanship..i heard she’s not let out a sound when she’s practised..

Markus Says:

I loved Lucy’s post @8:27 pm that I had to read it three times…and will read it again if this press conference is indeed to announce Sharapova’s retirement. So much drama. Why can’t they be like Steffi Graf, pure tennis, no crappy egotistic drama?

jalep Says:

Ricky Dimon ‏@Dimonator 7h7 hours ago
odds on Sharapova announcement: new Sugarpova flavor (1 to 1), endorsement of Trump (5 to 1), dating Del Potro (20 to 1), retiring (75 to 1)

This was my favorite tweet of the day 😂

If she is retiring, I’m happy for her. My pick is she’s announcing her endorsement of Trump or a new flavor.

Wog Boy Says:

Something tells me that few people here will have eggs on their faces and will be hugely disappointed by Marija’s announcement, but there is always Windex followed by Kleenex too wipe their faces off, though they’ll need fair bit of it.

Markus Says:

I doubt Maria will retire considering how much money she makes from her endorsement deals. I always wondered why she seems so disliked by so many yet makes gets the most money from endorsements. Sharapova is the Kim Kardashian of tennis.

Pauly Says:

Sad news if it’s true but Maria is beautiful woman with plenty of opportunities outside tennis
She was never the same since her shoulder surgery
Lost power in her serve which was major reason she can’t beat serena no more
Good luck to Maria if she decides to retire
There will be more retirements soon in the men’s game
2 big names will also retire Soon

Wog Boy Says:

I love your posts Pauly, you are such a cheerful person, good on ya mate:)..and you know tennis!

Pauly Says:


I’m big Maria fan
Plus big invanovic who hasn’t lived up to her talent
Maria has had better career in my opinion out of the two
Injuries have cost Maria big time
I view similarities in the careers of Maria & Rafa
Both have copped big injuries plus have had bad luck
Which is a pity Coz both would’ve been more successful if less injury hit them
That’s life I guess
Can’t do much if luck is against you

But Maria is very wealthy woman & if she does retire
I wish her all the best

AndyMira Says:

Hey Pauly..good to ‘see’ you back..i agree with you about similarities between maria and rafa..although we know rafa has had much more surgery or treatment than any player’s interesting to see how much further he can hold up..

Pauly Says:


I loved Maria & Ana when they first came on the scene
Two talented Slavic beauties tall girls with talent to burn
Nice to see your posts
Injuries ruin great careers
Did you read uncle Toni comments ?
The game has changed its faster meaning flat hitters are the ones who win more matches
Topspin isn’t working so my idol must go all out flat

danica Says:

I wouldn’t like to see Maria go. It seems to me that she still has a chance to be a top player. She is great when in form, an amazing player.

Whatever the news are, I wish her all the best.

AndyMira Says:

hey is sad what injuries can do to an athlete..Ana also has not been the same after her injury..also laura Robson..she’s one of the promising young player before the injury..but..that’s life i guess..By the way i do read about uncle toni’s seems he and rafa has been stunned by this new think back..this is not new actually..rafa was blasted by rosol at wimby in 2012 right?And before that at auz open 2009,rafa was barely survived by verdasco who played boom bang big shots..similar with the game that big hitters adapt nowadays..

Wog Boy Says:

Maria is better and more accomplished player than Ana, mentally much stronger, never gives up and real fighter. Ana is very talented, used her chance to win GS, extremly good player when on fire, but can’t keep it up, she can bagel or breadstick any oponent and than lose the match. I always sad, if Ana had Jelena Jankovic head on her shoulders she would be the best player in the world.

Pauly Says:

Wog boy

Good post
Agree with everything you wrote
Ana should’ve done better more majors

Pauly Says:


In 2009
It was different Rafa … He was younger faster & he got back more balls so the bigger flatter hitters troubled him
Less but I agree with your post
As for 2012 rosol played out of his skin & served great nothing Rafa could do then
Big flat hitters if you can’t beat them
Join them is my opinion
No one hits a flat forehand like Nadal … Go back see him in 2004 vs Hewitt Australian open
Wow 👍

Tennisfan Says:

Even if Maria retires because of her shoulder issues at least it will be after a successful career. Imo its worse when injuries/ill-health cuts short prospects of promising players like what happened with Sorderlig or Delpo.

Pauly Says:


Totally agree with You … I’ve been saying that for ages Maria’s shoulder surgery Hurt her career
Could you imagine no shoulder injury ?
She’d have 10 majors
Could you imagine soderling Delpho no injuries
Could you imagine Nadal no injures
18 majors by now for Nadal but that’s just wishful thinking
Injuries part of life

AndyMira Says:

Yes Pauly..but that’s it..the game has evolved but rafa..not..that’s why he struggled so much now..and to make it worse..his game so predictable..any player can read it like an open book..let alone supernovak..but we’ll see how it goes this year..

Pauly Says:


Only way to hurt supernovak is too improve serve & rip the flat forehand DTL
That’s only way
I don’t think Novak can be stopped
I think he’ll win 4 majors this year
That’s 14 … Next year not sure he’ll be 30
But things can happen
Another injury who knows

AndyMira Says: much as i want to talk more about rafa with you but this thread is about maria..and i’m sure maria fan will not tolerate it..about novak..i respect your prediction..but last year i made a prediction that he will win only 2 this year or maybe 3 but not 4..but that’s only a prediction..if he sweeps all 4 then no other words i can utter except he deserve it..totally!

AndyMira Says:

Pauly..hey..i don’t know whether you’re already read this article or not but there is a new article about rafa..i can’t give you link..i only read it on Tennis’s a good one Pauly..go find it..

chrisford1 Says:

Woman’s tennis may benefit from elimination by retirement of shriekers Venus and Maria. The two worst. Who don’t shriek in practice.
And the woman’s game has maybe had too long a dominance by the Williams sisters as well as Maria. Time for new talent to rise. IT’s been 15 years of Williams’s being the focus outside Maria and Ana glam shoots, and a few years where Henin gave them a go.


Pauly – “No one hits a flat forehand like Nadal … Go back see him in 2004 vs Hewitt Australian open
Wow ”
The operative word is Nadal once HAD such a forehand. He can’t go back 11 years and get it or his pirate costume back.

BBB Says:

Venus grunts, which may be annoying, but it isn’t a deafening shriek that magically ends if the ball lands in the net.

Lapinroyal Says:

If it is the case, Happy retirement Masha!
And a happier comeback when Serena retire..

PS: At least Maria shriek constantly, not like someone who only shriek/grunt when she is in trouble or hitting harder…

“if Ana had Jelena Jankovic head on her shoulders she would be the best player in the world”
LOL! I must said minus the drama queen attitude. I like Ana personality better!

PS: When Ana is one, she got a FH and a serve like some goat one! I always though that Ana gonna be the next big thing until the final at RG where she manage to crumble against Justine… Just happy for her win at RG next year.

Markus Says:

Are there up and comers in women’s tennis who are grunters/shriekers? When Sharapova and Azarenka are gone, it may be enjoyable to watch women’s tennis again.

Markus Says:

Ana was fortunate to play against Dinara Safina in the French Open final for her sole slam title. I think anybody can be Safina in any slam final. In all the finals I’ve seen her play and lost, she was so nervous you can she her body shake.

Markus Says:

…can beat Safina…

Michael Bobrow Says:

If this is true good for her! She’s been a great model for children in tennis and her focus and hard work is in stark contrast to many who have past through those gates before and after her. That she would spend ten plus years attempting to catch up to the most remarkable athletic talent in our sport should be a story told to tennis campers well into the future. It was not whether she won or lost seventeen in a row but that she set an almost unachievable goal is almost Greek God in nature, thank you Maria you have helped define one of the greatest generations in tennis ever. What a model you have been for all of us!

chrisford1 Says:

Venus – The banshee screamer, especially when she is wants to intimidate, or is losing and seeking to rattle the other player with her loud screams. Like Maria, the skreecher, doesn’t do in practice. 2nd worst to Sharapova.

Maria – Its all said. The loudest and the worst.

Madame Whooooo, also known as Azarenka – no skreech or scream just this one-note hoot. Does it in practice, told WTA she would not quit because they let Sharapova get away with it.

Serena – The only actual grunter, who, when on, sounded like a blast of breath from a water buffalo jumping off a 10 foot bluff and belly flopping. Gotten much better in recent years.

La Brita – Some Portugese who supposedly howls as bad as Sharapova but no one really cares since she is never around much because she is a nobody who is gone in the 1st or 2nd round and rarely gets televised.

jalep Says:

Maria fans can relax a little, maybe.

Chris McKendry ‏@CMCKENDRY_ESPN 10m10 minutes ago
Hearing Sharapova announcement likely not retirement.

AndyMira Says:

CF1,you forgot 2 famous name..Francesca schiavone “A-HI” and sara errani “HEH”..they’re sure very loud..i’m not surprise if they can kill a bird with that..

Tristan Says:

Fingers crossed for this! She won’t be missed. All that gamesmanship. Ugh! She’s one of the major reasons that women’s tennis has suffered a decline in popularity. People don’t want to listen to a woman sounding like she’s being stabbed 500 times per hour and they can’t stand her time-wasting between serves.

If it happens, good riddance!

Markus Says:

CF1: Descriptions that perfectly fit. Sharapova has set the standard. The Grand Dame of noisy tennis, Monica Seles, should give you a shout out.

Van Persie Says:

Am not a Sharapova fan, but it would be shame, if she woild retire… She’s not that old and I guess she has still a word to say in WTA

Green Lady Says:

If shes not retiring then i dont really know what else the big anouncement could be,unless shes pregnant?.

chrisford1 Says:

AndyMira, dead on with the two Italian gals. I like both because they are such gritty overachievers and quintessential gym rats. With Francesca, sometimes I;d have her up when a clay QF or Semi was going or Final back in the day and be mutitasking doing other stuff. My mind would drift off tennis and come jolting back – why say Henry in French in a TV match?? Why “Henri” (On-rheee!!) and not Andy or Chunglu or Ivan or Luigi?

With Errani, far simpler. The grunts of a goat having barnyard sex. But sex grunts which go on and on for two hours.

Okiegal Says:

A new candy line???? LOL Something in white chocolate would be nice!

Green Lady Says:

Okie from some of the reviews you would really hope not,as some of it tastes pretty awfull so ive heard,all for her foundation though so all in a good cause.

jane Says:

WOW … Sharapova failed a drug test!
due to medicine she’s been taking for 10 years

jane Says:

rules changed jan 1st and made this drug illegal
“doesn’t want to end [her] career this way”

BBB Says:

Yikes, I don’t like her, but this stinks for her.

Green Lady Says:

Maybe she will just get a short ban like Cilic?.

jane Says:

says she got an email letter from wada dec 22nd telling her about the changes, with a link attached to it. she admits she didn’t look at the list. she got a letter after the AO from wada about the failure. she is working with the ITF right now to see what her penalty will be.

she’s been taking this drug since 2006 due to health issues: irregular EKG and family diabetes for example.

BBB Says:

She’s handling it in a very straightforward fashion and accepting responsibility immediately, which is admirable. I hope they give her a short suspension that coincides with recuperation from her injuries, if they have to suspend her at all. This isn’t your usual circumstance, given that it was something she has taken for a long time and the rule just changed before she was tested.

RZ Says:

That us crazy. It’s her fault for not looking at the list but you’d think that there would be a grace period for when new medications are added as players would need to find an alternative and might want to finish taking current supplies. They only gave 10 days for players to make the switch.

jane Says:

it’ll be interesting to see how this is handled by the ITF
but i think maria did the right thing by just coming right out and addressing it straight on like this.

jalep Says:

Meldonium or Meldronot (sp). It’s a drug used in Russia –

TC live –. She failed a drug test at AO. Meldonium? Used for 10 years using legally. She’s taking full responsibility for it but did not know it was banned. That’s a brave, honest admission. Kudos to Maria.

Have to look up Meldonium (sp) Meldronot? Not approved by FDA or ITF. Banned by WDA January 1, 2016.

Humble Rafa Says:

If you have irregular EKG and family history of diabetes, why would you take a drug not approved by the FDA?

leo Says:

Well done, Maria – straightforward and admitting her mistake.

Hopefully ITF has common sense to take the context into consideration.

chrisford1 Says:

Well, I can hear the argument of the “Troicki must pay!! He broke the rules!!” starting up again. Meaning Sharapova banned for a year like Troicki was.
And the side that backed Troicki highly likely to get ticked off if the WTA’s superstar gets a wrist slap for being “dirty”, while Troicki was told he was lucky he only served a year. And you know it will happen….Sharapova will be punished under a different set of rules. Her sponsors have great power. She would likely pack it in with a 2 year ban, tens of millions of dollars are at risk.

I can see how easily Sharapova personally could have missed it. You are always looking out for the impact of any new food supplement you take, any OTC drug stuff. You immediately look whether or not a new prescription or shot of something is forbidden.
Not some food or cold medication or prescription that was fine to take for years and years of being tested – and not get burned on.
And the lists should be looked at with a doctor or health pro looking at them because of all the different brand and generic names for the same drug – means the list is not ever going to be all-inclusive of the name on the vial you are familiar with.

You might call this a failure by her team to have her back. They get paid to have her trained, fit, kept safe, and keep her on Tour so she can make her (And them) lots, and lots of money. They failed to keep her safe, and on Tour. Drug testing is part of what must be checked on if they are on the ball.

jane Says:

Richard Conway ‏@richard_conway 13m13 minutes ago
Sharapova not alone. Went largely unnoticed today but Russian ice dancing champion Ekaterina Bobrova also tested positive for meldonium.

TennisNow Says:

Amazed at how lenient the response is here. I think she has a lot of questions to answer. For one, “not reading a list” doesn’t wash, given the size of her team. But more important than the recent rule change is the issue of whether this drug was an appropriate treatment for her alleged medical condition. If not, then she was taking it to enhance performance – and given that this appears to be commonly used in former Soviet countries, it’s quite likely that this was the true reason for taking it, hence her contrition and the stage-managed nature of the announcement. She knows that more will come to light, with particular scrutiny of her medical history.

In the final analysis, there is a moral case to answer as much as a legal one, and it’s very different to issues surrounding diet, food supplements and even recreational drugs. Should elite athletes take powerful medicines for uses other than the medical conditions for which they are intended? Personally I would say no. It’s not in the spirit of sport to do so, which is no doubt why this particular drug has now been added to the “banned” list. And if Maria can’t demonstrate that she had a genuine medical need for this substance, then she should receive a significant punishment.

J-Kath Says:

Go Lucy…but hugs to Maria

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