Roger Federer’s 4-Minute Art Portrait [Video]

by Tom Gainey | July 13th, 2011, 12:45 pm

The greatest artist in tennis, Roger Federer, had his portrait painted by a real artist. Frenchman Jean-Pierre Blanchard painted a Roger Federer picture to near perfection and he did in just four minutes!

Blanchard put on the display during the Swiss Venture Club’s (SVC) Entrepreneur Award in Zurich. The final painting went up for auction and was won by accounting firm Ernst and Young for 16,100 Swiss francs which will go toward the Roger Federer Foundation which supports children in Africa.

“This is seriously cool art!” Federer said via Facebook.

“Federer has a distinctive face that fits with his competitive nature and strong character,” said Blanchard who needed four days to prepare for the show. “He is relatively easy to paint.”

After helping Switzerland to victory in Davis Cup where they’ll move to on play in Australia in September, Federer is preparing for his next event the Rogers Cup in Montreal next month.

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36 Comments for Roger Federer’s 4-Minute Art Portrait [Video]

madmax Says:

Oh My God! So classy, so beautiful and so wow!

I want to be a painter!

dari Says:

That’s nuts!

Kimmi Says:

WOW! incredible!!

skeezerweezer Says:

Very wery cool stuff. Thanks for posting that!

Since this is on thing on Fed….the Fed just keeps on giving….go Fed!

Cherry Says:

That was really amazing. I wish I can be as good as that painter! Thank you for sharing!

Humble Rafa Says:

Anyone know what happenned to my fans here. I only see Fed lovers.

Please say something bad about Fed..or Novak.

Current Status: Mallorca, making sure the knee screws are tight for the US open series.

killerc Says:

THAT’S BADASS!!! Painting is awesome.

madmax Says:

Hey skeeze,

I know how in touch you are with your feminine side, but really, just see how gorgeous roger looks in this photo!

dari, kimmi, for you too.!/photo.php?fbid=10150245847359941&set=a.214046249940.131095.64760994940&type=1&theater

madmax Says:

It’s the third one along in the beige jacket.


Kimmi Says:

madmax – yes, fed always looks good for me :)

grendel Says:

Looks just like Roger Federer to me. Have I missed something?

dari Says:

The painting or the fbook, grendel?
Maybe there is a joke there I don’t know about!
The new foundation project is nice.
It would also be nice if somehow he and Martina H. were able to play mixed doubles at Olympics next year, too!

madmax Says:

grendel, yep. you’ve missed something! :)

madmax Says:

Actually grendel, I hadn’t thought you might just be referring to the painting (as dari pointed out). I can’t believe you would be referring to this as ‘it just looks like Roger Federer’ as the artist is just incredibly good, so someone as cultured as you must mean the ravishingly handsome photo of roge on facebook.

He just looks good in everything he wears grendel, don’t you think?

Kimberly Says:

Roger has become much more handsome in later years. He is MUCH improved with age. He now looks very classic and very cultured. But still no Deliciano.

Skeezerweezer Says:


Like I said earlier, “James Bond” of tennis ;)

dari Says:

Oh, no, I didn’t think he would be uncultured, I just meant he was trying to make light of what a resemblance the painting was to the real roger.
The photo was cute, but I was expecting more-that is not roger’s best, but I will take it!
James bond- yes.
Improved looks- yes
when I first got on to him, it was all about the tennis, he was not a looker. He’s getting more handsome for sure, but I need a slam to go with that handsome, please!

madmax Says:

Kimberley, really? you fancy Lopez? Far too pretty, yuik!

dari, you misunderstood my comment – grendel understands.

I have always thought roger was a great looking guy. I think he knocks socks off all of ’em. He is unconventional. I like that, rough around the edges, very striking. I could go on….

skeeze, I like the pseudonym for roge. I’ll take it, shaken not stirred.

grendel Says:

madmax, I know nothing about painting, drawing etc. In the deep mists of time (which actually don’t seem so long ago, time seems to contract as you get older) I had this girl friend who was an artist. In the early days of the relationship, I was admiring a piece of hers – giving her the old oil, you know – when she pointed out that it was upside down.

“Basically, you’re visually illiterate aren’t you?” she commented, and I can tell you, it stung. Even today, I am unable to get beyond match stick figures, and I am inclined to regard the extent of this deficiency as bordering on the sinister.

However, I was, in point of fact, referring to the photo. Kimberley and dari both say Federer looks more handsome with the passing years. Maybe this explains something. A number of years ago I was involved (on this site)in protracted arguments about Federer with a poster who, among other things insisted that Federer was no oil painting – so far as women were concerned. I was at a loss as to how to deal with this angle of attack. Could I, perhaps, insist, that on the contrary, Federer was extraordinarily handsome? But a) I doubted this was true, though so far as I could see Federer wasn’t a bad looking geezer and b)it all seemed a bit of a distraction from the real thing – the quality of his tennis. Those were the days, you know, when Agassi was remarking that it was unique in his experience to find a player (namely, Federer) who was just about the best in the game at each particular stroke (including even the return, Agassi’s own speciality). This kind of Agassi comment was of course red rag to the bull of the anti-Fed brigade.

No, to me, Fed generally seems a pleasant looking chap. Pleasant, I think, is the word I’d use. But then, I’m not a woman. By the way, don’t you sometimes think there is just the suspicion of a hooter?

dari Says:

Bah- I think you misunderstood me, too max. But I will leave it to internet interpretation, you and grendel have it figured out for yourselves.
I think that was one of my favorite fed times, that intersection with he and agassi both playing.
:) / :( its gonna be horrible when he retires

madmax Says:


You ‘escaped’ your previous girlfriend. If she thought you didn’t understand art, she missed out, let you go. Her loss.

Art is all about interpretation isn’t it? (the little I know). You like it or you don’t, sometimes paintings look better upside anyway!

Just having breakfast and you made me smile with your post. Hooter? do you mean nose?
grendel, I love roger’s nose if that’s what you’re referring to. I think it’s just a great nose.

Everything about him is unconventional to me, i don’t like ‘perfect’ features – and though first and foremost he is a tennis player, I suppose the conversation (because of the artist’s painting) has taken a bit of a twist, hence Roger’s prowess and other attributes? Plus this hiatus brings out the drivel from me sometimes!

The poster you refer to (or rather don’t) must be blind if he/she cannot see the beauty of federer’s features, when you were arguing that way back when, but each to their own.

I think most of all, I like Roger’s strut on the court and the almost laconic way he plays sometimes. I love that. I like the strut back to the court after breaks, shoulders back, head up, hair swishing! I love it! It goes with his dark, brooding eyes, eyebrows, hair (THAT hair really is L’Oreal hair!), but then I also like Novak’s strut. He has it too but a bit more bendy. Where am I going with this? I’m not sure!

I’ve never been one for the pretty look, the Lopez look, too neanderthal; heavy and clumpy for me somehow. Too chunky and chiselled, heavy thighs. Yuik. Too much of a mix. Sorry Kimberley, you and Judy Murray are welcome!

But Federer, a ‘pleasant sort of chap?’. Much more grendel, much more. When he really smiles full on, look at his whole face, it’s just great, a map of the world. Just brilliant. There is so much more to Federer.

I really do think he is beautiful looking, but then that’s me.

dari, not a problem.

I hate this ‘gap time’ in tennis, gets me writing rubbish sometimes!

madmax Says:

Plus grendel, you are the only other person I know who really knows the true beauty (forget the bad bits) about China.

Your ex girlfriend must have been crazy!

queen Says:


queen Says:


Kimberly Says:

personally i have never found rafa very attractive in the face as much as i love him but his phsyicque is nice.

Federer has the look of someone you would want to escort you to the opera in a tuxedo, roddick to escort you to the heat game or the dolphins game, and deliciano to bust out the whipped cream and get crazy. TMI, haha

Kimmi Says:

ha ha kimberly, deliciano it is :)

jane Says:

The way that guy does that in 4 minutes is outrageous! I hate the music they put with the video though.

Fab Four, best features, imo:

Fed – hair! He has the best hair. I liked it when he had a pony tail and pooka shells and I like it now. His hair seems to bounce into place with one shake. Girl would kill for that wave, guys would covet that thick manly mane. His hair is gorgeous. (his strut is admirable too, esp. becauae he has still got it! ;))

Rafa – smile! Rafa has a smile like Bob Marley, imo. It radiates warmth. His whole face crumples up around his smile. Not just boyish dimples but manly crowsfeet, like a Redford. His smile is endearing and beautiful. Somehow it is both youthful and mature.

Nole – eyes! Nole’s wolf-like eyes, they pierce into you or his opponent: they glare, they sigh, they twinkle. They are, quite truly, the window to his soul, and he is a soul-full guy. He is an actor, we all know, full of personae, and all those glorious highlights and shades come through via his wonderful eyes. His legs are pretty freakin awesome too. Wowsa. ;)

Andy M – bone structure! That nose, that jawline, that high forehead, and thoae cheekbones. Murray has such a brilliant facial shape. It is handsome and dignified. He would be a study in phrenology. His aqualine nose and high cheekbones, his chisled jawline. He is so handsome in pictures when he has a serious air. Almost Kingly. And yet, throw a baseball cap on him and he transforms into the chap next door on his play station.

Okay, that is some serious tennis guy love… Time to do something else. Ha.

Can’t wait for the hard courts!

margot Says:

jane: oh. no, no no! Andy’s beautiful green eyes trump Nole’s every time! Nole’s hair is damn good though. Fed good looking? Ah well, beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.
Lol we must be in the tennis silly season!
Thought u were on hols in Whistler?

dari Says:

Jane- i like your list. the fed and rafa i already agreed with, but the eyes of novak and actually spelling out what was so beautiful about andy were new to me. I knew something about AM was special!
will have to check the novak eyes, they are oh so dark, or not?
margot- you’re insane if you can’t recognize the power of fed’s hair. fine, his face might not be for you, but the thick, bouncing chocolate waves of hair- undeniable magic!

jane Says:

margot, just a couple of days. Now back. dari, Kimmi,glad you liked the list. Yeah, personally I love Nole’s eyes (so round, big, brown and expressive) but Murray’s are great too ( green is my fave colour) ;)

dari Says:

nobody is doubting feli, he is in another league!
he was too pretty for me at first, but then i just gave in
us open series is on! countdown to flushing meadows!

madmax Says:


you have a serious naughty streak going on there girl!

Margot! The fed IS good looking. He is seriously HOT. Just love the fed. This is for you, now tell me Margot, photo 1, (who else can ever look as good as Fed in a suit!). Yummy. Photo 5 and 6, equally as ‘wowsa’. This is HOT FED! Look at those eyes. OMG. How can anyone say the guy isn’t hot! He is Red chilli pepper HOT!!!

queen Says:

July 18th, 2011 at 1:52 pm

queen Says:

July 18th, 2011 at 1:55 pm

You’re the ugly one here queen. We don’t have to see what you look like, you just bare your soul every time and it’s ugly.

madmax Says:


Look at this 32 second vid of Roge in a suit and tell me he doesn’t look handsome!

Handsome Roger. Cool in a suit Roger. Class Roger.

madmax Says:

madmax Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.

you have a serious naughty streak going on there girl!

Margot! The fed IS good looking. He is seriously HOT. Just love the fed. This is for you, now tell me Margot, photo 1, (who else can ever look as good as Fed in a suit!). Yummy. Photo 5 and 6, equally as ‘wowsa’. This is HOT FED! Look at those eyes. OMG. How can anyone say the guy isn’t hot! He is Red chilli pepper HOT!!!

queen Says:

July 18th, 2011 at 1:52 pm

queen Says:

July 18th, 2011 at 1:55 pm

You’re the ugly one here queen. We don’t have to see what you look like, you just bare your soul every time and it’s ugly.

July 19th, 2011 at 4:56 pm

madmax Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Look at this 32 second vid of Roge in a suit and tell me he doesn’t look handsome!

Handsome Roger. Cool in a suit Roger. Class Roger.

July 19th, 2011 at 5:05 pm

madmax Says:

the use of the word ‘naughty’? is being moderated? Huh?

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