Novak Djokovic To Star In “The Expendables 2” Movie [Video]

by Tom Gainey | November 30th, 2011, 3:21 pm

So much for rest. After an exhausting season Novak Djokovic is still hard at work even though the tour is over. Yesterday, Djokovic was in Sofia, Bulgaria yester where he was shooting scenes for the hollywood movie “The Expendables 2”, a sequel to the 2012 release.

According to deadline, the best player in tennis will appear in a cameo role, playing himself which he should be good at – he does those crazy impersonations after all, surely he can do one of himself?

Djokovic will “star” along side the likes of action heavyweights Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren, Jason Statham, Jean-Claude Van Dam and Bruce Willis – was Chuck Norris not available? Oh nevermind, he’s also in the movie!

Exp2 is set for release just before Djokovic’s US Open title defense on August 17, 2012. The movie is directed by Simon West and written by David Agosto and Ken Kaufman based on a story by Stallone.

After the filming was done Djokovic, ever the entertainer, made a surprise visit at a Karoke club where he got on stage to sing two songs.

Djokovic also won Serbia’s Person of the Year as voted on by Nezavisne Novine’s readers.

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27 Comments for Novak Djokovic To Star In “The Expendables 2” Movie [Video]

Brando Says:

GO NOLE! I bet nole has more acting ability in one finger than some of his more “supposedly” esteemed acting colleagues! The commercial side becomes a part of any number’s 1 schedule- roger and rafa dealt with it In the past in off seasons- so nole should be fine. He’s mature enough to know when to fit in the fun ventures and when not to.

Milan Tarot Says:

Part of the premiere of the movie in which plays Novak Djokovic:

jane Says:

Lol, good for Nole. He will have a plethora of options when he leaves tennis.

skeezerweezer Says:


Option # 1: Actor in the Hollywood scence for sure.

skeezerweezer Says:


laslo Says:

He’s perfect for the entertainment industry. I guess if they ever did a bio pic of De Niro, Novak could play him.

Milan Says:

A silly sequel vehicle for a bunch of geriatric action “actors”, consisting of explosions and inanne one-liners.

Just Novak’s cup of tea. He’ll appear as himself in a tiny cameo.

He must be losing his mind to even contemplate being part of something like this. It makes no sense – he’s a successful & rich athlete, why would he need that? Is it just his vanity?

Nina Says:

LOL Novak, only Novak!

alison hodge Says:

yeah maybe noles thinking about a career in films when he retires from tennis,to be honest i dont think he could be any worse than arnie,sly or bruce,or maybe a career as a stand up commedian or an impersonator which is always good for a laugh,good for him for having the guts to do whatever makes him happy,well done nole.

grendel Says:

I saw John McEnroe recently in the Larry David sitcom “Curb Your Enthusiasm”. He was ok, but it was a weak episode – probably because the producers had to accomodate the personality of McEnroe and they were unsure how central his role should be. The best thing in “Curb” is the arguments, which can be very, very funny. But they require great acting skill and McEnroe emphatically does not have that.

Alison – of course, Arnie used to be a bodybuilder. His acting skills are limited, but they are also perfect for what he was called upon to do. The first 2 Terminator films were excellent, and I don’t see how you could have improved on good old Arnie. I thought he wasn’t bad at all, either, as Danny de Vito’s twin brother in a comedy!

alison hodge Says:

grendel just me but im not really a big fan of the action films,but a agree twins was a very funny film,only liked bruce in die hard 1 and 2 then i got bored after that,the best film he did was sixth sense imo,not really impressed with much else that hes done,and sly rocky 1 and 2 were the best films he ever did cant remember any other good ones,like people say maybe nole could do a de niro life story bio,although i dont see the likeness myself,but hell this is jmo,for what its worth.

jane Says:

I thought Bruce was good in Pulp Fiction; that’s my favorite role of his. I saw Johnny Mac on 30 Rock, and he was good enough. He played himself. :)

Brando Says:

I agree with jane re bruce willis in pulp fiction- definately his best film IMO. I think Johnny Mac also had a small role in jack nicholson’s anger managment film too.

If i remember correctly, nicholson plays a therapist- born for the role- who helps people deal with their anger, and one of his patients was J Mac himself- also born to play the role. Run of the mill film though.

I think if nole wanted a career in hollywood, based on his personality and charisma he could easily do so- he has way more innate appeal than some of the wooden personalities who pose as actors.

Skorocel Says:

Now when you’re mentioning McEnroe, here’s what I think is probably the best commercial involving a tennis player:

Short, funny and eloquent :-)

Brando Says:


LOL, thanks! J Mac has no doubt used his ‘persona’ well, in the commercial sense!

Im surprised that there is hardly anything relating to marat safin in the media!

You would think that with his volatile personality he would have a higher profile in the media. But no, nothing- not even a some vodka advert!

alison hodge Says:

brando and jane i actually forgot about bruces role in pulp fiction,and i feel abit in disgrace as its one of my favourite ever films,however i did love him in that film,although it might be just my opinion but i felt samuel.l.jackson stole that film from everyone,where as in sixth sense bruce was in the leading role,well aside haley jo osmond.

Brando Says:

@Alison: no worries. It’s easy to think of that film as Samuel l Jackson’s- amazing performance by him.

jane Says:

Agree alison: Samuel L rocked!

For Nole fans, or whomever feels like it: Here’s an interview of Novak with P-Mac from the ESPN website:

carlo Says:

Djokovic is impressively articulate in that interview, Jane. I like these gems especially:

1) DJOKOVIC: It’s true that I have improved but by a very small percentage. It’s the same game I’ve had the last couple of years; it’s my mental approach on the court that’s changed. That was the difference. I stepped it up. I matured and said, “It’s my time. I can do it. I can win major titles.” I think luck falls on not just the brave but also the ones who believe they belong there.

————-> Believe Andy Murray, believe!

2) Djokovic: When Roger’s serving for the match at a grand slam, there is a very small chance that he’s going to let it go. But I was surprisingly relaxed. I said, “Okay, I have nothing to lose.” I stopped thinking too much about what could happen and relied on my physical and mental strength to play the right shots at the right time. I didn’t want to do what I’d done the last three, four years, where every time I got to the semifinals or the finals of a grand slam, I lose to Roger and Rafa–not because I’m playing bad, just because they are more dominant than I am mentally.

“I lose to Roger and Rafa-not because I’m playing bad, just because they are more dominant than I am mentally.” It bears repeating.

3)What’s your motivation now going into the Australian Open and moving forward into 2012? Djokovic: I’m only 24, and I want to have many more successful years, win as many major titles as possible. The Olympics are coming up. I want a medal.

Please do come back in January with your serving shoulder 100% Novak!

I think he gets the gold for Serbia.

jane Says:

Hey carlo, glad you liked the interview. And yeah, I thought of Murray when I read that first answer you posted too. Did you read the article in the Mirror (or something), with Johnny Mac telling Muzza to lose the negative energy? Oh, the irony! ;)

carlo Says:

No, I didn’t, jane. Mirror? I’ll go look for it.

Hanging around looking for a Davis Cup thread is what I’m doing. Thanks for that Djokovic interview. He is really very special. I was watching some youtube tennis – a Federer-Djokovic semi-final US Open 2008 – looking at Federer’s serve specifically because I think US Open 2008 Federer’s serve saved him in a few matches. But 21 year old Novak is absolutely super! And he is so right. He could have overpowered Federer but he lost – now he has changed that, and that is what Andy Murray needs to do!

jane Says:

carlo, I too am looking forward to DC. It’s this weekend right? For whom are you rooting? I kind of feel for Argentina as this is their fourth final and I believe they have never won, whereas Spain and its current players have a couple or more. But I would be happy for Spain too. Rafa and Ferrer have been two of the best players this year. They are the faves for sure.

carlo Says:

Here we go. LOL, the irony. Telling Andy:

“If you are going to get all worked up and throw in a lot of this negative energy, it needs to help you.” John McEnroe

carlo Says:

Davis Cup starts Friday – I think but yes, I am cheering for Juans x 3: del Potro, Pico, and Chela (if Chela plays) So far, they have Nalbandian-Shwank for doubles.

grendel Says:

The similarity between McEnroe and Murray is superficial. Murray’s “negative energy” really is negative, and has a shocking effect on his tennis when he succombs to it. McEnroe’s “negative energy” was really a kind of dark positive energy, if one may so speak. I always had the feeling McEnroe needed to be absolutely focused to bring the best out of himself, more so than most players because of the inch perfect kind of a game he played.

If you watched him when he demolished Connors at Wimbledon, he seemed to be in a kind of cocoon, oblivious to everyone and everything, including his opponent. It was kind of bizarre. It was as if Connors’ sole function in the match was to provide McEnroe with the opportunity to express his unique skills. It was almost embarrassing to watch, like being forced to witness someone being undressed against their will. I didn’t much like Connors – for largely non-tennis reasons – but I felt ashamed on his behalf. He was being ritually taken apart, but without malice. The execution was impersonal. Not a pretty sight, whilst at the same time the quality of McEnroe’s tennis was simply unworldly.

When McEnroe went into his incredibly tedious rants and so on, again although it looked like “negative energy”, it wasn’t really, and in any case it was absolutely unlike Murray’s little lost boy demeanour. McEnroe, one felt, was desperately trying to discover that focus which was an absolute requirement for his game to function at the highest level. And he didn’t care what he did in his quest.

In short, McEnroe was absolutely and completely selfish, utterly without illusion or sentiment, as a great champion must be. There was this stuff inside him, the stuff of genius – and he had, willy nilly, to get it OUT.

Now, I don’t get the feeling Murray is like that at all. He just doesn’t have the confidence. McEnroe was sometimes bordering insane – but his self-belief, for a while at least, was absolute.

jane Says:

margot, not sure if you are checking in these days, but I like this picture of Murray and Djoko:

grendel, JMac directed his anger outward more so, whereas Murray directs it at himself, even though he shouts at his box. You can see how he does this through his grimaces and body language. It is okay to have that kind of energy if it helps – i.e., talking to oneself etc.. But I have seen many instances where it doesn’t: Safin and Roddick come to mind, even Hotsauce. Anyhow. It still seems ironic coming from Mac, and I know he means well as he has always championed Murray’s cause. Interesting how he says Murray should hire a big time coach but that he thinks neither Connors nor Lendl would suit Murray’s personality.

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