Novak Djokovic Says He Prefers The TV Cameras During This BTS CNN Media Feature [Video]

by Tom Gainey | May 1st, 2012, 10:34 am

Before the start of Monte Carlo Rolex Masters, Novak Djokovic gave CNN a taste of what it’s like to be the No. 1 player in the tennis world from a media obligations perspective.

During the brief feature Djokovic admits that he likes being in front of the cameras. “I do prefer the televisions more,” he said. “Let’s be honest. I like the camera.”

After the passing of his grandfather last week, Djokovic withdrew from his family-owned Serbian Open. He’s expected to return next week at the Madrid 1000.

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37 Comments for Novak Djokovic Says He Prefers The TV Cameras During This BTS CNN Media Feature [Video]

queen Says:

I couln’t care less what he likes or dislikes.

queen Says:

…and that stupid smile

jamie Says:

Gotta love Nole’s charisma and show man personality. He is good for the game.

alison hodge Says:

Queen if you dont care what he likes or dislikes then why bother to comment about it? personally i dont quite see the logic.

jamie Says:

queen is a butt hurt Nadaltard.

Tennis Coach Says:

Queen, we do not like you either and your stupid comments. Get lost!

dari Says:

You COULD in fact care less, queen. You could care so little that you would pass up.commenting! Not one, but two!

Nice to see happy novak and look forward to his return on the court

jane Says:

He just sparkles, and I have to say, in keeping with the other thread about taste, I loved that about him from the moment I saw him playing tennis – which for me was IW 2007.

Brando Says:

Nole’s personality is different to other top players. makes for a nice change.

Post marat, he seems the most fun top player- BUT still NO ONE stands a chance against safin in the charisma stakes IMHO!

alison hodge Says:

I just wonder sometimes what it is that goes through some peoples minds,and why they feel the need to spread such hatred on an internet forum,abusing players they dont like,and fellow posters that they will never meet,surely theres enough hatred going on in the real world,without bringing it into an internet forum.

alison hodge Says:

^BTW even though im a Rafa fan i love Nole,he has a great personality,a hell of a lot of talent,and without sounding shallow hes a knockout good looking guy,with beautiful eyes and a killer smile,now how could anyone not love that^.

What? Says:

Djokovic good looking? HAHAHAHA

al Says:

God save the ‘queen’….

Hamza Says:

Nole is great. Confident on-court, confident infront of the camera. He’s a great tennis ambassador and the best player on the plane, and rightfully so. Altogether, has a great personality. He deserves all the appreciation.

sar Says:

Nice video. I hope he does well this clay season.

grendel Says:

alison, with your quiet persistence, you will shame us all into being civilised. I admire you, but you know, you’ve got an uphill battle – there’s an old adam which lurks in most of us, and it’s difficult keeping the cuffs on that character. Is there actually a contrast between the real world and the internet? What is reality?(discuss, not more than 5000 words).

jane Says:

” Is there actually a contrast between the real world and the internet? What is reality?(discuss, not more than 5000 words).”

Ha! Good one: have I just entered a P.K. Dick novel? :) It’s uncanny; I feel robbed of me eyes. ack.

alison hodge Says:

@What IMO he is a very handsome looking man,he has lovely piercing eyes,a great smile and a fabulous personality,if you dont think that way then thats fine,and entirely your choice,it would be a boring old world if we all felt the same way about everything or everyone for that matter.

alison hodge Says:

Grendel ha ha,thanks for that, me civilised my significant other says i have a stinking temper,i think thats probably the reason why i tend to be more restrained on this forum,i see no point in loosing my rag with people im unlikely to ever meet,but thats not to say that some peoples comments dont get up my nose from time to time.and i will say so if or when they do,although i dont mind objective critisism wouldnt be much point in been here otherwise,with it been the age of the internet you have a choice you can ignore the comments that get on your nerves,in the real world you dont always get that luxury,thats the definition of what is reality,well it is to me anyway,i dont know if this post made much sense to someone as interlectual as you but there you have it,explained in less than 5,000 words.

courbon Says:

The best thing is to ignore comments of people like a ‘queen’…(Queen of what?Stupidity?…)

alison hodge Says:

courbon queen is a bitter Rafa fan who hates Nole and Roger,Mark is Rafa fan who detests Nole and Roger but to a lesser extent,Jamie is a Nole fan that detests Rafa and to a lesser extent Roger,JMO but i think its a case of hero worshipping gone way too far,still they are entitled to say whatever they want i suppose,real fans have their favourites,but they still respect the achievements of the other players,without feeling the need to belittle them,fans of the game, as well as fans of their favourites,JMO for what its worth.

grendel Says:

alison – your definition of reality makes perfectly good sense.

alison hodge Says:

Thanks Grendel.

courbon Says:

Thanks Allison-I got it now.

skeezer Says:


“What is reality?(discuss, not more than 5000 words).”

Glad you did not post this question to Dave……he couldn’t have done it

mat4 Says:


Bad joke. You could be sorry.

skeezer Says:


I gotta believe ( hopin? )Dave has some humor. We have all gotten picked at at times. He has gotten his fair share, no?. ;)

mat4 Says:

I hope so.

jamie Says:

Nole will be very successful until May… but after May, things will change and Nadal, Federer and Murray(in that order) will have better chances of winning the remaining slams, astrologically speaking.

alison hodge Says:

Jamie but its may now,or do you mean till the end of may?

jamie Says:

Until the solar eclipse on May 20/21.

I think Nole will win one of Madrid or Rome.

But after Rome, things will change.

RG, Wimbledon and USO will be won by Nadal, Federer and Murray has chances as well.

alison hodge Says:

^Hmm the grand slams shared out 4 ways thats an open and interesting remainder to the rest of the year,your pyschic friends changed her tune.^

jamie Says:

Not really. I’ve been saying for a while that Nole would be very successful until May. But after May it would change…

jamie Says:

Nole’s great year went from AO 2011 to AO 2012.

As I said, Nadal, Federer and Murray(in that order) will have better chances of winning the remaining slams, astrologically speaking than Nole for many reasons.

sportific Says:

Jamie,you said in an earlier post that Nole would win the us open, Fed wpould win Wimbledon and thatRafa would win Roland Garros. What happened to that prediction?

skeezer Says:

^astrology predictors are allowed to change there predictions, that way they are mostly right.

Sienna Says:

Djokovic looks a clone of a young Robert de Niro.

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