Here’s Novak Djokovic Doing A Hilarious Imitation Of Gustavo Kuerten In Rio This Weekend [Video]

by Tom Gainey | November 18th, 2012, 8:24 pm

Novak Djokovic brought his vast repertoire of imitations to Rio De Janeiro this weekend for a special tennis exhibition. And the World No. 1 didn’t disappoint by unveiling a hilarious rendition of Brazlian great Gustavo Kuerten who his opponent during a special tennis exhibition on Saturday.

In a match played in front of over 10,000 fans, Guga beat the Serb 76, 75.

“Guga is one of the most charismatic and loved players of this game and tonight he showed why,” Djokovic said afterward. “I hope you understand how much this means to me. I’ll come back to Brazil for sure. Obrigado, obrigado a todos!”

Kuerten finished the match by drawing another heart in the court.

“Another unforgettable moment in my life,” Kuerten said. “Thank you for your endless love.”

The two tennis greats then took the action to the pitch to play a charity football game with an assortment of greats at the Estádio Olímpico João Havelange today.

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76 Comments for Here’s Novak Djokovic Doing A Hilarious Imitation Of Gustavo Kuerten In Rio This Weekend [Video]

Daniel Says:

Can’t belive I missed. Had to go to my younger sister birthday and left Rio on Friday, returning tomorrow. Should have been there, but family comes first.

jane Says:

Thanks for posting; looks like Guga, his son, Nole and the crowd had a fun time.

Giles Says:

Absolutely hilarious. Love the hair and headband. #GreatEntertainer

alison Says:

Nole reminds me alot of Britains Robbie Williams,not in looks but personality wise,Robbies regarded as the clown prince of pop,and Noles concidered the clown prince of tennis both struggle to be accepted and at times get on some peoples nerves,some people love him and some people cannot stand him,both have had personal battles and struggles in their careers,and both strived hard to succeed when things got tough,and both seem to have found peace within themselves now too,and both have hearts of gold when it comes to the love of their fans too,love them both,my two cents.

mat4 Says:

Searched on youtube and finally found some highlights.

Guga looked good.


It would be interesting to analyse a personality like Novak’s. The fear not to be loved and recognised as the great champion he think he is, to be misjudged and underrated; the sensation to always remain an outsider; the deceptions, the fight to become better than Federer and Nadal; the need for a family (he recreated it with his team).

But he grows, he matures well, on and off the court. And I have no doubts that in a few years, he will finally be accepted, and missed, in his own right.

Wog boy Says:

alison, mat4,

Nice posts :)

mat4 Says:

Hi, WB. I thought I was alone here today.

Wog boy Says:

Hi mat5,

Thanks to those smart mobiles you can pop in on TX and check what is going on when ever you want, as long as there is mobile coverage.
BTW, have you seen Nole dancing samba after football match with those beautiful Brazilian samba dancers girls. I wish I was there though I am not much of a dancer but who cares:)

Wog boy Says:

I upgraded you to mat5:)

mat4 Says:

An upgrade would be indeed welcome. Any model between 5 and 6 feet, 200 and 300 months old, blonde or brunette.

My non-mercedes grey needs an upgrade too.

And a new stadium for the USO with a roof, in case of wind…

Polo Says:

Count me among those who think mat4 should be upgraded to mat5 based on his 6:35 PM comment about Novak. It was a very astute and eloquent assessment.

jane Says:

mat4.5, I see you show some flexibility in your desire for upgrades, which is nice. :)

Good comments by all.

alison Says:

Wogboy thanks sometimes people come across as way too judgemental,they may be millionaires with more money than you or i dare to dream about,but underneath they are like the rest of us,not perfect and suffer the same insecurities that the rest of us do.

mat4 Says:

@jane, Polo:

Thanks for the nice comments.

Anyway, flexibility is a thing you learn with time, more time, more flexibility.

But thinking of Nole, I remembered a bit of Apollinaire:

“Comme la vie est lente, et comme l’espérance est violente.”

Wog boy Says:



For Nole fans, his schedule until April:
Abu Dhabi, Hopman cup, AO, DC in Belgium, Dubai, IW, Miami.
Rest of the year is to be decided later. So he is playing Davis Cup next year.

alison Says:

Wogboy i dont know if you read my post a couple of days ago,but i just wanted to let you know that the music at the WTF was a song called Fix You,by British group Coldplay,its a beautiful song if you want to listen to it on youtube,i really recomend it.

Wog boy Says:


I did read it and left message for you on the other thread, “Why Nole is Numero Uno.”… methinks.
Thanks once again, you were right about the words, they are sad:(

alison Says:

Wogboy sorry threads come and go as you know,and i cant find it now,but glad you liked the song anyway,even if it is sad.

Polo Says:

Novak has an uncanny ability to pick-up other peoples’ mannerisms and tics on court. This tells me that he studies every detail about them and this probably translates into an analysis of his oppenents game, discover their weaknesses and strengths. It is no wonder that he is number one.

jane Says:

Wog boy, it’s interesting that he’s playing 2 events pre-AO. He hasn’t usually done that I don’t think. But aren’t those both those exhibitions?

Polo, interesting theory!

jane Says:

^ sorry, one too many “those”…

Polo Says:

jane, omit one “those” in your next post. It is already covered by the extra one above.

Re: Novak, instead of “studies”, I think it would be more appropriate to say that he instinctively picks up every little nuance his opponents show. I am sure it helps him tremendously when he plays.

Wog boy Says:


Nole used Hopman cup for preparation for AO few times before, last time it was 2011. I think it is good to come earlier in Australia and get used on conditions, it worked before:)

mat4 Says:


In my own experience, such focus on others reveals that he is very depressive. Perhaps it is the reason he jokes that much.

Brando Says:


‘reveals that he is very depressive. Perhaps it is the reason he jokes that much.’

GLAD someone other than me thinks this also. I have long felt that behind the confident, extrovert bravado that nole puts on lies a somewhat mixed up individual- someone who needs alot of affection and approval since he’s not quite at ease with himself and has not tamed the uncertainty he has about himself.

I could EASILY be way off the mark, BUT i have ALWAYS felt that there was more to nole than this extrovert public personality.

He DEFINITELY seems to be a VERY EMOTIONAL individual looking at his entire career so far. Indeed, he has even said so himself.

Overly emotional people (not all of course) seemingly have do have a somewhat depressive side to themselves.

Maybe he does all the joking, fun loving stuff in order to get away from himself and seeks the adoration, affection from people in order to feel better about himself. Who knows…………

jane Says:

mat4, I don’t know if I’d call him depressive, but I do get the impression (no pun intended) that aside from Nole’s fun-loving side, he’s a perfectionist and drives himself to be the best he can be in many ways. I remember Rafa saying something about “fear” as being a motivating force for him (maybe fear of losing?) and Fed talking about his temperamental side when he was a junior. So I think all high achievers have some underlying force driving them. I know many actors claim that fear motivates some of their best performances. And then I would think that the fact that Nole and Murray both lived through personal tragedies in childhood (war and a school shooting) would’ve had some sort of impact on their psychological make up, perhaps having to do with need for reassurance. I am only speculating, but it just seems likely that traumas like that would have deep impacts.

Giles Says:

@Brando. I think you are spot on!

mat4 Says:


Each in a different manner, Rafa, Murray and Novak are complicated, complex personalities. I read Rafa’s book diagonally, but — I think I was not the only one to notice it — the contrast between his private life and his court behaviour certainly reveals a deep conflict in him.

Murray also has problems, and the only one that matures in peace with himself could be Roger Federer — the way he reacted after the WTF final revealed it clearly, when he congratulated Novak with the words: “you’re the best”. It takes strength, and wisdom.

It is really so difficult to write in English.

mat4 Says:


I am almost certain that Novak is a anxious and depressive character. Of course, just like Murray, Nadal and Federer, he is a perfectionist: they wouldn’t be where they stand without exceptional abilities and will, a tremendous work intelligence, and unbridled ambition.

I also believe that Nole is the nicest of them all. Not because I am a Novak fan: I have also good arguments for this — his behaviour in the AO final in 2011, at the end of the FO final 2012, his grace in loosing, all testify of it.

jane Says:

mat4, yeah, nice and anxious – I see both. :) I just don’t know about “depressive.” He doesn’t strike me as an Eeyore type in that he seems to bounce back so well from defeats and hardships, and he seems generally happy, although not “content”, if that makes sense. What I mean is that he wants to achieve more, and he definitely loves to be loved (who doesn’t?!) but I get the sense that he’s a proud and happy guy anyhow. I think a lot of us concur, with nuances. And, b.t.w., your writing is very clear to me.

laslow Says:

Novak is also the most intellectual of the top players IMO-Tipsarevic being the other. He is a fan of opera music, classical music and is an avid reader. He mentioned in a presser or TV interview in Asia that he wanted to study linguistics and he indeed seems to have a natural aptitude for languages. His parents are Serbian language speakers only. Roger’s parents are native speakers-English (mother) and Swiss German (father). Of course, being in Switzerland he would also be exposed to French and Italian speaking people although I don’t know if Roger’s Italian is good. I don’t see this same environmental factor in Novak’s talent for languages. There are some studies now which suggest the talent for languages is an inborn trait.In Murray’s case I don’t see any interest in languages although he spent time in Spain, befriended players from that country and even had a Spanish coach. I too believe that Novak is the ‘nicest’ of them all. Roger and Novak are great humanitarians and I hope their charities continue to garner support long after they have left the tennis scene.

jane Says:

One thing I noticed it that when they were all doing this ATP interview thing, and choosing their favourite films, Nole chose films like “Slumdog Millionaire” and “21 Grams”, which are both rather deep and artful movies in their own ways, while most of the others chose action films; I found that to be an interesting. That didn’t stop him from doing a cameo (later cut) for Expendables though, :)

jane Says:

“is” not “it” that…

Polo Says:

I am on the side that thinks Djokovic is not on depressive personality. I think he is very ambitious in that he want to be the best in everything: best player, most popular, everybody’s best friend. I can see that in his demeanor when people cheer for the other guy. He gets affected. When they cheer for him, he gets elated and plays even better. He savors the adulation which I think he feels he deserves and rightfully so. I think in his mind, he does not play second fiddle to Federer or Nadal. And he wants to prove that. I think this will drive him to achieve more in the coming years. Look at his face when he beats the other three. It is different from he beats the also-runs.

Polo Says:

there are grammatical errors and omissions there but the smart ones can read through that.

skeezer Says:


Can you repeat with the corrected errors and omissions please? I am not on of the smart ones…..

j/k ;)

mat4 Says:


I could agree with you that my expression is… let’s say, clear, but, unfortunately, it is never what I really wanted to say ;-)

@Laslow: There are many factors relevant in language learning. But let’s just notice that the phonological system of the serbian language facilitates language learning.

Also, I could add that the scholar system in mittel and eastern Europe, before the reforms dictated by the EU, was vastly superior to the western education system.

mat4 Says:


Don’t worry, Skeez. We knew it already… You’re just a Fed fan ;-)

mat4 Says:


And, about the most intellectual: I think that Youzhny is probably the one.

mat4 Says:


I am not sure that ambition and depression exclude each other.

I agree with the rest of your post. Well said.

skeezer Says:



laslow Says:

Ah yes, Youzhny! I see he has an advanced degree in philosophy.He may well be one.I don’t know anything else about him-his habits. What music does he listen to? What books does he read? Does he play video games? I tend to believe that a degree alone does not an intellectual make. I have a degree but don’t consider myself one at all.

jane Says:

And also Super Mario (Ancic); isn’t he now a studying law at Harvard or some such? Impressive – all Eastern European guys mentioned too – Nole, Tipsa, Super Mario and Sergeant Youz.

mat4, clear and poetic then!

jane Says:

“a studying” – that has a nice ring to it, like a ballad or something.

And ole Mario set to a studying
buried in the stacks
When suddenly he heard a ringing
… blah blah blah…

Margot Says:

mat5 …;) @ 8.38
Most Brits, I am truly embarrassed to say, are pretty awful at learning foreign languages. Must be to do with being a “cut off” island race.
And now English seems to be the language of the http://www., even less incentive.
That’s one of the many reasons that makes Wiggo so special…;)
Interesting idea that Nole is a depressive. Am not convinced myself. Am sure his experiences in Serbia will have left a shadow, but if it were the case wouldn’t he have had periods of not playing well? Have seen no evidence of this.

mat4 Says:


But it had a lot of impact on Djokovic, even though he knows he just can’t allow it.

Anyway, your fav, despite the difference in education, culture, origin, has a very similar, hypersensitive character.

mat4 Says:

Finally, I don’t want to argue about depression any more. I am the expert here, since I am depressive for at least 25 years. I know all about it.

Polo Says:

I was curious about smart tennis players so I googled. Youzhny has a PhD in Philisophy. Ancic finished law in his country. He did research work in Harvard Law School then decided to go to Columbia Law School for his masters. They were studying for their degress while still playing professional tennis. I’m impressed. They are good role models for kids.

Wog boy Says:


Blonde or brunette, can’t they cure your depression?

Polo Says:

Wog boy,

Blondes and brunettes, they often are the cause of depression.

Wog boy Says:


Not wrong, but at least it is nice while it lasts:)

alison Says:

Wogboy and Polo carefull now lol,you are treading on thin ice there.

Wog boy Says:


It wasn’t us, mat4 started it few they ago;)

mat4 Says:

Who says I want to be cured? Depression is just… so poetic.

Anyway, blonde or brunette… It is always worth a try.

Is it?

alison Says:

Wogboy,Mat4 lol loving your posts,this from a gal whos been both.

alison Says:

Nole has some of the best fans on this forum.

alison Says:

Redheads are great too.

mat4 Says:

Anyway, our mind likes so much to play games with us. The other day, a piece of Apollinaire crossed my mind:

Comme la vie est lente, Et comme l’Espérance est violente.

But the verses that preceed those one are:

L’amour s’en va comme cette eau courante,
L’amour s’en
Comme la vie est lente,
Et comme l’Espérance est violente.

For those who don’t know the language of the Gods, Richard Wilbur translated it the following way:

All love goes by as water to the sea
All love goes by
How slow life seems to me
How violent the hope of love can be

So, Polo seems to be right again. He has to be German. :-)

mat4 Says:


lulz (there’s at least a month a want to write this somewhere).

mat4 Says:


We do everything we can to attract a few of the misguided Rafa fan on our side.

alison Says:

^Naughty lol^.

alison Says:

Mat4 this Rafa fan loves this forum and the posts on it,well for the most part anyway,and will continue to post as long as she has access to a computer,the scales will tip next year for my favorite one way or the other,and i will still be here to take any stick that comes my way,even if next year his season does go tits up,objective critisism i will take,the trolls i will just have to ignore,we will see time will tell.

Wog boy Says:


I am not as picky as mat4 when it comes to colour of the hair.


That was nice.
BTW, I thought Greek is the language of GODS.:)

mat4 Says:


Of Greek gods, yes, you’re right. But they are just a few. But even Roman gods speak French nowadays.

mat4 Says:

@WB, alison:

I played chess for years, and since I was polite in my youth and kept my mouth shut while playing, they had to teach that, there’s no point, really, in winning, if you’re not bragging, joking and teasing your opponent.

So… Just like Rafa fans need Fed fans, lately, we, Nole fans, need Rafa fans. Who would we tease if there wasn’t for them?

There is just one exception, unfortunately — the second Sunday afternoon of Roland Garros. But nothing is perfect.

alison Says:

Mat4 yeah great post and very true,we all need each other,and dont worry Nole will get the FO at some point of that i am certain,sorry it wasnt this year though,although i was delighted for Rafa all the same.

Wog boy Says:


French was the language of the Russian Court under the regin Catherina the Great, many couldn’t speak Russian……and she was a German:)

mat4 Says:

Without joking, this time:

Nothing is granted. I was a big fan of Mats Wilander (no one’s perfect), and when he won 3 GS, I thought there will be many more. But he simply disappeared after that.

So, we should enjoy while it lasts. What did I write: depression is poetic? Worse: life is but a long, slow depression.

Polo Says:

Where are we going to be when the top 4 are gone? I’ve been loving these exchanges from fans in each corner of that quadrangle.

@mat4: Ich bin nicht Deutsch.

Polo Says:

Oops! I think I made myself depressed by what I just said.

mat4 Says:


The whole Romanov dynasty were Germans…

And I had the dubious honour to read a lot of Léon Tolstoï (Лев Н. Толстой): his French is just perfect.

Polo Says:

The best poets are the depressed romantics. Try Pablo Neruda.

mat4 Says:


I tried, I tried…

Are you German? ;-)

mat4 Says:

Sorry, missed your previous post.

mat4 Says:

Do you think they will preserve this thread for posterity?

Polo Says:

I don’t know if they will do that. But I will preserve it in my memory that I truly enjoyed these exchanges today. My worry now is that my memory is not a very reliable storage site.

Goodnight! And when you feel depressed, pick up a pen and put down what you feel. That depression might simply be a poet trying to get out.

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