Miss Robin Soderling? Here He Is, He Still Hopes For A Comeback [Video]

by Tom Gainey | October 16th, 2013, 11:49 am

It’s an important time for Swedish tennis with the Stockholm Open being played this week. The focus of the event is the return of former Top 10 Joachim Johanssen who is playing his first ATP tournament since 2009.

However not entered again in the tournament is two-time French Open finalist Robin Soderling. The top Swede of this generation hasn’t played a match since his Bastad title in July 2011. Fighting mono, Soderling, now 29, still hopes to make it back on the tour. He says he’s making progress. He can play matches now, just not on consecutive days.

He also finds it unfair that some people in effort to sell newspapers point to doping allegations as the reason for his absence and for other players who similarly miss extended periods of playing time.

There was a rumor last month that Soderling would play the upcoming Paris Masters, but unfortunately it turned out to be another false report.

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31 Comments for Miss Robin Soderling? Here He Is, He Still Hopes For A Comeback [Video]

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

I have no idea what he is saying here,but i wish him and his family well for the future,i dont know what sort of come back he would have,but if he stii wants to ply after all this time then why not?good luck Robin.

Perfect fan Says:

Grt to hear dat abt robin….one of my favs.

Apparently, he broke roger’s SF streak at GSs :(

Thomas Says:

Robin now has a child apparently. Even without tennis, his life is fine.

Jimmy Says:

From your headline “Miss Robin Soderling” I thought he had gotten a sex change operation …

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Robin has a beautiful wife,and a baby daughter,but it sounds as though he misses the game still,reading between the lines.

SG1 Says:

Soderling is a tennis player who wants to play tennis. It’s what he loves to do. This mono thing has been an ordeal for him (…and apparently still is). I hope he makes it back. A good guy with a pretty cool game.

Brando Says:

I wonder if RF sends some of his chocolate money to Soda as a thank you for FO 2009……………

madmax Says:

Brando Says:
I wonder if RF sends some of his chocolate money to Soda as a thank you for FO 2009……………

October 16th, 2013 at 1:27 pm

Why should he do that Brando?

hawkeye Says:

^^^Brando, recommend you follow your own advice now.

Okiegal Says:

Now he probably knows how Rafa felt about all the silent ban bull that was being tossed about regarding his lay off. Every time a tennis player takes time off……the doping issue rears its ugly head. That could be true in some case…..but I think they should be given the benefit of the doubt and get proof first. I don’t care who it is. I am a Rafa fan and he gets crucified about this.

Vamp Rafa……good luck in Basel.

Okiegal Says:

VAMOS not Vamp. Having a cool snap in Oklahoma …..fingers froze up!! Lol

Humble Rafa Says:

I vaguely remember him. Who is he?

SG1 Says:


He’s the guy that has ultimately been responsible for the raging GOAT argument. Federer beat him to win his FO and complete his career GS. Remember him yet? If Fed loses that match to Soderling, I believe your guy ends up as the consensus GOAT.

Steve 27 Says:

He and Ancic suffered mononucleosis and the pay is high.

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Oakiegal agree with your post,Rafa does get singled out,much of it due to peoples emotional bias,and i too must admit to having my own personal suspicions,not only about Rafa but on alot of players,it never actually crossed my mind that Soda could be serving a silent ban till now?it doesnt do harm to ask questions i suppose?

the DA Says:

Hmm..a certain top player received an O.B.E. today from Prince William. Call me biased but isn’t that as newsworthy as denying break up rumors or making chocolates with kids? ;P

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

The DA true,i saw the news at lunch time,congrats to Andy,how about a thread about it,come on Sean Randall,Tom Gainey and staff how about it eh?

Margot Says:

@ the DA/Hippychick
At last a sighting of Andy…..*swoons*….;) Royal corrspondent on Beeb, having a fine old time with it all said, “the future king” met “the king of British tennis.”
Lol, pity I’m not a royalist!

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Margot yeah i saw him on the news at dinner time(swoon)lol,very handsome in a suit,im just looking forward to seeing him back on court,cannot come soon enough IMO,but congrats to our Andy on his O.B.E,although im not a royalist either.

Margot Says:

I thought he looked a bit thin….worry, worry…

Barbara Ball Says:

In answer to your question. No, I do not miss him because he has a terrible personality and most other players don’t like him. Stay retired until you change your attitude.

Giles Says:

^^^ Agree with you 100%.

John Says:


I thought you’re not interested in what players do off-court. You always go out of your way to let people know this, whats changed?

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

John anything i find out,i usually find out on this forum,i actually found this out about Andy on the news too,but if you meant about Robin?im just hoping for the best for him in whatever he chooses to do,the thing that i find annoying is when i hear about charities and foundations been promoted by tennis players,sportspeople or otherwise,and all the back scratching and feet kissing,its all noteworthy but its not something i care to make a big deal about,but i certainly dont spend my days,scouring through websites looking for articles of the rich and famous,im too busy in the real world.

M Says:

“Miss Robin Soderling?”

Okay, LOL. I was confused when I read that, because I was like “His daughter’s name is not also Robin, it’s Olivia.”


M Says:

@Margot – He looked great, didn’t he? My friends and I were talking about how snappy he looked (and how elegant Kim looked! Need her shoes).

Michael Says:

Why would a player take 2 years off in his prime when he only as a few years to make a living before most players quit tennis. What alternatives does the ATP have that will not harm its reputation by naming dopers? Although it will get exposed at some point, its probably the best idea so far. Look at cycling and baseball as bad examples of how it was handled. I’d be willing to bet top 5 are all involved at some level.

Hans Fors Says:

Come on Robin you can do it! I miss the hardest forehand on the tour.

Bill Veris Says:

He will never come back. It’s been far too long now. Seems as if his illness is pretty serious.

Sucks how he was the only guy who managed a win over Rafe at the FO.

I will miss him. Great White bloke. I don’t think I appreciated him enough when he was on the tour. (I am sure us White people can forgive each other!) Yes, I feel sore about that. But God bless him for whatever he does.

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