Watch Roger Federer Tag Marinko Matosevic With A Tweener! [GIF]

by Tom Gainey | August 26th, 2014, 8:47 pm

Late in the second set tonight in his match against Marinko Matosevic, Roger Federer tagged the Australian with this tweener.

The point was over when Federer hit the shot, but it was still hilarious and afterward Federer had an apologetic laugh about it.

Another angle:

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41 Comments for Watch Roger Federer Tag Marinko Matosevic With A Tweener! [GIF]

skeezer Says:

Loved this! Nothing against Matso but he was looking for attention from the crowd and Jordon during the match. He is young, so no big deal. If he can buckle down on the antics, he may get more consistent with his game.

skeezer Says:

Btw, King of Tweeners, still!

Wog boy Says:


That shot, was it necessary? I see it as little bit of dissrespect for the other player and show off. Point was finished, mind you. Ok, he is Roger, but he going to the same to Rafa, Nole, Andy…?

jane Says:

well i am not sure fed meant to tag marinko, it didn’t look like it to me. but i couldn’t help but feel a bit sorry for him watching the video. he’d already lost the point and then he got hit. double the disappointment.

but overall, i agree skeezer. marinko acquitted himself rather nicely tonight didn’t he? put up a good fight and almost won that third set. he’s definitely got potential!

fed looks good in black and loved nole’s scarlet red last night too.

wog boy did you see nole’s match last night by the way? if not, cool shot here.

Michael Says:

Wog Boy,

That shot, was it necessary?

Well many players continue with their shot even after the point is decided. It is just a natural swing of the ball and you cannot blame them. Unfortunate it hit Matosevic but Roger would definitely not have meant to hit him. He just would have like to practice that shot on the court.

Wog boy Says:

I saw the match and that point, that was the shot of the day, actually, shot of the two days, but somehow didn’t deserve to be shown here on TX. I liked Boris reaction after Nole did the tweener, between chair umpire and the post, I wasn’t fan of Boris when he was a player but I like him now.

Michael, are you serious,”It is just a natural swing of the ball”,
He ran five steps after the ball was called out and then hit the ball. You are fair poster but…I will disagree with you about “It is just a natural swing of the ball”…

Arvind Says:

I didn’t knew the point already ended but I enjoyed it. Federer once said in an interview(regarding his dismal 2013 performance and talks about retirement) “If you can’t have fun in the court, what’s the point..”

Margot Says:

I believe MM just turned 29. Alas, only in tennis terms of course, not young anymore :(

Hippy Chic Says:

Agree with Wogboy nothing against Roger,but was there any need to do that when the point was already finished,fantastic shot from Novak too BTW….

Michael Says:

Wog Boy,

Ofcourse, we can agree to disagree. But what I meant was that many players do that on court and even after the umpire calls the ball out, they just swing their racquet and hit them on the opposite court just to find the lines. It is something that happens extempore. I am sure you too would agree that Roger would not have hit that with the mischeavous intention of hitting at Matosevic. Ofcourse, you have a good point when you say that he could have avoided it.

Polo Says:

Roger was running furiously towards the ball and was ready to hit in back in a manner he figured as the best to way to return it (between the legs). By the time he got there, the momentum was in full force and to suddenly break that may not only cause injury to himself, so, even though he saw it was out, he proceded to perform the planned hit. What harm can it do anyway? It’s not unsportsmanlike. It happens a lot. Players hit balls even when the point is over. His back was turned so there was no way he was aiming it at Matosevic. This is another one of those “much ado about nothing” by some people who always look at the negative side of things when it pertains to people they do not like.

Polo Says:

Roger was running furiously towards the ball and was ready to hit in back in a manner he figured as the best to way to return it (between the legs). By the time he got there, the momentum was in full force and to suddenly break that may not only cause injury to himself, so, even though he saw it was out, he proceeded to perform the planned hit. What harm can it do anyway? It’s not unsportsmanlike. It happens a lot. Players hit balls even when the point is over. His back was turned so there was no way he was aiming it at Matosevic. This is another one of those “much ado about nothing” by some people who always look at the negative side of things when it pertains to people they do not like.

Wog boy Says:

“furiously”…” cause injury”…sorry, I had to laugh, though I commend you for the way you put it together. Even Judge Judy would let him off the hook with this defence:)

skeezer Says:

Wog boy,
Did you watch the entire match?
Anyways, regarding this particular point, Fed was on a dead run to get to the ball and to me not sure if the ball was staying in or out. In otherwards, he was committed. Also, I don’t think he had any intention of hitting Matso nor knew his back was turned, as he was turned around also, hence the laugh.

skeezer Says:

As far as him doing this to someone like Rafa? Damn straight he would, that cursed H2H monster who owns me! Take that!

Wog boy Says:

I was switching between Roger/Matosevic and Tomic/Brown, so yes I was watching but not entire match. I noticed Roger was serving really well, BH down the line was almost perfect and just made it harder on himself by not converting the brake in the third.
Tomic/Brown was interesting to watch, Tomic was cramping or something was wrong with his body, he was sweating buckets, he hardly could walk.
I wasn’t saying Roger hit Marinko on purpose, I just think he didn’t have to play that ball, and I still think he didn’t have to play it, that’s all, and that’s only me.

RZ Says:

I’m pretty sure Fed didn’t mean to tag Matosevic. After all, the tweener is hit with the back to the court and he was running so he didn’t know where Matosevic was exactly. (Plus aiming directly for the opponent just lets the opponent hit a short or drop volley)

As for why Fed hit the tweener, he barely got his racquet on the ball before it double-bounced. He didn’t have time to run-around and hit a groundstroke. And it looked pretty close to the line so he wouldn’t have risked letting it go in case it was in. Says:

The tweener was spectacular. Hilarious. Michael is right, players often finish the shot, why not take the practice?

Fed played very well, but at the end of that third set Matosevic played some amazing tennis. But, anyone can play amazing when they think they’ve lost, doesn’t necessarily translate. Certainly looks like he has potential.

Fed’s BH last night was killer. If he can hit that BH against Novak it gives him a much better chance. I don’t think it would be enough, but it will improve his chances against Rafa too by giving him more chances to end the BH-BH cross-court rhythms.

The part with MJ was funny. I thought Fed was a bit grouchy about it.

Jack Lewis Says:

“Agree with Wogboy nothing against Roger,but was there any need to do that when ”

Yep, I’m sure none of the people that payed tickets to see this match had any fun watching this at all.

There is actually never any NEED to play tennis in the first place. It is a game. Games should be fun sometimes…

Daniel Says:

Wog Boy,

I saw Federer do this before sometimes he misses and sometimes get it. So in his case didn’t view the way you do because is not the first time he dis something similar after a point ended. Saw several other players do this as well, like what Michael said, this oportunitiea o hit tweeners are ate, so, they better practice when they got the chance. And the match feel like a deluce practice. It was enterraining and the crowd loves this matches.
Matso didn’t fold completely as some players do in this firat rounds.

SG1 Says:

Tennis is also entertaiment. Federer gets it. Fans want to see pros express the full breadth of their talent. Anyway, no harm no foul (at least in this instance).

Damn nice looking tweener!

SG1 Says:

As fans, we should appreicate every chance we get to see this kind of thing. Particularly from Federer. He’s a lot closer to the finish line than the start of the race and there will be a time when we’ll only remember his ability and will no longer be able to see him display it.

I have not always been a Federer fan but I like this new reincarnation that has made changes to his game (new racket, consistent net presence etc.). I am impressed by his willingness to adapt to the reality of being a little older. If only Edberg and him has paired up 7 or 8 years ago. I believe the Fedal “rivalry” would have been much more even. I think that him choosing to work with Edberg, a 100% class guy through and through, has really been a huge benefit for his game and him personally.

jane Says:

true sg1: fedberg seems to have been a good thing for roger and you can’t help but wonder how it might’ve affected his successes had it happened earlier. perhaps especially against nadal. have they played much since fed hired edberg? just the once, the australian or more?

SG1 Says:

Jane…I guess all changes take a little while to take hold. I’d like to see a Federer-Nadal match up in the near future. I think some new wrinkles in Fed’s game could make things more interesting.

Here’s a thought. What if Federer wins this USO? It would be tough to argue he hasn’t been player of the year. He’s been the most consistent of the top guys and slam would, at least in my mind, make him the true No.1 even if the rankings aren’t supporting it.

Okiegal Says:

I am confident Federer didn’t intend to hit him, I mean it’s not like he has eyes in the back of his head……..but the cough laugh after it happened was a tad rude imo…….The goat owner has a good sense of humor also……he laughed when Matosevic knocked over his water bottles and he was even on the receiving end of the joke!!

jane Says:

sg1 if fed wins the us open he will be the number 1 in the race, so in all probability he’d be the number 1 in the rankings too, when they catch up. i guess fed’s toughest go this year was on clay. he reached only the one final in monte carlo, and then lost in first round in rome and r16 at the french. but on hard and grass he’s been very consistent and has gone deep at all the tournaments he’s played. quite the turnaround from 2013 when he lost early at 2 of the slams.

Daniel Says:


Fed wiuld only be number at Race if Djoko doesn’t go tk the finals. If Djoko loses yet another final he would have 1 Slam, 2 r-up and more masters. Still to me
The player of the year.
Of courae Fed winning USO and beating him would be a huge achievement, beating #1 for a Slam.

But his are if’s right now we have o follow the developments but as Wawa and Murray drop seta in firta round seema Djoko and Fed will play the final in a few days.

jane Says:

oops, thanks for clarifying daniel.

Hippy Chic Says:

Theres alot of tennis to be played between now and the final,granted Fed and Novak have looked the best so far,and Murray and Wawa were a bit shaky,but its not as though both squeaked through in five tight sets,or were two sets down,so i dont quite know how much one can judge just by the first rounds?theres plenty of players that have looked pretty good in their opening round matches too,a bit early to be penciling them in for the final just yet IMO….

madmax Says:

Wog boy, Hippy,

Roger didn’t know where he was going to hit the shot. Watch the highlights again. He went for the point, (I didn’t think he would reach it to be fair, but he did). He deserved the wry smile at the end.

I was more amazed at the fact that his opponent didn’t even flinch. Probably thought he had got the point and turned his back before Roger got to hit the ball.

It was amazing I thought.

Skeezer, Matosevic isn’t so young. He is 29!

I thought he played a good match, some really excellent strokes. He could easily have taken the third. The first 2 and a half sets were great play from Roger. I just wished that, for Matso’s sake, he didn’t show so much negative body language. Not good.

skeezer Says:

yeah margot corrected me on that. Didn’t know he was 29…

@wog boy,
Hey you have you’re right to your own view on it, and respect that. Mine is Matso was looking for attention that match and he got it ;).
Me thinks we could discuss it better in a pub with some Fosters or Guinness. ;)

addicted Says:

Federer clearly did not intend to hit him (he doesn’t have eyes in the back of his head, and Matosevic had already started walking back, so he wasn’t where Federer had last seen him).

The game had become kinda light-hearted at that point, and Matosevic had realized that it was pretty much all over for him.

Ironically, this let him loosen up and save BPs from 0-40 playing some great tennis and nearly take the game into the 4th set (he was up a mini-break in the TB).

RZ Says:

@Madmax – I think Matosevic must have thought his shot was out, otherwise it doesn’t make sense for him to turn his back as the point wasn’t over yet. I agree that he deserves credit for not flinching when he was hit. I kept thinking of how Berdych might have reacted if he had been hit. Would he have shaken Fed’s hand at the end of the match? LOL.

Wog boy Says:

No probs, I will go for a Guinness, I even went on a pilgrimage to Guinness factory in Dublin, man, that was the eye opener, born again..:)

dari Says:

Hello everybody guys!
Marinko is NOT young
Roger’s backhand was awesome last night, kep bringing that, please, and we may see some big things!

dari Says:

Novak’s around the post Shot was sooo good as well, Wog and Jane! And the movement to it looked so sharp.

Wog boy Says:

Hi dari, good to see you:)

“And the movement to it looked so sharp.” I think it is due to scarlet red (thanks jane) and black colour combination, it is deceiving for the eyes;)

Michael Says:


but the cough laugh after it happened was a tad rude imo

But I think that laugh of Roger was inspired when he was involved with the crowd and got a feeling that his shot was well appreciated. I do not think that was evoked with the intention of irritating Matosevic in any manner. Roger, as a player is always popular with the crowd as he has that magnetic charisma and they literally idolize him and want him to win every match.

Okiegal Says:


I think the crowd was laughing because he hit him right square in the butt……I probably rushed to conclusions….I don’t have a clue whether he is rude or not…..a bit arrogant, however…but everyone is aware of that.

Hippy Chic Says:

Fair enough Madmax….

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