Rafael Nadal Is Training Hard For 2015 [Video]

by Tom Gainey | December 19th, 2014, 11:05 am

Following an injury-riddled 2014, Rafael Nadal is training hard for a turnaround in the new year. Rafa’s coach, Uncle Toni, recently said that his nephew is still not yet at 100% full strength. The back and wrist injuries have healed but doctors have advised Nadal to refrain for going full strength on his serve for now.

Nadal is confirmed to return to tennis in two weeks at the Abu Dhabi exo.

“Training hard these weeks before 2015 starts. Do you like the video?” Nadal wrote on Facebook today.

A media report:

During a conference call yesterday, Nadal spoke about his recovery.

“I am fine, I am working very hard, the last couple of weeks I really increased a lot my practice, this operation on the appendix was good, no problems at all,” Nadal said. “I’m happy to say today that I am able to practise a lot of hours every day, and with the right intensity, so that’s the most important thing. And after five, six months, the main thing is to work hard and try to be ready for the beginning of the season.”

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31 Comments for Rafael Nadal Is Training Hard For 2015 [Video]

Humble Rafa Says:

Some nameless American dude who used to play tennis is saying I will retire before the Arrogant One due to injuries.

The only thing injured right now is his brain.

sienna Says:

yup like I said before…

all buffed up. I am sure everithing is topped off
after his latest hospital venues.
(if you catch my drift)
This is it for team Nadal.
Rafa wants to catch 17 before 30 yrs. T wants it because he dosnt want tour that much anymore and the goal is slamleader.
within 2 year he needs to do it within that timeframe.
it is good that focus shifts to Nadal. With 14 slams he has earned the pressure of must win and he (outside clay) never done that well being favorite.

brando GOAT poster Says:

@sienna: life called, left a message: don’t abuse me by writing complete nonsense about a tennis player that only makes sense in your narrow mind. Get a grip love before the local psychiatric authorities come calling.

Giles Says:

Vamos Champ!
Wishing you a happy, healthy and successful 2015!

SG1 Says:

Anyone is entitled to an opinion. If Sienna thinks that Rafa is juiced, so be it. Fortunately, Sienna is perfectly entitled to be wrong.

I, and most tennis folks appreciate Rafa for what he is. An all time great…right up there with Roger, Pete and Laver. Perhaps the GOAT, perhaps not but unquestionably in the discussion.

brando GOAT poster Says:

And also……… The remorseless master of Roger Federer on a tennis court. P

elina Says:

I am starting to think the same way SG1. Like Agassi and McEnroe have been saying recently. But I prefer to wait until all is said and done.

Especially with the average age elite tennis players continuing to climb many well into their 30’s. They also have hospitals perhaps?


Humble Rafa Says:

Has anyone heard of this guy called Jim Courier. He introduced himself as a former number 1 and everyone started laughing.

Brando GOAT Poster Says:


LMFAO @4.19 comment.

Epic put down, yet done so humbly as always: major props.

Hippy Chick Says:

Well if Rafa is doping,i would be dissapointed but not entirely shocked or surprised as its the world we live in unfortunatly?having said that i wouldnt bet my house on him been the only one,Novaks amazing run in 2011 that came from nowhere,Andys surgery,Rogers amazing run all his career,Sharapovas shoulder surgery,Serenas blood clots etc etc,i mean how do we really know for sure that the ATP/WTA are not covering something up??Anyway a discussion best saved for another day i wouldve thought,as peoples opinions are mostly based on hot air anyway….

Michael Says:

Just the sheer amount of hard work that these guys put in day in and day out just goes unnoticed. What the crowds manage to see is only their exploits on court but not the sweat behind their acrobatics. The irony is that mere hard work might not yield you instant success and there is something extra (unexplainable) which is needed to reach the threshold of success. Lakhs of players play Tennis with tremendous zeal, enthusiasm, inspiration and perspirate to ride their way to the top, but only a few make it in the end and achieve glory. So, success remains elusive despite hard work for a brute majority and therein lies the greatness of Champions who are on a class of their own and are immortals in a sense.

I am not sure about the complete recovery of Rafa but it seems he is fit and raring to play once again and that by itself is a welcome development for Tennis fans. But I doubt, if he can replicate the magnificent come backs that he managed to achieve in 2010 as well as 2012 and therein lies the real challenge for Rafa. Psychologically, the imprint of not a full recovery would be playing on his mind and already he has been advised not to go the whole hog on his serve which is a major blow. Nevertheless, we can only hope for the best and harbour the confidence that he will yet again emerge with flying colours.

Okiegal Says:

Michael……great post and I think we are in for an interesting 2015! I’m anxious to see how it all plays out. Being a Rafa fan, I’m ready for his return. I watched a clip and he was practicing his serve……time will tell about his back and wrist.

Hippy Chick Says:

Michael nice post as usual,just wondering from the other thread,whats your take on the era of Roger/Rafa/Novak dominating the top 3,strong era or weak era?….

Michael Says:

Thanks Okiegal !! Ofcourse it promises to be a great year for Tennis fans. Let us wait and watch how it unfolds. But the entry of Rafa and Del Potro is only going to make the game more keener and competitive.

Michael Says:

Thanks Alison !!

I strongly believe there are no strong or weak eras. There are good and great players in every era and there is no objective or subjective way to classify an era as weak or strong. The players at the top now are fascinating as well as amazing, but in the same vein the players at the top of any previous generation have been amazing as well.

If one player dominates all or if four players dominate all or if 10 players dominate all, what difference does it make? One could speculate that domination indicates strength at the top, but it could also indicate lack of adequate competition. A lack of domination could indicate many players are equally great, but could also mean that there are no players strong enough to reign supreme.

So, it is clearly a matter of mere perception and individual opinions might vary given their set of bias and prejudice towards any player implying their hang over which doesn’t allow one to honestly assess, express or evaluate things as they unfold wherein their views would be influenced by favouritism.

Hippy Chick Says:

Michael lol yeah true,and i dont mean the lol to sound disrespectful,its just i always love the way you manage to get to the crux of the matter without ranting or using personal insults,i must admit to actually been at times scared to approach certain posters,and i mention no names there as they seem to want to belittle you as a person and become rather agressive,as well as stating their POV,in a how dare you say that to me kind of way,when we are all supposed to be here on an equal footing,you are never like that,Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,and dont forget that blog ;-))….

Michael Says:

Alison, I heartily reciprocate your Seasons greetings and wish you and yr family the very best going forward. I take this opportunity to wish all the forum members as well a very prosperous & healthy Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

As I have said often, I will take your words of appreciation not literally, but as some kind of encouragement to motivate myself to be always conscious and sincere to what I believe in and express in explicit terms. I always exercise great restraint and care not to offend one’s sensibilities unless I am terribly provoked testing the limits of my patience. There is nothing as black and white in this World and what is good for one would be bad for another. One man’s terrorist is another man’s patriot. So, you must be brazen enough to hold anything as perfect as there is always a counter view which would betray your judgement.

Ofcourse I remember that blog and stand committed to it. But at the moment, I am not in a position to give myself time due to my pressing commitments. May be 2015 would yield a break through in that regard, I hope !?

Okiegal Says:

@Michael…..Loved your post about weak era strong era. You put it nicely and I couldn’t agree more. I think some bring up the era’s being one way or the other to bolster their favorites achievements or the other way to play down someone else’s achievements. It’s all crazy, but it is what is.

I want to wish you a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

@Chick…….a Happy Holiday season to you too, kindred spirit!! Hope your father in law is doing well. I remember he was having some health problems at one time.

Hippy Chick Says:

Okiegal hi yeah he still is im afraid,but it is what it is,i dont actually celebrate Christmas as such,been a Pagan we celebrate whats called yule which is between the 20th and 23rd of December as its the winter solstice,and the time of year its starts to get a bit lighter,theres also something called Wassailing where we celebrate the crops bearing apples for the new season….

Hippy Chick Says:


Michael Says:

Okiegal, Heartily reciprocate yr seasons greetings and appreciate yr gesture.

About this strong era and weak era, it is similar to the Goat theory which will remain inconclusive as it us merely a perception battle with sound and fury signifying nothing. Of course it would make discussions stimulating and interesting and would nurture a rich academic exercise with analyticals thrown in plenty engrossing and time consuming yielding nothing in the end.

elina Says:

Agassi’s way of classifying this era as golden is based on the number of simultaneous GOAT candidates in tennis:

“It’s an amazing time in men’s tennis to be looking at two guys in the same generation that have a legitimate claim to that title. That’s also forgetting about the fact that Djokovic is one win away from entering not necessarily this all‑time conversation, but certainly accomplishing a win at every slam. So now you got three guys potentially in one generation who have done something that only five guys have done over five decades. I think it’s a golden age in our sport for sure. I think we’re better off for it. I hope everybody appreciates what it is we’re watching.”

I sure appreciate it Andre! And he’s no weekend hacker!

Okiegal Says:

@Elina…..I missed the article you are referring to……sounds like Andre is telling it like it is. I’m gonna agree with him……spot on!!

jane Says:

thanks for the agassi quote elina; i totally agree.

as everyone knows i am a nole fan, but with regards to the rafa vs. fed debate, here’s an interesting stat i read yesterday.

partly due to fed being older, and partly due to rafa being injured for a number of slams, rafa has won 14 slams in 39 tries and fed has won 17 slams in 62 tries. it’ll be interesting to see how that plays out from now on. if nadal continues to “own” roland garros, he could reach 17 slams in 3 years, by 2017. he could reach it sooner if he wins elsewhere.

it’s all “could,” of course. fed could also win another. he came close last year. and someone “could” stop rafa’s french dominance (nole ideally ;)).

but definitely this goat debate is not going anywhere and will get only more heated over the next couple of years, especially when / if rafa wins his next slam to pass pete and make it 15.

it makes sense that this year rafa and toni will be going “all out” to win as much as possible, but mainly at the slams.

it’ll also be interesting to see if any newcomers throw a wrench into those proceedings, like cilic and stan did this year.

or nole, too, i guess, although as elina’s quote suggests, he’s going for his own sorts of milestones.

Felipe Says:

Federer at one point had 16 slams in 43 tries. After AUS 2010, he is 1 for 19.
Winning slams its not easy. One bad day, one superb day by the oponent, one minor injury and you are gone. Nadal knows it, he knows that the Australian open will be very tough to win (his best chance was last year), so he MUST prevail in Paris, but sooner or later, he will have a bad day at the office, an inspired quality opponent (a la Soderling) or finally Djokovic will be able to break him down. When that day arrives, Nadal will be done for good. He always said that by winning the French open he can face the rest of the year more relaxed. You can tell now that he suffers to win it, its no longer a walk in the park, thats why he choose to play the mickey mouse south american clay swing in 2015, thats why he said that “been number 1 is not my goal”, because he (and his team) will put all the efforts to achieve the 10th Fernch open crown.

brando GOAT poster Says:

Fernch open? Nice to see that Felipe doesn’t know what he’s on about as per usual.

skeezer Says:

Clay is the easiest on the joints, fact.

Wog Boy Says:

I know this has nothing to do with tennis but it is worth watching and since it is European thing I am posting it on Rafa thread. This has never been done before with passenger aircrafts, five of them, Airbus350, most expensive commercial ever, have a look, it is jolly season:)


jane Says:

thanks for that stat re: fed’s slams, i.e., 16 in 43 tries; it puts rafa’s efforts in a very similar light to fed’s then.

Okiegal Says:

@Skeezer…….you commented that it’s a fact that clay is easier on the joints, you’re echoing Rafa, which surprises me a little bit, but I have found that you’re always honest in your remarks and quite knowledgeable of the game. Merry Christmas to my fellow American……I’ve said this already….it’s your turn!! Lol Okie

sienna Says:

some nuances in your knowledgeable post maybe?
Nadal will be still aan force on slower Hc also the faster courts if draw opens up luck etc he could do it.

but when his game goes it goes faster then Gedaan game.
Youre right about that.

two years they think they got and they think they can do it. it means >17.
au open is a must win slam for that goal.

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