Rafael Nadal’s Still Training On Hardcourts, The Splint Is Back On [Video]

by Tom Gainey | August 20th, 2014, 10:11 am

Despite his absence from the US Open, Rafael Nadal is still training on the hardcourts in Mallorca hoping to possibly return for Spain’s Davis Cup playoff tie next month in Brazil on red clay.

In the video Nadal is seen wearing the splint on his right wrist again. No timetable for return has been set. The team will continue rehabilitating the wrist and testing it’s strength. When it’s healthy again that when he’ll be back, he says.

If Nadal cannot play in the Davis Cup tie on September 12, his next scheduled event is Beijing on September 29.

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34 Comments for Rafael Nadal’s Still Training On Hardcourts, The Splint Is Back On [Video]

Gordon Says:

He looks so serious in the interview; not even a hint of that smile that can light up the place.

Hopefully he is healed and back real soon. That would be excellent should he be ready for the Davis Cup tie, but I’m sure Rafa will not be rushing it.

Ben Pronin Says:

I lost my brace, had to order a new one, very upset abuot it.

Giles Says:

Careful now Tennis X. Complaints will come flooding in, especially from joker fans, that you are giving us too many updates on Rafa’s wrist injury. They find it boring and unnecessary.
Rafans don’t mind the updates, we want to know what’s going on. So …..
Vamos Rafa!
Hope to see you fit and healthy real soon.

skeezer Says:

Since he can only hit one handers(BH) for now, maybe he’ll improve the choppy BH, turn it into more of a slice stroke, and a weapon, rather than just using that one hander for defense most of the time.

Hippy Chic Says:

I dont really know whats more annoying really,all the updates that basically tell us nothing new,or all the sacastic comments that come with them??

Giles Says:

If you read the updates more closely you will see that each and every update tells us something new.
Thanks Tennis X. Great job!

SnotNosedKid Says:

He runs around his backhand 80% of the time anyway…couldn’t he just make it 100% and play the Open?

skeezer Says:

Don’t know about others but my post was not intended to be sarcastic, but sincere. It was just a suggestion to spend more time developing what else he CAN do with a one handed BH since he won’t be using a 2 hander for awhile. Turn it into an opportunity rather than a negative….

Hippy Chic Says:

Skeezer no fair enough,but put it this way i wont be holding my breath,or and thinking it will stay that way for much longer,i atually think Gordons right he looks miserable as sin,pig sick in fact….

SG1 Says:

Moya looks like he’s still got some game…

Okiegal Says:

I didn’t learn anything new on the update at all.

@Ben……did you ever find out exactly what the injury was? I left you a comment about it on another thread. The thread where you said you had a hurt wrist but hadn’t gone to the doctor about it yet. So from your comment above I assume you went to the doctor and he put you in a splint……then you lost it?? I think you best find it so your wrist can heal.

Brando 2.0 Says:

Skeezer’s post was not sarcastic but a perfectly fine observational one.

Hippy Chic Says:

Brando 2.0 i know it wasnt aimed at Skeezer anyway,just an obsevation,just thought id strike first,im sure as god made little green apples,one can guarantee it wont be too long,rest assured….

Giles Says:

In the last update Rafa was practising without the splint. In this update he has the splint back on.
See the difference?

Brando 2.0 Says:

Not surprised at all.

The man love’s the game with a passion, relish that is astounding to see burn as brightly today as it did when he first stepped onto the scene many a year ago as the biggest teenage sensation since the great Bjorn Borg!

He’s unique, he’s a force and he’s a one of those individuals who no matter what the heartache, setback is he ALWAYS get’s up and seeks to forge on from the circumstances he finds himself in.

Never Say Die personified!

I like many other fans of the game cannot wait till he return since really Rafa brings a buzz, excitement to the game in a manner that is unique to him.

He’s much missed but greatly appreciated nonetheless to be apart of the game Tennis.

Get well soon Rafa and of course:


Patson Says:

I don’t know spanish. I didn’t learn anything :(

Brando 2.0 Says:


I know what you mean and I know that you were not referring to skeezer.

One was made earlier. A failed attempt at sarcasm. But the less said about that the better.

Think of it like this:

Who is the most hated individual/s in Tennis? It’s Rafa and Fed.

In football these day’s it seems to be Real Madrid, Manchester City etc.

Boxing? Mayweather.

Yet who are the most successful in those fields right now or enjoy the greatest acclaim?

Surprise, surprise: it’s them.

So why the hate from some and the taunting?

Success breeds both acclaim and hate/envy.

Nobody hates a loser, but a winner: you’ll find a bunch somewhere finding a problem with them.

Human nature just seems to have it this way.

So just ignore it.

Learn to love it when it occurs regarding Rafa since more than likely occurring since someone deep down cannot stand the fact that:

he’s a big time winner.

And in the game of Tennis, according to the record books:

Rafa is as circle of winners that only a few others exist.

So chill, enjoy the trolling of him, since the next time Rafa lands a title the same trolls will be silently squirming with hatred!

That more than a post is the perfect response to them.

Okiegal Says:


I’m sure I could see the difference…..missed the video where he was practicing w/o it. I tried to find it but was unsuccessful….but I’ll keep looking.

Hippy Chic Says:

Brando thanks i will try to take what you say on board….

Brando 2.0 Says:


Glad to see that you shall. It’s the best way really.

I know it can rile you up, especially when it’s unwarranted, snippy, rather ****** type comment that’s underhanded but truthfully:

It just comes with the territory.

A rather small price to pay for being eminently successful.

Fact is:

Rafa is a 14x GS Champion. He’s 28. And most current and ex players- the experts who really matter- would say when asked, he’s likely far from done winning yet.

That will naturally lead to more acclaim and- of course- hate/envy.

It’s just the way the cookie crumbles in this world.

Someone experiences some joy and success and you’ll find some pleased for the individual and then others- sadly- riled up out of sheer pettiness.

Sad, but that’s how it is.

Ben Pronin Says:

Okiegal, no I haven’t seen the doc yet. Bought the splint on my own just as a precaution. Now it’s acting up again and I have no idea what I did with it.

Anyways, remember that time Davydenko played several tournaments with a broken wrist? Now that’s a real man!

Okiegal Says:


Yeah, there are some tough guys out there….My brother was one. He played basketball with a broken wrist casted from wrist to half his arm. Yes it can be done, I suppose. But seriously, the two handed back hand would have to be painful, hitting as hard as he does. I guess some people apparently are thinking the injury isn’t bad enough to withdraw from USO……but I will give him the benefit of the doubt. I can certainly see why he would not want to aggravate a lessor injury by playing and causing it to become worse.

Okiegal Says:

@Giles……found the video……just missed it the first time.

elina Says:

If Nadal can develop his SHBH then Roger can certainly develop a DHBH to deal with Nadal the way Djoko has! Great idea.

Margot Says:

Talking of “real men” Bert Trautman played a football match with a broken neck….
Us Brits…;)

Ben Pronin Says:

I hope people know I’m joking. Davydenko’s case is actually quite sad. He broke his wrist not long after he went on that torrid run beating up on just about everyone and then SOMEHOW his wrist was misdiagnosed in the 21st century. I mean seriously, what the hell kind of doctor did he go to the first time? Either way, his career hasn’t been the same since. Quite a shame.

Ruby Says:

Exactly, Ben Pronin. You can end your career by sucking it up. The facts is the facts. Small tendon tears often heal in time. Big tendon tears often require surgery. Surgery means as much as a year off — Rafa can’t afford that at 28.

Giles Says:


metan Says:

Hopefully he is getting better soon. Miss him so much. VAMOS RAFA.

BTW, is Brando 2.0 is the same poster with our old Brando., just asking. ☺

Polo Says:

If Nadal comes back healthy next year, he’ll probably win another French Open and maybe another major. The only guy standing in his way is Nole. None of these “young” ones are good enough to beat those two in a major. They could not even touch a 32 year old guy, much less those two.

Daniel Says:


Nadal played 3 Slams in 2013 lost 2 to players that were not Novak and the only final they played he beat Djoko. So don’t tink your last post hold true.

He skipped majors the last 3 years and turning 29 May next year I can see more probability of him skipping another major in 2015 than playing all 4. But if course every one he plays he will be favorite or co-favorite with the exception being Wimbledon. If he wasn’t making pass quarters with 26, 27 and 28 don’t expect him to do so next year with 29 or the year after.

Felipe Says:

Nadal wants to win the Aussie open in order to complete the “double slam”, and be the only one in the open era to do it. Even tough he constantly denies the subject, he and tony are very aware of records and want them badly. Deep down he knows that this year was his best chance EVER to accomplish such feat, and im sure that he will try as hard as possible to make it happen in 2015. He knows that father time its catching up and other players are younger and hungrier. Ask Federer, the older you get……

Bob Says:

“And most current and ex players- the experts who really matter- would say when asked, he’s likely far from done winning yet “.

Two dot zero, invoking speculative answers to imaginary questions from “experts” to back your predictions, that’s impressive.

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