Rafael Nadal Reveals The One Thing He Has To Change To Become A Winner Again [Video]

by Tom Gainey | September 28th, 2015, 10:20 am

In promotion of his new 15 million pound tennis academy, Rafael Nadal sat down the Sky Sports reporter Jacquie Beltrao for an exclusive interview. The Spanish star talked about his new school for kids and reflected on what has been a disappointing 2015 season.

“During the first five, six, seven months, I was feeling very tired,” Nadal said. “I suffered, especially those months. But the last couple of months I am enjoying my tennis game. I am not worried about my tennis level.”

Ranked No. 7, Nadal simply hasn’t been a late tournament factor at many events this year. And at the age of 29, critics are writing Nadal off.

“I have to change to very important thing: be the player that I was one year ago,” Nadal said. “I get used to not finding excuses outside of myself, so I know when things are not going well it’s myself, it’s not the people who are around me.”

Nadal finished his 2015 for the first time since 2004 with a Grand Slam title on the year, and he never made a semifinal. And this season he’s been healthy! So how can he get back?

“I don’t know if I can win another Slam,” he added. “I believe yes. Let’s see if I am able to relax and control my emotions again. If that happens, and I believe that is going to happen soon, I’m gonna find my level of tennis.”

Nadal returns to action next week in Beijing where rival Novak Djokovic is the top seed. Nadal also stands 7th in the ATP Race, about 700 points ahead of No. 8 David Ferrer.

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46 Comments for Rafael Nadal Reveals The One Thing He Has To Change To Become A Winner Again [Video]

chris ford1 Says:

Well, it’s an exo, but Rafa and Nole will have a match in Bangkok Oct 2nd. And while there will be goofing off at some parts of the match, by their nature and competitiveness – they will go at each other with 100% effort to win points or games.

The two, who have played each other more than any ATP pair in the Open Era, have not met since the French Open. Should be a good look-in on how Rafa is doing.

Novak is in an odd position. He wants to win everything, but he also wants many more competitive matches with Rafa. Doesn’t want to see Rafa decline to the point of retiring.

J-Kath Says:

I’m shaking my head – no comments on the Nadal thread….? Recently the phrase the “top 4” has definitely changed to the “top 3” – Nole, Fed. and Rafa which makes it even odder that comments are non-existent.

J-Kath Says:

@ ChrisFord – See you responded before me – but yours wasn’t visible when I first responded.

J-Kath Says:

What do you do when you can’t find the thread used by a co-fan who responds to a comment made earlier i.e. which thread is Margot on? It seems to have vanished from my screen…….?

jane Says:

i think you mean “without” a grand slam.

trying to interpret what rafa means by “tired”. i dont think he could mean physically, since he took off almost all of the last third of last year, post-wimbledon.

thus, he must mean mentally tired. but of what? tired of the game itself? he seems to imply that, or at least to suggest he wasn’t enjoying the game.

and then i wonder why he is so hard on himself, i.e., not looking for “excuses” outside himself, that it’s all his fault or something. but maybe that’s not the case; maybe the people around him DO contribute to how he feels about tennis?

who really knows what’s going on in players’ heads, but rafa has seemed maybe a bit “unsettled” on and off the court this year. it sounds like he feels more positive at the moment though.

Gypsy Gal Says:

I dont particulaly want to go into what a crap year hes had,as the whole topics been beaten to the ground here,so i will just say to Rafa best of luck with the acadamy and also the rest of the season and the next one,lets look forward rather than back,and let the chips fall wherever they may….

Wog Boy Says:

They must be serious since uncle Toni is with him, even in Bangkok. The problem is not just to find his level of tennis but to change his game since few players can challenge and beat him if he plays his past trademark tennis. We’ll find out soon, Beijing and Shanghai are just around the corner.

jalep Says:


The thread probably disappeared into the Tennis-x RSS news feed. Something that commonly happens fast if Tennis-x staff are posting numerous new news stories.

1) Go to top of this page and click on ‘home’
2) Then look at the box, on the top right, where post topics are listed and you’ll be able to click the top of the box where it says’top stories’.

**When you are already on a thread, you can see that top right box where it says ‘top stories’ but you have to click on ‘home’, then from that page click on ‘top stories’ to access the news feed list.**

3) There you’ll find the Davis Cup thread titles and Andy Murray thread topics…and maybe remember where you last saw the conversation you are looking for.

Happens all the time to me. This website doesn’t have a ‘sticky’ feature to keep threads from disappearing. The thread is still here, it’s just buried in the news feed.

hope that helps…

jalep Says:

Actually, when on the ‘home’ page, “top stories” changes to “More tennis news” … that’s what to click to access news feed, KatH.

jalep Says:

Actually, when on the ‘home’ page, “top stories” changes to “More tennis news” … that’s what to click to access news feed, KatH.

jalep Says:

Actually, when on the ‘home’ page, “top stories” changes to “More tennis news” … that’s what to click to access news feed, KatH.

jalep Says:

lol, wow. how did i triple post in one click??!


jalep Says:

Great interview with Rafa. He’s sounds happy. He’s animated, untroubled…

jane Says:

^ yeah, previously i just read the text and didn’t watch the video. tone can make a world of difference.

Kat-H you can also scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “previous entries” and that way you’ll go back chronologically, if that makes sense…

Humble Rafa Says:

Look at me. Don’t you miss me?

peter Says:

Rafa needs a new coach. lendl edberg and Becker all did a good job. A legend coach will just give him a new insight and competitive edge, instead of sticking to uncle Toni and the same formula.

Everybody else has improved their games over the years, even when they start aging past their physical peak. That’s why the top players now are 29, 30 years old.

Truthsquad Says:

Rafa is an amazing champion, and the sport needs him, but I think the major element missing in his game currently is self belief. I still don’t see or hear him express with any degree of conviction that he can return to the top of the game. Maybe it was arrogance on Fed’s part, but I always felt Roger always believed and still believes he can win majors, and be at the top. Rafa still seems tentative and unsure of his future. Until he truly believes if, I don’t see it happening. “Heaven help the man who doubts what he’s sure of…”

chris ford1 Says:

Agree, Truthsquad. Self-belief matters hugely. This is not just about the 3-4 players that believe they can be #1 next year, but the non-superstars that have to go into matches with conviction that they as #14 can beat the 22nd ranked player almost always and the #3 ranked player on a really, really good day.
You can see the impact more in the WTA, where belief they can win waxes and wanes with many of the female players – and the result is inconsistency.

RF Says:

I think if you’re not confident , you find it hard to go through those moments when fatigue gets to you. You feel you are running out of stamina. It’s hard for people like us to relate to since we’ve never played tennis at that level. Also, each player has his own demons to deal with. Fatigue is a bigger demon for Nadal since his ability to get to every ball has been his hallmark. On the other hand, Fed’s game is naturally less prone to fatigue during a match because he goes for winners early in the rally. Nevertheless these are not the causes rather the effects of something deeper. At this stage of his career, I feel Nadal’s success depends on whether he can make his service games less grueling. If each service game goes to deuce, you won’t have much left in the tank after the third set.

I’d be very closely looking at this particular aspect of his matches next season. May be call Fed for some tips ? No point in calling Isner; you can’t suddenly grow yourself to be 6 ft 10 in.

J-Kath Says:

Thanks to Jalep + Jane – will do.

Gypsy Gal Says:

Please be on your guard tennis-x,as i have a feeling it wont be long before certain quarters migrate from Blue Moonball,and start discussing a players sexuality and gender like they did some months back,unless thats the kind of subject matter that you actually want here,its entirely your choice?….

Margot Says:

There you are! These disappearing threads are a nightmare. Quite hard to follow. “Trunk” and “Funk” totally weird, a foreign language even.
Not into tennis at all at the mo. Closely following WRC. Love Rugby, being Welsh goes with the territory. Go Cymru! Go Scotland! Allez Les Bleus! In that order :)
BTW Varoufakis was on “Question Time” on the beeb. Incredibly charismatic and interesting guy. And right…IMHO of course.
*Waves* to OK :)

Gypsy Gal Says:

Margot didnt know you were Welsh?,im actually part Scottish ;)….

J-Kath Says:

And there you are Margot – ditto what Gypsy said – thought you were Scottish – very pleased to give a good Welsh lass honorary Scottish status any time you like. Wales rugbying well!!! Me – was surprised by Scotland’s 2nd half v USA.

Also surprised that Jamie Murray is feeling the need to reduce his Asian swing to be fresh for DC -but, but, but – it’s only one match Jamie, what about your poor wee brother? Amazing in one way though, these two with their sacrifices….

Okiegal Says:

@Margot…..Waves to OKIE?? Did you mean me? I’m assuming I read into that right… meaning me. If so, I’m in Oklahoma City sleeping in a chair by my hubby’s bedside….he’s not doing well. The bile is backing up because of blockages around the ducts going out of the liver. He’s had 2 procedures to try to open the ducts with stints…. didn’t work. Did a PTC procedure….tubes out if both lobes of the liver to try to get rid of the bile that way….has two bags. Not flowing out very fast…very slowly. The docs all agree he is a rare case. He told me at 3:00 am he wanted to go home…..That’s where we stand atm. Getting ready to give him a shower…so sad to see a once robust hard working cowboy getting weaker and weaker. Thanks Margot, appreciate it!

Giles Says:

Okie. So sorry to read about your very sad plight at the moment. I really feel you. Stay strong.

Gypsy Gal Says:

Okie my thoughts are with you both my dear friend XX….

Okiegal Says:

GG, thanks so much…..it’s been an ordeal…it would be worth every exhausting minute if he could get well. The supposedly 30 minute procedure he had Sunday took almost 4 hrs. His body is not cooperating……sigh…

Gypsy Gal Says:

Okie i cant even begin to imagine what your going through,i can only say that your both in my thoughts and prayers,and i hope fot the best for you,hubby and your family,ALL MY LOVE AND BEST WISHES XX….

J-Kath Says:

Okie – Doing some positive thinking for you and your hubbie – try not to worry too much – just aim for getting that first improvement (my hubbie able to walk again after being totally bed-bound – I mention this only in the hope that you and yours find some encouragement from it even if the situation is not a mirror-image).

MMT Says:

Wishing your husband the best, Okiegal.

RZ Says:

Nice to see you here Okie. Best wishes to you and your husband.

Margot Says:

Yes of course that “wave” was for you. I’m so sorry my dear, it sounds absolutely awful and all I can do is send you all my good wishes and positive thoughts across the world, right to your door. x
@Kath and GG
For goodness sakes: Cymru am byth!

jane Says:

take care okie; and strength to your hubby.

Daniel Says:

Your family is in my families preyers Oki.

Daniel Says:

Agree RF, Nadal is having too much trouble on his service games, he can break opponent because his return may not be in Djoko/Murray level but is great but he is not holding as he used to, and if you expend too much time holding your services it wildest you in the end.

Next week tennis gets interesting gain with 2 big tourneys pre Shangai, Beijing in Tokyo were most top players will play apart from Murray and Fed.

Also with possibility Murray doesn’t play WTF and somebody else injured (Ferrer question mark) the race is more interesting for the guys to finish 9 or 10, they may have a shot to enter and everybody between Gasquet, Anderson, Isner, Cilic, Raonic, Tsonga and Simon have a shot.

jalep Says:

My Gosh, Okiegal. You have me praying best I can. Have been through what you are describing with my mom. It’s what made me an OCN. Love and best wishes…don’t forget to take care of yourself too. Eat, sleep —> strength to you, dear Okiegal.

Sean Randall Says:

From everyone at Tennis-X, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband.

courbon Says:

Oki, my thoughts are with you

Gypsy Gal Says:

Courbon nice to see you here….

J-Kath Says:

Heehaw Margo

AND “Alba gu brath” as the default!

courbon Says:

Hi Gypsy, nice to ‘hear’ you too…I’m bit less bloging these days, quite busy after work ( tennis, french lessons ) and to be frank, I got bit bored reading week after US Open-I’m so happy that Novak won but all the talk about getting Fed’s GS cont and GOAT debate…it went way too long ( talking about counting chickens before they hatch…)-and I’m Novak fan! Anyway, I will pop back from next week when Bejing starts.Have a nice evening

Gypsy Gal Says:

Courbon my blogging is less now too,im busy studying for an NVQ lEVEL 3 in health and social care,its not a test but a national vocation qualification diploma all to do with my job,but its alot of paper work,anyway i agree and there is such a thing as overkill,and also tennis outside these top players,and as i say i choose to also think and want some others players might actually win something now too,sorry for whining and ranting….

Okiegal Says:

@Sean Randall…..Thanks so much! That means the world to me. It’s been a struggle but maybe we will get some answers soon. This is akin to the army…hurry up and wait!

Okiegal Says:

@Courbon…..Thanks…Your care and concern speak volumes about the kind of person you are. Several on this forum have been in my corner exhibiting
their support.

Thanks everyone!!

Okiegal Says:

@Giles…..Thanks a bunch……I’ve got a huge mountain to climb, but whatever it takes!!

@Daniel…Appreciate all prayers from all parts of the world!

@J Kath
From the bottom of my heart…A BIG THANKS to all!!:

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