Andy Murray Speaks About His New Baby Daughter Sophia

by Tom Gainey | February 29th, 2016, 9:49 am

Andy Murray and wife Kim welcomed the birth of their first child, daughter Sofia, two weeks ago. But we haven’t heard from Murray since, until now.

In an extended and eloquent interview with the Guardian published yesterday, Murray talked about his growing family.

“The thing that has surprised me most is how quickly everything changes – from the first day she was born,” Murray says of his daughter Sophia. “You don’t notice it when you’re there every day but you look back at a photo on the day she was born to one taken five days later to now, a few weeks on, and you see how much things change on a daily basis.”

Murray also admitted he doesn’t like leaving Sophia’s side, even for a minute.

“I really don’t want to miss seeing those changes,” he says. “Even when I’m away for a day I feel bad. I feel I should be there and I want to be there as much as I can. So when I’m leaving the house at eight in the morning and getting back at eight at night, I feel bad.”

Murray joins fellow Top 5ers Novak Djokovic, Roger Federer and Stan Wawrinka as fathers at the top of tennis. But while Djokovic, Federer and Wawrinka have enjoyed success, he doesn’t know if how it will turn out for him.

“For other players it hasn’t worked out as well. But [fatherhood] is a positive thing – and tennis not being your priority can help. It lends perspective when you have a bad loss or bad practice. The outcome of a match is not everything but I want my daughter to be proud of her dad when she grows up and sees what I did. I hope it works out in a positive way on the court but if it doesn’t, it’s not the end of the world.”

Murray returns to the court this weekend for the Davis Cup as Great Britain hosts Japan.

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63 Comments for Andy Murray Speaks About His New Baby Daughter Sophia

skeezer Says:

Sounds like he’ll be a great Dad. Daughters are da best!

jane Says:

awww, nice comments. indeed, kids do change quickly and definitely change peoples’ lives.

Margot Says:

Direct link.
What a honey! He’s gonna be a lovely dad. Good luck Andy.

J-Kath Says:

Yep Jane, Andy’s quite a soft guy at heart…both he and Nole seem to be in a happy place.

RZ Says:

Thanks Margot! Great article.

Van Persie Says:

What a lovely guy! Wish him and his family all the best in the world

J-Kath Says:

Yep Margot:

Might not change the attitude of the haters – but wee Andy is a good, sensitive honest guy.

J-Kath Says:

PS: He’s a pretty good tennis player as well!

Van Persie Says:

Yep, he is…and now a Nole fan is very scared, that he might be to motivated to get the FO. Honestly ;)

Margot Says:

Haters gonna hate. Who gives a FF about them? They clearly know nothing.

J-Kath Says:

Yep margo…

Tennis life about to start to be interesting.

Pleased to see VP has returned to central discussions.

Green Lady Says:

Im sure Sophia is gorgeous,and Andy and Kim will be great parents,and Judy will be a wonderful granny,and hopefully he will take it onto a tennis court,best of luck Andy.

CV. Says:

I continue to Up Grade my opinion. He acts and speaks as A Mature, A person of Impeccable Behaviou In Regards To Marriage

J-Kath Says:


Agree. But also despite his grumpy, self-deprecation on court, he is still that same person – perhaps not impeccable behaviour towards himself!, but certainly an honest, hard-working, talented player.

CV. Says:

I continue to Up Grade My Opinion of Mr ANDY
Murray, He is now A +++. He acts and speaks as A Mature Person Of Impeccable Behaviour Regarding his Approach To Marriage & Fatherhood.
Congratulations to You and Mrs Murray. Enjoy your Role As Parents A Very Challenging and Demanding Adventure.
Peace & Love.

CV. Says:


Am in agreement with you . If only he would use that energy in a positive way. Hopefully He will work on improving that aspect of his game.

His approach to marriage impressed me. Unlike some of his fellow players, He had a normal marriage. As a woman I would never walk down the isle while pregnant that was not how it was meant to be. I got married at age 22, I had my first child six years later. The Honey moon was for after the marriage, before pregnancy. There is a new order these day. I appreciate the Murray for believing in convention.

CV. Says:


My first post got away from me. I am a Nadal FAN
However, there is much to be admired in Andy Murray. He has much respect for women.
With his mother, whom I see as a Great G/Ma
Sophia Olivia will have a wonderful childhood.

Happy Journey To The Family

J-Kath Says:


Nadal is a great player and deserves a lot of respect Pleased that he has good and loyal fans like yourself, and fingers crossed for him for 2016.

Appreciate your positive remarks for Andy. He certainly is a feminist…has broken through a lot of taboos in this respect, e.g. Amelie in particular.

Cheers, K.

Dave Says:

I asked a player on the ATP tour if it was true that Andy Murray is the total opposite off the court as he is on the court and the player said it’s true. He is the nicest guy off the court. That was nice to hear about Andy.

Wog Boy Says:

“His approach to marriage impressed me. Unlike some of his fellow players, He had a normal marriage. As a woman I would never walk down the isle while pregnant that was not how it was meant to be.”

Can you elaborate little bit on some these thoughts of yours, please. Who are his fellow players that didn’t impress you, what is the definition of “normal” marriage and where is it written, why walking pregnant down the iisle is “is not how it meant to be” …?
One question for you, are you by any chance sleeping beauty that just woke up and missed quite a few centuries of civilization development, this is 21st century?

mat4 Says:

Obviously, nothing happens in the tennis world since we are debating about children, denigrating sons and men in the process — pure sexism in a denatured way.

George Washington, whose whole life was a slow walk on the path of betrayal — from the king he swore allegiance to the people he lead to slavery to secret organizations thereafter — managed to say at least one intelligent thing, based on pure empiricism, or, simply, bitter experience: “Indians would have never been so cruel had not their women forced them to.”

So much about daughters. To paraphrase Skeez above: Daughters are da best… but sons are even better.

Make me think once again about those poor jihadists warring somewhere in the middle-east: they are promised a thousand virgins each when they go to paradise… I tend to think that they get this thousand when they go to hell. Paradise is probably without women. Just for men. Like the Valhalla.

Daniel Says:

Agree WB, people is too attached to formats and old prejudices and social standards. Whatever work for a couple as long as they are happy and not doing any harm to others is fine.

There isn’t anymore the standard family by the book, which as history showed us had it’s share of flaws.

Wog Boy Says:

“Thousands virgins”??!!

You are right mat4, that is description of hell..ninth circle..

Super Says:

Congratulations to Andy! May he and his family be healthy and happy.

I like the name he chose, Sofia.

Margot Says:

Thank you for posting that.
@mat 4
Far too serious man, we are celebrating the birth of Sophia on here and discussing Andy’s feelings about her.
No need to bring that stuff on board.

danica Says:

Andy is a super, cool guy.
Watching his interviews, specially off the court where tennis is not the main topic, really shows his soft side. I love him for that.

Good luck Andy and enjoy parenthood! ;)

Van Persie Says:

Good morning, J-Kath,

Just wanted to say hello.:) Was not anymore online yesterday evening , when you have mentioned my name.

J-Kath Says:

Hi VP….don’t have “good mornings” ….but kind of you.

Van Persie Says:


I am sorry to hear this…I do not expect, that a declaration would make your mornig sweeter, but you are one of my favorite ladies from this forum.
You are a sensible, inteligent and kind woman

Green Lady Says:

All the very bestto you J-Kath ;).

J-Kath Says:

Andy Murray appoints J. Delgano to his team…old friend of his, resident in UK…hence good for practice sessions (keeps Andy close to Sofia).

Green Lady Says:

As a Rafa fan its nice to see CV on board ;).

Green Lady Says:

AndyMira if your reading,in answer to your question from the other day,yes i am,as ive always been honest about who i am,and dont hide behind sock puppets ;).

Van Persie Says:

WB, do not know if I am on the correct tread. Will go offline now…I am sorry, if I have offended you somehow, but there was only my opinion(right or false, good or bad). Wish you a lovely evening or good night

AndyMira Says:

Green Lady..thank you for telling me that..truth to be told..i already knew it..but since you decide to ignore my question[please,you have every right to do so]i thought to myself..that’s least she’s here at last..that’s enough for me..i’m not ashamed to admit that i kinda missed you..i still remember you’re the first nice poster who gave an olive branch to me,to acknowledge that i’m here and i’m grateful for that,’s good to have another rafa fan here..

J-Kath Says:

Thanks GL.

VP: Should have said “don’t usually exchange good mornings”…evenings or similar salutations….simply a different writing style…no more, no less.


Van Persie Says:

Hehe, missunderstood you the 1 time. Am now amused

Green Lady Says:

AndyMira sorry wasnt ignoring,i just never got round to replying ;).

Green Lady Says:

And thanks for missing me.

AndyMira Says:

GL..that’s okay..most importantly you’re here are you today?

mat4 Says:


I thought it didn’t sound that serious, since it wasn’t — but sometimes, I guess, my sense of humour is hardly palatable.

BTW, I have a son and a daughter, and I love both tenderly.

AndyMira Says:

Somehow,i’m not surprised by andy’s statement..this is a syndrom of a new he was given a little taste of heaven..i can’t help but wonder why he wait so long to get married and have a child..truthfully i expect him to propose to kim as soon as he won the wimby 2013,right there on the tennis front of his home crowd..unfortunately it did not happen..none the less it certainly will be an unforgetable year for andy if he can add a slam at the same year sophia was born..come on andy!

Giles Says:

Andy Murray has appointed former British Davis Cup player Jamie Delgado as his assistant coach.

Green Lady Says:

AndyMira im good thanks,i dont really have the inclination to post as much as i used to,and im keeping a low profile,with posts that are more limited now.

Okiegal Says:

I have been away for a few days……watching high school basketball championships.

Gypsy Gal where are you???

Andy will be a great dad……well, he already is!

Boys are the bomb! I have one son, and he chose not to have children. He has a step daughter and he said one high maintenance female in the family was enough. I guess he was afraid he might have a girl!! LOL

AndyMira Says:

GL,at first i thought you were sick or something but glad none of those thing happen..

AndyMira Says:

GL!there is another one[girlfriend from OK]that missed GG so much..i told you!!

J-Kath Says:

I beat you to it, Giles. The article I read connected the appt. of Delgado with Andy’s intention of practising more in the UK to enable him to be nearer to his enlarged family.

AndyMira Says:

OKIE!why you!did you know that i missed you..where have you been?

Green Lady Says:

Okie GG is here ;).

Giles Says:

JK. Too quick for me. :)

RZ Says:

How great would it be as a little kid to have Judy Murray as your grandma? I imagine it would involve playing fun (active) games and then eating the best cakes and desserts. :-)

J-Kath Says:

U are a gentleman Giles.!

J-Kath Says:


Like your sentiments but doubt any grandchild of Judy’s will be introduced to cakes and desserts…it will be superfoods…avocados and tomatoes or tomatoes and avocados…(similar to my own diet).

Okiegal Says:

@AndyMira…….Watching basketball. There are afternoon games and games in the evening. Just been out too much to keep up with TX.

@Green Lady……I am glad Gypsy Gal is back…new moniker and all!! I haven’t been posting much either, but do read the comments.

RZ Says:

@J-Kath – they are not mutually exclusive. Superfoods as meals, cakes as treats. You know Grandma Judy wouldn’t be able to resist! Her entire Twitter feed is full of cakes.

J-Kath Says:


Looking at Judy – you’d think nothing but fruit juice would allowed near her. PS: At birth little Sofia was rather large for a girl…hope that means she’ll be tall with strong bones..spinach and spinach juice rather than cakes???

Green Lady Says:

LOL Sounds like Popeye K-Kath,seriously though i believe Judy will be a great granny knitting jumpers for Sophia,walking her around the park in her pram,i bet she baby sits for Amelies little one aswell,i think she would be alot of fun to have around the little ones ;).

Green Lady Says:

Okie sometimes lately the forums been saturated with talk about only one player,and when that happens ill take a back seat,and leave people to their own devices,as it feels like your in the way,and cant really add anything to the discussion anyway,no harm or foul as he deserves his time.

J-Kath Says:

GL – Forgot about ye olde Popeye…I didn’t want to recommend brussel sprouts….U know what they do.

Judy – walking round the parks YES…knitting jumpers? Think that will be great grandma.

Hope you are able to watch Andy tomorrow.

Green Lady Says:

J-Kath ;).

Okiegal Says:

@Green Lady 5:06……..I hear you! Yes, he does deserve his time….he is the man of the hour!

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