Not Fake News, Novak Djokovic Accepts Wildcard Into Acapulco!

by Staff | February 23rd, 2017, 6:56 pm

In a surprise move, Novak Djokovic has accepted a wildcard into the Acapulco hardcourt event next week. Djokovic was not scheduled to play until Indian Wells, and most recently was seen having shoulder issues during Davis Cup earlier this month.

But perhaps citing a need for more match play after playing just 8 matches so far this season, Djokovic will join Rafael Nadal, Milos Raonic, Nick Kyrgios, Dominic Thiem, Marin Cilic and Juan Martin del Potro among others at the event. The Serb also has a mountain of ranking points to defend next month with Indian Wells and Miami titles coming off.

“This is great news for the tournament. We’re very pleased to have the World No. 2 in the Acapulco field. The public will be very happy and we’re treating it like a big party,” said Acapulco tournament director Raul Zurutuza. “Novak and Rafa are two great players that give very important value to the tournament. Also having Raonic, del Potro and Goffin in the field will make this a great event.”

The only other time Djokovic has appeared in a pro event in Latin America was the Rio Olympics last summer. He and Nadal played an exhibition series back in 2013.

And with the strength of the Acapulco field, Djokovic could meet del Potro again in the first round!

Djokovic has played Dubai in the past, but this year opted to not play the event and instead made a late entry into Acapulco. Could Acapulco have offered more money than Dubai? Or are the top men just souring on playing in the Middle East when the tour is shifting to the Americas this time of year? (Dubai will feature the last three Slam winners – Roger Federer, Andy Murray and Stan Wawrinka).

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39 Comments for Not Fake News, Novak Djokovic Accepts Wildcard Into Acapulco!

AndyMira Says:

Novak go to Acapulco??…Great news!!!!..Wow!What a strong field it would be…and half of it are a servebots!!…Alex Zverez,John isner,Dr Ivo,Milos,Marin,Bratty Nick,Thiem…Oh My God!!!…Can’t wait to see the draw!…at the same time…BE SAFE MY RAFA!!!Woooohoooo!!Bring it on guys!!

Humble Rafa Says:

For a city that most players cannot pronounce, that’s a strong field. There is nothing like getting your rear end handed to you in a town like that.
#early exit.

Van Persie Says:

That is a really nice surprise from Djoko.

Chrisford1 Says:

Excellent! Djokovic trying to get his Mojo back, Rafa stronger than he was a year ago, likely to face the power games of Delpo and Raonic. And the uncertainties of Kygios and the Ivo/Isner servebots. Could be a 500 in a cartel-troubled part of Mexico that will be remembered. Rafa may be able to even up his H2H with Novak again or be slightly ahead by the end of Euroclay season.

Fun Djokovic practice session livestreamed for fans tuning in from his 7 million Facebook followers, with memorable ending. Upon finishing hitting, he “released the hounds” off their leashes. The two poodles racing about the court ignoring him. Then finishing with a ticked off wife stepping in it bad.
Many TX fans probably saw something . Nice tiff from Mrs D regarding the phone bandit Novak. She had videoed the whole session, then he took her phone to do some cheesy mugging for the camera and thank fans for showing up to watch.
She thought he stopped the video stream, took the phone back, and laid into him about politeness and neglecting to thank her for being there doing the Facebook camera job. Then looked down and saw she had accidentally beamed the whole spat to ten thousand or so fans watching and downloading.
The look on Mrs. D’s face is priceless:–/cm90YXRlPWF1dG87dz02NDA7YXBwaWQ9eXZpZGVv/

skeezer Says:


Amit Says:

Is it Acapulco or some GS??!! What a field!! Tennis famine already since AO.. So bring it on!! Players to watch out for me: Delpo, Rafa, A Xverev and Nole.. I am rooting for Delpo to win it but it ain’t happening.. So I would root for the player I most respect : Rafa!!! So be it Delpo/Rafa, am VAMOSSS….!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the way!!!!!!!

Amit Says:

Cilic may make some big kills here as well, i f he is mentally and physically ok.. But he won’t win it.. The guy most would bet on winning this title here is Djokovic though, I think he is the favorite here to win Acapulco..

Giles Says:

Joker and wife caught on camera in an angry moment. Don’t be surprised if this is the beginning of the end between the two.

sinha71 Says:

Giles you must not be married.

Giles Says:

^^^ I’ll leave you guessing! Lol

Giles Says:

Caught bickering in public one wonders what goes on behind closed doors!
For sinha71

Chrisford1 Says:

Giles – what happens behind closed doors is not the stuff to accidentally livestream.

Alexandre Says:

Giles, nobody was “caught”. This was not filmed by outsiders who posted in online. It was filmed by Djokovic himself, and he decided to share it with his fans. Most happily married couples would consider this to be a cute bickering session. Technically, it does not qualify as an argument as it was one-sided. Djokovic knew better than to respond. You do not want to mess with a Serbian woman…especially one that is pregnant! LOL! So do yourself a favor and do not try to speculate what is going on in other people’s marriages. While it is certainly possible that Djokovic is having marital problems, chances are, they are perfectly happy and looking forward to welcoming a second child into the world.

Humble Rafa Says:

Xisca and I have no such problems.

Wog Boy Says:

Proven Serbian way of saving the marriage on the rocks…. stay pregnant:)

Margot Says:

Loving your work regarding the headline TX.

Giles Says:

Wonder why the faker is not playing Dubai, a tourney he likes to play every year. Only one reason I can think of although there could be more than one. He’s scared fed will give him a belting. Such a coward!

Truth Says:

I actually like that Novak showed her true selfish side.
Her forced smiles don’t always look genuine.
She doesn’t mind having the guru by his side,
when many tennis fans, including haters, don’t like his clueless attitude (not worrying about his poor Slam record recenly),
fall from grace and hugging sycophantic behavior that is encouraged by the overbearing guru.

Now she has shown her jealousy and desperate attempt to be “thanked and loved by the egotistical wealthy husband”.
The woman has no life of her own. She always talks about business, money and having kids.
He is so stuck in his need to have a childlike party atmosphere. No wonder she’s bitter.

Wog Boy Says:

The ton Jelena used in her unwarranted outburst towards Nole and choice of words just proves what I thought about her, that she is real “ostrokondja”, english words for this would most likely be shrew and harridan, nothing less nothing more, too late now to trade Jelena in for Maria (Sharapova), she handcuffed him with a second child. What a “papucic” Nole is:(

Wog Boy Says:

If there is any doctor on TX I would love to hear from him (her) how healthy is for baby during the pregnancy if mother eats 70% rraw food (vegetables, seeds etc) and 30% boiled food (pasta, rice..), absolutely no meet, milk products, eggs or any othe animal products, since according to Jelena that her diet that she is so proud of, apparently that’s Noles diet too, but he is not pregnant, he is just losing the matches left and right.

Wog Boy Says:

@4:55pm should say “tone” not “ton”

Wog Boy Says:

“meat” no “meet”

theDA Says:

“english words for this would most likely be shrew and harridan”

I’d love to know the serbian word for a man’s challenged anatomical part.
Interesting how many fans of Serbian origin are placing the blame for
Novak’s dip squarely on his wife’s shoulders (her restaurant is a distraction, her vegan diet is to blame, she’s a shrew, etc, etc).
Maybe Chris Evert had a point. smh

Wog Boy Says:

Make it more clear and I will be glad to answer you question, what anatomical part, I am a Wog, no speak English.

Wog Boy Says:

Nole was 17 years old promising tennis player who was already making tens (probably hundreds) of thousands of dollars and he met Jelena (who was 18 years of age) in the sports high school in Belgrade, and she was nobody, but smart enough.

Fact 2:
How many high school girls dates boys same age nevertheless younger? Only smart girls!

Fact 3:
Nole had zero life experience with women, he is no Safin, his first and only girlfriend at the age of 17 was and is Jelena, how many parents would be happy with their son getting married with that life experience? Not to many.

Fact 4:
It is worse kept secret in Belgrade that Nole parents were not happy with daughter in law.

Jelena is embarrassing Nole in front of his friends and millions fans (live on FB) in this video for absolutely no reason, if he had a balls as he didn’t, he would tell her to pack up and go home and they will discuss that in private at home.

Few more facts, but I won’t be bothered explaining that to irrational feminist.

Wog Boy Says:

I missed Chris Evert thing, what point she can make, the woman that didn’t bed only the ones who were in a hurry to catch a plane, she even slept with a husbands of house friends, disgusting!

theDA Says:

So now you’re slut-shaming Chris Evert and heavily implying that Jelena is a scheming opportunist? Poke them with a stick and
they always reveal their true colours. BTW, I’m the same gender as you but a bit more evolved.

Wog Boy Says:

No, Chris Evert shamed herself with her actions, she doesn’t have any moral grounds to lecture anybody, fact. Besides, I was Connors fan, one more reason to dislike Evert.
Your problem, regardless of you gender, is that you are looking at the rest of the world and judging the rest of the world (customs, culture, etc) through one arogant glasses, believing that every other way of living and thinking is a wrong way, so let’s go and bomb the shit out of them, since they don’t accept our way, as your idols, Clinton clan,would do. Your geneder doesn’t make any difference, irrational feminist can be a man, there is plenty of them. This is not first time you are rubbishing Balkan people, Serbia’s particularly, and their way of living, can you jus buzz off, please, not all of us shares your “values”?

Danica Says:

“Proven Serbian way of saving the marriage on the rocks…. stay pregnant:)”
And you know that HOW exactly?
Now, everyone is an expert on their marriage and that based on the assumptions from the yellow press. Wow.

Sorry WB, you are preaching theDA but you are rubbishing the Serbian women.

Wog Boy Says:

Of course I know, I am one of them, did you forget that? I was stung by the very same philosophy, but didn’t work with me. Should we go deeper in advices mothers give to daughters back home? I suggest no.
Btw, no need to “sorry” me, stick with your friends and I am not one of them.

Wog Boy Says:

I ovo cu ti reci na srpskom, nacin na koji je reagovala je dokaz, siktala je kao zmija na Noleta bez ikakvog razloga, na kraju krajeva to je njegov FB njegovi sledbenici, da nije njega niko ne bi znao za nju, a on je kao neka pickica pokusavao da joj objasni zasto joj je uzeo mobilni umesto da je poslao kuci da ga ne sramoti pred Vajdom i drugarima i milionima na FB. Nemoj da se pravis luda kada velika vecina u Srbiji ima lose misljenje o njoj, samo citaj komentare, zuta ili ne zita stampa ali to je misljenje vecine obicnih Srba, a Noletova popularnost opada prilicno brzo, posebno kod mladih zbog nacina zivota i sektarenja, i to je cinjenica. Sta je sledece, da dovede onog sektarosa u BHD, da uci mlade kako da se grle i da se osecaju krivim ako imaju zelju da pobede protivnika? Ili da oh uce da je prase na raznju greh, svasta, drago mi je da to nece proci i da su se mladi ohladili na njih. Ti nastavi da se uvlacis u zutaru ovima, lepo stoji ali obrisi se ponekad.

Wog Boy Says:


Danica Says:

Ne uvlacim se nikome i boli me djon za misljenje drugih, imam svoje i stojim iza njega.
Ne zanima me ni sta vecina misli u Srbiji jer to nije nikakvo merilo o njoj. To je vise ogledalo kakvi su oni sami.
Meni majka nikada nije sugerisala da ‘vatam na dete. To je uvredljivo. I ne, nisam nikakva feministkinja.
Nole ima izbore. U svom zivotu ima pravo da radi sta i kako hoce. Ako je neko kriv za njegova stanja, kriv je on sam.
Moji znaju Jelenine roditelje preko zajednickih prijatelja. Imaju samo reci hvale. Ovde sam podelila i sta je njena majka rekla mojoj. Ja nemam razloga da izmisljam niti me zanima. Istina je i da Noletovi nisu bili odusevljeni Jelenom ali zato sto su mislili da moze da prodje i bolje. S druge strane, njihov brak je imao strahovite probleme koji su uticali na Noleta i njegovu igru.

As for what a pregnant women can eat: she can eat whatever and however she wishes. Pretty much. Baby gets what (s)he needs from the reserves of mother’s body. That’s why some women have problems with teeth as calcium is needed for the development.

Amit Says:

Seriously I love the culinary videos!! Keep ’em coming!! So tempting!! I immediately NOM NOM NOMed after watching it!! Just too good to resist ’em!!! Yummy!! Food of various kinds are the best thing to happen to mankind!!! πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ And I Love The Famous Owl!!! 😍😍😍

Amit Says:

Goddamn I love lamb chop!!!

Wog Boy Says:

Ok Amit, since you love our Mr Ramsay the Owl, this is compilation of him gradually maturing from the not fully feathered boy owl to professional actor, it is filmed on different locations, but he is the star:

As form more videos, just go on You Tube and punch AlmazanKitchen and enjoy unique experience:)

Van Persie Says:

Nole will play against Klizan in the 1st round and could face DelPo or Tiafoe in the 2nd. Nice :)

Van Persie Says:

^^ Thiem and Kyrgios are also in his half of draw. It is getting really interesting.

Amit Says:

Wogboy!!! Hahahahaha!! Mr Ramsay The Owl would be made our Tennis X mascot right away, if I had my way,LOLzz πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜› He Rocksss!!!πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘Ό And I love Almazan Kitchen!! Insane stuff!! Could eat ’em all clean!!! Nom nom nom πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜› And who could be a better company at the dinner table than our very own Dear Mr Ramsay The Owl, LOL πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›

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