Andy Roddick Engaged to Sports Illustrated Model

by Staff | March 31st, 2008, 8:58 pm

It was revealed Monday at the Sony Ericsson Open in Miami that Andy Roddick has been engaged to girlfriend and model Brooklyn Decker.
Roddick wasn’t forthcoming in the details of how he popped the question after winning his match Monday night in Miami.

“Just little details I’ll probably keep to myself,” Roddick said. “It’s our business. It was nice. I got down on a knee, but I think the details we’ll keep close to our family and friends…I think it’s a life choice, so it is a bit different. I think I lost half my fan base today.”

Roddick’s official website also posted an announcement.

“The couple wanted to tell their family and close friends first, but good news travels fast. With their hectic travel schedules, Andy and Brooklyn plan to enjoy their engagement and will wait to set a wedding date.”

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43 Comments for Andy Roddick Engaged to Sports Illustrated Model

Dr. Death Says:

OK. Given my name, I will be first to comment and say no more.

di-10S Says:

ha! that floored me. considering Andy’s sour mood lately I figured he wasn’t getting any. Guess ‘love’ on court is n’t the same as love off the court.
Congrats. Now friggin stop acting like a brat on court

Von Says:

No kidding. Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread. And, what did the King himself say,.. but, I can’t help falling ….you.” Hum it to yourself. You’ll get the answer.

Roddick, said he lost one-half of his fan base. Are we to assume that the one-half of which he speaks, are members of the opposite sex. This poster included. Talk about being smug — but when you’ve got it, why not flaunt it. Strut it, baby, — strut it! :)

Tam (TD) Says:

lol Von. Very true!

congratulations to Mr Roddick and his fiance. He didn’t lose the fanbase that includes me. :D

Von Says:


“He didn’t lose the fanbase that includes me.” I’m also still one of his biggest fans, but then I never had any aspirations of being romantically involved with him. But, I have a young daughter, except she’s not into tennis and AR. No broken hearts or anyone suffering from the pangs of unrequited love in my household. :) To be loved, oh, what a feeling to be loved! We’re going to see A-Rod walking on water soon or riding on cloud nine, and when the quarrels come, Lord help the umps. They had better hold their breaths, or cover their eyes, especially Lars Graf and Norm Chryst.

FoT Says:

And they’ve known each other for less than a year? Interesting is all I will say on the matter.

Von Says:

It’s called being in love with the idea of being in love.

JL Says:

Are you kidding me? I thought he was bi/gay?!

VD Says:

Met at 19, engaged at 20 and divorced at 21? What happened to the other teenager he was dating and dumped to the curb? Didn’t take long to rebound to this one. I thought tennis players shag models and leave them. Guess he didn’t read the manual on this one. This seems pretty shallow – have your agent call up your bride to be? Hmm I’ll take the one on page 69. Mail order bride anyone? Where do I sign up for that? Funny how any other guy gets called a stalker for the same thing.

Von Says:

A-Rod might be a lot of things, but I’d say being bi(?) whatever, is not one of them. Let’s not get carried away now. He’s one great guy and deserves the very best in his personal life. Jokes aside, how about if we just wish them loads of happiness!

Dr. Death Says:

Wonder if he will pose in a swimsuit? As I said on another post, she does look mature.

Von, to quote another earlier tune, “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread”

Von Says:

Dr. Death:

“Von, to quote another earlier tune, “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread”

I know that one too, from my parents’ collection of their era of what my kids will call mountain top music or elevator music. But, I’m so glad I had the opportunity to appreciate that music era, especially Doo-Wop. Which has been resurrected and is now making big bucks. I’m too cheap, I record it from PBS, and play it in the ‘Still of the Night.’ And, without cheating, tell me who recorded that, and I’ll buy you a virtual Doo-Wop DVD. :) Mind you, no cheatin’.

I wouldn’t want to see A-Rod pose in a swimsuit, but who knows he could make the centerfold of SI. LOL. She’s a tall girl, and yes, she does look mature, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating — looks are deceiving. Smoke gets in your eyes.

johnnhoj Says:

I’m very happy for Andy, but there’s one problem: He’ll need to win titles to afford her.
More importantly, congratulations to Andy on another ATP match win!!!

We should all use this thread to roast Andy (yay!), even if he never reads this crap.

Dr. Death Says:

Five Satins

maybe we can have a virtual bachelor party?

Von Says:

Dr. Death:

“Five Statins.” *** By George, Higgins, he’s got it! Did you cheat?

“maybe we can have a virtual bachelor party?”***
— Bummer, I’m a girl.

TD: Dr. Death just invited you to Andy’s bachelor party.

johnnhoj: “We should all use this thread to roast Andy (yay!), even if he never reads this crap.”

This is the best fun I’ve had blogging. I can deviate from the subject, and not have to worry that a hammer is about to fall on my head. btw, I didn’t know you were a Roddick fan? Don’t know why, but I thought your allegiance was to Djoko. Oh well, join the crowd. I think Dr. Death is enjoying himself too.

“He’ll need to win titles to afford her.
More importantly, congratulations to Andy on another ATP match win!!!”

She’ll support both of them with her swimsuit covers. But seriously, congrats to Andy on another match win!!!

Von Says:

Dr. Death:

I wrote the following on the other Roddick thread. I didn’t know about this thread.

Andy won tonight btw, but it was obvious he was also struggling with the court and the heat. He was just raining down sweat droplets from his hat.

It was funny, the camera man had the camera on Andy’s box, and Jason Goodall (who’s an absolute pleasure to listen to as compared to Gimel) said as the camera moved to Andy’s agent, “that’s the guy who keeps Andy in the money”, then the camera moved to Andy’s fiance’, and Goodal said, “and that’s the one, who’s going to spend it.” He then laughed, and said to Robby Koernig, “Do I sound bitter.” Well, Andy my sweet, you had better hold on to your money. I heard a judge in chambers make a funny remark about alimony one day. He said that the word meant “all (h)e money”. A play on words of course, in broken English, but the message was clear. She’ll take all the money, and then some!

Dr. Death Says:

No on the cheating. Remember it well. Had no idea that doo-wop was popular again.

It is as if after months of people carrying on about who is up and who is down, Andy has provided us with a break in our serious tennis chat. Sorely needed.

Whatever we say, Andy will get worse in the locker room.

johnnhoj Says:

I’m really a Federer fan (sorry), but I always appreciate great tennis from any player who brings a high-level game to the court. Some just do it more consistently than others. I prefer one-handed (backhand) players. Djoker’s two-handed-backhand playing style is effective (as with others) but lacks grace/beauty in my eyes. It’s an aesthetic dislike more than anything else when it comes to Djokovic (and others), making it difficult for me to get behind him. It’s as if there’s some sort of deficiency for which these players are trying to compensate. Federer’s one-handed approach to the sport (descended from Sampras, Edberg, Laver, etc.) was, for me, the real hook that got me to start paying attention to him back in ’02 (I was impressed). Other guys like Gasquet and Blake interest me and frustrate me because the aesthetic appeal is there, yet much of the time they fail to implement more variety.
I suspect Roddick will have other isolated moments of sublime triumph in his career besides his big Davis Cup win and his U.S. Open title. He can be a dangerous player at times (and Fed never underestimates him! Hence their head-to-head). I hope this Andy relationship news doesn’t mean his game will go the way of, ummm, Hewitt’s.
(not writing anyone off)

johnnhoj Says:

OK, sorry, back to the fun.

Von Says:

Dr. Death:

“No on the cheating. Remember it well. Had no idea that doo-wop was popular again.”

It’s not that Doo Wop is popular again, at least not with everyone, just the older generation 50s -80s era. This young guy, TJ Lubinsky, about 32 years old, said he got the idea from his dad, who is a Doo-Wop fan of the 60s-80s music era and TJ who is with PBS, has put together concerts in which the performers of that generation have come together around the US in different states to perform all of the good oldies. These oldsters look so well preserved and their voices have just about the same quality as way back then. PBS is manufacturing the concerts on DVDs and are offering different packages to the public, depending on the donations, which range from $100 to $300. As I stated previously, I’m cheap, — I have recorded the concerts from PBS and now listen to them at my leisure. I appreciate that type of music because I grew listening to my parents records and have acquired a taste for it.

Don’t know if you remember Jay Black and the Americans, but I’m amazed that at 65 he can still carry those high notes in Cara. Mia, Why. He’s similar to good wine, aged to perfection. There are quite a few others, e.g., Little Anthony, Cathy Young, Jerry Butler, The Duke of Earl, etc. It’s just good fun.

jane Says:

These two are both living on the basis of their bodies holding up (oh to be young and foolish).

They’d better rake in the cash while they can, because, as some of us know, flesh is fickle. On the other hand, we also know Andy has wit and brains that he can cash in on later….somehow.

Any ideas for Roddick’s post-tennis-married-to-expensive-trophy-wife-future?


johnnhoj Says:

post-tennis-career prospects:
Andy should have his own comedy/variety show, a program interspersed with mock press conferences (like his post-match interviews) where he gets to riff and vent about his love life (among other things) while adamantly expressing what he will or won’t talk about with the media.

johnnhoj Says:

…then berating those who continually ask questions that hit a nerve. Then each time before the camera cuts back to Andy, a member of the effects staff will pour water over his head to make him look like he’s sweating profusely.

Dr. Death Says:

We ought to keep this string going until the wedding.

? – What present would you give the Roddicks when you are invited to the wedding?

Von – Jay Black of course. The roots of doo-wop are in a capella which was popular among teenagers in the 50’s and early 60’s, I reckon. (Gregorian Chant is a further root down from the street corner.)I heard Dion and the Belmonts sing a capella once somewhere and that is how they started.

So – my present to the Roddicks is a weekend in NY on a street corner with them singing a capella with old rock stars. Andy looks like a party lad and this would be a different party.

Tejuz Says:

“Federer’s one-handed approach to the sport (descended from Sampras, Edberg, Laver, etc.) was, for me, the real hook that got me to start paying attention to him back in ‘02 (I was impressed)”.

Ditto for me too.. except that i started paying attention the day he beat Sampras at Wimby. But i do like a few 2-handers like Safin, Baghdatis more for their flair and playing style.

Tam (TD) Says:

I need to settle something- does anybody know if Roger is engaged to his longtime girlfriend Mirka or does she wear a sweetheart ring? Thank you.!

Von Says:


No, there hasn’t ben an engagfement, just a sweetheart ring. Probably, in his mind, he was saying, “this should shut you up for a few years until I retire. Until then, this is all you’re going to get. You should have been smarter at the beginning and laid down the rules, no ring, then I’m outa here, but you stayed around, and, sorry, that’s it.” :) In the meantime, just keep padding that bank account baby!

Von Says:

Dr. Death:

? Present for the soon to be Roddicks: Dion and the Belmonts – “I’m a Wanderer.” Andy strikesme as being a wanderer.

“(Gregorian Chant is a further root down from the street corner).”

I’m a product of a Catholic girls’ school choir, don’t hit that Gregorian Chant. I slaved many hours singing it. Perfection, was what all those long-white-dressed nuns wanted. Nothing less.

I’ll thow in Little Richard too, along with Jay Black, and how about Kasj’s favorite, “In the jungle, the mighty, jungle, the lion sleeps tonigh. Hush my darling, don’t cry my darling, the lion sleeps toonigh.” Take it awy boys.

Von Says:

Correction: “and how about Kasj’s favorite, “In the jungle, the mighty, jungle,”

s/b and how about Kash’s favorite, “In the jungle, the mighty, jungle,

Sorry about misspelling your name Kash. Where are you? Come and join Roddick’s party.

Von Says:


Don’t you think that as an engagement present to Roddick, Fed could let Andy win and not beat up on him, that’s if they meet in the QFs. This draw with AR meeting Fed in the QFs is so wrong. Those knuckleheads are really pushing it. 16 times in the same part of the draw — something is not right.

jane Says:


I was thinking similarly; Roddick did great hosting SNL so why not? A comedy/variety hour with a sporting, or even tennis, slant, perhaps? Maybe Roger could do a fashion segment, Djokovic could do jokes or impersonations, Rafa, hmmm… Safin could just talk freely. It’d be fun.

jane Says:


Yes – Fed should just give him the W already! It’d be awesome for Andy to win here after the engagement announcement and all.

The high would give him a morale cushion during the clay season. Of course, since this season is all backwards and chaotic, this might be the year Andy will does on clay. But I’m not holding my breath, lol.

jane Says:

will does s/b does well…

Von Says:

CONGRATS to Andy on his win tonight against Benneteau. The first set was not an easy one, but then Andy upped his game and Benneteau was just running on fumes from the middle of the second set. The third set was all Roddick. Now he meets Fed, what a shame. I wonder what are the chances of one of Fed’s bad mono days happening on Thursday when he meets A-Rod.

Fed is smiling to himself and thinking: “I’ll not budge an inch”. :)

johnnhoj Says:

Hmmm, not just yet, Von. Not just yet. In time.
I think Fed could use this title as a B-12 shot to the brain, get some good matchplay in and get the ball rolling going into the clay season. I love the clay season. Clay and grass. Is Andy skipping Monte Carlo again for Houston or something?

I’m just really glad that Tommy Haas isn’t around to throw another walkover into the situation.

Zola Says:

The idea of supermodels on player boxes just doesn’t attract me. As if they are chosen just for their looks ( I am sure they have brains too, but looks jump at you first!).

But this is Andy’s choice and Andy’s private life. I can just say : congratulations to both.

Dr. Death Says:

Looks as if I missed a lot today. Roddick’s time has come; It’s Now or Never. Bonus fortuna.

Let us hope that in couple of years he does not want a Jersey Girl.

One can always hope that she is Panis angelicus
fit panis hominum. (for Von)

Zola – let us keep looking for ugly people the in the players boxes. Family doesn’t count.

Ellen Mooring Says:

I was hoping Andy would have a clean courtship and blessed marriage. If one is engaged, he is not married. “Keep away from fornication. Every sin that a man commits is outside his body; but he who commits fornication sins against his own body.” l Cor. 6:18 Jesus cannot bless sin. E. M.

Dr. Death Says:

Let me write a prescription – take two Xanax and dont call me in the morning

di-10S Says:

well since he gets whipped on the court marriage shouldn’t be that hard to get used to

I like tennis bullies not tennis sissies Says:

considering Andy’s sour mood lately I figured he wasn’t getting any. Guess ‘love’ on court is n’t the same as love off the court. Congrats. Now friggin stop acting like a brat on court

You must have Roddick confused with Federer the sore loser grump
-“challenge that”!

Von Says:

Eileen Mooring:

“Every sin that a man commits is outside his body; but he who commits fornication sins against his own body.” l Cor. 6:18 Jesus cannot bless sin. E. M.”

You’re a woman after my own heart. I guess that’s why after 4 years of living with nuns in boarding school, cloistered in a convent, I got maried at 19. The fornication bit was not in my thoughts, perish the thought. I have 2 children and have been doing my very best to keep them pure, but they laugh, and pacify me, with “Don’t worry mom, when the time comes, we’ll do the right thing.” However, that’s not an emphtic ‘NO.” I can only hope. You and I are in a minority in a world that’s gone mad. I always say, I don’t belong in this world — this world is not my home, I’m just a passing thru.

I spoke up about Fed and his Mirka and got killed, so I’m leaving the young people to do their thing. :)

Von Says:

Dr. Death: *** “One can always hope that she is Panis angelicus fit panis hominum. (for Von)”

Panis angelicus
fit panis hominum;
Dat panis caelicus
figuris terminum:
O res mirabilis!
manducat Dominum
Pauper, servus, et humilis.

Translation in English:

Bread of Angels,
made the bread of men;
The Bread of heaven
puts an end to all symbols:
A thing wonderful!
The Lord becomes our food:
poor, a servant, and humble.

I’d say: “O purest of creatures ..” would be quite appropos.

I would like a long engagement period for Andy, my gut reaction is that this does not bode well, and he needs time, lots of time, to figure out what makes her tick, aside from the face — which will last only so long. Andy needs a Steffi Graf type to ground him. Mardy Fish is the smart one, his fiance is 26 and has a law degree. Some smarts to help him in the thinking department and the rough times. I just hope this phase passes. He’s not my son and I’m worried.

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