Novak Djokovic Releases The First Three Months Of His 2013 Schedule – 7 Events!

by Tom Gainey | November 25th, 2012, 1:03 pm

Catching up on more tennis news from this Holiday week, Novak Djokovic released the early portion of his 2013 playing schedule which includes a busy seven events.

The Serb will begin his season playing consecutive exos in Abu Dhabi and the Hopman Cup before his competitive calender commences with his Australian Open defense.

After passing on 2012, Djokovic is also scheduled to rejoin his Davis Cup team as they travel to Belgium in February.

27.12. Mubadala World Tennis Championship (Abu Dhabi, UAE)
Surface: Hard
Djokovic is defending champion

29.12 Hopman Cup (Perth, Australia)
Surface: Hard
Novak playing event for a fourth time

14.01. Australian Open (Melbourne, Australia)
Category: Grand Slam
Surface: Hard
Nole in Melbourne 2012: Title (2000 pts)

01.02. Davis Cup (Charleroi, Belgium)
Category: Davis Cup
Surface: Clay
*did not take part in 2012

25.02. Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships (Dubai, UAE)
Category: ATP 500
Surface: Hard
Nole in Dubai 2012: Semi-final (180 pts)

04.03. BNP Paribas Open (Indian Wells, USA)
Category: ATP 1000
Surface: Hard
Nole in Indian Wells 2012: Semi-final (360 pts)

18.03. Sony Open Tennis (Miami, USA)
Category: ATP 1000
Surface: Hard
Nole in Miami 2012: Title (1000 pts)

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77 Comments for Novak Djokovic Releases The First Three Months Of His 2013 Schedule – 7 Events!

Dave Says:

Both the “Mubadala World Tennis Championship” (exhibition event) and Hopman Cup (ITF team event) are not part of the ATP World Tour. Thus Novak does not receive any ranking points. However Novak will receive a lot of money for appearing in both events, and that’s why he is playing both events. The Hopman Cup uses the same surface as the Australian Open,so Novak would be practicing for 2.5 weeks in Australia on that surface.

Davis Cup: In 2012 Djokovic deserted his Davis Cup team the entire year to focus on his ATP Tour goals. In 2011, Djokovic put in a lame effort into Davis Cup: he played only 4.5 sets of Davis Cup (he lost all 4.5 sets!) as well as skipped the first round tie in March 2011. The last season Djokovic played a full schedule of Davis Cup was in 2010 (when Team Serbia won the title)– not coincidentally, it is his worst season on the ATP tour since reaching the top 10 in 2007. Djokovic is not the only player in his prime who has skipped an entire year of Davis Cup — Nadal did it in 2007, 2010 and 2012. The top players realize thatb playing Davis Cup is a tradeoff on their success in the ATP Tour.

jane Says:

The only differences seem to be adding Hopman and DC. The rest are as last year.

Brando Says:


I am glad that nole has replaced rafa as your fav player after roger.

Keep up the good work with your posts re nole- they are much appreciated! :-)

alison Says:

Brando lol.

Sidney Says:

Crab mentality. Whether it be regarding Nadal or Djokovic or Murray. Whoever is the biggest threat at the moment. Sickening.

Ben Pronin Says:

Saying this is a “busy” schedule is an exaggeration. A couple of matches in an exho don’t really count. And there’s obviously a good chance he’ll pull out of Davis Cup. Pretty sure this doesn’t even compare to Federer’s schedule this past year that included Abu Dhabi, Doha, AO, DC, Rotterdam, Dubai, and the 2 Masters. If Federer pulled it off at 30 I’m sure Djokovic will be fine.

Wog boy Says:


I am sure he will be in Belgium with the boys. That’ll do only good to him though he might not play, maybe last day if needed. He cannot aford to miss second year DC, he knows that. There is a reason for that.

Mike Says:

I think this is a stupid schedule, and it will burn him out too fast, but then again, this guy is a machine.

I hope Rafa can smarten up like Fed, and make his schedule nice and spaced out.

Rafa should play in Acapulco, and maybe even Hamburg in the summer, and drop any two hard court masters. I would recommend dropping toronto and Paris.

Nims Says:

Good that Nole is coming out of Roger / Rafa’s shadow and creating a legacy for himself both ON and OFF the court.

Dave Says:

Djokovic likely will have to play Davis Cup next February — at least the first day’s singles rubber. Surely some Serbian people are asking questions about Djokovic’s commitment since he has failed to win even one set of Davis Cup in the last two years. The last time Novak won any set of Davis Cup (singles or doubles) was on December 5, 2010.

jane Says:

Nice post Nims! Thanks.

Wog boy Says:


Thanks .

alison Says:

I have to say Novak will go down in history along side Roger/Rafa as one of the greats of the game,hes a nice guy who deserves that standing,however i will repeat what i have said many times,and this is not picking on Novak or his fans,as i would say this about any tennis player or sportsperson for that matter,in that it really does grate on me to see famous people been given awards for charity,if they wish to do it fair enough,but does it really need to be made a big deal about,do we really need to put them up on some hero worshipping type of pedestal?plenty of people give to charity everyday so what?

rogerafa Says:

@ alison

The problem is restricted not only to charity. The tendency is to exaggerate even minor things in order to show a player in good or bad light depending on the allegiance. I am very suspicious of stars or celebrities who hire PR persons to project a certain image. It kind of makes certain thing stage-managed and even fake. I would like to see much more of their real selves than the PR-influenced utterances and acts. However, when the stakes are so high in terms of money, fame and reputation, image means a lot. It does not harm anybody if celebrities use their status to raise awareness or contribute otherwise to a good cause. Making a song and dance about it should be avoided. Almost all of these tennis players are probably very normal and nice men off the court. The fans do them a disservice by judging them, one way or the other, based on their public personae. We should, as fans of the game, be concerned mainly with what they do on the court.

alison Says:

Rogerafa thankyou yeah we should as fans of the game,be concerned mainly with what they do on the court,and what they choose to do for charity is entirely up to them,just dont make a song and dance about it,and leave the awards to the real unsung heros,the ones out there fighting wars,these are sportspeople playing a game and get enough attention with all the trappings of fame anyway,end of rant.

Alok Says:


I agree with you both on the publicity of the players’ off-court contributions to society.

As you state alison, there are many unsung heroes who are out there working diligently for the greater good, yet no one even dignifies their good work with as much as a pat on the back for a job well-done.

Agassi, has raised hundreds of millions of dollars for underprivileged kids, and is building charter schools all over the USA.

I personally don’t care to follow the players personal lives, as they are just people who are like all of us, with an exception, they have fat check books, and they can hire publicists who make it their focus to leak the right kind of tid-bits to the press to show these guys up as saints with bright;ly lit halos.

If a player has the right publicist team you’ll see their names consistently in the news, because the publicists know that some of the public like to read such stuff.

I’d like to see and read more about celebrities being pro-active in the recent disasters that occurred in New York which has amounted to billions of dollars. Many homeless people are still struggling to find some direction in their lives.

alison Says:

Alok thankyou yeah spot on brilliant post.

bojana Says:

[On behalf of some Serbian people]

Greetings to Dave from Serbia.We want to tell You that we see that You are so worried about our happiness being jeopardized because our beloved Nole failed to win even one set of Davis Cup in last two years or because he is so bad indoors,or because he failed to clarify his fathers sickness.We want to thank You Dave by inviting You to come to Serbia to cure Your sour grape sickness.The best medication for that is Serbian tea.
Also we want to tell you that Your posts are bringing so much happiness and L.O.L so please continue posting please.

Wog boy Says:



Are you in Kragujevac? In a case you are, don’t forget to say hello to your girlfriends;) I might be there Easter time, just to let you know;)

Nole doesn’t owe anything to anobody except himself and his family. If it wasn’t for him, country that in its entire tennis history had two Top10 players (Nole, Janko) or three Top 20 (Nole, Janko&Viktor) would never win DC. Swiss with GOAT couldn’t do that, it turns out that Nole did better job for Serbia than Roger for Swiss, even playing less matches (quality matters not quantity) titles counts, don’t they;)

jane Says:

Wog boy, bojana,

Check this out – little Nole, so emotional even then, and watch how he claps an opponents shot, exactly like he does now, back then practising at 6 years old! I guess old habits stay with us. :)

Dave Says:

bojana: when I wrote “surely some Serbian people are asking questions about Djokovic’s commitment since he has failed to win even one set of Davis Cup in the last two years,” I meant the Serbian people living in Serbia. When I click on your name Bojana, the term ‘Canadian” comes up, so I presume you’re now living in Canada (not in Serbia). When Djokovic plays Davis Cup, he is representing Serbia — and the Serbians in Serbia primarily. So those are the Serbians whom I’m most interested in. And as I showed, not all your Serbian news media buys the story of Djokovic’s father’s sickness.

Serbian tea? Nah, Sljivovica plus honey works on colds.

Wog boy Says:


Thanks, this was great little video, even his footwork is there at the age of six. You are right, very emotional, he was really upset for losing to that big boy:)

Wog boy Says:


One more thing, those tennis courts are based on over 1500m above sea level, That is summer tennis camp next to where Djokovic family lived on Kopaonik mountain. Even in summer you need worm clothes. When snow comes down stays until march/april. Beautiful mountain.

jane Says:

Wog boy, hopefully I can see that place one day. :) I love the mountains.

Wog boy Says:

“warm clothes” should say, I don’t think “worm clothes” is really good, it could be pretty itchy:)

alison Says:

I hope Jane,Wogboy,Mat4,Courbon etc are not offended by my earlier posts,as i was not talking purely about Nole,just the whole charity fame thing thats all.

Wog boy Says:


You are last person on this blog that can and will offend somebody. You were quite clear in your post, stop worrying, to much worrying is not good.

alison Says:

Good morning Wogboy its 7.00am here in the UK,just thought id tune in quickly before having to rush off to work lol,anyway thanks and im glad nobody took offence,unfortunatly i will always worry though,its just my nature,especially as my job is to care for 27 elderly people everyday,i cant help myself lol,however i will try ,have to go though,so i will chat later,nice video from Jane BTW.

Colin Says:

Dave, you contradict yourself somewhat in your early post on this thread. You say Nole is playing the two exos, including Hopman Cup, for the money; then you say HC provides useful practise for the Australian Open. Why not give him the benefit of the doubt?

bojana Says:


I spend half year in Canada half in Serbia,so I am Serbian and Canadian.I am first and for ever Serbian and I have more right than You to talk in name of Serbian people.
Serbian tea is not sljivovica and honey and it works against “sour grape”.
Maybe You need something stronger because You follow some not known Serbian news media.

Wog boy Says:


Don’t bother.

Polo Says:

Some people get blinded by their adoration to their idol that they cannot see the goodness in others. Great people can co-exist. Federer, Nadal, Djokovic: they are all good by their own merits. Downplaying one does not make the other better.

jane Says:

bojana, read what Sampras says about Nole instead.

“In the summer of 2011, Sampras had dinner with Djokovic in California. Did they communicate again this past year? “We text every now and again. I sent him a text saying congratulations when he won London and we stay in touch casually. He is someone I admire and like and he has done a great job representing his country and the sport of tennis. He is such a good athlete and he has progressed into a tough champion. You wouldn’t have said that maybe four or five years ago but he has really grown up and he is turning his career into something of legendary status.””

Here’s the full link, if anyone is interested:

Brando Says:

‘Some people get blinded by their adoration to their idol that they cannot see the goodness in others. Great people can co-exist. ‘

I think Dave needs to tell himself this 20 times first thing in the morning when he gets up and last thing at night before he goes to sleep.

Of course, in a bed with Roger Federer bed sheets and duvet covers.

Goes without saying really- as nothing else would suffice.

Otherwise how on earth can Dave get a good nights sleep without the GOAT keeping him warm in one way or another? …..:-)

Brando Says:

‘ I think he is very well going to pass my total of 14 majors.”’

How dare a novice like Sampras say this about nadal?

I thought Jamie made it clear that rafa was done winning slams!

Amateurs like Pete need to wise up about tennis and hook up with an astrologist: pronto!

At least before they say something crazy like: the idea that rafa beats opponents due to taking more times is complete horsesh!t! And if he did it says more about the mental weakness of his opponents and the ineptness of their game as opposed to anything else!

Go Pete go!

jane Says:

Pete was high in praise for all the top guys in that article wasn’t Brando; it seems he can see the good in all of them!

jane Says:

sorry wasn’t “he” Brando?

alison Says:

Brando lol,I dont know if Petes been kind,but never the less for Rafa,Petes 14 GS is doable,Rogers 17 probably seems a tad unrealistic.

Brando Says:


‘it seems he can see the good in all of them!’

And that to me is a surefire sign for me that Pete’s judgement on tennis is slipping with every passing moment!

Since like me i am sure you would agree with the mantra that:

IF praise ain’t directed towards a certain swiss, surely it’s not with much credence! :-)

Brando Says:


I agree re GS possibilities.

Giles Says:

Brando. Nov 28, 10.44 am LOL

bojana Says:

Wog boy and Jane,

I was so busy this morning so I could not answer to You,forgive me for that please.
Wog boy,
I am now in Canada studying and working,in the spring I will go to Kragujevac.I did not forget girlfriends do not worry,but here in Canada I have very nice girlfriends to.

thanks for the links.You are right about Nole being so emotional then and now.Some people say that they see Nole to be depressed but I do not see any depression in his eyes.From his eyes I could read cleverness,happiness and playfulness.
Nole is for most of the Serbian people our pride and some time we get emotional and protective even dough he really do not need that.
Thank You so much.

Wog boy Says:


Nicely said :-)

BTW, I wasn’t planing going to Canada but on the second thought … and don’t worry, I am not as picky as mat4 (and Colin) when it comes to colour of the hair, though I do look at people’s eyes (not the colour, just eyes) and their smiles.
See you in Šumadija or Canada, “Čudni su putevi Gospodnji.”

Alok Says:

“Since like me i am sure you would agree with the mantra that:

IF praise ain’t directed towards a certain swiss, surely it’s not with much credence! :-)”

Same goes for certain non-Swiss players.

@10:44am, disgusting and gross, not funny at all, and way too personal.

Brando Says:


‘@10:44am, disgusting and gross, not funny at all, and way too personal.’

Eject ‘certain swiss’ and replace it with ‘certain spaniard’ or ‘certain serb’ and then you may see as otherwise!

jane Says:

Wog boy you should definitely come to Canada! It’s a great place, imho. bojana, you’re more than welcome. Cheers – and hope your studies are going well. :)

madmax Says:

Wog boy and Jane,

For you:

On the internet website globoesporte has been realized a curious interview to Novak Djokovic,, called to answer to a barrage of questions for a total of two minutes time.

Here the more salient parts:

Best tournament played?

Wimbledon 2011.

The stronger tennis player you faced?

Federer and Nadal.

The fattest tennis player?

There are some…

The hardest to imitate?

Federer probably.

The most beautiful of the WTA circuit?

I can’t answer to this question ( laughing, ndr).

A person you respect?

Nikola Tesla, a Serbian scientist.

Do you dream often? The last dream you remember?

Yes, every night it happens to dream. In the last one I was on the beach in Rio de Janeiro, between sun and see.

Of what are you afraid?

Of the sharks.

Melbourne, Paris, London or New York?


Will you be present at Rio 2016?

Absolutely yes!

Wog boy Says:


Thanks, nice answers, strange he picked Paris where he is least successful out of four. I guess there is more to Paris, than tennis.
Very diplomatic a out WTA;)
I don’t remember he ever imitated Federer.
Glad he picked Nikola Tesla, probably greatest Serbian ever.
Thanks again.

madmax Says:

Hey wogboy, there are plenty of imitations from novak of all the mens players (well most of ’em anyway), and a right laugh too! Not sure whether giles has posted that above, I’d prefer to stay away from him myself. Too unreliable.

Giles Says:

^^^^^^ hey you. Why don’t you have a look before referring to me as unreliable!! #NutCase

Wog boy Says:


Thanks, good one particulary being in locker room before the match. I like Roddick one, Federer is OK (hair fixing and claping with racquet is good), Rafa is really good and of course Maria. I cannot pick on my phone screen who is the player that keep asking for more.


This one is reliable:)

Giles Says:

Wog boy. In the Fed clip did you not pick up on the ballet-like leg movements? That was funny.

Wog boy Says:


No, I didn’t since I was watching on my mobile phone screen. I am still trying to work it out who is the tennis player with tatto on his uper left arm that is laughing all the time. Looks like Marin Cilic but it is not him. I have to check it on the big screen.

Giles Says:

Wog boy. I think the chap with the tattoo is Starache.

alison Says:

Wogboy Giles is right,it was Potito Starace in the video.

Wog boy Says:

Giles, alison,

Thanks, it was him.

alison Says:

Wogboy the impressions are hilarious,love the Sharapova one especially,soo funny.

mat4 Says:

Wog Boy:

Disclaimer: I am not picky about the colour of the hair! No, no, no… Me? Moi? Never. My wife is a brunette, my ex-wife is a blond, my lover has brown hair, my cat is yellow… You see?

mat4 Says:

Anyway, wish you all well.

alison Says:

Mat4 hilarious post,just read to my husband,and he said tell him you get two for the price of one at specsavers lol.

alison Says:

Mat4 no disrespect to any of the other fan groups,but Nole has some of the best fans on this forum,yourself,Wogboy and Courbon are the funniest posters on this forum IMO,i will nickname you the Nole triplets,love your posts.

mat4 Says:


Too late, too late. Had I only bought glasses in time…

mat4 Says:

Thanks. You’re so nice.

jane Says:

“the Nole triplets” – ha ha that’s cute alison. I agree with you – what an amiable bunch they are.

There are nice fans from every player’s fan-base, I find.

mat4 Says:

Hi, you, there, the Cunning One. Long time no see.

mat4 Says:

“There are nice fans from every player’s fan-base, I find.”

Come on, jane, don’t be ridiculous!

jane Says:

mat4, you’re too funny. How’s it going? Busy with blonde-brunette-ginger-raven haired ones?

jane Says:

Or maybe gray?! O_O

Wog boy Says:


I am going to skip my wifes and lovers (just to be on a safe side) and will start with cat, she is black and white beast, my last dog was tricolour beagle and the beast of the cat use to bash him up every day for no reason. I am just going through RSPCA sites and Pet rescue sites for a new dog, it is time to get over the loss of my beagle. I will rather give money to RSPCA and save dog from the death row than to give money to greedy breeders. I might go this time fot border collie/kelpie.
I cannot have another beagle, every time I see beagle on the road I see my old dog. They are beautiful, stuborn and clever dogs. He was pain in the neck but I loved him.
I wish you all well, too.

mat4 Says:

Hi, WB.

jane: Although the body gets older, the soul remains forever young. Animula blandula…

mat4 Says:

Come on, Wog Boy. Although I am afraid too my wife could read this blog, 1. she doesn’t speak English, 2. she doesn’t know I am mat4.

But my son does… And he speaks English… what a charming example I give…

mat4 Says:

Just before I leave:

One of my friends made a very ingenuous conclusion on a nice, sunny day.

Women often say that you can’t trust men, they cheat on their wives… how nasty of them… But then, he asked, who they do cheat their wives with? with other women! of course. So… Isn’t it another proof of equality between opposite sexes?

jane Says:

” Animula blandula…” Hadrian, but it’s in The Conformist, Bertolucci…

Wog boy Says:


You made my day :) you can go now.
Talk to you next time, cheers.

alison Says:

Wogboy,Mat4,Courbon are the Super Nole Triplets.

mat4 Says:


Are you a thesaurus, or a treasure?

Yes, it was a reminiscence from Hadrian. I didn’t watch the film (except for “1900”, I am not fond of Bertolucci), but I difficultly read Moravia’s novel.

Anyway, I like misquotations. It is so poetic – life is a distorted experience, and I like misfit poetry (and my vodka cold).

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